SQL Server obtains relevant stored procedures and other objects through conditional search.

Posted by frist44 on Tue, 22 Oct 2019 16:45:54 +0200

In SQL Server, we often meet some requirements. We need to search whether objects such as procedures and functions contain an object or involve an object. For example, I need to find out whether those stored procedures and functions call LINKED SERVER. If we search from sys.sql modules, we need to search for multiple functions. The user database needs to switch the database and execute multiple SQL statements. These are very troublesome things. In line with the principle of "modular custom script, reduce repeated workload". Write a script find ﹣ PRC ﹣ from ﹣ SRC ﹣ txt.sql, and then gradually improve it according to different needs!

--        ScriptName          :            find_prc_from_src_txt.sql
--        Author              :            Xiaoxiang Hermit    
--        CreateDate          :            2019-10-22
--        Description         :            stay SQL Server In the instance, the stored procedures, functions and views of all databases are searched by conditions to find out these objects.
--        Note                :            
        Parameters            :                                    Parameter description
            @src_text         :            The criteria you want to search for, for example, to find out which stored procedures call a linked server: @ src_text=xxxx
        Notice                :             Due to efficiency problems, sometimes it will be blocked. Wait for Lck? M? Sch? S in tempdb.
   Modified Date    Modified User     Version                 Modified Reason
    2019-10-22        Xiaoxiang hermit V01.00.00 new the script.
DECLARE @cmdText        NVARCHAR(MAX);
DECLARE @database_name  NVARCHAR(64);
DECLARE @src_text        NVARCHAR(128);
SET @src_text='xxxx' --Input query and search criteria according to the actual situation
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB.dbo.#databases') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE dbo.#databases;
CREATE TABLE #databases
    database_id     INT,
    database_name   sysname
INSERT  INTO #databases
SELECT  database_id ,
FROM    sys.databases
WHERE name NOT IN ('model') AND state = 0; --state_desc=ONLINE 
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB.dbo.#sql_modules') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #sql_modules;
If you use this writing method here, you will report the following errors, so use the following writing method.
SELECT '' AS database_name,  t.* INTO #sql_modules   
FROM sys.sql_modules t WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE 1=0;
Msg 8152, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
String or binary data will be truncated.
SELECT 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' AS database_name
    ,  t.* INTO #sql_modules   
FROM sys.sql_modules t WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE 1=0;
WHILE 1= 1
    SELECT TOP 1 @database_name= database_name   
    FROM #databases
    ORDER BY database_id;
    IF @@ROWCOUNT =0 
    SET @cmdText =  N'USE ' + QUOTENAME(@database_name) + N';' +CHAR(10)
    SELECT @cmdText += N'INSERT INTO ##sql_modules
    SELECT  *
    FROM    sys.sql_modules W
    WHERE   definition LIKE ''%@p_src_text%'';' + CHAR(10);
    EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @cmdText, N'@p_src_text NVARCHAR(128)',@p_src_text=@src_text;
    This will not take effect. This dynamic SQL execution method is deprecated here
    SELECT @cmdText += N'INSERT INTO #sql_modules
                       SELECT @p_database_name
                             , t.*
                       FROM    sys.sql_modules t WITH(NOLOCK)
                       WHERE   definition LIKE ''%' +@src_text +'%'';' + CHAR(10);
    EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @cmdText,N'@p_database_name NVARCHAR(64)',@p_database_name=@database_name;
    DELETE FROM #databases WHERE database_name=@database_name;
SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.#sql_modules;
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB.dbo.#databases') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE dbo.#databases;
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB.dbo.#sql_modules') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #sql_modules;

Topics: SQL Server SQL Database