Java basic syntax

Posted by chinto09 on Tue, 02 Nov 2021 20:07:27 +0100

Comments, identifiers, keywords


  • We usually write code. When the amount of code is relatively small, we can still understand what we write, but once the project structure becomes complex, we need to use comments.

  • Comments are not executed, they are for our code writers to see.

  • Writing notes is a very good habit. You must pay attention to standardization when writing code.

  • There are three types of annotations in Java:

    • Single line annotation: single line text can be annotated, and the structure is: "/ / + content"

      //Output a Hello world!
      System.out.println("Hello World!");
    • Multiline annotation: you can annotate a paragraph of text with the structure of: "/ * * /"

      /* multiline comment 
      * 123
      * 123
      * 123
      * 123 */
    • Document comment: Java Doc, structure: "/ * * /"

       * @Description HelloWorld
       * @Author Gao Xu, Hunan University
       * */


  • keyword

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  • All components of Java require names, class names, variable names, and method names to be called identifiers.
public String setTeacher(String TeacherName){
    String teacherName = TeacherName;
    return teacherName;
/* Variable name -- > teachername
   Method name -- > setteacher*/
  • Identifier considerations

    • All identifiers should start with letters (a-z or a-z), dollar sign "$", and underscore ""
    • The first character can be followed by any combination of letters (a-z or a-z), dollar sign "$", underscore "" or numbers
    • Keywords cannot be used as variable or method names
    • Identifiers are case sensitive
    String Man = "Gx";
    String man = "Gx";
    //These two variables are completely different because Java identifiers are case sensitive
    • Examples of legal identifiers: age, $salary_ value,__ 1_value
    • Examples of illegal identifiers: 123abc, - salary, #abc
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String teacher = "Gx"
    • It can be named in Chinese, but it is generally not recommended to use it in this way, nor is it recommended to use pinyin. It's very Low!

data type

  • Strongly typed language

    • It is required that the use of variables should strictly comply with the regulations, and all variables must be defined before they can be used. example: Java,c++
  • Weakly typed language

  • Java data types fall into two categories

    • primitive type

      • Integer type: byte takes up 1 byte, range: - 128 ~ 127

        short takes up 2 bytes, range: - 32768 ~ 32767

        int takes 4 bytes, range: - 2147483648 ~ 2147483647

        long takes up 8 bytes, range: - 9223372036854775808 ~ 9223372036854775807

        //Integer type
        byte num1 = 10;
        short num2 = 30;
        int num3 = 500;		//Most commonly used
        long num4 = 30L;	//The long type needs an L after the number
        //Floating Point Types 
        float num5 = 50.1F;	//For float type, add an F after the number, otherwise an error will be reported, so you can change it to double type
        double num6 = 3.1415926;
        //Character type
        char name = 'A';
        //String, string is not a keyword, it is a class
        String name1 = "gaox";
        //boolean, boolean
        boolean flag = true;
        boolean flag = false;
      • Floating point type: single precision float takes up 4 bytes and double precision double takes up 8 bytes

      • Character type char: 2 bytes

      • Boolean type: 1 bit, with only true and false values

    • Supplementary: what is byte?

      • Bit: it is the smallest unit of data storage in the computer. 11001100 is an eight bit binary number
      • byte: it is the basic unit of data processing in the computer. It is customarily expressed in uppercase B
      • 1B (byte) = 8bit (bit)
      • Characters: letters, numbers, words, and symbols used in computers
      // 1 bit means 1 bit
      // 1byte represents a byte 
      1B = 8bit
      1024B = 1KB
      1024KB = 1M
      1024M = 1G
      1024GB = 1TB

      Thinking: what is the difference between 32-bit and 64 bit computers?

      A: a 32-bit operating system can only use a 32-bit CPU, while a 64 bit operating system can use either a 64 bit CPU or a 32-bit CPU; Their addressing capabilities are also different. 32-bit computers have 4GB of memory and 64 bit computers have 128GB + memory

    • reference type
      • class
      • Interface
      • array

Type conversion

  • Because Java is a strongly typed language, type conversion is required for some operations.

    Low high

    byte, short, char —> int —> long —> float —> double

  • In the operation, different types of data are first transformed into the same type, and then the operation is carried out.

  • Forced type conversion: the format is: (type) variable name; Application: from high to low

    int i = 34;
    byte b = (byte)i;	//Cast type
  • Automatic type conversion: automatic conversion; Usage: from low to high

    int i = 34;
    double b = i;	//Automatic conversion
  • Attention

    • Boolean values cannot be converted

    • Cannot convert an object type to an unrelated type

    • When converting high capacity to low capacity, force conversion is used

    • There may be memory overflow or accuracy problems during conversion

      int money = 1000000000;
      int years = 20;
      int total = money * years; 	//The result is - 1474836480, which overflows during calculation
      long total1 = money * years;	//The result is - 1474836480. Both money and years are int, so an error occurred before the conversion
      //Correct conversion mode
      long total2 = money * ((long)years);	//The result is 2000000000

Variable, constant


  • Variables are variables that can be changed, opening up a space in memory

  • Java is a strongly typed language, and every variable must be named for its type

  • Java variable is the most basic storage unit in a program. Its elements include variable name, variable type and scope

    type varname [= value];
    //Format: data type variable name = value;
  • matters needing attention:

    • Each variable has a type, which can be either a basic type (int, double...) or a reference type (String,...)
    • Variable name must be a legal identifier
    • Variable names are a complete statement, so each name must end with a semicolon
pubilc class Demo1 {
	//Class variable 	 static keyword
	static double salary = 2500.00;
	//Instance variable: subordinate to the object. If initialized, its corresponding default value will be returned
	//int defaults to 0; The default value of double is 0.00
	//Boolean defaults to false
	//The default values are NULL except for the basic type
	String name;
	int age;

	public static void main(String[] args){
		//Local variables; Must be named and initialized
        int i = 10;
        //Create an object of class
        Demo1 demo = new Demo1();
        demo.age = 10; = "Gx"; 

Supplement: variable naming convention

  • For all variables, method names, class names and requirements, see the meaning of names
  • Class member variables: initial lowercase and hump principle: monthSalary
  • Local variables: initial lowercase and hump principle
  • Constants: uppercase letters and underscores: MAX_VALUE
  • Class name: initial capitalization and hump principle: Man, GoodMan
  • Method name: initial lowercase and hump principle: run(), runRun()


  • Constant: a value that cannot be changed after initialization!!

  • The so-called constant can be understood as a special variable. After its value is set, it is not allowed to be changed during program operation.

  • Constant names generally use uppercase characters

    //Format is 	 final data type constant name = value;
    final double PI = 3.14;


The Java language supports the following operators:

  • Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /,%, + +, –
  • Assignment operator:=
  • Relational operators: >, <, > =, < =, = == Instanceof (for object-oriented)
  • Logical operators: & &, |, |,!
  • Bitwise operators: &, |, ^, ~, > >, <, > > (understand!!! >)
  • Conditional operators:?,: (understand!!! >)
  • Extended assignment operators: + =, - =, * =, / = (understand!!! >)
b = a++;	//After a + + executes this line of code, assign a value to b first, and then increase it by itself
b = ++a;	//++A increases itself before executing this line of code, and then assigns a value to b

//Many operations can be operated by some tool classes
Math class
a && b;		//Both are true, and the result is true
a || b;		//If one of the two is true, the result is true

	Bitwise Operators 
a = 0011 1100
b = 0000 1101 */
a & b = 0000 1100	//In the same bit comparison, both are 1, and the result is 1
a | b = 0011 1101	//In the same bit comparison, one bit is 1 and the result is 1
a ^ b = 0011 0001	//For the same bit comparison, the same is 0 and the difference is 1 (XOR)
~b = 1111 0010		//Just reverse it
2 << 3 = 16;		//Shift left is equivalent to * 2
8 >> 2 = 2;			//Shift right equivalent to / 2
//String connector+ 
int a = 10;
int b = 10;
System.out.println("" + a + b);	//Output 1020, preceded by "" and added as a string
System.out.println(a + b + "");	//Output 20, with "" in the rear, add directly according to int

//Ternary operator 
// x ? y : z
int score = 50;
String type = score < 60 ? "fail," : "pass";
System.out.println(type);	//Failed output

Package mechanism, Java Doc

Package mechanism

  • In order to better organize classes, Java provides a package mechanism to distinguish the namespace of class names.

  • The syntax format of the package statement is:

    package pkg1[. pkg2[. pkg3......]];
  • Generally, the company domain name is inverted as the package name;

Java Doc

  • The Java doc command is used to generate its own API documents

  • parameter information

    • @Author author name
    • @Version version number
    • @since you need the earliest jdk version
    • @param parameter name
    • @Return return value
    • @throws exception thrown

Topics: Java Back-end