6. S32K14X learning notes S32K14X-ADC learning notes

Posted by thebusinesslad on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 19:52:26 +0100

S32K14X-ADC learning notes

S32K14x includes two 12 bit ADC modules: ADC0 and ADC1; The S32K11x only contains a 12 bit ADC module: ADC0.

1. Number of ADC channels

Each ADC supports up to 32 external analog input channels, but the exact ADC channel number appearing on the device is different from the software package shown in the table below.

Adcx of chip_ The sc1n [adch] bit configuration conforms to the maximum channel configuration of the chip:

2. ADC hardware interleaving channel

The hardware interleaving on the device is realized as follows:

①,ADC0_4 and ADC1_14 channels staggered on PTB0;

②,ADC0_5 and ADC1_15 channels staggered on PTB1;

③,ADC0_8 and ADC1_8 channels staggered on PTB13;

④,ADC0_9 and ADC1_9 channels staggered on PTB14;

3. ADC trigger source

4. ADC characteristics

1. Linear continuous approximation algorithm, up to 12 bit resolution;

2. Up to 32 single ended external analog inputs;

3. Single ended 12 bit, 10 bit and 8-bit output modes;

4. Single ended output is output in right aligned format;

5. Single or continuous conversion mode;

6. Automatically restore to idle state after a single conversion;

7. Configurable sampling time and conversion speed / power;

8. Flag and interrupt of conversion completion / hardware average completion;

9. The input clock can be selected from up to four sources;

10. Operate in low power mode to achieve low noise;

11. Hardware selection and switchable channel of trigger;

12. Automatically compare programmable values less than, greater than or equal to, within or out of range with interrupts;

13. Hardware averaging;

14. Optional voltage reference: external or standby;

15. Self calibration mode.

5. ADC memory mapping and register

5.1 memory mapping

ADC0 base address: 4003_B000h

ADC1 base address: 4002_7000h

5.2 important registers

ADC status control register - SC1~SC3

Operation mode for software and hardware triggering.

ADC configuration register - CFG1

Configuration register 1 (CFG1) is used to select operation mode, clock source and clock division.

ADC configuration register-CFG2

6. ADC configuration process

adc.c Documents

#include "adc.h"

  *Function: ADC_Init
  *Function: ADC module initialization
					nadc:  ADC Module ADC0, ADC1
					nbit:  adc resolving power 
  *Return value: None
  *Remarks: None
void ADC_Init(ADC_Type *base, ADC_nbit nbit)
	//Initialize ADC clock
	if(base == ADC0)
        PCC->PCCn[PCC_ADC0_INDEX] &=~ PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK;  /* Disable clock to change PCS */
        PCC->PCCn[PCC_ADC0_INDEX] |= PCC_PCCn_PCS(1);     /* PCS=1: Select SOSCDIV2      */
        PCC->PCCn[PCC_ADC0_INDEX] |= PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK;   /* Enable bus clock in ADC     */
        PCC->PCCn[PCC_ADC1_INDEX] &=~ PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK;  /* Disable clock to change PCS */
        PCC->PCCn[PCC_ADC1_INDEX] |= PCC_PCCn_PCS(1);     /* PCS=1: Select SOSCDIV2      */
        PCC->PCCn[PCC_ADC1_INDEX] |= PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK;   /* Enable bus clock in ADC     */

	  base->SC1[0] =  ADC_SC1_ADCH(1) /* ADCH=1F: Module is disabled for conversions     */
                 |  ADC_SC1_AIEN(0);/* AIEN=0: Interrupts are disabled */
    base->CFG1 = ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(0) /* Only ALTCLK1 is available       */
               | ADC_CFG1_ADIV(0)   /* ADIV=0: Prescaler=1             */
               | ADC_CFG1_MODE(nbit);/* 0b00: 8-bit, 0b01: 12-bit, 0b10: 10-bit       */
    base->CFG2 = 0x00000000C;        /* SMPLTS=12(default): sample time is 13 ADC clks */
    base->SC2 = 0x00000000;          /* ADTRG=0: SW trigger                            */
                                     /* ACFE,ACFGT,ACREN=0: Compare func disabled      */
                                     /* DMAEN=0: DMA disabled                          */
                                     /* REFSEL=0: Voltage reference pins= VREFH, VREEFL*/
    base->SC3 = 0x00000000;          /* CAL=0: Do not start calibration sequence  */
                                     /* ADCO=0: One conversion performed          */
                                     /* AVGE,AVGS=0: HW average function disabled */


  *Function: ADC_Read
  *Function: ADC acquisition once
						base:  ADC Module ADC0, ADC1
						chn :  adc passageway
  *Return value: ADC value (uint16#u T type)
  *Remarks: None
uint16_t ADC_Read(ADC_Type *base, ADC_CH chn)
    uint16_t adc_result=0;

    base->SC1[0]&=~ADC_SC1_ADCH_MASK;	      /* Clear prior ADCH bits  */
    base->SC1[0] = ADC_SC1_ADCH(chn);         /* Initiate Conversion    */
    while(!((base->SC1[0] & ADC_SC1_COCO_MASK)>>ADC_SC1_COCO_SHIFT)); /* Wait for completion */
    adc_result = base->R[0];                  /* For SW trigger mode, R[0] is used */
  return  (uint16_t)(adc_result);             /* Convert result to mv for 0-5V range */


*Function: ADC_Ave
*Power: ADC average filtering
				nadc:  ADC Module ADC0, ADC1
				chn :  adc passageway
				N   :  Average filtering times
*Return value: ADC filter value
*Remarks: None
uint16_t ADC_Ave(ADC_Type *base, ADC_CH chn,uint16_t N)
    uint32_t tmp = 0;
    uint8_t  i;
    for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
        tmp += ADC_Read(base, chn); 
    tmp = tmp / N; 
    return (uint16_t)tmp;

adc.h file

#ifndef __ADC_H__
#define __ADC_H__

#include "S32K142.h" /* include peripheral declarations S32K144 */

typedef enum

//Precision digit
typedef enum ADC_nbit
  ADC_8bit   = 0x00,
  ADC_10bit  = 0x02,
  ADC_12bit  = 0x01,
} ADC_nbit;

  *Function: ADC_Init
  *Function: ADC module initialization
					nadc:  ADC Module ADC0, ADC1
					nbit:  adc resolving power 
  *Return value: None
  *Remarks: None
void ADC_Init(ADC_Type *base, ADC_nbit nbit);

  *Function: ADC_Read
  *Function: ADC acquisition once
						base:  ADC Module ADC0, ADC1
						chn :  adc passageway
  *Return value: ADC value (uint16#u T type)
  *Remarks: None
uint16_t ADC_Read(ADC_Type *base, ADC_CH chn);

*Function: ADC_Ave
*Power: ADC average filtering
				nadc:  ADC Module ADC0, ADC1
				chn :  adc passageway
				N   :  Average filtering times
*Return value: ADC filter value
*Remarks: None
uint16_t ADC_Ave(ADC_Type *base, ADC_CH chn,uint16_t N); 


main.c Documents

#include "include.h"

void delayms(int ms)
    volatile uint32_t i = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
			__asm("NOP"); /* delay */

int main(void)

    SOSC_init_8MHz();	   /* Initialize system oscilator for 8 MHz xtal */
    SPLL_init_160MHz();	   /* Initialize SPLL to 160 MHz with 8 MHz SOSC */
    NormalRUNmode_80MHz(); /* Init clocks: 80 MHz sysclk & core, 40 MHz bus, 20 MHz flash */
		char txt[32];
    	uint16_t ADC_temp[8];
		ADC_Init(ADC1, ADC_12bit);                      //Initialize ADC1
		uartInit(UART0, 115200);
		ADC_temp[3] = ADC_Ave(ADC1, ADC_SE4 , 10); //PTC6
		printf("ptc6 : %5d \n", ADC_temp[3]);
	  ADC_temp[2] = ADC_Ave(ADC1, ADC_SE5 , 10); //PTC7
		printf("ptc7 : %5d \n", ADC_temp[2]);
      return 0;

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Topics: C Single-Chip Microcomputer