7-4 everlasting (20 points)
"Everlasting number" refers to a K positive integer A, which satisfies the condition that the sum of all figures of A is m, and the sum of all figures of A+1 is n, and the greatest common divisor of M and N is a prime number greater than 2. Please find out the everlasting number of topics.
Input format:
The input gives a positive integer N (= 5) in the first line, followed by a pair of K (3 < K < 10) and m (1 < m < 90) in each line, the meaning of which is as described above.
Output format:
For each pair of input K and m, Case X is first output in one line, where X is the number of the output (starting from 1); then the corresponding N and A are output in one line, separated by spaces. If the solution is not unique, each group occupies one line and outputs in incremental order of n; if it is not unique, it outputs in incremental order of A. If the solution does not exist, output No Solution in one line.
Input sample:
6 45
7 80
Output sample:
Case 1
10 189999
10 279999
10 369999
10 459999
10 549999
10 639999
10 729999
10 819999
10 909999
Case 2
No Solution
10 minutes 15 milliseconds Edition
#include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath> using namespace std; struct daan{ string A; int n; }; bool cmp(daan d1,daan d2){ //return (d1.A!=d2.A) ?d1.A<d2.A:d1.n<d2.n; return d1.A<d2.A; } daan da[1000000]; int gcd(int a,int b){ if(b>a){ int t=a; a=b; b=t; } if(b!=0){ gcd(b,a%b); }else{ return a; } } int issu(int a){ int b; for(b=2;b<=sqrt(a);b++){ if(a%b==0){ return 0; } }return 1; } int main(){ int n; cin>>n; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cout<<"Case "<<i<<endl; int k,m; cin>>k>>m; if(m/k>9||k>=10||k<=3){ cout<<"No Solution"<<endl; continue; } int n1=1; int flag=0; while(n1<=m){ int p=gcd(m,n1); if(p>2&&issu(p)&&(m+1-n1)%9==0){ int jiu=(m+1-n1)/9; int sheng=m-jiu*9; string s; for(int e=0;e<jiu;e++){ s+='9'; } //cout<<s<<endl; long long int p=1; for(int l=0;l<k-jiu;l++){ p*=10; } for( long long int l=p/10;l<p-1;l++){ int he=0; int ll=l; while(ll>0){ he+=ll%10; ll=ll/10; }ll=l; if(he==sheng){ string s3=s; //cout<<n1<<" "<<l<<s<<endl; while(ll>0){ char c=ll%10+'0'; s3=c+s3; ll=ll/10; //cout<<ll<<" "<<c<<endl; } //cout<<s3<<endl; da[flag].A=s3; da[flag].n=n1; flag++; } } } n1++; } if(flag==0){ cout<<"No Solution"<<endl; }else{ sort(da+0,da+flag,cmp); for(int o=0;o<flag;o++){ cout<<da[o].n<<" "<<da[o].A<<endl; } } } return 0; }
Overtime 12 points
#include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int gcd(int a,int b){ if(b>a){ int t=a; a=b; b=t; } if(b!=0){ gcd(b,a%b); }else{ return a; } } int issu(int a){ int b=2; for(b;b<=sqrt(a);b++){ if(a%b==0){ return 0; } }return 1; } int main(){ int n; cin>>n; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cout<<"Case "<<i<<endl; int k,m; cin>>k>>m; if(m/k>9||k>=10||k<=3){ cout<<"No Solution"<<endl; continue; } long long int p=1; for(long long int l=0;l<k;l++){ p*=10; } int n1=0,n2=0; int flag=0; long long int s1,s2; for(long long int l=p/10;l<p;l++){ n1=0; n2=0; s1=l; s2=l+1; while(s1>0){ n1+=s1%10; s1/=10; } //cout<<n1<<endl; if(n1!=m){ continue; } while(s2>0){ n2+=s2%10; s2/=10; } int pp=gcd(n1,n2); if(pp>2&&issu(pp)){ flag=1; cout<<n2<<" "<<l<<endl; } } if(flag==0){ cout<<"No Solution"<<endl; } } return 0; }