1. Overview
This paper mainly introduces how to operate WINCC online data table control through VBS.
- Development environment: PCS7 V8.2 SP1 / WINCC 7.4 SP1
- Use restrictions:
1) The time interval is up to 1 minute
2) The time range is too long, and the data loading may be slow
3) The export file excel is not set to the top. After export, switch to the EXCEL program.
- Extensibility: it can extend the functions of selecting parameters, saving export files, generating PDF, etc.
In this example, the parameters are configured in the control in advance, and the selection is realized through the check box during operation. Parameter addition can also be implemented entirely using scripts.
- See additional information > adding parameters through script for details
2. Operation effect
Figure 1 query data according to selection
Figure 2 successfully exported data
Figure 3 viewing the exported data file in EXCEL
Figure 4 viewing the exported data file in EXCEL (select some columns)
3. Project configuration
Picture component description
Fig. 5 description of test screen components
3.1.1 add time control
Add WINCC Activex control Date and time picker, as shown below:
Figure 6 adding time control
3.1.2 setting export template
The excel file template path set in this example is: "\ \" + ServerName +"\Export\Export.xlsx". Other export paths and templates can be adopted according to the project situation. If you change the template or path, you must modify the path within the export script.
Font, data format, displayed decimal places and column width are mainly set in the template. Header, footer and LOGO can also be added to achieve better display effect.
Screen open
In the screen opening event, set the following script to initialize the controls in the screen:
Sub OnOpen() Dim ioTimeFactor,tbl1,dtpStart,dtpEnd Set tbl1=ScreenItems("tbl1") Set ioTimeFactor = ScreenItems("ioTimeFactor") Set dtpStart = ScreenItems("dtpStart") Set dtpEnd = ScreenItems("dtpEnd") 'The actually set coefficient is displayed on the set value ioTimeFactor. OutputValue = tbl1.TimeStepFactor 'Set time factor setting IO Field type is input ioTimeFactor.BoxType =1 'Set table to start-End time range tbl1.TimeColumnRangeType=1 'Format time control display dtpStart.Format=3 dtpStart.CustomFormat= "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss" dtpEnd.Format=3 dtpEnd.CustomFormat= "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss" 'Set the default time range to the current day dtpStart.Value=FormatDateTime(Year(Now) & "/" & Month(Now) & "/" & Day (Now),1)'0:00 of the day dtpEnd.Value=Now'current time End Sub
Figure 7 screen opening event script
Select numerical parameter version design
Figure 8 add parameter selection check box
Set the check box to add a script under the check box change event:
Sub Process_OnPropertyChanged(Byval Item, Byval value) Dim i,j,tbl1 Set tbl1 = ScreenItems("tbl1") For i = 0 To item.BoxCount-1 tbl1.ValueColumnIndex= i 'Judge whether the filter box is selected. If yes, set the curve to be visible If (value And 2^i) > 0 Then tbl1.ValueColumnVisible = 1 Else tbl1.ValueColumnVisible = 0 End If Next End Sub
Figure 9 data parameter display and hiding setting script
Figure 10 correspondence between script and control properties
Set time factor
Properties: TimeStepFactor
Figure 11 modify interval script
Sub InputValue_OnPropertyChanged(ByVal Item, ByVal value) Dim tbl1 Set tbl1 = screenitems("tbl1") tbl1.TimeStepFactor=value End Sub
Figure 12 modification time factor
Set time range
Figure 13 adding time control
In the left key release event of query button:
Sub OnLButtonUp(Byval Item, Byval Flags, Byval x, Byval y) Dim tbl1,dtpStart,dtpEnd Set tbl1 = ScreenItems("tbl1") Set dtpStart = ScreenItems("dtpStart") Set dtpEnd = ScreenItems("dtpEnd") 'Set the time range of the table tbl1.TimeColumnIndex=0 If dtpStart.Value < dtpEnd.Value Then tbl1.TimeColumnBeginTime=dtpStart.Value tbl1.TimeColumnEndTime =dtpEnd.Value Else Msgbox "The start time is less than the end time, please set it correctly!",vbOKonly+vbExclamation End If End Sub
Figure 14 time range query button events
Figure 15 modification start time range
In the Export button release left button event:
Sub OnLButtonUp(Byval Item, Byval Flags, Byval x, Byval y) Dim objExcelApp,objExcelSheet,sheetname,ServerName,DataFirstRow,TagValue TagValue=1 DataFirstRow=1 sheetname="sheet1" ServerName = HMIRuntime.Tags("@ServerName").Read 'Get data in the table Dim tbl1,col,RowCount,row Dim Value() Dim i,j,k Set tbl1 = ScreenItems("tbl1") Set row = tbl1.GetRowCollection'that 's ok RowCount=row.count Redim Value(RowCount+1,tbl1.ValueColumnCount+2)'Redefine the numeric array to store time and numeric values. Line: Note Record, column: parameter Set col = tbl1.GetValueColumnCollection'Numeric column 'Serial number Value(0,0)="Serial number" For j = 1 To RowCount Value(j,0)=j Next 'Time column name tbl1.TimeColumnIndex=0 Value(0,1)=tbl1.TimeColumnName k=1 For i = 1 To tbl1.ValueColumnCount + 1 'Number of writes when the column is visible,Or jump out tbl1.ValueColumnIndex= i-2 If tbl1.ValueColumnVisible Or (i = 1) Then 'Time column, or value column display 'Numeric column name If i > 1 Then tbl1.ValueColumnIndex= i-2 Value(0,k)=tbl1.ValueColumnName End If For j = 1 To RowCount Value(j,k)=tbl1.GetRow(j).celltext(i)'be careful: celltext()Point to the data column (regardless of whether it is hidden), When celltext()When pointing to a hidden column, the data is empty. cell Next k=k+1 End If Next 'open Excel Template Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcelApp.Visible = True Set objExcelSheet = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open("\\"+ServerName +"\Export\Export.xlsx") 'Template file storage location objExcelSheet.Activate 'Write data to EXCEL With objExcelApp.Worksheets(sheetname) .Range(.Cells(1,1),.Cells(RowCount+1,tbl1.ValueColumnCount+2))= Value .Cells(RowCount+2,1)="Exporter:" .Cells(RowCount+2,2)=HMIRuntime.Tags("@CurrentUserName").Read .Cells(RowCount+3,1)="Export location:" .Cells(RowCount+3,2)=HMIRuntime.Tags("@LocalMachineName").Read .Cells(RowCount+4,1)="Export time:" .Cells(RowCount+4,2)=Now .Cells(RowCount+5,1)="database:" .Cells(RowCount+5,2)=HMIRuntime.Tags("@DatasourceNameRT").Read .Cells(RowCount+6,1)="Software version:" .Cells(RowCount+6,2)=HMIRuntime.Tags("@ServerVersion").Read End With 'Msgbox "Export succeeded, please click EXCEL View data in",vbOKonly+vbInformation 'Generate a new file,close Excel Dim path1,path2,fso,filename Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") filename= CStr(Year(Now)) & CStr(Month(Now)) & CStr(Day(Now))& CStr(Hour(Now))& CStr(Minute(Now))& CStr(Second(Now)) path1= "C:\Users\wq_07\Documents\Export\"&filename&".xlsx" If fso.FileExists(path1) Then 'Delete duplicate files fso.DeleteFile(path1) End If 'objExcelSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat 0,path1 '0-xlTypePDF ,1-xlTypeXPS,Save discovery directly PDF The software cannot open the file, so export is used instead PDF 'CreateReport_RH=path1 objExcelApp.Worksheets(sheetname).SaveAs path1 objExcelSheet.close False'close EXCEL,Do not save objExcelApp.Quit 'Open the folder where the exported file is located Dim objShell,strFolder strFolder=fso.GetParentFolderName(path1) Set objShell=CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") objshell.Run strFolder End Sub
Figure 16 export button script
Figure 17 automatically open folder after export
4. Additional information
Add parameters through script
Sub OnLButtonUp(ByVal Item, ByVal Flags, ByVal x, ByVal y) Dim tbl1,col Set tbl1 = ScreenItems("tbl1") 'New parameter Set col = tbl1.GetValueColumnCollection.AddItem("R1-Script") 'Parameter column name col.Caption = "R1-Script" 'Archive variable col.Provider = 1 'Archive variable name col.TagName = "TBL\R1" 'time axis col.TimeColumn = "time" End Sub
Figure 18 new parameter script
Figure 19 operation effect of new parameters
Wang Qi