3, Build UI interface

Posted by freddykhalid on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 16:22:46 +0100

3.1 view container assembly

View containerScrollable view areaSlider view containerRemovable view containerView containers that override native components

3.1.1 view container

Similar to div in html

attributetypeDefault valueexplain
hoverBooleanfalseEnable click mode
hover-classStringnoneSpecifies the style class to be pressed down. When the value is none, there is no click effect
hover-start-timeNumber50How long does the click state appear after holding down, in milliseconds
hover-stay-timeNumber400Click state retention time after finger release, unit: ms

3.1.2 scroll view scrollable view area

Scroll view scrolls the view area, allowing the contents of the view area to scroll horizontally or vertically
Similar to the browser's horizontal scroll bar and vertical scroll bar

attributetypeDefault valueexplain
scroll-xBooleanfalseAllow lateral scrolling
scroll-yBooleanfalseAllow vertical scrolling
upper-thresholdNumber50When it is far from the top / left (in px), the scrollloader event is triggered
lower-thresholdNumber50When it is far from the bottom / right (px), the scrollviewer event is triggered
scroll-topNumberSet vertical scroll bar position
scroll-leftNumberSet horizontal scroll bar position
scroll-into-viewStringIf the value should be a child element id, scroll to the element and align the top of the element with the top of the scrolling area
bindscroll toupperEventHandleScrolling to the top / left triggers the scrollloader event
bindscroll tolowerEventHandleScrolling to the bottom / right triggers the scrollviewer event
bindscrollEventHandleTriggered when scrolling, event detail={ scrollLeft,scrollTop,scrollHeight, scrollwidth, deltax, deltaY)

3.1.3 swiper slider view container

The swiper slider view container is used to toggle the display within a specified area
It is often used to make poster rotation effect and tab content switching effect

attributetypeDefault valueexplain
indicator-dotsBooleanfalseDisplay panel indicator points
autoplayBooleanfalseWhether to switch automatically
currentNumber0index of the current page
intervalNumber5000Automatic switching interval
durationNumber500Slide animation duration
circularBooleanfalseWhether connection sliding is adopted
bindchangeEventHandleThe change event will be triggered when the current is changed detail={ current: current }

Sample code (poster rotation)

<view class="haibao">
  <swiper indicator-dots="{{findicatorDots}}" autoplay="{{autoplay}}}" interval="{{interval}}" duration="{{duration}}">
	<block wx:for="{{imgUrls}}">
			<image src="{{item}}" class="silde-image" style="width:100%"></image>
		imgUrls:["../img/wx1.jpg", "../img/wx2.jpg", "../img/wx3.jpg"]}

Example code (tab switching)

<view class="content">
	<view class="loginTitle">
		<view class="{{currentTab==O?'select':'default'}})" data-current="0" bindtap="switchNav">Mobile number login</view>
		<view class="{{currentTab==1?'select':'default'}})" data-current="1" bindtap="switchNav">Mailbox register</view>
		<view class="{{currentTab==2?'select':'default'}})" data-current="2" bindtap="switchNav">Love course login</view>
	<view class="hr"></view>
	<swiper current="{{currentTab}}" style="height:{{winHeight}}px">
			<view style="margin-top:10px;border:lpx solid #cccccc; width:99%; height:200px; "> this is the mobile number login area < / View >
			<view style="margin-top:10px;border:lpx solid #cccccc; width:99%; height:200px; "> this is the email login area < / View >
			<view style="margin-top:10px;border:lpx solid #cccccc; width:99%; height:200px; "> this is the login area of aike.com < / View >
		var page = this;
					winWidth: res.windowWidth
	switchNav: function(e){
		var page = this;
		if(this.data.currentTab ==e.target.dataset.current){
			return false;
		}else {
.loginTitle {
	width: 100%;
.select {
	height: 45px;
	line-height: 45px;
	border-bottom:5rpx solid green;
.default {
	margin:0 auto;
.hr {
	border:1px solid #ccc;

3.1.4 movable view container

  • This component is a movable view container, which can be dragged and slid in the page
  • When using this component, you need to define the movable area first, and then define the direct child node movable view, otherwise it cannot be moved
  • The width and height properties of movable area must be set. If not, the default value is 10px
  • The width and height properties of movable view must be set. If not, the default value is 10px
  • The movable view defaults to absolute positioning, and the top and left attributes are Opx


attributetypeDefault valueexplain
directionstringnoneThe moving direction of the movable view. The attribute values include all, vertical, horizontal, and none
inertiabooleanfalseIs the movable view inertial
out-of-boundsbooleanfalseCan the movable view be moved after the movable area is exceeded
xnumberDefine the offset in the x-axis direction. If the value of X is not within the movable range, it will automatically move to the movable range; Changing the value of X triggers the animation
ynumberDefine the offset in the y-axis direction. If the value of Y is not within the movable range, it will automatically move to the movable range; Changing the value of Y triggers the animation
dampingnumber20Damping coefficient, used to control the animation when x or y changes and the animation of over bound rebound. The larger the value, the faster the movement
frictionnumber2Friction coefficient, used to control the animation of inertial sliding. The greater the value, the greater the friction, and the faster the sliding stops; Must be greater than 0, otherwise it will be set to the default value
scalebooleanfalseWhether to support two finger scaling. The default effective area of scaling gesture is in movable view
scale-minnumber0.5Defines the minimum zoom factor
scale-maxnumber10Defines the maximum zoom factor
scale-valuenumber1Define the scaling multiple, and the value range is 0.5 - 10
bindchangeeventhandleEvent triggered during dragging, event detail = {x, y,source}
bindscaleeventhandleEvent triggered during scaling, event detail = {x, y,scale}

Two special events provided by movable view
â‘ htouchmove
It means that the movement after the first finger touch is lateral movement
Refers to the vertical movement after the first touch of the mobile phone
Note: if these two events are caught, it means that the touchmove event is also caught

3.1.4 cover view covers the view container of native components

  • Cover view and cover image are two view containers that cover native components
  • Cover view refers to the text view overlaid on the native components. The native components that can be overlaid include map, video, canvas and camera. Only nested cover view and cover image are supported
  • Cover image refers to the picture view overlaid on the native components. The overlayable native components, like cover yiew, support nesting in cover view


scroll-topnumber/stringnoSet the top scroll offset, which takes effect only after overflow-y: scroll is set as a scroll element
srcstringIcon path, supporting temporary path, network address (supported from 1.6.0) and cloud file ID (supported from 2.2.3). base64 format is not supported at present.
bindloadeventhandleTriggered when the picture is loaded successfully
binderroreventhandleTriggered when picture loading fails
<video id="myVideo"
src="http://wxsnsdy.tc.qq.com/105/20210/snsdyvideodownload?filekey=30280201010421301f0201690402534804102ca905ce620b1241b726bc41dcff44e00204012882540400&bizid=1023&hy=SH&fileparam=302c020101042530230204136ffd93020457e3c4ff02024ef202031e8d7f02030f42400204045a320a0201000400" controls="{{false}}," event-model="bubble">
	<cover-view class="controls">
		<cover-view class="play" bindtap="play">
			<cover-image class="img" src="../img/play.jpg"/>
		<cover-view class="pause" bindtap="pause">
			<cover-image class="img" src="../img/pause.jpg"/>
		<cover-view class="time">00:00</cover-view>
		this.videoCtx =wx.createVideoContext('myVideo')
.controls {
	position: relative;
	top: 50%;
	height: 50px;
	margin-top: -25px;
	display: flex;
.play,.pause,.time {
	flex: 1;
	height: 100%;
.time {
	text-align: center;
	background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
	color: white;
	line-height: 50px;}
	width: 40px;
	height: 40px;
	margin: 5px auto;

3.2 basic content components

3.2.1 icon component

attributetypeDefault valueexplain
typestringType of icon, valid values: success, success_no_circle,info, warn, waiting,cancel,download, search, clear
sizenumber / string23Size of icon in px
colorstringThe color of icon is the same as that of css

Sample code

<view class='container'>
  <view class='page-body'>
    <view class='title'>2. Basic components icon Simple application of</view>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(1)Changes in content</view>
      <block wx:for='{{iconType}}'>
          <icon type="{{item}}" size='36' />
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(2)Color change</view>
      <block wx:for="{{iconColor}}">
        <icon type="info" color="{{item}}" size='36' />
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(3)Change in size</view>
      <block wx:for="{{iconSize}}">
        <icon type="info" size="{{item}}" />
  data: {
    iconType: ['success', 'success_no_circle', 'info', 'warn', 'waiting', 'cancel', 'download', 'search', 'clear'],

3.2.2 text component

text component supports escape character "\", such as line feed \ n and space \ t
< text / > only < text / > nesting is supported in the component. Nodes other than text nodes cannot be selected by long pressing

3.2.3 progress bar component

  • A component for improving user experience
  • If you can see the length of the complete video and the current playback progress through this component
attributetypeDefault valueexplain
percentnumberPercentage 0 ~ 100
show-infobooleanfalseDisplays the percentage to the right of the progress bar
stroke-widthnumber / string6Width of progress bar
colorstring#09BB07Progress bar color (use activeColor)
activebooleanfalseProgress bar animation from left to right

Sample code

<view class='container'>
  <view class='page-body'>
    <view class='title'>2. Basic components progress Simple application of</view>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(1)The percentage is displayed on the right side of the progress bar</view>
      <progress percent='25' activeColor='yellow' show-info />
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(2)The line width is 20 px Progress bar for</view>
      <progress percent='50' stroke-width='20' />
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(3)Custom color progress bar</view>
      <progress percent='80' activeColor='red' />
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(4)Dynamic progress bar</view>
      <progress percent='100' activeColor='blue' active />

3.2.4 rich text component

  • This component can display some rich text in the wxml page file, such as the element content of html
  • It has a nodes node list attribute. The nodes attribute recommends the Array type
  • Nodes supports two types of nodes, which are distinguished by type
    • Element node type=node
    • Text node type=text

Element node

attributetypeDefault valueexplain
nameTag namestringSupport for partially trusted HTML nodes
attrsattributeobjectSupport partially trusted attributes and follow Pascal naming method
childrenChild node listarrayThe structure is consistent with nodes

Text node

attributetypeDefault valueexplain
texttextstringSupport entities
<view class='container'>
  <view class='page-body'>
    <view class='title'>2. Basic components rich-text Simple application of</view>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(1) Element node(use style style)</view>
      <rich-text nodes='{{nodes01}}'></rich-text>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(2) Element node(use class style)</view>
      <rich-text nodes='{{nodes02}}'></rich-text>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(3) Text node</view>
      <rich-text nodes='{{nodes03}}'></rich-text>
  data: {
    nodes01: [{
      name: 'div',
      attrs: {
        style: 'line-height: 60px; color: red; font-weight: bold'
       children: [{
        type: 'text',
        text: 'Hello World!'
    nodes02: [{
      name: 'div',
      attrs: {
        class: 'myStyle'
      children: [{
        type: 'text',
        text: 'Hello World!'
    nodes03:'<div style="line-height: 60px; color: red;font-weight: bold">Hello World!</div>'

3.3 form components

3.3.1 button button

attributetypeDefault valueRequiredexplain
sizestringdefaultnoButton size
typestringdefaultnoThe style type of the button
plainbooleanfalsenoWhether the button is hollow and the background color is transparent
loadingbooleanfalsenoIs there a loading icon in front of the name
form-typestringnoUsed for form components. Clicking will trigger submit/reset events of form components respectively
hover-classstringbutton-hovernoSpecifies the style class to which the button is pressed. When hover class = "none", there is no click state effect
hover-start-timenumber20noHow long does the click state appear after pressing and holding, in milliseconds
hover-stay-timenumber70noClick state retention time after finger release, unit: ms
session-fromstringnoSession source, valid when open type = "contact"

Legal value of size

defaultDefault size
miniSmall size

Legal value of type

<view class='container'>
  <view class='page-body'>
    <view class='title'>3. Form component button Simple application of</view>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(1) Mini button</view>
      <button type='primary' size='mini'>Main button</button>
      <button type='default' size='mini'>Secondary button</button>
      <button type='warn' size='mini'>Warning button</button>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(2) Button status</view>
      <button>Normal button</button>
      <button disabled>Disable button</button>
      <button loading>Load button</button>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(3) Click the button to listen</view>
      <button type='primary' bindgetuserinfo='getUserDetail' open-type='getUserInfo'>Let me try</button>
  data: {
  /**User defined function -- listening for button events*/
  getUserDetail: function (e) {

3.3.2 checkbox multiple selectors

  • This component is what we often call a check box
  • Used to make multiple choices
  • checkbox group is a container used to hold multiple checkboxes
    • It has a binding event bindchange
    • change event is triggered when the selected item in < checkbox group / > changes
    • Detail = {value: [array of values of the selected checkbox]}
attributetypeDefault valueRequiredexplain
valuestringnoCheckbox ID, when selected, triggers the change event of checkbox group and carries the value of checkbox
checkedbooleanfalsenoWhether it is currently selected can be used to set the default selection
colorstring#09BB07noThe color of the checkbox is the same as that of css
<view class='container'>
  <view class='page-body'>
    <view class='title'>3. Form component checkbox Simple application of</view>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>Use array bulk generation option</view>
      <checkbox-group bindchange='checkboxChange'>
        <view class='test' wx:for='{{checkboxItems}}' wx:key='item{{index}}'>
          <checkbox value='{{item.value}}' checked='{{item.checked}}' />{{item.name}}
// pages/demo03/checkbox/checkbox.js
  data: {
    checkboxItems: [
      { name: 'Apple', value: 'apple' },
      { name: 'orange', value: 'orange', checked: 'true' },
      { name: 'Pear', value: 'pear' },
      { name: 'strawberry', value: 'strawberry' },
      { name: 'Banana', value: 'banana' },
      { name: 'Grape', value: 'grape' },
  /*User defined function -- listening for multiple box changes*/
  checkboxChange: function (e) {
    console.log('checkbox The selected values are:'+ e.detail.value)

3.3.3 radio single selector

  • This component is the opposite of the checkbox
  • Only one option can be selected at a time
  • Options are mutually exclusive
  • radio group is a container used to hold multiple radios
    • It has a binding event bindchange
    • The bindchange event is triggered when the selected item in < radio group / > changes
    • event.detail={value: the value of the selected radio}
attributetypeDefault valueRequiredexplain
valuestringnoRadio identification. When the radio is selected, the change event of the radio group will carry the value of the radio
checkedbooleanfalsenoCurrently selected
colorstring#09BB07noThe color of radio is the same as that of css
<view class='container'>
  <view class='page-body'>
    <view class='title'>3. Form component radio Simple application of</view>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>Use array bulk generation option</view>
      <radio-group bindchange='radioChange'>
        <view class='test' wx:for='{{radioItems}}' wx:key='item{{index}}'>
          <radio value='{{item.value}}' checked='{{item.checked}}' />{{item.name}}
  data: {
    radioItems: [
      { name: 'Apple', value: 'apple' },
      { name: 'orange', value: 'orange', checked: 'true' },
      { name: 'Pear', value: 'pear' },
      { name: 'strawberry', value: 'strawberry' },
      { name: 'Banana', value: 'banana' },
      { name: 'Grape', value: 'grape' },
  /*Custom function -- listening for radio box changes*/
  radioChange: function (e) {
    console.log('radio The selected values are:' + e.detail.value)

3.4 navigation components

3.4.1 navigator page link component

  • This component is used to implement jump in WXML page
  • It has three types:
    • Keep the current page and jump. After jumping, you can return to the current page, which is the same as Wx Navigateto works the same
    • Turn off the current page Jump, unable to return to the current page, and Wx The effect of redirectto is the same
    • Jump to the bottom tab to navigate to the specified page, with Wx Switchtab has the same jump effect
  • The above jump effect is controlled through the open type attribute
attributetypeDefault valueRequiredexplain
targetstringselfnoOn which target to jump, the default is the current applet
urlstringnoJump links within the current applet
open-typestringnavigatenoJump mode
deltanumber1noValid when the open type is' navigateBack ', indicating the number of layers to fallback
pathstringnoValid when target="miniProgram", open the page path. If it is empty, open the home page
extra-dataobjectnoWhen target="miniProgram", it is valid and needs to be passed to the target applet. The target applet can
versionstringreleasenoValid when target="miniProgram", the applet version to be opened
hover-classstringnavigator-hovernoSpecifies the style class when clicking. When hover class = "None", there is no clicking effect
hover-stop-propagationbooleanfalsenoSpecify whether to prevent the click status of the ancestor node of this node
hover-start-timenumber50noHow long does the click state appear after pressing and holding, in milliseconds
hover-stay-timenumber600noClick state retention time after finger release, unit: ms
bindsuccessstringnoIt is valid when target="miniProgram", and the jump applet is successful
bindfailstringnoValid when target="miniProgram", failed to jump applet
bindcompletestringnoValid when target="miniProgram", the jump applet is completed

Legal value of target

selfCurrent applet
miniProgramOther applets

Legal value of open type

navigateCorresponding to Wx Navigateto or Wx Functions of navigatetominiprogram
redirectCorresponding to Wx Functions of redirectto
switchTabCorresponding to Wx Functions of switchtab
reLaunchCorresponding to Wx Functions of relaunch
navigateBackCorresponding to Wx Functions of navigateback
exitExit applet, effective when target="miniProgram"
<view class='container'>
  <view class='page-body'>
    <view class='title'>4. Navigation components navigator Simple application of</view>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(1) Click to open a new page</view>
      <navigator url="../new/new">
        <button type="default" size="mini">Jump to a new page and open new content</button>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(2) Click redirect to new page</view>
      <navigator url="../redirect/redirect" open-type='redirect'>
        <button type="primary">Reopen new content on the current page</button>

Note: open a new page to return to the navigator page, and redirect to the new page. After returning, you can directly enter the index page

3.5 media components

3.5.1 audio

  • The audio component needs to have a unique id
  • Use Wx according to id Createaudiocontext ('myaudio ') creates an audio playback environment
    Note: since version 1.6.0, this component is no longer maintained. It is recommended to use more powerful ones
attributetypeDefault value
idstringUnique identifier of the audio component
srcstringResource address to play audio
loopbooleanLoop play
controlsbooleanShow default controls
posterstringThe picture resource address of the audio cover on the default control. If the controls property value is false, the setting of poster is invalid
namestringThe audio name on the default control. If the controls property value is false, the setting name is invalid
authorstringThe author name on the default control. If the controls property value is false, the setting of author is invalid
binderroreventhandleAn error event is triggered when an error occurs, detail ={errMsg:MediaError.code}
bindplayeventhandleThe play event is triggered when playback starts / continues
bindpauseeventhandleThe pause event is triggered when playback is paused
bindtimeupdateeventhandleWhen the playback progress changes, the timeupdate event is triggered. detail = {currentTime,duration}
bindendedeventhandleThe end event is triggered when the playback reaches the end

audio component returns error code

Return error codedescribe
1Obtaining resources is prohibited by the user
2network error
3Decoding error
4Inappropriate resources
<view class='container'>
  <view class='page-body'>
    <view class='title'>5. Media component audio Simple application of</view>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>Play network audio</view>
      <audio id="myAudio" poster="{{poster}}" name="{{name}}" author="{{author}}" src="{{src}}"  controls loop></audio>
      <button size='mini' bindtap='audioPlay'>play</button>
      <button size='mini' bindtap='audioPause'>suspend</button>
      <button size='mini' bindtap='audioSeek0'>Back to the beginning</button>
  data: {
    poster: 'http://y.gtimg.cn/music/photo_new/T002R300x300M000003rsKF44GyaSk.jpg?max_age=2592000',
    name: 'this moment',
    author: 'Xu Wei',
    src: 'http://ws.stream.qqmusic.qq.com/M500001VfvsJ21xFqb.mp3?guid=ffffffff82def4af4b12b3cd9337d5e7&uin=346897220&vkey=6292F51E1E384E06DCBDC9AB7C49FD713D632D313AC4858BACB8DDD29067D3C601481D36E62053BF8DFEAF74C0A5CCFADD6471160CAF3E6A&fromtag=46'
  audioPlay: function (options) {
  audioPause: function (options) {
  audioSeek0: function (options) {
  /* Life cycle function -- monitor the completion of the first rendering of the page*/
  onReady: function () {
    this.audioCtx = wx.createAudioContext('myAudio')

3.5.2 image image

  • Support JPG, PNG and SVG formats, and support cloud file ID since 2.3.0
  • The image component has two display modes:
    • Zoom mode (this mode contains 4 modes)
    • Crop mode (this mode contains 9 modes)
attributetypeDefault valueRequiredexplain
srcstringnoPicture resource address
modestringscaleToFillnoPicture clipping and zooming mode
webpbooleanfalsenowebP format is not parsed by default, and only network resources are supported
lazy-loadbooleanfalsenoThe picture is lazy to load. It starts to load when it is about to enter a certain range (up and down three screens)
show-menu-by-longpressbooleanfalsenoOpen long press the picture to display the identification applet code menu
binderroreventhandlenoTriggered when an error occurs, event detail = {errMsg}
bindloadeventhandlenoTriggered when the picture is loaded, event detail = {height, width}

Legal value of mode

scaleToFillIn zoom mode, the image is scaled without maintaining the aspect ratio, so that the width and height of the image are fully stretched to fill the image element
aspectFitZoom mode, keep the aspect ratio to zoom the picture, so that the long edge of the picture can be fully displayed. In other words, the picture can be displayed completely.
aspectFillZoom mode, keep the aspect ratio to zoom the picture, and only ensure that the short edge of the picture can be fully displayed. In other words, the picture is usually complete only in the horizontal or vertical direction, and will be intercepted in the other direction.
widthFixZoom mode, the width remains unchanged, the height changes automatically, and the width height ratio of the original image remains unchanged
heightFixZoom mode, the height remains unchanged, the width changes automatically, and the aspect ratio of the original image remains unchanged
topCrop mode, does not scale the picture, only displays the top area of the picture
bottomCrop mode, does not scale the picture, only displays the bottom area of the picture
centerCrop mode, does not scale the picture, only displays the middle area of the picture
leftCrop mode, does not scale the picture, only displays the left area of the picture
rightCrop mode, does not scale the picture, only displays the right area of the picture
top leftCrop mode, does not scale the picture, only displays the upper left area of the picture
top rightCrop mode, does not scale the picture, only displays the upper right area of the picture
bottom leftCrop mode, does not scale the picture, only displays the lower left area of the picture
bottom rightCrop mode, does not scale the picture, only displays the lower right area of the picture
 <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>(*) Zoom mode:*</view>
      <image src='{{src}}' mode='scaleToFill'></image>
      <view class='title'>*Zoom picture</view>
  data: {

3.5.3 video

  • Video component
  • Use Wx according to id Createvideocontext ('myvideo ') creates a video playback environment
attributetypeDefault valueRequiredexplain
srcstringyesThe resource address of the video to be played supports network path, local temporary path and cloud file ID (2.3.0)
danmu-listArray.< object>noBarrage list
danmu-btnbooleanfalsenoWhether to display the bullet screen button is only valid during initialization and cannot be changed dynamically
enable-danmubooleanfalsnoWhether to display the barrage is only valid during initialization and cannot be changed dynamically
controlsbooleantruenoWhether to display default playback controls (play / pause button, playback progress, time)

See wechat open document for other attributes

<view class='container'>
  <view class='page-body'>
    <view class='title'>5. Media component video Simple application of</view>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>Play network video</view>
      <video id="myVideo" src="{{src}}" danmu-list="{{danmuList}}" enable-danmu danmu-btn controls></video>
  data: {
    src: 'http://wxsnsdy.tc.qq.com/105/20210/snsdyvideodownload?filekey=30280201010421301f0201690402534804102ca905ce620b1241b726bc41dcff44e00204012882540400&bizid=1023&hy=SH&fileparam=302c020101042530230204136ffd93020457e3c4ff02024ef202031e8d7f02030f42400204045a320a0201000400',
    danmuList: [
        text: '1st s A barrage of bullets',
        color: 'yellow',
        time: 1
        text: 'Third s A barrage of bullets appeared',
        color: 'purple',
        time: 3
  /* Life cycle function -- monitor the completion of the first rendering of the page
  onReady: function () {
    this.videoContext = wx.createVideoContext('myVideo')

3.5.4 map components

  • Map component is used to develop map related applications (such as map navigation, taxi software, order track of e-commerce)
  • On the map, you can mark the cover and specify a series of coordinate positions
  • Personalized map capability can be applied and opened in the applet background "development - Developer Tools - Tencent location service"
  • Map components in applets should use the same subkey
attributetypeDefault valueexplain
markersArray.< marker>no
polylineArray.< polyline>no
circlesArray.< circle>no
include-pointsArray.< point>no

Marker points are used to display the location of markers on the map

idMarker point idnumbernoMarker clicking the event callback will return this id. It is recommended to set the number type id for each marker to ensure better performance when updating the marker.
clusterIdid of the aggregation clusterNumbernoUsed when customizing point aggregation cluster effects
joinClusterParticipate in point aggregationBooleannoBy default, it does not participate in point aggregation
latitudelatitudenumberyesFloating point number, range - 90 ~ 90
longitudelongitudenumberyesFloating point number, range - 180 ~ 180
titleLabel point namestringnoWhen clicked, it will be displayed. When callout exists, it will be ignored
zIndexDisplay hierarchynumberno
iconPathIcons displayedstringyesThe image path under the project directory supports network path, local path and code package path (2.3.0)
rotateRotation anglenumbernoClockwise rotation angle, range 0 ~ 360, default 0
alphaTransparency of dimensionsnumbernoDefault 1, no transparency, range 0 ~ 1
widthDimension icon widthnumber/stringnoThe default is the actual width of the picture
heightDimension icon heightnumber/stringnoThe default is the actual height of the picture
calloutBubble window above marker pointObjectnoSee wechat open document for supported attributes, which can recognize line breaks.
customCalloutCustomize bubble windowObjectnoSee wechat open document for supported properties
labelAdd a label next to the marked pointObjectnoSee wechat open document for supported attributes, which can recognize line breaks.
anchorThe longitude and latitude are at the anchor point of the dimension icon, and the default is the midpoint of the bottom edgeObjectno{x, y}, X represents horizontal (0-1), Y represents vertical (0-1). {X:. 5, Y: 1} indicates the midpoint of the bottom edge
<view class='container'>
  <view class='page-body'>
    <view class='title'>6. Map components map Simple application of</view>
    <view class='demo-box'>
      <view class='title'>Badashan Renmei Lake Scenic Spot</view>
      <map latitude='{{latitude}}' longitude='{{longitude}}' markers='{{markers}}' bindregionchange='regionChange'>
  data: {
    latitude: 28.597940,
    longitude: 115.917940,
    markers: [{
      latitude: 28.597940,
      longitude: 115.917940,
        content:'Badashan Renmei Lake Scenic Spot'
  regionChange: function (e) {
    console.log('regionChange Triggered, visual field changes.');

3.6 canvas components

  • The canvas canvas component is used to draw squares, circles, or some other shapes
  • The default width of the component is 300px and the height is 150px
  • Unique identification is required when using
  • Use Wx Createcanvascontext gets the drawing context
    Since 2.9.0, it supports a new Canvas 2D interface (the type attribute needs to be specified), and supports the same layer rendering. The original interface is no longer maintained.