(close to jQuery) - Ajax introduction + advantages and disadvantages + discussion + examples / one in 06 JQ

Posted by iBuddy on Wed, 17 Nov 2021 13:10:08 +0100

Today, I am still a fashion, a salted fish programmer with a dream

Today, we'll get close to jQuery

But today, there's a big play



  What is Ajax?

Baidu entry: Ajax is Asynchronous   Javascript   And   XML (Asynchronous and JavaScript) XML )A new term proposed by Jesse James Garrett in 2005 to describe a 'new' method using a collection of existing technologies, including:   HTML   or   XHTML, CSS, JavaScriptDOM, XML, XSLT And most importantly XMLHttpRequest , using Ajax technology, web applications can quickly render incremental updates in user interface Instead of reloading (refreshing) the entire page, which makes the program respond to user operations faster.

My summary: asynchronous JavaScript and XML

ajax principle:

  1. Asynchronous exchange using XMLHttpRequest
  2. The data on the server is usually   JSON   Save text data in format;
  3. Run javascript to manipulate the rendered dom

About the advantages of Ajax

Because Ajax contains many features, its advantages and disadvantages are also very obvious.

  • No plug-in support is required (general browser and JavaScript can be turned on by default);
  • Excellent user experience (updatable data can be obtained without refreshing the page);
  • Improve the performance of Web programs (load on demand in terms of data transmission without overall submission);
  • Reduce the burden of server and bandwidth (transfer some operations of the server to the client);
  • It is not a single technology of JavaScript, but a combination of a series of technologies related to interactive web applications. Using Ajax, we can update the page without refresh status, and realize asynchronous submission, which improves the user experience

  Everything has two sides: Ajax's shortcomings:

  1. The function of forward and backward is destroyed (because Ajax is always on the current page and will not be on the front and back pages);
  2. The support of the search engine is not enough (because the search engine crawler cannot understand the content of the changed data caused by JS);


Definition and Usage

The ajax() method loads remote data through an HTTP request.

This method is the underlying AJAX implementation of jQuery. For easy-to-use high-level implementation, see $. get, $.post, etc ajax() returns the XMLHttpRequest object it created. In most cases, you don't need to operate the function directly, unless you need to operate infrequent options for more flexibility.

In the simplest case, $. ajax() can be used directly without any parameters.

What is asynchronous?

The key to using Ajax is to implement asynchronous requests, accept responses, and execute callbacks. So what's the difference between asynchronous and synchronous?

Our ordinary Web program development is basically synchronous, which means that one program can be executed before the next one. Similar to a call on the phone, one call can be answered before the next call is answered; Asynchronous can perform multiple tasks at the same time. It feels like there are multiple lines, which is similar to SMS. It won't stop accepting another SMS because of reading one SMS.

Ajax can also be executed in synchronous mode, but the synchronous mode belongs to blocking mode, which will lead to the execution of multiple lines one by one, which will make the Web page appear pseudo dead state. Therefore, most Ajax adopt asynchronous mode.


Using Ajax

Create an XMLHttpRequest

1. Create xhr

    var xhr=new  XMLHttpRequest();

  2. Open the link open (method,url,asny);


3. send ("params1 = some & params2 = somm2");

xhr.send("name="+uname.value);//send data 
// The post request needs to send a header

4. Listen for readyState status

xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){//When XHR status mode changes
		//If the status code of http is 200 (request successful), the status of xhr is 4 (successful status)


1,'The request parameters have been prepared and the request has not been sent...'
2,'Request sent,No response has been received'
3,'Accepting partial response.....'
4,'All responses accepted'


status      Response code 200 successful
statusText  Response status  ok   success
responseText Text form of response questions

  XMLHTTPRequest case

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<button>get files</button>
	var btn = document.querySelector("button");
		//01 declare an xhr object
		var xhr =new XMLHttpRequest();	
		//02 open link address
		xhr.open("GET", "./text.txt",true);
		//03 send 
		//04 listening events
		// readyState is opened when the status is 4
		// When the response code of the status service is 200, the response is successful
		// Return data of responseText service

post mode

The url code of xhr request header needs to be set for post

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();


File upload

get files   var fileObj = document.getElementById("file").files[0];

To upload text, you need to create a form data object
var form = new FormData()

onload finished loading callback function. Note xhr.send(form) to call last.

function UploadFile(){
   var fileObj = document.getElementById("file").files[0];
   var url ="https://www.520mg.com/ajax/file.php";
   var form = new FormData();
   var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
   xhr.onload = function(){

Upload progress tracking

XMLHttpRequest object. When transmitting data, there is a progress event to return progress information.

It is divided into upload and download
1) The downloaded progress event belongs to the XMLHttpRequest object
2) The uploaded progress event belongs to the XMLHttpRequest.upload object.

xhr.upload.onprogress =function(e){

jq upload progress

    type: "POST", // Data submission type
    url: "https://www.520mg.com/ajax/file.php ", / / sending address
    data: formData, //send data
    async: true, // Asynchronous
    processData: false, //processData defaults to false. When it is set to true, jquery ajax will not serialize data when submitting, but directly use data
    contentType: false, //It needs to be set to false because it is a FormData object and the attribute enctype = "multipart / form data" has been declared
		var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
		return xhr;


This is the end of today's sharing

I'm still a fashion, a salted fish programmer with a dream! Let's work together to create tomorrow's brilliance! If you like, give me a little attention,

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Topics: Javascript Front-end JQuery Ajax