1. The concept of locks in JAVA
Spin Lock: When a thread acquires a lock, if the lock has already been acquired by another thread, the thread will wait in a loop and constantly determine if the lock can be acquired successfully until it is acquired.
Optimistic lock: If there is no conflict, read the latest data when modifying the data and retry the modification if you find that the data is different from what you previously obtained.
Pessimistic locks: If concurrent conflicts occur, synchronize all operations related to the data and lock the data as soon as it is read.
Exclusive Lock (Write): Add a write lock to a resource so that the thread can modify the resource and no other threads can lock it again; (Single Write)
Shared Lock (Read): When a read lock is added to a resource, it can only be read and not changed, and other threads can only add and write locks; (Multiple Read)
Re-lockable, non-re-lockable: Once you have a lock, you are free to enter other code synchronized by the same lock.
// Re-Lockable Code Demo public class Demo1_ReentrantTest { private static int i = 0; private final static Lock lc = new ReentrantLock(); // Re-lockable public static void recursive() throws InterruptedException { lc.lock(); i ++; System.out.println("here i am..."); Thread.sleep(1000); recursive(); lc.unlock(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { recursive(); } }
Fair locks, unfair locks: The order in which locks are contested is fair if they come first, then come first.
Several important lock implementations: synchronized, ReentrantLock, ReentrantReadWriteLock
2. synchronized keyword
1. Basic Introduction
- When used for instance and static methods, the lock object is implicitly specified.
- When used for code blocks, the specified lock object is displayed.
- Scope of locks: object locks, class locks, distributed locks.
2. Features: Reentrant, exclusive, pessimistic lock.
3. Lock optimization
Lock Removal
- Open Lock Removal Parameters: -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis-XX:+EliminateLocks)
- Optimizations will take place under a single thread.
// When JIT is compiled on the fly, lock cancellation occurs (JIT compilation is triggered only after a certain number of method calls) public class Demo4_LockElimination { public void test1(Object arg) { // StringBuilder thread is insecure, StringBuffer uses synchronized, is thread safe // jit optimization, eliminating locks StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); stringBuffer.append("a"); stringBuffer.append("b"); stringBuffer.append("c"); stringBuffer.append("a"); stringBuffer.append("b"); stringBuffer.append("c"); stringBuffer.append("a"); stringBuffer.append("b"); stringBuffer.append("c"); } public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i ++) { new Demo4_LockElimination().test1("123"); } } }
Lock coarsening
- JDK optimizes lock coarsening, but we can optimize it at the code level.
- Optimizations are also made under multiple threads.
// Lock coarsening (runtime jit compilation optimization) public class Demo5_LockCoarsening { // If the following code is called multiple times, triggering jit compilation, it may be jit optimized for code like the test2 method public void test1(Object arg) { int i = 0; synchronized (this) { i ++; } synchronized (this) { i --; } // If this step is a time-consuming operation, it may not be optimized System.out.println("dsfsadssffs"); synchronized (this) { System.out.println("werkdfjskf"); } synchronized (this) { i ++; } } public void test2(Object arg) { int i = 0; synchronized (this) { i ++; i --; System.out.println("dsfsadssffs"); System.out.println("werkdfjskf"); i ++; } } }
4. Note
- synchronized keyword, not only synchronization.
- In JMM, synchronized ensures visibility (cannot be cached).
3. Java objects in heap memory
1. Heap memory storage display
public class Demo5_Main { public static void main(String[] args) { int a = 1; Teacher kody = new Teacher(); kody.stu = new Student(); } } class Teacher { String name = "Kody"; int age = 40; boolean gender = true; Student stu; } class Student { String name = "Emily"; int age = 18; boolean gender = false; }
2. Object Header Mark Word
By default, JVM locks experience four states: unlocked->biased->lightweight->heavyweight.
Reference material:
- https://www.cs.princeton.edu/picasso/mats/HotspotOverview.pdf
- https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/Synchronization
- Deep understanding of Java virtual machines
3. Lightweight lock
- In an unlocked state, CAS can be used to lock, and a lightweight lock is seized
4. Heavy Lock
- Key points: owner, lock pool, wait pool
- The spin in a lightweight lock has a certain number of times limit, exceeding the number limit, and the lightweight lock is upgraded to a heavy lock.
5. Deflection lock
- After JDK6, the optimization of bias locking has been turned on by default, and it is disabled by the JVM parameter -XX:UseBiasedLocking.
- If the bias lock is opened, only one thread is locked to obtain the bias lock.