Python Rapidly Develops Scrapy Intensive Search Engine-Scapy Simulates Logon and Knows Inverted Text Verification Code Recognition

Posted by Brudus on Wed, 04 Sep 2019 16:16:17 +0200

The first step. First download the inverted character verification code recognition program of the Great God.

Download address:

Note: This program relies on the following module packages



We use Douban Garden to speed up the installation of dependencies such as:

pip install -i h5py==2.6.0

If it's a win system, there may be a possibility of installation failure. If the package installation fails, then ... find the corresponding version of win and download it to the local installation, such as:

pip install h5py-2.7.0-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl

The second step is to put the zheye folder of the validation code recognition program into the project directory.

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The third step, crawler implementation

The start_requests() method, the start url function, replaces the start_urls

Request() method, get way to request web pages
url = string type url
headers = Dictionary Type Browser Agent
meta = dictionary type data, passed to callback function
Callback = callback function name

scrapy.FormRequest()post submission of data
url = string type url
headers = Dictionary Type Browser Agent
meta = dictionary type data, passed to callback function
Callback = callback function name
formdata = dictionary type, data fields to submit

response.headers.getlist('Set-Cookie') Gets the response Cookies
response.request.headers.getlist('Cookie') Gets the request Cookies

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import scrapy
from scrapy.http import Request,FormRequest
import re

class PachSpider(scrapy.Spider):                            #To define reptiles, you must inherit scrapy.Spider
    name = 'pach'                                           #Set the crawler name
    allowed_domains = ['']                    #Crawling Domain Names
    # start_urls = ['']                                     #Crawling Web addresses is only suitable for requests that do not require login, because cookie s and other information cannot be set up.

    header = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0'}  #Setting up browser user agent

    def start_requests(self):    #The start url function replaces start_urls
        """The first time you request the login page, set it to open cookie Make it get cookie,Setting callback function"""
        return [Request(
            meta={'cookiejar':1},       #Open Cookies record and pass Cookies to callback function

    def parse(self, response):
        # Response to Cookies
        Cookie1 = response.headers.getlist('Set-Cookie')                            #Take a look at the response Cookie, which is the Cookie that was written to the browser in the background when you first visited the registration page.
        print('Responses written in the background for the first time Cookies: ',Cookie1)

        #Get xsrf cipher string
        xsrf = response.xpath('//input[@name="_xsrf"]/@value').extract()[0]
        print('Obtain xsrf Tandem:' + xsrf)

        #Get the authentication code         
        import time         
        t = str(int(time.time()*1000))         
        captcha_url = '{0}&type=login&lang=cn'.format(t)# Constructs a verification code request address
        yield Request(url=captcha_url,                                                         #Request Verification Code Picture
                      meta={'cookiejar':response.meta['cookiejar'],'xsrf':xsrf},               #Pass Cookies and xsrf cipher strings to callback functions

    def post_tj(self, response):
        with open('yzhm.jpg','wb') as f:        #Open Picture Handle
            f.write(response.body)              #Write Verification Code Picture Locally
            f.close()                           #Close handle

#Authentication Code Recognition - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        from zheye import zheye                 #Importer also inverted character verification code recognition module object
        z = zheye()                             #Instance object
        positions = z.Recognize('yzhm.jpg')     #The local path of the verification code is passed into Recognize method for recognition, and the coordinates of the inverted picture are returned.
        # print(positions)                      #The default inverted text has y coordinates in front and x coordinates in back.

        #The inverted text coordinates required by the Web are x-axis in front and y-axis in back, so we need to define a list to change the default inverted text coordinate position.
        pos_arr = []
        if len(positions) == 2:
            if positions[0][1] > positions[1][1]:                      #Determine if the second element in the first meta-ancestor in the list is greater than the second element in the second meta-ancestor.
                pos_arr.append([positions[0][1], positions[0][0]])
                pos_arr.append([positions[0][1], positions[0][0]])
                pos_arr.append([positions[1][1], positions[1][0]])
            pos_arr.append([positions[0][1], positions[0][0]])

        print('Processed Verification Code Coordinates',pos_arr)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        if len(pos_arr) == 2:
            data = {                                                                    # Set up user login information and grab the fields corresponding to the package
                '_xsrf': response.meta['xsrf'],
                'password': '279819',
                'captcha': '{"img_size":[200,44],"input_points":[[%.2f,%f],[%.2f,%f]]}' %(
                    pos_arr[0][0] / 2, pos_arr[0][1] / 2, pos_arr[1][0] / 2, pos_arr[1][1] / 2),  #Because the verification code recognition defaults to the size of 400X88, divide it by 2
                'captcha_type': 'cn',
                'phone_num': '15284816568'
            data = {                                                                    # Set up user login information and grab the fields corresponding to the package
                '_xsrf': response.meta['xsrf'],
                'password': '279819',
                'captcha': '{"img_size":[200,44],"input_points":[[%.2f,%f]]}' %(
                    pos_arr[0][0] / 2, pos_arr[0][1] / 2),
                'captcha_type': 'cn',
                'phone_num': '15284816568'

        print('Log in and submit data',data)

        print('Login in....!')
        """Form for the second time post Request, carry Cookie,Browser agent, user login information, login to Cookie To grant authorization"""
        return [scrapy.FormRequest(
            url='', #real post address
            meta={'cookiejar':response.meta['cookiejar']},                      #Receive the first Cookies

    def next(self,response):
        # Request Cookie
        Cookie2 = response.request.headers.getlist('Cookie')
        print('With the request on login Cookies: ',Cookie2)

        jieg = response.body.decode("utf-8")   #After login, you can check the login response information.
        print('Login response results:',jieg)

        print('Pages that you need to log in to access....!')

        """A page that requires login to view after login, such as the Personal Center, carries authorized pages. Cookie request"""
        yield Request(

    def next2(self,response):
        # Request Cookie
        Cookie3 = response.request.headers.getlist('Cookie')
        print('View page portability that requires login to access Cookies: ',Cookie3)

        leir = response.xpath('/html/head/title/text()').extract()  #Get the Personal Center Page
        print('Final content',leir)
        # print(response.body.decode("utf-8"))

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