[ML] write a credit qualification evaluation system -- handwritten logistic regression model
In the era when everyone talks about big data, the position of data processing is becoming more and more important. A bank may face tens of thousands of loan applications every day. If it is audited manually, it will probably wait until next year. How to use the machine to evaluate whether an application can pass?
1. Start by hand
1.1 manual audit?
If there is only one application form, see below. Will you pass?
applicant | monthly income | Whether it works | Historical breach | Loan amount | adopt |
Wang tiehammer | 100 | no | 10 | 15000 | ? |
The answer must be No. The steps to make our judgment are:
Browse for the following:
Applicant: Wang Tiechui (EH, this is xiaoyueyue's girlfriend, but it doesn't matter)
Monthly income: 100 (it's a little small. Pick up the garbage. I can't afford to borrow it)
Historical breach of contract: 10 times (in my test, he is an old driver of breach of contract, a habitual offender)
Loan amount: 500000 yuan (he absolutely cheated the loan, refuse it)
end… Our idea is to give each item a weight, and then judge whether it can be passed or not.
1.2. Design a model
We can follow the logic of Bayes:
- If P (via | attribute) > P (reject | attribute) accepts
- If P (via | attribute) < p (reject | attribute) rejects
According to the above analysis, if each attribute has a weight w, can we
P (through ∣ attribute) =? = W1 * attribute 1+W2 * attribute 2 +... + BP (through | attribute) =? = ~ w ∣ 1 * attribute ∣ 1 + W | 2 * attribute | 2 +... + BP (through ∣ attribute) =? = W1 * attribute 1+W2 * attribute 2 +... + b the answer is no, for the following reasons:
The value of conditional probability belongs to [0,1], and the value field of the given function is a real set.
But as long as ideas don't slide, there are more ways than problems. We can use a function to map the value field of the function to (0,1). It's the sigmoid function
σ(x)=11+e−x\sigma(x)= \frac {1}{1+e^{-x}} σ(x)=1+e−x1
Then you can convert the original function to:
P (through ∣ attribute) = σ (W1 * attribute 1+W2 * attribute 2 +... + b) P (through | attribute) = \ sigma (~ w ∣ attribute 1 + W | attribute 2 +... + b) P (through ∣ attribute) = σ (W1 * attribute 1+W2 * attribute 2 +... + b)
To facilitate representation, attribute set is defined as X and weight set as W, such as
W=(0.20.1...,0.1) X = (work income... Amount)
0.2 \\
0.1 \\
... \\
... \\
W = ⎝⎜⎜⎛ 0.20.1..., 0.1 ⎠⎟⎟⎞ X = ⎝⎜⎜⎛ work income... Amount ⎟⎟⎟⎞
WT= W1∗X1+W2∗X2+...+bW^T=~W_1*X_1+W_2*X_2+...+bWT= W1∗X1+W2∗X2+...+b
So the primitive function
P (through ∣ X) = σ (WT ⋅ X+b) P (through X) = \ sigma (W ^ t \ cdot X+b) P (through ∣ X) = σ (WT ⋅ X+b)
P (reject X)=1 − σ (WT ⋅ X+b) P (reject X)=1 - \ sigma (W ^ t \ cdot X+b) P (reject X)=1 − σ (WT ⋅ X+b)
If y=0, reject y=1, pass. The original formula can be combined into:
P(y∣X)=[σ(WT⋅X+b)]y∗[1−σ(WT⋅X+b)]1−yP(y|X)=[\sigma(W^T\cdot X+b)]^y*[1-\sigma(W^T\cdot X+b)]^{1-y}P(y∣X)=[σ(WT⋅X+b)]y∗[1−σ(WT⋅X+b)]1−y
So our model is built. Eh, no, W and b haven't asked yet
1.3. How to find the parameters W and b?
The answer is - maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). Here's a brief introduction:
What is the MLE?
Suppose we have a dataset D = {(x1, y1), (x, y2) ,(xn,yn)}
And two models M1 and M2, then
If the dataset is generated by model M1 or M2?
If it is generated by M1, there must be PM1(y1 ∣ x1) > PM2 (y2 ∣ x2) \ P {M1} (Y | x 1) > P {M2} (y2 x | 2) PM1(y1 ∣ x1) > PM2 (y2 ∣ x2)
On the whole, that is:
∏i=1nPM1(yi∣xi)>∏i=1nPM2(yi∣xi)\prod_{i=1}^n P_{M1}(y_i|x_i)>\prod_{i=1}^n P_{M2}(y_i|x_i)i=1∏nPM1(yi∣xi)>i=1∏nPM2(yi∣xi)
That is to say, the W and b with the greatest probability of data set occurrence are the optimal parameters. The formula is as follows:
W_{MLE},b_{MLE}=\large {argmax_{w,b}}\prod_{i=1}^n P(y_i|x_i)WMLE,bMLE=argmaxw,bi=1∏nP(yi∣xi)
Take logarithm to get
W_{MLE},b_{MLE}=\large {argmax_{w,b}}log(\prod_{i=1}^n P(y_i|x_i))WMLE,bMLE=argmaxw,blog(i=1∏nP(yi∣xi))
From the properties of logarithm
W_{MLE},b_{MLE}=\large {argmax_{w,b}}\sum_{i=1}^n log(P(y_i|x_i))WMLE,bMLE=argmaxw,bi=1∑nlog(P(yi∣xi))
Go to minus
W_{MLE},b_{MLE}=\large {argmin_{w,b}}\sum_{i=1}^n -log(P(y_i|x_i) )WMLE,bMLE=argminw,bi=1∑n−log(P(yi∣xi))
Taking P(y|X) into our objective function of the formula above
WMLE,bMLE=argminw,b∑i=1n−log( [σ(WT⋅X+b)]y∗[1−σ(WT⋅X+b)]1−y )
W_{MLE},b_{MLE}=\large {argmin_{w,b}}\sum_{i=1}^n -log(~[\sigma(W^T\cdot X+b)]^y*[1-\sigma(W^T\cdot X+b)]^{1-y} ~)WMLE,bMLE=argminw,bi=1∑n−log( [σ(WT⋅X+b)]y∗[1−σ(WT⋅X+b)]1−y )
The middle school teacher said that if we know to find the first derivative of a function and make it zero, we can get the best value.
Roll up your sleeves, it's Ollie!
Prepare first:
σ′(x)=σ(x)[1−σ(x)]\sigma'(x)=\sigma(x)[1-\sigma(x)] σ′(x)=σ(x)[1−σ(x)]
The derivation process is as follows:
log([σ (WT ⋅ X+b)]y * [1 − σ (WT ⋅ X+b)]1 − y)
{σ (wT ⋅ x i + b) − yi} ⋅ xi
The same can be obtained
∂L(w,b)∂b=∑i=1n{σ(wT⋅xi+b)−yi} \frac{\partial L(w,b)}{\partial b} =\sum_{i=1}^n \{\sigma(w^T \cdot x_i+b )-y_i\}∂b∂L(w,b)=i=1∑n{σ(wT⋅xi+b)−yi}
Now just let the derivative be zero.
as long as
∑i=1n{σ(wT⋅xi+b)−yi}⋅xi=0 \sum_{i=1}^n \{\sigma(w^T \cdot x_i+b )-y_i\}\cdot x_i=0i=1∑n{σ(wT⋅xi+b)−yi}⋅xi=0
How about that
These are all vectors and sigma functions. What should I do?
As long as ideas do not slide, there are more ways than difficulties.
1.4. Minimum value by gradient descent method
Gradient descent method is an iterative method to find the extreme value. Here is a brief introduction.
This entry is reviewed by the compilation and application project of "popular science China" Science Encyclopedia.
The original meaning of gradient is a vector (vector), which means that the directional derivative of a function at the point gets the maximum value along the direction, that is, the function changes fastest along the direction (the direction of the gradient) at the point, and the change rate is the maximum (the modulus of the gradient).
The direction of the gradient is the direction of the fastest descent of the function. For convex functions, as long as the gradient is always found, the minimum point can be reached. As shown in the figure below.
The formula is as follows
{Wt+1=Wt−η∗∑i=1n∂L(w,b)∂wbt+1=bt−η∗∑i=1n∂L(w,b)∂b\left \{\begin{array}{cc}
W_{t+1}=W_t-\eta*\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{\partial L(w,b)}{\partial w}\\
b_{t+1}=b_t-\eta* \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{\partial L(w,b)}{\partial b}
\end{array}\right. ⎩⎨⎧Wt+1=Wt−η∗∑i=1n∂w∂L(w,b)bt+1=bt−η∗∑i=1n∂b∂L(w,b)
1.5. How to end the cycle - system assessment?
cost function
cost=−1∑i=1n{ y∗log(P(y=1∣xi))+(1−y)∗log(P(y=0∣xi )}cost = \frac {-1} { \sum _{i=1}^{n} \{~ y * log(P(y=1|x_i)) + (1 - y) * log(P(y=0|x_i~)\}}cost=∑i=1n{ y∗log(P(y=1∣xi))+(1−y)∗log(P(y=0∣xi )}−1
2. Write code now
2.1 import data
Dataset: link Extraction code: k2ug
import pandas as pd df=pd.read_csv("corpurs/train_loan_data.csv")#Modify the file directory by yourself #View data prinf(df.head(5))
The output is as follows
Loan_ID Gender Married ... Credit_History Property_Area Loan_Status 0 LP001002 Male No ... 1.0 Urban Y 1 LP001003 Male Yes ... 1.0 Rural N 2 LP001005 Male Yes ... 1.0 Urban Y 3 LP001006 Male Yes ... 1.0 Urban Y 4 LP001008 Male No ... 1.0 Urban Y [5 rows x 13 columns] [Finished in 2.0s]
2.1 data preprocessing
Check first. Is there any missing value?
outputThere are many missing values. But now it can't be filled in. Because there are many strings that can't be processed, we need to standardize them first. The table is as follows:
Loan_ID | Gender | Married | Dependents | Education | Self_Employed | ApplicantIncome | CoapplicantIncome | LoanAmount | Loan_Amount_Term | Credit_History | Property_Area | Loan_Status |
LP001002 | Male | No | 0 | Graduate | No | 5849 | 0 | 360 | 1 | Urban | Y | |
LP001003 | Male | Yes | 1 | Graduate | No | 4583 | 1508 | 128 | 360 | 1 | Rural | N |
First replace Y and N of loan status with 1,0
Remove the unrelated column loan? ID
df.drop('Loan_ID', axis=1, inplace= True) df.Loan_Status.replace({'Y': 0, 'N': 1}, inplace= True)
Then use one hot encoding, for example, the Gender column has two types: Male and Female.
We encode the column name as Gender_Male with a value of 1, and 0 for Male and Female respectively.
dummies=pd.get_dummies(df,drop_first=True) print(dummies.info())
The output is as follows:
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 ApplicantIncome 614 non-null int64 1 CoapplicantIncome 614 non-null float64 2 LoanAmount 592 non-null float64 3 Loan_Amount_Term 600 non-null float64 4 Credit_History 564 non-null float64 5 Loan_Status 614 non-null int64 6 Gender_Male 614 non-null uint8 7 Married_Yes 614 non-null uint8 8 Dependents_1 614 non-null uint8 9 Dependents_2 614 non-null uint8 10 Dependents_3+ 614 non-null uint8 11 Education_Not Graduate 614 non-null uint8 12 Self_Employed_Yes 614 non-null uint8 13 Property_Area_Semiurban 614 non-null uint8 14 Property_Area_Urban 614 non-null uint8
The following can be supplemented with missing values
#Use simpleImputer for default value supplement. from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer SimImp = SimpleImputer() train= pd.DataFrame(SimImp.fit_transform(dummies), columns=dummies.columns)
Extract the value of the result column (loan status) in the dataset into y, and delete the loan status column in the dataset.
y=np.array(df['Loan_Status']) train.drop('Loan_Status', inplace= True, axis= 1)
The current data table is as follows:
ApplicantIncome | CoapplicantIncome | LoanAmount | Loan_Amount_Term | Credit_History | Gender_Male | Married_Yes | Dependents_1 | Dependents_2 | Dependents_3+ | Education_Not Graduate | Self_Employed_Yes | Property_Area_Semiurban | Property_Area_Urban |
5849.0 | 0.0 | 146.41216216216216 | 360.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
4583.0 | 1508.0 | 128.0 | 360.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Now that all the data has been sorted out, the following features are extracted.
2.2 extract features
Use the original df data to see the impact of each attribute on the result.
The code is as follows:
obj_cols=['Gender', 'Married','Dependents','Education','Self_Employed','Property_Area'] plt.figure(figsize=(24, 18)) for idx, cols in enumerate(obj_cols): plt.subplot(3, 3, idx+1) sns.countplot(cols, data= df, hue='Loan_Status') plt.show()
Output results:It is found that each attribute has different influence on the result. You can keep it.
Let's look at the impact of successive columns on the results. In theory, continuous data discretization should be carried out to determine the step size of each data discretization. But for the sake of simplicity, the method of visual judgment is adopted here.
- ApplicantIncome
Data segmentation in median
ApplicantIncome_3850= np.where(train.ApplicantIncome <= 3850, 1, 0) sns.countplot(y=ApplicantIncome_3850, hue=train.Loan_Status) plt.show()
The result shows that there is no obvious classification effect, so skip this attribute first.
train.drop('ApplicantIncome', inplace= True, axis= 1)
- CoapplicantIncome
CoapplicantIncome_0= np.where(train.CoapplicantIncome == 0, 1, 0) sns.countplot(y=CoapplicantIncome_0, hue=train.Loan_Status) plt.show()
It can be seen from the above that no matter whether the CoapplicantIncome property is zero or not, the number of passes does not change, so this property is skipped.
train.drop('CoapplicantIncome', inplace= True, axis= 1)
- LoanAmount
LoanAmount_130= np.where(train.LoanAmount <= 130, 1, 0) sns.countplot(y=LoanAmount_130, hue=train.Loan_Status) plt.show()
train.drop('LoanAmount', inplace= True, axis= 1)
- Loan_Amount_Term
Loan_Amount_Term_360= np.where(train.Loan_Amount_Term >= 360, 1, 0) sns.countplot(y=Loan_Amount_Term_360, hue=train.Loan_Status) plt.show()
train['Loan_Amount_Term_360']=Loan_Amount_Term_360 train.drop('Loan_Status', inplace= True, axis= 1)
This is the end of feature extraction.
Credit_History | Gender_Male | Married_Yes | Dependents_1 | Dependents_2 | Dependents_3+ | Education_Not Graduate | Self_Employed_Yes | Property_Area_Semiurban | Property_Area_Urban | Loan_Amount_Term_360 |
1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
2.5 model building
Write sigmoid function
import math def sigmoid(x): try:#Prevent excessive spillage ans = math.exp(-x) except OverflowError: ans = float('inf') return 1/(1+ans)
def logistics_regression(Max_count,train,y): for t in range(Max_count): detal=0 temp_w=np.zeros(length).T for i in range(num_train): x=train[i]#Take out a column of data detal+=( sigmoid(w.dot(x)+b)-y[i]) temp_w+=detal*x #Two parameters corrected cost+=abs(detal) w=w-ita*temp_w b=b-ita*detal
Write the test function to test the
def test(w,b,test,y): right=0 for i in range(len(test)): x=test[i] res=1 if sigmoid(w.dot(x)+b)>0.5 else 0 if res==y[i]: right+=1 return right/len(test) if right != 0 else 0
The correct rate of test at the end of training is: 82.0% w=[-4077.22220218 1553.16884731 814.90560572 100.48750814 -1295.03048226 461.71877025 282.46035556 919.35256087 3025.51140312 2495.27421114 -1241.55514724] b= -231.76993931561967
This is the result of 20000 times of training. The accuracy of test set is 82%
3. Problems to be improved:
- Discretization of continuous features
- How to adjust learning rate dynamically
- In the initial state, wt ⋅ x i + B = 0W ^ T \ cdot x ⋅ I + B =When 0wt ⋅ xi + b=0, cost is infinite.
- Details of cross entropy loss function
- Why the accuracy of test set is higher than that of test set
Reference article:
Loan Prediction-by jazeel66
Understanding of learning rate and how to adjust it
Detailed explanation of cross entropy loss function by red stone
Appendix 1: data set
Dataset: link Extraction code: k2ug
Appendix 2: source code
# loan_prediction.py import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer import pandas as pd # 2.1 data import df=pd.read_csv("corpurs/train_loan_data.csv") # print(df.head(5)) # 2.2 data preprocessing print(df.info()) #Remove the unimportant loan? ID column df.drop('Loan_ID', axis=1, inplace= True) #Replace Y and N values df.Loan_Status.replace({'Y': 0, 'N': 1}, inplace= True) #Use encoding dummies=pd.get_dummies(df,drop_first=True) # print(dummies.info()) #Use simpleImputer for default value supplement. SimImp = SimpleImputer() train= pd.DataFrame(SimImp.fit_transform(dummies), columns=dummies.columns) #Take the result set y and delete the column y=np.array(df['Loan_Status']) train.drop('Loan_Status', inplace= True, axis= 1) train.to_csv('train_csv.csv') # 2.3 feature extraction train['Loan_Status']=y # obj_cols=['Gender', # 'Married', # 'Dependents', # 'Education', # 'Self_Employed', # 'Property_Area'] # plt.figure(figsize=(24, 18)) # for idx, cols in enumerate(obj_cols): # plt.subplot(3, 3, idx+1) # sns.countplot(cols, data= df, hue='Loan_Status') # ApplicantIncome|CoapplicantIncome|LoanAmount|Loan_Amount_Term| # plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) # sns.boxenplot(x='Loan_Status', y= 'ApplicantIncome', data= df) # plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) # sns.distplot(df.loc[df['ApplicantIncome'].notna(), 'ApplicantIncome']) # plt.show() Loan_Amount_Term_360= np.where(train.Loan_Amount_Term == 360, 1.0, 0) # sns.countplot(y=Loan_Amount_Term_360, hue=train.Loan_Status) # plt.show() train['Loan_Amount_Term_360']=Loan_Amount_Term_360 train.drop('Loan_Status', inplace= True, axis= 1) train=train.drop(['ApplicantIncome', 'Loan_Amount_Term','CoapplicantIncome', 'LoanAmount'],axis= 1) train.info() train.to_csv('train_csv.csv') # 2.4 start modeling import math def sigmoid(x): try: ans = math.exp(-x) except OverflowError: ans = float('inf') return 1/(1+ans) def test(w,b,test,y): right=0 for i in range(len(test)): x=test[i] res=1 if sigmoid(w.dot(x)+b)>0.5 else 0 if res==y[i]: right+=1 return right/len(test) if right != 0 else 0 def logistics_regression(Max_count,train,y): length=len(train.columns) #Initialize w, b, η w,b=np.random.rand(length).T,1 ita=0.01#Learning step η train=np.array(train.values) # Divide training set and test set test_data=train[-100:] test_y=y[-100:] train=train[:-100] y=y[:-100] train_count=[]#Record training times train_acc=[]#Record accuracy test_acc=[]#Record accuracy _cost=[] max_w=[]#Record the best w max_b=-999999#Record the best b max_acc=0#Record current contention rate num_train=len(train) cost=0 for t in range(Max_count): detal=0 temp_w=np.zeros(length).T for i in range(num_train): x=train[i]#Take out a column of data detal+=( sigmoid(w.dot(x)+b)-y[i]) temp_w+=detal*x #Two parameters corrected cost+=abs(detal) w=w-ita*temp_w b=b-ita*detal #Test the effect every 100 times # if t%2000==0: # ita/=2 if t%100==0: # a = sigmoid(w.dot(x)+b) # cost =1/(- y[i] * np.log(a) - (1 - y[i]) * np.log(1 - a)) _cost.append(cost/100) print(f"underway{t}Secondary learning....Error:{cost/100}") cost=0 right=test(w,b,train,y) right_1=test(w,b,test_data,test_y) if right_1>max_acc: max_acc=right_1 max_b=b max_w=w train_count.append(t) train_acc.append(right) test_acc.append(right_1) df=pd.DataFrame(train_acc,index =train_count) df['accqracy']=train_acc df['count']=train_count df['cost']=_cost df['test_accqracy']=test_acc plt.figure(figsize=(24, 18)) plt.subplot(1,2,1) sns.lineplot(data=[df['accqracy'],df['test_accqracy']]) plt.subplot(1,2,2) sns.lineplot(y='cost',x='count',data=df) print(f"The correct rate of test at the end of training is:{max_acc*100}%") print(max_acc,max_w,max_b) plt.show() return max_acc,max_w,max_b Max_count=20000#Number of tests logistics_regression(Max_count,train,y)