Utility program
File and folder operations
Create / delete empty directory - mkdir / rmdir.
[root ~]# mkdir abc [root ~]# mkdir -p xyz/abc [root ~]# rmdir abc
Create / delete file - touch / rm.
[root ~]# touch readme.txt [root ~]# touch error.txt [root ~]# rm error.txt rm: remove regular empty file 'error.txt'? y [root ~]# rm -rf xyz
- The touch command is used to create a blank file or modify the file time. In Linux system, a file has three times:
- Time of change - mtime.
- Time to change permissions - ctime.
- Last visit time - atime.
- Several important parameters of rm:
- -i: Interactive deletion, each deleted item will be asked.
- -r: Delete the directory and recursively delete the files and directories in the directory.
- -f: Forced deletion, ignoring nonexistent files without any prompt.
- The touch command is used to create a blank file or modify the file time. In Linux system, a file has three times:
Switch and view the current working directory - cd / pwd.
Note: the cd command can be followed by a relative path (with the current path as a reference) or an absolute path (starting with /) to switch to the specified directory, or cd To return to the previous directory. Please think about what parameters should be added to the cd command if you want to return to the upper directory?
View directory contents - ls.
- -l: View files and directories in long format.
- -a: Displays files and directories that begin with a dot (hidden files).
- -R: Recursively expand the directory (continue to list the files and directories under the directory).
- -d: Only the contents are listed, and nothing else is listed.
- -S / -t: sort by size / time.
View the contents of the file - cat / tac / head / tail / more / less / rev / od.
[root ~]# wget http://www.sohu.com/ -O sohu.html --2018-06-20 18:42:34-- http://www.sohu.com/ Resolving www.sohu.com (www.sohu.com)... Connecting to www.sohu.com (www.sohu.com)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 212527 (208K) [text/html] Saving to: 'sohu.html' 100%[==================================================>] 212,527 --.-K/s in 0.03s 2018-06-20 18:42:34 (7.48 MB/s) - 'sohu.html' saved [212527/212527] [root ~]# cat sohu.html ... [root ~]# head -10 sohu.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Sohu</title> <meta name="Keywords" content="Sohu,portal site,new media,Network media,Journalism,Finance and Economics,Sports,entertainment,fashion,automobile,house property,science and technology,picture,forum,micro-blog,Blog,video,film,TV play"/> <meta name="Description" content="Sohu provides users with the latest information 24 hours a day, as well as search, e-mail and other network services. The content includes global hot events, breaking news, current affairs comments, popular film and television dramas, sports events, industry trends, life service information, as well as interactive spaces such as forums, blogs, microblogs and my Sohu." /> <meta name="shenma-site-verification" content="1237e4d02a3d8d73e96cbd97b699e9c3_1504254750"> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1"/> [root ~]# tail -2 sohu.html </body> </html> [root ~]# less sohu.html ... [root ~]# cat -n sohu.html | more ...
Note: a command named wget is used above. It is a network downloader program that can download resources from the specified URL.
Copy / move files - cp / mv.
[root ~]# mkdir backup [root ~]# cp sohu.html backup/ [root ~]# cd backup [root backup]# ls sohu.html [root backup]# mv sohu.html sohu_index.html [root backup]# ls sohu_index.html
File rename - Rename.
[root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# rename .htm .html *.htm
Find files and find content - find / grep.
[root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# find / -name "*.html" /root/sohu.html /root/backup/sohu_index.html [root@izwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8z ~]# find . -atime 7 -type f -print [root@izwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8z ~]# find . -type f -size +2k [root@izwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8z ~]# find . -type f -name "*.swp" -delete [root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# grep "<script>" sohu.html -n 20:<script> [root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# grep -E \<\/?script.*\> sohu.html -n 20:<script> 22:</script> 24:<script src="//statics.itc.cn/web/v3/static/js/es5-shim-08e41cfc3e.min.js"></script> 25:<script src="//statics.itc.cn/web/v3/static/js/es5-sham-1d5fa1124b.min.js"></script> 26:<script src="//statics.itc.cn/web/v3/static/js/html5shiv-21fc8c2ba6.js"></script> 29:<script type="text/javascript"> 52:</script> ...
Note: grep can use regular expressions when searching strings. If you need to use regular expressions, you can use grep -E or egrep directly.
Create links and view links - ln / readlink.
[root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# ls -l sohu.html -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 212131 Jun 20 19:15 sohu.html [root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# ln /root/sohu.html /root/backup/sohu_backup [root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# ls -l sohu.html -rw-r--r-- 2 root root 212131 Jun 20 19:15 sohu.html [root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# ln /root/sohu.html /root/backup/sohu_backup2 [root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# ls -l sohu.html -rw-r--r-- 3 root root 212131 Jun 20 19:15 sohu.html [root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# ln -s /etc/centos-release sysinfo [root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# ls -l sysinfo lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Jun 20 19:21 sysinfo -> /etc/centos-release [root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# cat sysinfo CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core) [root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# cat /etc/centos-release CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
Note: links can be divided into hard links and soft links (symbolic links). A hard link can be regarded as a pointer to file data, just like the reference count of objects in Python. Each time a hard link is added, the number of links corresponding to the file increases by 1. Only when the number of links of the file is 0, the storage space corresponding to the file can be overwritten by other files. In fact, when we delete a file, we do not delete the data on the hard disk. What we delete is only a pointer, or a usage record of the data. Therefore, when "shredding" a file, software like "file shredder" will not only delete the file pointer, but also fill in the data in the corresponding storage area of the file to ensure that the file can no longer be recovered. The soft link is similar to the shortcut under Windows system. When the file linked by the soft link is deleted, the soft link will become invalid.
Compress / decompress and archive / de Archive - gzip / gunzip / xz.
[root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-4.0.10.tar.gz --2018-06-20 19:29:59-- http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-4.0.10.tar.gz Resolving download.redis.io (download.redis.io)... Connecting to download.redis.io (download.redis.io)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 1738465 (1.7M) [application/x-gzip] Saving to: 'redis-4.0.10.tar.gz' 100%[==================================================>] 1,738,465 70.1KB/s in 74s 2018-06-20 19:31:14 (22.9 KB/s) - 'redis-4.0.10.tar.gz' saved [1738465/1738465] [root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# ls redis* redis-4.0.10.tar.gz [root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# gunzip redis-4.0.10.tar.gz [root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# ls redis* redis-4.0.10.tar
Archiving and de archiving - tar.
[root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# tar -xvf redis-4.0.10.tar redis-4.0.10/ redis-4.0.10/.gitignore redis-4.0.10/00-RELEASENOTES redis-4.0.10/BUGS redis-4.0.10/CONTRIBUTING redis-4.0.10/COPYING redis-4.0.10/INSTALL redis-4.0.10/MANIFESTO redis-4.0.10/Makefile redis-4.0.10/README.md redis-4.0.10/deps/ redis-4.0.10/deps/Makefile redis-4.0.10/deps/README.md ...
Note: the tar command is used for archiving (also known as creating archiving) and de archiving. Generally, creating archiving requires - cvf three parameters, where c represents create, v represents verbose, and f represents the file specified for archiving; The - xvf parameter needs to be added to de archive, where x represents extract, and the other two parameters are the same as creating archive.
Convert standard input to command line arguments - xargs.
The following command will find the html files in the current path, and then pass these files as parameters to the rm command through xargs to realize the operation of finding and deleting files.
[root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# find . -type f -name "*.html" | xargs rm -f
The following command turns multiple lines in the a.txt file into one line and outputs it to the b.txt file, where < means to read the input from a.txt and > means to output the execution result of the command to b.txt.
[root@iZwz97tbgo9lkabnat2lo8Z ~]# xargs < a.txt > b.txt
Note: as demonstrated above, this command is often used in pipeline (a way to realize inter process communication) and redirection (reassigning the location of input and output). Pipeline operation and input and output redirection will be discussed later.
Displays the file or directory - basename / dirname.
Other relevant tools.
- Sort - sort content
- uniq - remove adjacent duplicates
- tr - replace specified content with new content
- Cut / paste - cut / paste content
- Split - split file
- File - determine file type
- wc - count the number of lines, words and bytes of the file
- iconv - code conversion
[root ~]# cat foo.txt grape apple pitaya [root ~]# cat bar.txt 100 200 300 400 [root ~]# paste foo.txt bar.txt grape 100 apple 200 pitaya 300 400 [root ~]# paste foo.txt bar.txt > hello.txt [root ~]# cut -b 4-8 hello.txt pe 10 le 20 aya 3 0 [root ~]# cat hello.txt | tr '\t' ',' grape,100 apple,200 pitaya,300 ,400 [root ~]# split -l 100 sohu.html hello [root ~]# wget https://www.baidu.com/img/bd_logo1.png [root ~]# file bd_logo1.png bd_logo1.png: PNG image data, 540 x 258, 8-bit colormap, non-interlaced [root ~]# wc sohu.html 2979 6355 212527 sohu.html [root ~]# wc -l sohu.html 2979 sohu.html [root ~]# wget http://www.qq.com -O qq.html [root ~]# iconv -f gb2312 -t utf-8 qq.html
Pipes and Redirection
Use of pipes - |.
Example: find the number of files in the current directory.
[root ~]# find ./ | wc -l 6152
Example: list the files and folders under the current path and add a number to each item.
[root ~]# ls | cat -n 1 dump.rdb 2 mongodb-3.6.5 3 Python-3.6.5 4 redis-3.2.11 5 redis.conf
Example: find record The total number of records that contain AAA but not BBB in the log
[root ~]# cat record.log | grep AAA | grep -v BBB | wc -l
Output redirection and error redirection - > / > > / 2 >.
[root ~]# cat readme.txt banana apple grape apple grape watermelon pear pitaya [root ~]# cat readme.txt | sort | uniq > result.txt [root ~]# cat result.txt apple banana grape pear pitaya watermelon
Enter redirection - <.
[root ~]# echo 'hello, world!' > hello.txt [root ~]# wall < hello.txt [root ~]# Broadcast message from root (Wed Jun 20 19:43:05 2018): hello, world! [root ~]# echo 'I will show you some code.' >> hello.txt [root ~]# wall < hello.txt [root ~]# Broadcast message from root (Wed Jun 20 19:43:55 2018): hello, world! I will show you some code.
Multiple orientation - tee.
In addition to displaying the results of the command ls on the terminal, the following command will also be appended to ls Txt file.
[root ~]# ls | tee -a ls.txt
[root ~]# alias ll='ls -l' [root ~]# alias frm='rm -rf' [root ~]# ll ... drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 20 12:52 abc ... [root ~]# frm abc
[root ~]# unalias frm [root ~]# frm sohu.html -bash: frm: command not found
text processing
Character stream editor - sed.
sed is a tool for manipulating, filtering and transforming text content. Suppose there is a named fruit Txt file, as shown below.
[root ~]# cat -n fruit.txt 1 banana 2 grape 3 apple 4 watermelon 5 orange
Next, we add a pitaya after line 2.
[root ~]# sed '2a pitaya' fruit.txt banana grape pitaya apple watermelon orange
Note: the command just now, like many commands we talked about before, does not change fruit Txt file, but output the content added with a new line to the terminal. If you want to save it to fruit Txt, you can use the output redirection operation.
Insert a waxberry before line 2.
[root ~]# sed '2i waxberry' fruit.txt banana waxberry grape apple watermelon orange
Delete line 3.
[root ~]# sed '3d' fruit.txt banana grape watermelon orange
Delete lines 2 to 4.
[root ~]# sed '2,4d' fruit.txt banana orange
Replace the character a in the text with @.
[root ~]# sed 's#a#@#' fruit.txt b@nana gr@pe @pple w@termelon or@nge
Replace the character a in the text with @, using global mode.
[root ~]# sed 's#a#@#g' fruit.txt b@n@n@ gr@pe @pple w@termelon or@nge
Pattern matching and processing language - awk.
awk is a programming language and the most powerful tool for processing text in Linux system. One of its authors and current maintainers is Brian Kernighan (ken and dmr's closest partner) mentioned earlier. Through this command, we can extract the specified column from the text, use regular expression to extract the content we want from the text, display the specified row, and carry out statistics and operations. In short, it is very powerful.
Suppose there is a named fruit 2 Txt file, as shown below.
[root ~]# cat fruit2.txt 1 banana 120 2 grape 500 3 apple 1230 4 watermelon 80 5 orange 400
Displays line 3 of the file.
[root ~]# awk 'NR==3' fruit2.txt 3 apple 1230
Displays the second column of the file.
[root ~]# awk '{print $2}' fruit2.txt banana grape apple watermelon orange
Displays the last column of the file.
[root ~]# awk '{print $NF}' fruit2.txt 120 500 1230 80 400
Output lines with the end number greater than or equal to 300.
[root ~]# awk '{if($3 >= 300) {print $0}}' fruit2.txt 2 grape 500 3 apple 1230 5 orange 400
What is shown above is only the tip of the iceberg of awk command. More content is left for readers to explore in practice.