Comments, identifiers, keywords
We usually write code. When the amount of code is relatively small, we can still understand what we write, but once the project structure becomes complex, we need to use comments.
Comments are not executed, they are for our code writers to see.
Writing notes is a very good habit. You must pay attention to standardization when writing code.
There are three types of annotations in Java:
Single line annotation: single line text can be annotated, and the structure is: "/ / + content"
//Output a Hello world! System.out.println("Hello World!");
Multiline annotation: you can annotate a paragraph of text with the structure of: "/ * * /"
/* multiline comment * 123 * 123 * 123 * 123 */
Document comment: Java Doc, structure: "/ * * /"
/** * @Description HelloWorld * @Author Gao Xu, Hunan University * */
- keyword
[the external chain image transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (IMG vepzfcic-163586433915) (C: \ users \ Huawei \ appdata \ roaming \ typora \ user images \ image-20211023134015164. PNG)]
- All components of Java require names, class names, variable names, and method names to be called identifiers.
public String setTeacher(String TeacherName){ String teacherName = TeacherName; return teacherName; } /* Variable name -- > teachername Method name -- > setteacher*/
Identifier considerations
- All identifiers should start with letters (a-z or a-z), dollar sign "$", and underscore ""
- The first character can be followed by any combination of letters (a-z or a-z), dollar sign "$", underscore "" or numbers
- Keywords cannot be used as variable or method names
- Identifiers are case sensitive
String Man = "Gx"; String man = "Gx"; //These two variables are completely different because Java identifiers are case sensitive
- Examples of legal identifiers: age, $salary_ value,__ 1_value
- Examples of illegal identifiers: 123abc, - salary, #abc
public static void main(String[] args) { String teacher = "Gx" System.out.println(teacher); }
- It can be named in Chinese, but it is generally not recommended to use it in this way, nor is it recommended to use pinyin. It's very Low!
data type
Strongly typed language
- It is required that the use of variables should strictly comply with the regulations, and all variables must be defined before they can be used. example: Java,c++
Weakly typed language
Java data types fall into two categories
primitive type
Integer type: byte takes up 1 byte, range: - 128 ~ 127
short takes up 2 bytes, range: - 32768 ~ 32767
int takes 4 bytes, range: - 2147483648 ~ 2147483647
long takes up 8 bytes, range: - 9223372036854775808 ~ 9223372036854775807
//Integer type byte num1 = 10; short num2 = 30; int num3 = 500; //Most commonly used long num4 = 30L; //The long type needs an L after the number //Floating Point Types float num5 = 50.1F; //For float type, add an F after the number, otherwise an error will be reported, so you can change it to double type double num6 = 3.1415926; //Character type char name = 'A'; //String, string is not a keyword, it is a class String name1 = "gaox"; //boolean, boolean boolean flag = true; boolean flag = false;
Floating point type: single precision float takes up 4 bytes and double precision double takes up 8 bytes
Character type char: 2 bytes
Boolean type: 1 bit, with only true and false values
Supplementary: what is byte?
- Bit: it is the smallest unit of data storage in the computer. 11001100 is an eight bit binary number
- byte: it is the basic unit of data processing in the computer. It is customarily expressed in uppercase B
- 1B (byte) = 8bit (bit)
- Characters: letters, numbers, words, and symbols used in computers
// 1 bit means 1 bit // 1byte represents a byte 1B = 8bit 1024B = 1KB 1024KB = 1M 1024M = 1G 1024GB = 1TB
Thinking: what is the difference between 32-bit and 64 bit computers?
A: a 32-bit operating system can only use a 32-bit CPU, while a 64 bit operating system can use either a 64 bit CPU or a 32-bit CPU; Their addressing capabilities are also different. 32-bit computers have 4GB of memory and 64 bit computers have 128GB + memory
- reference type
- class
- Interface
- array
Type conversion
Because Java is a strongly typed language, type conversion is required for some operations.
Low high
byte, short, char —> int —> long —> float —> double
In the operation, different types of data are first transformed into the same type, and then the operation is carried out.
Forced type conversion: the format is: (type) variable name; Application: from high to low
int i = 34; byte b = (byte)i; //Cast type
Automatic type conversion: automatic conversion; Usage: from low to high
int i = 34; double b = i; //Automatic conversion
Boolean values cannot be converted
Cannot convert an object type to an unrelated type
When converting high capacity to low capacity, force conversion is used
There may be memory overflow or accuracy problems during conversion
int money = 1000000000; int years = 20; int total = money * years; //The result is - 1474836480, which overflows during calculation long total1 = money * years; //The result is - 1474836480. Both money and years are int, so an error occurred before the conversion //Correct conversion mode long total2 = money * ((long)years); //The result is 2000000000
Variable, constant
Variables are variables that can be changed, opening up a space in memory
Java is a strongly typed language, and every variable must be named for its type
Java variable is the most basic storage unit in a program. Its elements include variable name, variable type and scope
type varname [= value]; //Format: data type variable name = value;
matters needing attention:
- Each variable has a type, which can be either a basic type (int, double...) or a reference type (String,...)
- Variable name must be a legal identifier
- Variable names are a complete statement, so each name must end with a semicolon
pubilc class Demo1 { //Class variable static keyword static double salary = 2500.00; //Instance variable: subordinate to the object. If initialized, its corresponding default value will be returned //int defaults to 0; The default value of double is 0.00 //Boolean defaults to false //The default values are NULL except for the basic type String name; int age; public static void main(String[] args){ //Local variables; Must be named and initialized int i = 10; //Create an object of class Demo1 demo = new Demo1(); demo.age = 10; = "Gx"; } }
Supplement: variable naming convention
- For all variables, method names, class names and requirements, see the meaning of names
- Class member variables: initial lowercase and hump principle: monthSalary
- Local variables: initial lowercase and hump principle
- Constants: uppercase letters and underscores: MAX_VALUE
- Class name: initial capitalization and hump principle: Man, GoodMan
- Method name: initial lowercase and hump principle: run(), runRun()
Constant: a value that cannot be changed after initialization!!
The so-called constant can be understood as a special variable. After its value is set, it is not allowed to be changed during program operation.
Constant names generally use uppercase characters
//Format is final data type constant name = value; final double PI = 3.14;
The Java language supports the following operators:
- Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /,%, + +, –
- Assignment operator:=
- Relational operators: >, <, > =, < =, = == Instanceof (for object-oriented)
- Logical operators: & &, |, |,!
- Bitwise operators: &, |, ^, ~, > >, <, > > (understand!!! >)
- Conditional operators:?,: (understand!!! >)
- Extended assignment operators: + =, - =, * =, / = (understand!!! >)
b = a++; //After a + + executes this line of code, assign a value to b first, and then increase it by itself b = ++a; //++A increases itself before executing this line of code, and then assigns a value to b //Many operations can be operated by some tool classes Math class a && b; //Both are true, and the result is true a || b; //If one of the two is true, the result is true /** Bitwise Operators a = 0011 1100 b = 0000 1101 */ a & b = 0000 1100 //In the same bit comparison, both are 1, and the result is 1 a | b = 0011 1101 //In the same bit comparison, one bit is 1 and the result is 1 a ^ b = 0011 0001 //For the same bit comparison, the same is 0 and the difference is 1 (XOR) ~b = 1111 0010 //Just reverse it 2 << 3 = 16; //Shift left is equivalent to * 2 8 >> 2 = 2; //Shift right equivalent to / 2 //String connector+ int a = 10; int b = 10; System.out.println("" + a + b); //Output 1020, preceded by "" and added as a string System.out.println(a + b + ""); //Output 20, with "" in the rear, add directly according to int //Ternary operator // x ? y : z int score = 50; String type = score < 60 ? "fail," : "pass"; System.out.println(type); //Failed output
Package mechanism, Java Doc
Package mechanism
In order to better organize classes, Java provides a package mechanism to distinguish the namespace of class names.
The syntax format of the package statement is:
package pkg1[. pkg2[. pkg3......]];
Generally, the company domain name is inverted as the package name;
Java Doc
The Java doc command is used to generate its own API documents
parameter information
- @Author author name
- @Version version number
- @since you need the earliest jdk version
- @param parameter name
- @Return return value
- @throws exception thrown