Main technical implementation: spring, springmvc, springboot, springboot security permission control, mybatis, session, jquery, md5, bootstart JS, tomcat, interceptor, etc.
Main functions: login, user management, role authority management, menu management, department management, luggage cabinet management, user deposit management, record query management, notice and announcement management, in cabinet, out cabinet and password modification.
Screenshot of main functions:
User login:
Project introduction
With the Chinese people's positive understanding of tourism and leisure and the increasing demand of the market, various scenic spots are constantly developing new scenic spots in order to meet the needs of tourists.
However, only high-quality scenic spots and beautiful scenery will not leave a deep impression on tourists. Among them, the service quality of scenic spots is also a matter of concern to tourists.
Nowadays, when people travel, they will carry a lot of things, such as food, cameras and all kinds of donkey friends' equipment. It may be filled with large and small bags, but when you actually arrive at the scenic spot, you may not be able to use your own things. At that time, you must deposit your things for easier play. Therefore, the scenic spot luggage storage system came into being
Main functions of the system home page: each module has list query, addition and modification. Delete and other operations
# Tomcat
uri-encoding: UTF-8
max-threads: 1000
min-spare-threads: 30
port: 8080
context-path: /renren-admin
active: dev
date-format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
time-zone: GMT+8
max-file-size: 100MB
max-request-size: 100MB
enabled: true
database: 0
host: localhost
port: 6379
password: # Password (blank by default)
timeout: 6000ms # Connection timeout length (MS)
max-active: 1000 # Maximum number of connections in the connection pool (negative value indicates no limit)
max-wait: -1ms # Maximum blocking wait time of connection pool (negative value indicates no limit)
max-idle: 10 # Maximum free connections in the connection pool
min-idle: 5 # Minimum free connections in connection pool
suffix: .html
request-context-attribute: request
cluster: false #Cluster configuration true cluster environment false stand-alone environment, you also need to open POM Spring session data redis annotation in XML
globalSessionTimeout: 3600 #In a stand-alone environment, the session expiration time is 60 minutes
open: false #Enable redis cache? true enable false close
mapper-locations: classpath*:/mapper/**/*.xml
#For entity scanning, multiple package s are separated by commas or semicolons
typeAliasesPackage: io.renren.modules.*.entity
#Database related configuration
#Primary key type AUTO: "self increment of database ID", INPUT: "user INPUT ID", ID_WORKER: "globally unique ID (unique ID of digital type)", UUID: "globally unique ID UUID";
id-type: AUTO
#Field policy IGNORED: "ignore judgment", NOT_NULL: "non NULL judgment"), NOT_EMPTY: "non empty judgment"
field-strategy: NOT_NULL
#Hump underline conversion
column-underline: true
logic-delete-value: -1
logic-not-delete-value: 0
banner: false
#Native configuration
map-underscore-to-camel-case: true
cache-enabled: false
call-setters-on-nulls: true
jdbc-type-for-null: 'null'
System management mainly refers to the mutual management of users, roles and menus, and permission control through user binding roles and menu permissions given by roles.
Role management: flexible control of permissions
Luggage cabinet management:
Management of user's luggage check-in cabinet:
User luggage out management:
Record view:
Notice and announcement:
Management of my luggage check in / out cabinet:
The normal user login menu displays:
The project uses eclipse and idea to run and recommend idea and source code architecture:
Project documentation:
For details, you can chat privately. Thank you for your support and help!