Planning and operation theory 01 -- installation steps of openeuler operating system and graphical interface (the most detailed in the whole network)

Posted by xlordt on Thu, 04 Nov 2021 06:27:11 +0100

Installation steps of openEuler operating system and graphical interface

1, Write in front

To tell you the truth, I haven't even heard of OpenEuler before. Here's the installation process through mountains and mountains and twists and turns. I thought it should be easy to install virtual machines like Ubuntu, but it turned out to be different..
Software download link:

Version 20.09

2, openEuler operating system installation

First, download the image. At first, I used version 21.09 and tossed all night. No matter what mode I used, the virtual machine couldn't even surf the Internet. Later, I changed to version 20.03 LTS. Finally, it succeeded. The screenshot is as follows:

1. Check the network connection

The following command is used to detect whether the virtual machine can be connected to the network:


If the following figure appears, it means success. If Name or service not known appears, it means connection failure

2. Add software source

The default OpenEuler does not have software source and needs to be configured by itself. Terminal input:

sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/openEuler_x86_64.repo

Enter the file editing mode, edit the software source file, and add the following at the end:
Legacy configuration:


Mirror source configuration:


3. Check whether the software source is configured successfully

Terminal input:

yum makecache

If Metadata cache created is displayed, it is successful

3, openEuler graphical interface installation (GNOME)

Although it can not be installed, openEuler itself can't see the cursor and is difficult to copy, which makes me feel very inefficient. I think it's better to install the graphical interface for novices like me. Therefore, after checking, the mainstream graphical interfaces mainly include GNOME, UKUI, DDE
Then I found that UKUI and DDE are not supported in version 20.03 LTS, so I can only try GNOME first. The process is as follows. If it is version 20.09 or above, you can directly see the UKUI installation process, which will be simpler

1.GNOME installation

yum install gnome-shell gdm gnome-session gnome-terminal -y

2. Set gdm to start automatically

sudo systemctl enable gdm.service	 //Set gdm auto start
sudo systemctl set-default	//Change the startup level to graphical

So far, the gnome desktop environment has been installed normally. However, if you restart at this time, you will encounter the problem that gdm cannot log in.

3. Complete the missing documents

The terminal successively inputs:

cd /tmp
mv Xsession /etc/gdm/
chmod 0777 /etc/gdm/Xsession

4. Install Chinese font

Without this step, opening is likely to be garbled..

sudo dnf install wqy-zenhei-fonts.noarch //Install Chinese Fonts

5. Install the terminal

dnf install gnome-terminal

Otherwise, the OpenEuler GUI may not find the terminal..

6. Start the graphical interface

So far, all the required installations have been basically completed. The terminal can restart by inputting reboot. The opened interface looks like this

7. Improve

Then you can install all kinds of software, such as Firefox, QQ and Baidu online disk..

4, openEuler graphical interface installation (UKUI)

After trying, I found that GNOME reaction speed is slow and terminal characters will overlap. I installed version 20.09 again. This time, I can finally install UKUI directly.

1.ukui installation

sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install ukui

An error will be reported, but don't worry. At present, UKUI's dependency libdbusmenu needs to install python2 during installation, which conflicts with the python3 unversioned command package (which provides a soft connection to python3). You must first forcibly uninstall python3 unversioned command
Terminal execution:

rpm -e --nodeps python3-unversioned-command

After installation, use the following command to restore the settings of the package

ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python

2. Install font library

sudo dnf groupinstall fonts

3. Start the graphical interface

sudo systemctl set-default

Next, reboot

The opening screen is as follows

4. Improve

The UKUI interface is obviously more beautiful:

PS: but I found that my 20.09

yum install firefox

You can't download, so you have to download Google. The command is as follows:


After downloading Google, you can download other software packages offline, Over ~

Topics: Linux bash openeuler