2009 Niuke Summer Multi-School Training Camp (Game 8)_E Question Explorer (Line Segment Tree + Revocable and Collection)

Posted by gammaman on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 17:20:07 +0200

Topic link: https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/888/E

Title: Give you an undirected graph, each edge ui,vi weight range [Li,Ri], to go through this side of the condition is your capacity in [Li,Ri], now ask you how many kinds of capacity you have so that you can go from 1 to n.

Idea: First, we think of discretization, discretization l, r, and then use segment tree to maintain the interval (left closed, right open), which paths can each node store this capacity through, and finally traverse the tree, using revocable and search, to determine whether 1 can reach n and then statistics the answer!

Reference blog


Write revocable and collect for the first time. The code is messy. Don't worry.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = 200005;
vector<pair<int, int> > node[MAXN<<2];
vector<int> ve;
int ans, n, m, tot;
int vis[MAXN], num[MAXN];
struct edge
    int u;
    int v;
    int l;
    int r;

struct info
    int u;
    int v;
    int w;      //Number of points pointed
inline void init()
inline void Build(int root, int l, int r)
    if(l == r) return ;

    int mid = (l + r) >> 1;

    Build(root<<1, l, mid);
    Build(root<<1|1, mid + 1, r);

inline void updata(int root, int l, int r, int L, int R, pair<int, int> add)
    if(L <= l && r <= R){
        return ;

    int mid = (l + r) >> 1;

    if(L <= mid){
        updata(root<<1, l, mid, L, R, add);
    if(R > mid){
        updata(root<<1|1, mid + 1, r, L, R, add);

inline int getID(int x)
    return (lower_bound(ve.begin(), ve.end(), x) - ve.begin() +  1);

inline int findx(int x)
    int r = x;
    while(r != vis[r]){
        r = vis[r];

    return r;

inline info marge(int a, int b)
    int x = findx(a), y = findx(b);

    if(x == y) return {-1, -1, -1};
    if(num[x] > num[y]) swap(x, y);

    info tmp = {x, y, num[y]};

    vis[x] = y;
    num[y] = max(num[y] + 1, num[x] + 1);

    return tmp;

void dfs(int root, int l, int r)
    stack<info> st;
    int len = node[root].size();
    //Union checking set
    for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){
        info tmp = marge(node[root][i].first, node[root][i].second);
        if(tmp.u != -1) st.push(tmp);
    //From 1 to n
    if(findx(1) == findx(n)){
        ans += ve[r] - ve[l - 1];
    else if(l != r){
        int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
        dfs(root<<1, l, mid);
        dfs(root<<1|1, mid + 1, r);
    //Revoke and search
        info tmp = st.top();
        vis[tmp.u] = tmp.u;
        vis[tmp.v] = tmp.v;
        num[tmp.v] = tmp.w;
int main()

    while(cin >> n >> m){
        for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++){
            cin >> em[i].u >> em[i].v >> em[i].l >> em[i].r;
            em[i].r += 1;
        sort(ve.begin(), ve.end());
        ve.erase(unique(ve.begin(), ve.end()), ve.end());
        tot = ve.size();

        Build(1, 1, tot);

        for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++){
            //Close left and open right
            updata(1, 1, tot, getID(em[i].l), getID(em[i].r) - 1, make_pair(em[i].u, em[i].v));
        ans = 0;
        for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
            vis[i] = i;
            num[i] = 0; // The number of points pointed to this point is 0.
        dfs(1, 1, tot);
        cout << ans << endl;
    return 0;

Topics: iOS