4. Grouping and Union of MySQL

Posted by otterbield on Sat, 06 Jul 2019 22:31:44 +0200

Note: The blog summarizes the knowledge points in MySQL, the core content of Chapter 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18.


Introduction to the tables used in the book and their script files: Introduction to the Table in Mysql

Packet data

1. Data grouping

SELECT vend_id, COUNT(*) AS num_prods
FROM products
GROUP BY vend_id;

2. Filtration grouping

SELECT cust_id,COUNT(*) AS prders
FROM orders
WHERE prod_price >=10
GROUP BY cust_id

3. Grouping and Sorting

SELECT order_num,SUM(quantity*item_price) AS ordertotal
FROM orderiterms
GROUP BY order_num
HAVING COUNT(quantity*item_price) >= 50
ORDER BY ordertotal;

4.SELECT clause order

The order is SELECT - > FROM - > WHERE - > GROUP BY - > HAVING - > ORDER BY - > LIMIT.

Using subqueries

Multi-use sub-queries in IN of WHERE clause

1. Using sub-queries to filter

SELECT cust_id
FROM orders
WHERE order_num IN(SELECT order_num
                   FROM orderitems
                   WHERE prod_id='TNT2');
-- It can also be nested in multiple layers, but it's slow.

2. Using computational fields to use subqueries

SELECT cust_name,cust_state,
      (SELECT COUNT(*)
      FROM orders
      WHERE orders.cust_id=customers.cust_id) AS orders
FROM customers
ORDER BY cust_name;
-- orders To compute fields

Consolidated table

1. Creating Connections

-- equijoin
SELECT vend_name, prod_name, prod_price
FROM vendors, products
WHERE vendors.vend_id = products.vend_id
ORDER BY vend_name,prod_name;

-- The following is the result of Cartesian product, the number of rows is the product of the number of rows in two tables.
SELECT vend_name, prod_name, prod_price
FROM vendors, products
ORDER BY vend_name,prod_name;

2. Internal Connections

SELECT vend_name, prod_name, prod_price
FROM vendors INNER JOIN products
ON vendors.vend_id = products.vend_id;

3. Join multiple tables

SELECT vend_name, prod_name, prod_price,quantity
FROM orderitems, products, vendors
WHERE products.vend_id = vendors.vend_id
  AND oderiterms.prod_id = products.prod_id
  AND order_num = 20005;

Creating Advanced Connections

1. Use table aliases

SELECT Concat(RTrim(vend_name),'(',RTrim(vend_county),')') AS vend_title
FROM vendors
ORDER BY vend_name;

2. Self-connection

-- Retrieval of other items produced by the supplier
SELECT prod_id,prod_name
FROM products
WHERE vend_id = (SELECT vend_id
                 FROM products
                 WHERE prod_id='DTNTR')

-- Aliases can also be used to self-join
SELECT p1.prod_id, p1.prod_name
FROM products AS p1, products AS p2
WHERE p1.vend_id = p2.vend_id
  AND p2.prod_id = 'DTNTR';

3. Natural Connection

SELECT c.*, o.order_num, o.order_date,
       oi.prod_id, oi.quantity, oi.item_price
FROM customers AS c, orders AS o, orderitems AS oi
WHERE c.cust_id = o.cust_id
  AND oi.order_num = o.order_num
  AND prod_id = 'FB';

4. External linkages

SELECT customers.cust_id, orders.order_num
FROM customers LEFT OUTER JOIN orders
  ON customers.cust_id = orders.cust_id;

5. Use join with aggregate function

SELECT customers.name,
       COUNT(orders.order_num) AS num_ord
FROM customers INNER JOIN orders
  ON customers.cust_id = orders.cust_id
GROUP BY customers.cust_id;

Combination query

1. Use UNION

SELECT vend_id, prod_id, prod_price
FROM products
WHERE prod_price <= 5;
SELECT vend_id, prod_id, prod_price
FROM products
WHERE vend_id IN (1001,1002);

2. Include or cancel duplicate rows

-- UNION Duplicate rows are automatically removed; if you want to return all rows, you can use UNION ALL;
SELECT vend_id, prod_id, prod_price
FROM products
WHERE prod_price <= 5;
SELECT vend_id, prod_id, prod_price
FROM products
WHERE vend_id IN (1001,1002);

3. Sorting the results of combined queries

-- ORDER BY It ranks the results after combination.
SELECT vend_id, prod_id, prod_price
FROM products
WHERE prod_price <= 5;
SELECT vend_id, prod_id, prod_price
FROM products
WHERE vend_id IN (1001,1002);
ORDER BY vend_id,prod_price;

Full text search

Two commonly used engines are MyISAM and InnoDB, which support full-text search, while the latter does not.

1. Enable full text search support

CREATE TABLE productnotes
 note_id int        NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 prod_id char(10)   NOT NULL,
 note_date datetime NOT NULL,
 note_text text     NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY(note_id),
 FULLTEXT(note_text) --Here is to enable full text;

2. Full text search

-- It's mainly used for two functions. Match()and Against(),Match()Specify the column to be searched, Against()Specifies the search expression to use.
SELECT note_text
FROM productnotes
WHERE Match(note_text) Against('rabbit');

-- The above search can also be used simply. LIKE Completion;
SELECT note_text
FROM productnotes
WHERE note_text LIKE '%rabbit%';

-- Difference: Full text search ranks the results;

3. Using Query Extension

-- Find all other rows that may be relevant to the search;
SELECT note_text
FROM productnotes
WHERE Match(note_text) Against('rabbit' WITH QUERY EXANSION);

4. Boolean Text Search

-- No 50%Rule (When the return value is too much, only 50 is returned%Speed is very slow.
SELECT note_text
FROM productnotes
WHERE Match(note_text) Against('heavy' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

-- Full text Boolean operation can also be used with many Boolean operators.
-- Example 1, Matching Inclusive Words rabbit and bait Line;
SELECT note_text
FROM productnotes
WHERE Match(note_text) Against('+heavy +bait' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

-- Example 2, Matching Inclusive Words rabbit and bait At least one of the rows;
SELECT note_text
FROM productnotes
WHERE Match(note_text) Against('heavy bait' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

Full text Boolean operator

+ Inclusion, words must exist;
- Exclusion, words must not exist;
> Include, and increase the level value;
<Include and reduce the rank value;
(2) Form words into sub-expressions;
~ Cancel the ranking value of a word;
* The wildcard at the end of the word;
"Defines a phrase;

Topics: MySQL