50 Knowledgeable Linux Command Techniques

Posted by lessthanthree on Wed, 09 Oct 2019 10:31:55 +0200

1. Vim automatically adds annotations and intelligently changes lines

#vi ~/.vimrc 
set autoindent
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
function AddTitle()
call setline(1,"#!/bin/bash")
call append(1,"#====================================================")
call append(2,"# Author: lizhenliang")
call append(3,"# Create Date: " . strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
call append(4,"# Description: ")
call append(5,"#====================================================")
map <F4> :call AddTitle()<cr>

//After opening the file, pressing F4 automatically adds comments, saving a lot of time:

2. Find and delete files created 7 days ago in the / data directory

#find /data -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \;
#find /data -ctime +7 | xargs rm -rf

3. tar command compression excludes a directory

#tar zcvf data.tar.gz /data --exclude=tmp    #-- exclude parameter does not contain a directory or file, and can be followed by more than one

4. View the tar package archive file without decompressing

#tar tf data.tar.gz #t is to list the directories of archived files and f is to specify the archived files.

5. Use the stat command to view the properties of a file

Access, Modification, Change

stat index.php
Access: 2018-05-10 02:37:44.169014602 -0500
Modify: 2018-05-09 10:53:14.395999032 -0400
Change: 2018-05-09 10:53:38.855999002 -0400

6. Batch decompression tar.gz

Method 1: find. - name "*. tar. gz" - exec tar zxf {}
Method 2: For tar in *. tar. gz; do tar zxvf $tar; do tar
 Method 3: ls *.tar.gz | xargs -i tar zxvf {}  

7. Screen out the comments and spaces in the document

Method 1: grep-v "^#" httpd.conf | grep-v "^$"
Method 2: sed -e'/^$/d'- e'/^ #/d' httpd.conf > http.conf or # sed-e'/^ #/d; /^$/d' e executes multiple sed commands
 Method 3: awk'/^[^#]/|/"^$"'httpd.conf or # awk'!/^# |$/'httpd.conf

8. Screen all users in / etc/passwd file

Method 1: cat/etc/passwd | cut-d: -f1
 Method 2: awk-F ":'{print $1}'/etc/passwd

9. iptables website jump

First turn on routing forwarding:
    Echo "1">/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward\ Provisional Effectiveness
 Intranet access to the public network ():
    iptables - t nat -A POSTROUTING -s [Intranet IP or segment] - j SNAT --to [Public IP]
# Intranet server should point to firewall Intranet IP as gateway
 Public Access Intranet (DNA T) (Public Port Mapping Intranet Port):
    iptables - t nat -A PREROUTING -d [External IP] - P TCP - dport [External Port] - J DNA T -- to [Intranet IP: Intranet Port]
# Intranet servers should configure firewall Intranet IP as gateway, otherwise data packets can not come back. In addition, there is no need to configure SNAT here, because the system service will return according to the source of the data package.

10. iptables forward local port 80 to local port 8080

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080

11. find command finds files and copies them to / opt directory

Method 1: find/etc-name httpd.conf-exec cp-rf {}/opt/;;: exec executes the following command, {} represents the result of the previous output, \
Method 2: find/etc-name httpd.conf | xargs-i CP {}/ opt#-i indicates that the output result is replaced by {}

12. View files larger than 1G in the root directory

find / -size +1024M             #The default unit is b, and other units such as C, K, M can be used.

13. View the number of server IP connections

netstat -tun | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 |sort | uniq -c | sort -n  
-tun: -tu It's display. tcp and udp Connect, n So IP address display
cut -d: -f1: cut Is a content command that selectively displays a line.-d Specify: as a delimiter,-f1 Displays the first field after the delimiter.
uniq -c: Reporting or deleting duplicate lines in the text,-c Add the number of occurrences before the output line
sort -n: Sort according to different types. The default sort is ascending.-r Change the parameter to descending order.-n It is sorted according to the size of the values.

14. Insert a line to 391 lines, including the special symbol "/"

sed -i "391 s/^/AddType application\/x-httpd-php .php .html/" httpd.conf

15. List the top 10 IP accesses to nginx logs

Method 1: awk'{print $1}'access. log | sort | uniq - C | sort - NR | head - N 10
 Sort: sort uniq-c: merge duplicate rows and record the number of duplicates sort-nr: sort by number in descending order   
Method 2: awk'{a [$1]+} END {for (v in a) print v, a [v] | "sort-k2-nr | head-10"} access.log

16. Top 10 IP with the largest number of visits per day for displaying nginx logs

awk '$4>="[16/May/2017:00:00:01" && $4<="[16/May/2017:23:59:59"' access_test.log |sort |uniq -c |sort-nr |head -n 10
awk '$4>="[16/Oct/2017:00:00:01" && $4<="[16/Oct/2017:23:59:59"{a[$1]++}END{for(i in a){print a[i],i|"sort -k1 -nr |head -n 10"}}' access.log

17. Get log access one minute before the current time

date=`date +%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M --date="-1 minute"` ; awk -vd=$date '$0~d{c++}END{print c}' access.log
date=`date +%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M --date="-1 minute"`; awk -vd=$date '$4>="["d":00" && $4<="["d":59"{c++}END{print c}' access.log 
grep `date +%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M --date="-1 minute"` access.log |awk 'END{print NR}'
start_time=`date +%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S --date="-5 minute"`;end_time=`date +%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S`;awk -vstart_time="[$start_time" -vend_time="[$end_time" '$4>=start_time && $4<=end_time{count++}END{print count}' access.log

18. Find integers between 1 and 255

Method 1: ifconfig | grep-o'[0-9]+' matches the previous character one or more times
 Method 2: ifconfig | egrep-o' ([1-9] | [1-9] [0-9] | 1 [0-9] [0-9] | 2 [0-4] [0-9] | 25 [0-5] \> 

19. Find IP Address

ifconfig |grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}' #- o Displays only matched characters

20. Adding beginning and ending information to the document

awk 'BEGIN{print "Start by displaying information"}{print $1,$NF} END{print "Show information at the end"}'/etc/passwd
awk 'BEGIN{printf "  date      ip\n------------------\n"} {print $3,$4} END{printf "------------------\nend...\n"}' /var/log/messages         
date      ip
03:13:01 localhost
10:51:45 localhost

21. View Network Status Command

netstat -antp #View all network connections
netstat -lntp #View only listened port information
lsof -p pid #View process open file handle
lsof -i:80  #See which process is occupying the port

22. Generating 8-bit random strings

Method 1: echo $RANDOM | md5sum | cut-c 1-8
 Method 2: OpenSSL rand-base 64 4
 Method 3: cat / proc / sys / kernel / random / uuid| cut-c 1-8

23. while Dead Cycle

while true; do  #Conditions are exact equal to true, or they can be directly used as conditions ["1"== "1"]. Conditions are always true.
    ping -c 2 www.baidu.com

24.awk formatted output

Align text columns left or right.
Left alignment:
    awk '{printf "%-15s %-10s %-20s\n",$1,$2,$3}' test.txt
 Right alignment:
    awk '{printf "%15s %10s %20s\n",$1,$2,$3}' test.txt

25. Integer operations preserve decimal points

Method 1: echo'scale = 2; 10/3;'| BC # scale parameter represents decimal point number
 Method 2: awk BEGIN'{printf"%. 2f n, 10/3}" 

26. Number summation

cat a.txt

//Method 1:
while read num;
    sum=`expr $sum + $num`
done < a.txt
    echo $sum

//Method 2:
    cat a.txt |awk '{sum+=$1}END{print sum}'

27. Determine whether it is a number (as is string judgment)

[[ $num =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && echo yes || echo no    #[[]] is more general than [] and supports wildcards for pattern matching=~and string comparison`
^ $: From the beginning to the end, the number satisfies the condition.
=~: An operator that indicates whether the left side satisfies the right (as a pattern) regular expression

28. Delete newline characters and replace spaces with other characters

cat a.txt |xargs echo -n |sed 's/[ ]/|/g'  #- n No line change
cat a.txt |tr -d '\n'  #Delete line breaks

29. View 20 to 30 lines of text (a total of 100 lines)

Method 1: awk'{if (NR > 20 & & NR < 31) print $0}'test. TXT
 Method 2: sed-n'20,30p'test.txt 
Method 3: head-30 test.txt | tail

30. Replacement of two columns in text

cat a.txt      www.baidu.com     www.sina.com.cn
awk '{print $2"\t"$1}'  a.txt

31. Monitor directory, add the newly created file name to the log

#To install the inotify-tools package
inotifywait -mq --format %f -e create $MON_DIR |\
while read files; do
    echo $files >> test.log

find finds multiple specified file types at a time

find ./ -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.png'
find ./ -regex ".*\.jpg\|.*\.png"

33. String Splitting

echo "hello" |awk -F '' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print $i}'
echo "hello" |sed 's/./&\n/g'
echo "hello" |sed -r 's/(.)/\1\n/g'

34. Running results of real-time monitoring commands

`watch -d -n 1 'ifconfig'`

35. Solving the problem of messy mail code

echo `echo "content" | iconv -f utf8 -t gbk` | mail -s "`echo "title" | iconv -f utf8 -t gbk`" xxx@163.com
 Note: Converting content character sets through iconv tools

36. Add a newline or content every three lines in the text

sed '4~3s/^/\n/' file
awk '$0;NR%3==0{print "\n"}' file
awk '{print NR%3?$0:$0 "\n"}' file

37. Delete matching rows and subsequent or previous rows

sed '/abc/,+1d' file  #Delete the matching line and the following line
sed '/abc/{n;d}' file #Delete the last line
tac file |sed '/abc/,+1d' |tac  #Delete the previous line

38. Statistical total rows

Efficiency 1 # wc-l file
 Efficiency 2 # grep-c. file
 Efficiency 3 # awk'END {print NR}'file
 Efficiency 4 # sed-n'$='File

39. Remove the space at the beginning and end of the text

sed -i 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' file

40. Add single quotation marks to a single IP

echo '' |sed -r 's/[^ ]+/"&"/g'
echo '' |awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)printf "\047"$i"\047"}' 

41. Print waiting time in script

echo -n "wait 3s"
for ((i=1;i<=3;i++)); do
    echo -n "."
    sleep 1

42. Delete the specified row

awk 'NR==1{next}{print $0}' file #$0 can be omitted
awk 'NR!=1{print}' file
awk 'NR!=1{print $0}' Or delete matching rows: awk '!/test/{print $0}'
sed '1d' file
sed -n '1!p' file

43. Add a line before and after the specified line

Add one line before the second line txt: 
    awk 'NR==2{sub('/.*/',"txt\n&")}{print}' a.txt 
    sed'2s/.*/txt\n&/' a.txt
//Add txt after the second line:
    awk 'NR==2{sub('/.*/',"&\ntxt")}{print}' a.txt
    sed'2s/.*/&\ntxt/' a.txt

44. Getting the Network Card Name through IP

ifconfig |awk -F'[: ]' '/^eth/{nic=$1}/{print nic}'

45. Floating-point arithmetic (number 46 retains decimal points)

# awk 'BEGIN{print 46/100}'  
# echo 46|awk '{print $0/100}'
# awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",46/100}'
# echo 'scale=2;46/100' |bc|sed 's/^/0/'
# printf "%.2f\n" $(echo "scale=2;46/100" |bc)

46. Floating point comparison

Method 1:
if [ $(echo "4>3"|bc) -eq 1 ]; then
    echo yes
    echo no
//Method 2:
if [ $(awk 'BEGIN{if(4>3)print 1;else print 0}') -eq 1 ]; then
    echo yes
    echo no

47. Replace line breaks with commas

cat a.txt
//Replacement: 1, 2, 3

//Method 1:
$ tr '\n' ',' < a.txt
$ sed ':a;N;s/\n/,/;$!b a' a.txt
$ sed ':a;$!N;s/\n/,/;t a' a.txt  :
//Method 2:
while read line; do
done < a.txt
echo ${a[*]} |sed 's/ /,/g'
//Method 3:
awk '{s=(s?s","$0:$0)}END{print s}' a.txt
#Trinomial operator (a?b:c), the first s is a variable, s?s"," s? S "," $0: $0,: s? S "," $0: $0,, the first processing 1, the s variable does not assign false, the result print 1, the second processing 2, the s value is 1, true, the result 1, 2. By analogy, parentheses can be omitted.
awk '{if($0!=3)printf "%s,",$0;else print $0}' a.txt

48. Removal of hidden formats from text in windows to linux

Method 1: Open the file and enter it
:set fileformat=unix
 Method 2: Open the file and enter it
 :% s/r*$/M can be replaced byr
 Method 3:
Sed-i's/^M//g'a.txt#^M's input mode is ctrl+v, and then ctrl+m
 Method 4:
dos2unix a.txt

49. Using xargs skillfully

xargs -n1  #Consider a single field as a row
# cat a.txt
1 2 
3 4
# xargs -n1 < a.txt
xargs -n2 #Take two fields as a row
$ cat b.txt
$ xargs -n2 < a.txt 
string number
a 1
b 2

50. Statistics the total size of files ending in. html in the current directory

Method 1:
find . -name "*.html" -maxdepth 1 -exec du -b {} \; |awk '{sum+=$1}END{print sum}'
//Method 2:
for size in $(ls -l *.html |awk '{print $5}'); do
echo $sum

//Recursive statistics: find. - name "*. html" - exec Du - K {};; | awk'{sum += $1} END {print sum}'

Topics: Linux iptables network firewall PHP