PostgreSQL format functions - (common functions such as memory context, planner content, memory context, etc.)

Posted by ragrawal on Thu, 28 Nov 2019 21:29:04 +0100


PostgreSQL , memory context , plan , pid signal , ...


Fujii Masao  
PostgreSQL committer, DBA at NTT DATA, maybe good husband & father.  

This plug-in brings together common PG extension functions (which may be introduced into the PG community in the future), such as

1. View the memory context,

2. View the general cost of SQL binding variables,

3. plan cost status (for the algorithm, see PostgreSQL 12 Preview - plan cache mode parameter control force use of plan cache or force custom plan (force custom plan and force generic plan) Execution plan selection algorithm and binding variables - PostgreSQL prepared statement: spi_prepare, prepare|execute command, PL / PgSQL style: Custom & generic plan cache ),

4. Send signal to PID,

5. Set process priority,

6. Set nextxid and nextoid,

7. String conversion,

8. Base conversion,

9. Compress, decompress, etc.

10. Print memory.

Module adds statistic report about memory contexts in local and all backends.


setof (name text, level integer, nblocks bigint, freechunks bigint, totalspace bigint, freespace bigint) local_memory_stats()

prints memory context's statistic for current backend

setof (pid integer, name text, level integer, nblocks bigint, freechunks bigint, totalspace bigint, freespace bigint) instance_memory_stats()

prints memory context's statistic for all alive backend, works if library was preloaded via shared_preload_libraries.



prints per backend summary memory statistics

To use instance_memory_stats() it's needed to add memstat library to shared_preload_libraries. And it should be last in that list!

GUC variable:

memstat.period = 10 # seconds

Module collects memory statistics at a begining of each query and it could be expensive on highloaded instances, so, this variable set minimal time between statistic obtaining.


. ./  
git clone  
cd pg_cheat_funcs/  
USE_PGXS=1 make  
USE_PGXS=1 make install  
postgres=# create extension pg_cheat_funcs ;  

1. Print memory context

postgres=# select * from pg_stat_get_memory_context();  
           name           |       parent       | level | total_bytes | total_nblocks | free_bytes | free_chunks | used_bytes   
 TopMemoryContext         |                    |     0 |      312552 |            11 |      40520 |          21 |     272032  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |       1456 |           0 |       6736  
 TopTransactionContext    | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |       7744 |           1 |        448  
 PL/pgSQL function        | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |       16384 |             2 |       7176 |           1 |       9208  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |        560 |           0 |       7632  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |        560 |           0 |       7632  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |       24528 |             2 |       2624 |           0 |      21904  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |       2096 |           0 |       6096  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |       1584 |           0 |       6608  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |       24576 |             2 |      10760 |           3 |      13816  
 RowDescriptionContext    | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |       6896 |           0 |       1296  
 MessageContext           | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |       32768 |             3 |      10904 |           1 |      21864  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |        560 |           0 |       7632  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |       32768 |             3 |      16832 |           8 |      15936  
 TransactionAbortContext  | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |       32768 |             1 |      32512 |           0 |        256  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |        560 |           0 |       7632  
 TopPortalContext         | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |       7664 |           0 |        528  
 PortalContext            | TopPortalContext   |     2 |        1024 |             1 |        592 |           0 |        432  
 ExecutorState            | PortalContext      |     3 |       49208 |             4 |      15576 |           3 |      33632  
 printtup                 | ExecutorState      |     4 |        8192 |             1 |       7936 |           0 |        256  
 Table function arguments | ExecutorState      |     4 |        8192 |             1 |       7936 |           0 |        256  
 ExprContext              | ExecutorState      |     4 |        8192 |             1 |       4536 |           0 |       3656  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |       16384 |             2 |       3512 |           2 |      12872  
 CacheMemoryContext       | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |      524288 |             7 |      20960 |          26 |     503328  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        624 |           1 |       1424  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        624 |           1 |       1424  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        624 |           1 |       1424  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        624 |           1 |       1424  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        680 |           1 |       1368  
 EventTriggerCache        | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        8192 |             1 |       7936 |           2 |        256  
 dynahash                 | EventTriggerCache  |     3 |        8192 |             1 |       2624 |           0 |       5568  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 relation rules           | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |       16384 |             5 |       7352 |           0 |       9032  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        648 |           2 |       1400  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        704 |           3 |       1344  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         16 |           0 |       1008  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        680 |           2 |       1368  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        592 |           3 |       1456  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        680 |           2 |       1368  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        3072 |             2 |       1136 |           2 |       1936  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        760 |           2 |       1288  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        704 |           3 |       1344  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         16 |           0 |       1008  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        760 |           2 |       1288  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        3072 |             2 |       1136 |           2 |       1936  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        3072 |             2 |       1136 |           2 |       1936  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        760 |           2 |       1288  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        760 |           2 |       1288  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        704 |           3 |       1344  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        680 |           2 |       1368  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        760 |           2 |       1288  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        760 |           2 |       1288  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        728 |           1 |       1320  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        624 |           2 |       1424  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        672 |           3 |       1376  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        704 |           3 |       1344  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        760 |           2 |       1288  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        680 |           2 |       1368  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        624 |           2 |       1424  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         16 |           0 |       1008  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        760 |           2 |       1288  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        680 |           2 |       1368  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        3072 |             2 |       1136 |           2 |       1936  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        760 |           2 |       1288  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        728 |           1 |       1320  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        728 |           1 |       1320  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        680 |           2 |       1368  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        728 |           1 |       1320  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         48 |           0 |        976  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        704 |           3 |       1344  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         16 |           0 |       1008  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        760 |           2 |       1288  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        1024 |             1 |         16 |           0 |       1008  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        728 |           1 |       1320  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 index info               | CacheMemoryContext |     2 |        2048 |             2 |        952 |           1 |       1096  
 WAL record construction  | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |       49768 |             2 |       6368 |           0 |      43400  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |       2624 |           0 |       5568  
 MdSmgr                   | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |       7432 |           0 |        760  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |        560 |           0 |       7632  
 dynahash                 | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |      104120 |             2 |       2624 |           0 |     101496  
 ErrorContext             | TopMemoryContext   |     1 |        8192 |             1 |       7936 |           0 |        256  
(121 rows)  

2. Text compression

postgres=# select pglz_compress(repeat(md5(random()::text),1024));                                                                                                                                                      pglz_compress                                                                                                        
(1 row)  

3. Decompress

postgres=# select pglz_compress(repeat(md5(random()::text),8));  
(1 row)  
postgres=# select pglz_decompress('\x00010040003236666162656631003262323262636230006462656638616330003536343161383937010f20ce');  
(1 row)  

4. View the PLAN COSE of the bound variable QUERY.

postgres=# prepare a (name) as select * from pg_class where relname=$1;

postgres=# select * from pg_cached_plan_source('a');
 generic_cost | total_custom_cost | num_custom_plans | force_generic | force_custom 
           -1 |                 0 |                0 | f             | f
(1 row)

postgres=# execute a('abc');
 relname | relnamespace | reltype | reloftype | relowner | relam | relfilenode | reltablespace | relpages | reltuples | relallvisible | reltoastrelid | relhasindex | relisshared | relpersistence | relkind | relnatts | relchecks | relhaso
ids | relhasrules | relhastriggers | relhassubclass | relrowsecurity | relforcerowsecurity | relispopulated | relreplident | relispartition | relrewrite | relfrozenxid | relminmxid | relacl | reloptions | relpartbound 
(0 rows)

postgres=# select * from pg_cached_plan_source('a');
 generic_cost | total_custom_cost | num_custom_plans | force_generic | force_custom 
           -1 |  4.61208554676785 |                1 | f             | f
(1 row)

postgres=# execute a('abc');
 relname | relnamespace | reltype | reloftype | relowner | relam | relfilenode | reltablespace | relpages | reltuples | relallvisible | reltoastrelid | relhasindex | relisshared | relpersistence | relkind | relnatts | relchecks | relhaso
ids | relhasrules | relhastriggers | relhassubclass | relrowsecurity | relforcerowsecurity | relispopulated | relreplident | relispartition | relrewrite | relfrozenxid | relminmxid | relacl | reloptions | relpartbound 
(0 rows)

postgres=# select * from pg_cached_plan_source('a');
 generic_cost | total_custom_cost | num_custom_plans | force_generic | force_custom 
           -1 |  9.22417109353571 |                2 | f             | f
(1 row)

Reference resources

Topics: Database github PostgreSQL SQL git