Implementation of Data Structure-Leader Bidirectional Circulating Linked List Function Interface

Posted by include_me on Thu, 01 Aug 2019 12:00:52 +0200

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1. Introduction of Bidirectional, Leading and Circulating Link List

Leading bidirectional circular linked list: The structure is the most complex, but the interface is relatively simple, generally used to store data separately. Most of the linked list data structures used in practice are bi-directional circular linked lists.

2. Bidirectional Link List Structure and Common Function Interface

// Two-way, Leading, Circulation
typedef int LTDataType;
typedef struct ListNode
{   // A Node of Bidirectional Linked List
    struct ListNode* _prev;
    LTDataType _val;
    struct ListNode* _next;

typedef struct List
    ListNode* _head; // Head pointer 

_defines two structures. The first structure is the node of the bidirectional linked list (precursor pointer, data field, successor pointer), and the second structure defines the pointer to the head of the bidirectional linked list.
Function interface of single linked list:

ListNode* BuyListNode(LTDataType x);// Establishing New Nodes
void ListInit(List* plt);// Initialization
void ListDestroy(List* plt);// Destruction

void ListPushBack(List* plt, LTDataType x);// Tail insertion
void ListPopBack(List* plt);// Tail deletion
void ListPushFront(List* plt, LTDataType x);// Head insertion
void ListPopFront(List* plt);// Header deletion

ListNode* ListFind(List* plt, LTDataType x); // Find node X and return the pointer to node x
void ListInsert(ListNode* pos, LTDataType x);  // Insert node x in front of pos  
void ListErase(ListNode* pos);// Delete the node of pos location
void ListRemove(List* plt, LTDataType x);// Delete node x

int ListSize(List* plt);//Size of bidirectional linked list
int ListEmpty(List* plt);//Judging whether a two-way linked list is empty
void ListPrint(List* plt);// Printing


3. Implementation of Bidirectional Link List Interface

3.1 Establishing New Nodes

When building a new node, malloc first creates a new node space, then assigns the given value to the data domain of the new node, and finally empties the front and back pointers of the new node.

ListNode* BuyListNode(LTDataType x)// Establishing New Nodes
    ListNode* node = (ListNode*)malloc(sizeof(ListNode));  
    node->_val = x;
    node->_prev = NULL;
    node->_next = NULL;
    return node;


3.2 Initialization

First call the BuyListNode function to apply for a header node, because it is a circular list, so all pointers point to itself.

void ListInit(List* plt)// Initialization
    ListNode* head = BuyListNode(-1);
   // plt->_head->_next = plt->_head;
   // It should point to the first node, but there is no first node and no last node.  
   // It points to itself, so simplify it as follows:
    head->_prev = head;
    head->_next = head;
    plt->_head = head;


3.3 Destruction

Define a pointer to the first node (the first node is not the head node), iterate through it, release it in turn, and point the pointer to the next location to be released. At the end of the cycle, the head node needs to be released separately and the head pointer is empty.

void ListDestroy(List* plt)// Destruction
    if (plt->_head == NULL)
        return 0;
    ListNode* cur = plt->_head->_next;//cur is a pointer to the first element  
    while (cur != plt->_head)  // Notice the end condition of this loop
        ListNode* next = cur->_next;
        cur = next;
    free(plt->_head);//Release head node
    plt->_head = NULL;//Head Node Pointer Empty


3.4 tail insertion

Find the last node according to the precursor pointer of the head node, connect the new node to the last node, and change the direction of the four pointers before the head node.

void ListPushBack(List* plt, LTDataType x)// Tail insertion
    ListNode* head = plt->_head;
    ListNode* tail = head->_prev;
    ListNode* newnode = BuyListNode(x);
    tail->_next = newnode; // Connect the new node to the back of the last node  
    newnode->_prev = tail;
    head->_prev = newnode; // Connect the new node to the front of the head node
    newnode->_next = head;


3.5 End Deleted

Define two pointers, find the penultimate node and the last node, connect the penultimate node and the head node directly, release the last node.

void ListPopBack(List* plt)// Tail deletion
    if (plt->_head == NULL || plt->_head->_next == plt->_head)  
        return 0;
    } // Guarantee at least one node
    ListNode* cur = plt->_head->_prev; // cur must not be empty  
    ListNode* prev = cur->_prev; // Find the penultimate node
    prev->_next = plt->_head;
    plt->_head->_prev = prev;
    cur = NULL;


3.6 pins

Define a pointer to the first node, connect the new node with the first node, and change the direction of the four pointers.

void ListPushFront(List* plt, LTDataType x)// Head insertion
    ListNode* newnode = BuyListNode(x); // Apply for a new node
    if (plt->_head->_next == plt->_head)
    {   // Chain list is empty, head insert is equivalent to tail insert
        ListPushBack(&plt, x);
        return 0;
    ListNode* first = plt->_head->_next;  // Point to the first node  
    plt->_head->_next = newnode; // Head Node and New Node Connection
    newnode->_prev = plt->_head;
    first->_prev = newnode; // First node and new node connection
    newnode->_next = first;


3.7 deletions

Define two pointers, point to the first node and the second node respectively, then connect the head node and the second node, release the first node.

void ListPopFront(List* plt)// Header deletion
    ListNode* head = plt->_head;
    if (plt->_head->_next == plt->_head)
    {   // Only Head Node
        return 0;
    ListNode* first = head->_next; // Point to the first node
    ListNode* second = first->_next; // Point to the second node  
    free(first); // Release the first node
    head->_next = second;  // Connect
    second->_prev = head;


3.8 Find Node x

Define a pointer, look it up from the beginning of the node, and find the pointer that points back to the value. Pay attention to the conditions for the end of the cycle.

ListNode* ListFind(List* plt, LTDataType x) // Find node X and return the pointer to node x  
    ListNode* cur = plt->_head->_next;
    while (cur != plt->_head) // Termination Conditions
        if (cur->_val == x) 
            return cur;
        cur = cur->_next;
    return NULL;


3.9 Insert Nodes Before a Given Position

First, apply for a new node, define a pointer to find the previous node of pos, connect the former node and the new node of pos, and finally connect POS and the new node.

void ListInsert(ListNode* pos, LTDataType x)  // Insert node x in front of pos  
    ListNode* newnode = BuyListNode(x); // Apply for a new node
    ListNode* prev = pos->_prev; // The previous node of pos
    prev->_next = newnode; // Connect the previous node and the new node of pos
    newnode->_prev = prev;
    pos->_prev = newnode; // Connect pos and new nodes
    newnode->_next = pos;


3.10 Delete a given location node

Define two pointers, point to the front and back nodes of pos, connect the front and back nodes, release the POS nodes.

void ListErase(ListNode* pos) // Delete the node of pos location  
    ListNode* prev = pos->_prev; // pos pioneer
    ListNode* next = pos->_next; // pos Succession
    prev->_next = next;  // Precursor Connection Succession
    next->_prev = prev;


3.11 Delete a given value node

Generally defined a pointer, traverse to find the node, call the ListErase function to delete directly; you can also use the ListFind function to find the node, and then call the ListErase function to delete directly.

void ListRemove(List* plt, LTDataType x)// Delete node x 
    // General methods:
    //ListNode* cur = plt->_head->_next;
    //while (cur != plt->_head)
    // if (cur->_val == x)
    // {
    //  ListErase(cur);
    //  return 0;
    // }
    // More convenient:
    ListNode* tmp = ListFind(plt, 1);
    if (tmp)


3.12 Returns bi-directional list size

Define a counter, start counting from the first node, pay attention to the end of the loop condition (not counting the first node).

int ListSize(List* plt)//Size of bidirectional linked list
    ListNode* cur = plt->_head->_next; // Start with the first node  
    int count = 0; 
    while (cur != plt->_head)
        cur = cur->_next;
    return count;


3.13 Judging whether a two-way list is empty

Generally, it is judged whether the pointer of the header node points to itself, and if so, the list is empty.
Or you can use the ListSize function to determine the size of the linked list more directly.

int ListEmpty(List* plt)//Judging whether the two-way list is empty, empty is 0, non-empty IS-1  
    // General judgment conditions:
    //if (plt->_head->_next == plt->_head)
    // return 0;
    //else return -1;

    // More directly:
    return ListSize(plt) == 0 ? 0 : -1;


3.14 Print Two-way Link List

There is no special requirement for the printing format. It's simple and clear.

void ListPrint(List* plt)// Printing
    if (plt->_head == NULL)
        return 0;
    ListNode* cur = plt->_head->_next;
    while (cur != plt->_head)
        printf("%d<==>", cur->_val);
        cur = cur->_next;