A production environment mysql migration operation mysql space release (defragmentation)

Posted by dmarquard on Thu, 30 Jan 2020 14:49:56 +0100

A production environment mysql migration operation (I) data archiving
A production environment mysql migration operation (2) mysql space release (defragmentation)
The fixed time archive is added above. Now some large table disk space has not been released, resulting in larger and larger database files. Now we will introduce the data import and export scheme.

Scheme selection

For the time being, there are two options:
1. Shut down for several hours, use mysqldump for backup (large tables only export data of the last 10 days) and recovery, and set the shared tablespace as independent tablespace
2. mysql uses OPTIMIZE to defragment
2. Set up the master-slave cluster, record the backup time point, then import the data back to the slave database, and finally switch the slave database to the master database.

After comparison of 1, 2 and 3, scheme I is easy to operate and flexible. You can import the data of the past day first, and then import the data slowly. Scheme II needs to lock the table for a long time. However, our database version is 5.5.47 and the InnoDB file per table parameter is not set, so it is not suitable for this scheme. Scheme III is cumbersome to operate and takes a long time. After evaluation, the downtime can be To shorten to 1 hour, select option 1 finally.


Prefix steps

1. Export recent half month data from our archived database.

mkdir -p /mnt/backup/mysql/
cd /mnt/backup/mysql/

mysqldump -uroot -p1 -t --skip-add-locks --single-transaction --quick --databases xxx --tables table1 --where 'clock >1543161600 and clock <=1543939200' >table1_1126-1204.sql
mysqldump -uroot -p1 -t --skip-add-locks --single-transaction --quick --databases xxx --tables table2 --where 'clock >1543161600 and clock <=1543939200' >table2_1126-1204.sql

2. Export data from production database for last day

For example, we are going to upgrade on December 10. Here, we can go around the data of six tables in advance. This step can not stop the service and does not affect the normal operation of the database.

mkdir -p /mnt/backup/mysql/
cd /mnt/backup/mysql/

mysqldump -uroot -p1 -t --skip-add-locks --single-transaction --quick --databases xxx --tables table1 --where 'clock >1543939200 and clock <=1544371200' >table1_1205-1209.sql
mysqldump -uroot -p1 -t --skip-add-locks --single-transaction --quick --databases xxx--table2 --where 'clock >1543939200 and clock <=1544371200' >table2_1205-1209.sql

Operation steps

1. Stop related services

systemctl stop httpd
systemctl stop supervisord
systemctl stop xxx-server.service

2. Execute cleanup script

Since these large tables have been partitioned, only the partition of the current day needs to be reserved for cleaning. The previous partitions can be drop ped. Because different library cleaning scripts are different, I will not list the scripts here

3. Export remaining table data

Use mysqldump to export the data of all databases except those six big tables in the main database

mkdir -p /mnt/backup/mysql/
cd /mnt/backup/mysql/
mysqldump -R -uroot -p1 --databases db1 db2alert db3 guacamole --ignore-table=db1.table1 --ignore-table=db1.table2 > mysqldump.sql

Backup user and database information in mysql database

mysqldump -t -uroot -p1 --databases mysql> mysql_info_data.sql

4. Using mysqldump to export the cleaned data of six large tables

cd /mnt/backup/mysql/
mysqldump -uroot -p1 --databases xxx --tables table1 --where 'clock >1544371200' >table1.sql
mysqldump -uroot -p1 --databases xxx --tables table2 --where 'clock >1544371200' >table2.sql

5. Delete all databases

mysql -uroot -p1 

drop database db1;
drop database db2;
drop database db3;

Delete the log file under data / var/lib/mysql

systemctl stop mariadb

rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/ib*

#See if the space is free

6. Configure / etc/my.cnf

Modify / etc/my.cnf, where you need to set the shared tablespace as a separate tablespace.
Note: after mysql 5.6.7, InnoDB file per table = on will be enabled by default
The current version of the service is 5.5.47, so it needs to be configured in my.cnf. openstack uses 5.6.22, so it doesn't need to be set.
Add the following sentence:


systemctl start mariadb

mysql -uroot -p1
#Check whether the setting is effective. If it is on, it means it is effective
show variables like '%per_table%';

7. Batch import database

cd /mnt/backup/mysql
mysql -uroot -p1

source mysqldump.sql;

use db1
source table1.sql;
source table2.sql;

8. Validation data

mysql -uroot -p1

use db1
show table status like 'table1%';

9. Restart service and verify

systemctl start httpd
systemctl start supervisord
systemctl start xxx-server.service

It can be said that the service is running normally now. Now it is slowly importing historical data

Post step

Import historical data

cd /mnt/backup/mysql
mysql -uroot -p1

use db1
source table1_1205-1209.sql;
source table2_1205-1209.sql;

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Topics: MySQL Database mysqldump SQL