Management Request for rocketmq Source Parsing to Acquire the Storage Time of the Earliest Message

Posted by Teh Unseen on Wed, 09 Oct 2019 18:29:50 +0200

Said ahead

Management request GET_EARLIEST_MSG_STORETIME for the storage time of the earliest message

Source code analysis
Enter the method to get the storage time of the earliest messages

private RemotingCommand getEarliestMsgStoretime(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
        RemotingCommand request) throws RemotingCommandException {
        final RemotingCommand response = RemotingCommand.createResponseCommand(GetEarliestMsgStoretimeResponseHeader.class);
        final GetEarliestMsgStoretimeResponseHeader responseHeader = (GetEarliestMsgStoretimeResponseHeader) response.readCustomHeader();
        final GetEarliestMsgStoretimeRequestHeader requestHeader =
            (GetEarliestMsgStoretimeRequestHeader) request.decodeCommandCustomHeader(GetEarliestMsgStoretimeRequestHeader.class);
//        Get the earliest message storage time= based on topic and queueId
        long timestamp =
            this.brokerController.getMessageStore().getEarliestMessageTime(requestHeader.getTopic(), requestHeader.getQueueId());
        return response;

Enter the method, int) to query the storage time of the earliest messages by topic and queueId

    public long getEarliestMessageTime(String topic, int queueId) {
//        Query the consumer queue by topic and queueId
        ConsumeQueue logicQueue = this.findConsumeQueue(topic, queueId);
        if (logicQueue != null) {
//            Get the smallest physical offset
            long minLogicOffset = logicQueue.getMinLogicOffset();
//            Get SelectMappedBufferResult = from the subscript
            SelectMappedBufferResult result = logicQueue.getIndexBuffer(minLogicOffset / ConsumeQueue.CQ_STORE_UNIT_SIZE);
//            Find storage time= based on SelectMappedBuffer Result
            return getStoreTime(result);

        return -1;

Enter the method org. apache. rocketmq. store. DefaultMessageStore # find ConsumeQueue to query the consumption queue by topic and queueId, as described earlier.

 public ConsumeQueue findConsumeQueue(String topic, int queueId) {
        ConcurrentMap<Integer, ConsumeQueue> map = consumeQueueTable.get(topic);
        if (null == map) {
            ConcurrentMap<Integer, ConsumeQueue> newMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, ConsumeQueue>(128);
            ConcurrentMap<Integer, ConsumeQueue> oldMap = consumeQueueTable.putIfAbsent(topic, newMap);
            if (oldMap != null) {
                map = oldMap;
            } else {
                map = newMap;

//        Find the consumer queue by queue id
        ConsumeQueue logic = map.get(queueId);
        if (null == logic) {
            ConsumeQueue newLogic = new ConsumeQueue(
//                Consumer queue storage address user.home/store/consumequeue
//                Default 30W per file store
            ConsumeQueue oldLogic = map.putIfAbsent(queueId, newLogic);
            if (oldLogic != null) {
                logic = oldLogic;
            } else {
                logic = newLogic;

        return logic;

Go back to the method to get SelectMappedBufferResult based on the smallest offset

public SelectMappedBufferResult getIndexBuffer(final long startIndex) {
        int mappedFileSize = this.mappedFileSize;
        long offset = startIndex * CQ_STORE_UNIT_SIZE;
        if (offset >= this.getMinLogicOffset()) {
//            Query the mapping file according to offset =
            MappedFile mappedFile = this.mappedFileQueue.findMappedFileByOffset(offset);
            if (mappedFile != null) {
                SelectMappedBufferResult result = mappedFile.selectMappedBuffer((int) (offset % mappedFileSize));
                return result;
        return null;

Enter the method, boolean) to query the mapping file based on the minimum physical offset

public MappedFile findMappedFileByOffset(final long offset, final boolean returnFirstOnNotFound) {
        try {
//            Get the first mapping file in the queue
            MappedFile firstMappedFile = this.getFirstMappedFile();
//            Get the last mapping file in the queue
            MappedFile lastMappedFile = this.getLastMappedFile();
            if (firstMappedFile != null && lastMappedFile != null) {
//                If the offset is not within the offset range of the index file
                if (offset < firstMappedFile.getFileFromOffset() || offset >= lastMappedFile.getFileFromOffset() + this.mappedFileSize) {
                    LOG_ERROR.warn("Offset not matched. Request offset: {}, firstOffset: {}, lastOffset: {}, mappedFileSize: {}, mappedFiles count: {}",
                        lastMappedFile.getFileFromOffset() + this.mappedFileSize,
                } else {
//                   Find the index location of the mapping file in the queue
                    int index = (int) ((offset / this.mappedFileSize) - (firstMappedFile.getFileFromOffset() / this.mappedFileSize));
                    MappedFile targetFile = null;
                    try {
//                        Get the index file
                        targetFile = this.mappedFiles.get(index);
                    } catch (Exception ignored) {

//                    Offset is within the range of the initial offset and the end offset of the target file
                    if (targetFile != null && offset >= targetFile.getFileFromOffset()
                        && offset < targetFile.getFileFromOffset() + this.mappedFileSize) {
                        return targetFile;

//                    If the mapping file cannot be found in the queue by index, traverse the queue to find the mapping file
                    for (MappedFile tmpMappedFile : this.mappedFiles) {
                        if (offset >= tmpMappedFile.getFileFromOffset()
                            && offset < tmpMappedFile.getFileFromOffset() + this.mappedFileSize) {
                            return tmpMappedFile;

//                If offset=0 retrieves the first mapping file in the queue, the individual feels that it is more reasonable to put this logic in front of the judgement, or that it has a different meaning here.
                if (returnFirstOnNotFound) {
                    return firstMappedFile;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("findMappedFileByOffset Exception", e);

        return null;

Go up to this method,, to get storage time from SelectMappedBufferResult

private long getStoreTime(SelectMappedBufferResult result) {
        if (result != null) {
            try {
                final long phyOffset = result.getByteBuffer().getLong();
                final int size = result.getByteBuffer().getInt();
//                Find storage time= based on offset and size of SelectMappedBufferResult
                long storeTime = this.getCommitLog().pickupStoreTimestamp(phyOffset, size);
                return storeTime;
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } finally {
        return -1;

Enter the method org. apache. rocketmq. store. CommitLog pickupStoreTimestamp to query storage time from commitLog by minimum physical offset and file size

public long pickupStoreTimestamp(final long offset, final int size) {
        if (offset >= this.getMinOffset()) {
//            =>
            SelectMappedBufferResult result = this.getMessage(offset, size);
            if (null != result) {
                try {
//                    Get message storage time
                    return result.getByteBuffer().getLong(MessageDecoder.MESSAGE_STORE_TIMESTAMP_POSTION);
                } finally {

        return -1;

Enter the method org. apache. rocketmq. store. CommitLog getMessage to get SelectMappedBufferResult by minimum physical offset and file size

 public SelectMappedBufferResult getMessage(final long offset, final int size) {
        int mappedFileSize = this.defaultMessageStore.getMessageStoreConfig().getMapedFileSizeCommitLog();
//        Find the mapping file= based on offset
        MappedFile mappedFile = this.mappedFileQueue.findMappedFileByOffset(offset, offset == 0);
        if (mappedFile != null) {
            int pos = (int) (offset % mappedFileSize);
            return mappedFile.selectMappedBuffer(pos, size);
        return null;

Enter the method, boolean) to query the mapping file by offset, as described earlier.

public MappedFile findMappedFileByOffset(final long offset, final boolean returnFirstOnNotFound) {
        try {
//            Get the first mapping file in the queue
            MappedFile firstMappedFile = this.getFirstMappedFile();
//            Get the last mapping file in the queue
            MappedFile lastMappedFile = this.getLastMappedFile();
            if (firstMappedFile != null && lastMappedFile != null) {
//                If the offset is not within the offset range of the index file
                if (offset < firstMappedFile.getFileFromOffset() || offset >= lastMappedFile.getFileFromOffset() + this.mappedFileSize) {
                    LOG_ERROR.warn("Offset not matched. Request offset: {}, firstOffset: {}, lastOffset: {}, mappedFileSize: {}, mappedFiles count: {}",
                        lastMappedFile.getFileFromOffset() + this.mappedFileSize,
                } else {
//                   Find the index location of the mapping file in the queue
                    int index = (int) ((offset / this.mappedFileSize) - (firstMappedFile.getFileFromOffset() / this.mappedFileSize));
                    MappedFile targetFile = null;
                    try {
//                        Get the index file
                        targetFile = this.mappedFiles.get(index);
                    } catch (Exception ignored) {

//                    Offset is within the range of the initial offset and the end offset of the target file
                    if (targetFile != null && offset >= targetFile.getFileFromOffset()
                        && offset < targetFile.getFileFromOffset() + this.mappedFileSize) {
                        return targetFile;

//                    If the mapping file cannot be found in the queue by index, traverse the queue to find the mapping file
                    for (MappedFile tmpMappedFile : this.mappedFiles) {
                        if (offset >= tmpMappedFile.getFileFromOffset()
                            && offset < tmpMappedFile.getFileFromOffset() + this.mappedFileSize) {
                            return tmpMappedFile;

//                If offset=0 retrieves the first mapping file in the queue, the individual feels that it is more reasonable to put this logic in front of the judgement, or that it has a different meaning here.
                if (returnFirstOnNotFound) {
                    return firstMappedFile;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("findMappedFileByOffset Exception", e);

        return null;

Up to the end of the method

Said at the end

This analysis only represents personal views, for reference only.

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