The widget in fluent has been interviewed by 11 companies such as Tencent, station B and Netease in two months

Posted by moltenice on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 18:38:14 +0100

///Called when the State object is permanently removed from the tree; Resources are usually released in this callback

void dispose() {
debugPrint('child dispose...');

The output of the execution is displayed as:

 - Run to display

I/flutter (22218): parent initState......
I/flutter (22218): parent didChangeDependencies......
I/flutter (22218): parent build......
I/flutter (22218): child initState......
I/flutter (22218): child didChangeDependencies......
I/flutter (22218): child build......
  • Clicking the button will remove the Child
I/flutter (22218): parent build......
I/flutter (22218): child deactivate......
I/flutter (22218): child dispose......
  • Change the code of MyApp from child:isShowChild?Child():Text("demo removes child"), change to
    child:Child() when the button is clicked
I/flutter (22765): parent build......
I/flutter (22765): child didUpdateWidget......
I/flutter (22765): child build......

Basic widget

Text display


Text is a text Widget(Android TextView) that displays a single format.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
///The main method calls runApp to pass the widget, which becomes the root of the widget tree
void main() => runApp(TextApp());
///1. Single Text
//Create a stateless Widget
class TextApp extends
 StatelessWidget { 
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    
//It encapsulates some widget s required by the application to implement Material Design
    return MaterialApp(
      title: "Text demonstration",
//Title, the title displayed in recent      
//Main page      
//Scaffold: the basic implementation of material design layout structure.
     home: Scaffold(        
     appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Text")),
     body: Text("Hello,Flutter"

When using Text to display Text, you may need to set different styles for Text, such as android:textColor/Size, etc

Similar properties are available in the Flutter

Widget _TextBody() {  
  return Text(
    style: TextStyle(        
//Font size default 14
      fontSize: 18,        
        fontWeight: FontWeight.w800,        
        fontStyle: FontStyle.italic,        
//Underline: underline, overline: overline, lineThrough: strikeout
        decoration: TextDecoration.lineThrough,
//Solid: solid line, double: double line, dotted: dotted line, dashed: horizontal dotted line, wavy: wavy line
class TextApp extends StatelessWidget {
  build(BuildContext context) 
 return MaterialApp(
   title: "Text demonstration", 
   home: Scaffold(
     appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Text")),
     body: _TextBody(),      


If you need to display text with richer styles (for example, the text in a paragraph has different colors), you can use RichText or text rich

Widget _RichTextBody() {  
  var textSpan = TextSpan(
    text: "Hello",
    style: TextStyle(color:,
    children: [
      TextSpan(text: "Flu", style: TextStyle(color:,
      TextSpan(text: "uter", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.yellow)),
  return RichText(text: textSpan);

In the widget tree, the text style can be inherited by default. Therefore, if a default text style is set at a node of the widget tree, all text in the subtree of that node will use this style by default. It is equivalent to defining Theme in Android

Widget _DefaultStyle(){
//Set text default style
 style: TextStyle(,
   fontSize: 20.0,    
    textAlign: TextAlign.start,
    child: Column(
      children: <Widget>[        
        Text("Hello Flutter!"),        
        Text("Hello Flutter!"),        
        Text("Hello Flutter!",
             style: TextStyle(
               inherit: false, 
//Do not inherit default styles
               color: Colors.grey

This Widget is used to display the logo of fluent

Widget flutterLogo() {  
  return FlutterLogo(    
    size: 100,    
//The logo color defaults to colors blue
//markOnly: only the logo is displayed, horizontal: the right side of the logo displays the text of the shutter, and stacked: the text is displayed below the logo
    style: FlutterLogoStyle.stacked,    
//Text color on logo


The Widget is mainly used to display built-in icons

Widget icon() {  
  return Icon(      
//Use predefined Material icons      
    size: 100,

A Widget that displays a picture. Commonly used image formats mainly include bmp,jpg,png,gif,webp, etc. gif and webp dynamic images are not naturally supported in Android, but this feature is well supported in fluent.

Create a directory under the project directory, such as assets, and put the pictures into this directory. Open the project root directory: pubspec yaml

return MaterialApp(
  title: "Image demonstration",
  home: Scaffold(
    appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Image")),
    body: Image.asset("assets/banner.jpeg"),      

Put a picture in the sd card. Then use path_ The provider library obtains the sd card root directory (the Dart library version can be found at: Query).

Attention authority

class ImageState extends State<ImageApp> {  
  Image image; 
  void initState() {    
    getExternalStorageDirectory().then((path) {
      setState(() {
        image = Image.file(File("${path.path}${Platform.pathSeparator}banner.jpeg"
Widget build(BuildContext context) {    
return MaterialApp(
  title: "Image demonstration",
  home: Scaffold(
    appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Image")),
    body: image,      

Just give the network address directly.
For fluent 1.0, certificate errors often occur when loading https. The AS must be disconnected to open the app


Future<List<int>> _imageByte() async {  
  String path = (await getExternalStorageDirectory()).path;  
  return await File("$path${Platform.pathSeparator}banner.jpeg").readAsBytes();
class ImageState extends State<ImageApp> {  
  Image image;
  void initState() {    
    _imageByte().then((bytes) { 
      setState(() {
        image = Image.memory(bytes);
Widget build(BuildContext context) { 
  return MaterialApp(
    title: "Image demonstration",
    home: Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Image")),
      body: image,      


    //Image provider
      backgroundImage: AssetImage("assets/banner.jpeg"),      
    //Radius, controlling size
      radius: 50.0,    

When displaying pictures using the default Image widget, you may notice that they are displayed directly on the screen after loading. This may make the user visually abrupt. If we initially display a placeholder and then fade in when the image is loaded, we can use FadeInImage to achieve this!

 image =  FadeInImage.memoryNetwork(
   placeholder: kTransparentImage,
   image: '',    


The Material widget library provides a variety of button widgets, such as RaisedButton, FlatButton, outlinbutton, etc. they are directly or indirectly customized for the packaging of RawMaterialButton, so most of their properties are the same as RawMaterialButton. The buttons in all Material libraries have the following similarities:

  1. When pressed, there will be "water wave animation".
  2. There is an onPressed attribute to set the click callback. When the button is pressed, the callback will be executed. If the callback is not provided, the button will be disabled, and the disabled status will not respond to user clicks.

Float button, which has a shadow and gray background by default

  child: Text("normal"),
  onPressed: () => {},        


Flat button. The default background is transparent without shadow

  child: Text("normal"),
  onPressed: () => {},        


By default, there is a border without shadow and the background is transparent.

  child: Text("normal"),
  onPressed: () => {},        


Clickable Icon

  child: Text("normal"),
  onPressed: () => {},        

Button appearance can be defined by its attributes, and different button attributes are similar

const FlatButton({
@required this.onPressed, 
//Button click callback  
//Button text color  
//Text color when button is disabled  
//Button background color
//The background color when the button is disabled
//Background color when the button is pressed  
//When clicked, the color of the water wave in the water wave animation
//Button theme, the default is light color theme  
//Button fill  
@required this.child, 
//Contents of the button
  FlatButton( onPressed: () => {}, 
  child: Text("Raised"),  
  splashColor: Colors.yellow,  
//Dark theme, so the text color will turn white
  colorBrightness: Brightness.dark,   
//Fillet button
  shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(50)  

The default configuration of RaisedButton is shaded. Therefore, when configuring RaisedButton, it has a series of configuration of elevation attributes

const RaisedButton({  
  this.elevation = 2.0, 
//Shadow in normal state 
  this.highlightElevation = 8.0,
//Shadow when pressed
  this.disabledElevation = 0.0,
// Shadows when off

Input box

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 void main() => runApp(Demo1());
   class Demo1 extends StatelessWidget {
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: "Demo1",
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text("Sign in"),        
      //Linear layout, vertical
      body: Column(
        children: <Widget>[            
//Get focus automatically
            autofocus: true,
            decoration: InputDecoration(
              labelText: "user name",
              hintText: "User name or mailbox",
              prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.person)),
//Hide text being edited
             obscureText: true,
              decoration: InputDecoration(
               labelText: "password",
                hintText: "Your login password",
                prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.lock)),

This effect is very "systematic". In most cases, we may need to replace the underline with a rectangular border. At this time, we may need to combine widget s to complete:

//The container sets the size, background and margin of a control 
  margin: EdgeInsets.all(32),
    child: TextField(
      keyboardType: TextInputType.emailAddress,
      decoration: InputDecoration(
        labelText: "user name",
        hintText: "User name or mailbox",
        prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.person),
            border: InputBorder.none 
//Hide underline
    decoration: BoxDecoration(      
// Border light gray, width 1 pixel
      border: Border.all(color:[200], width: 1.0),      
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5.0),

Focus control

FocusNode: it is bound to the Widget and represents the focus of the Widget

FocusScope: focus control range

Focusscope node: control focus

class _TextFocusState extends State<TextFocusWidget> {
  FocusNode focusNode1 = new 
  FocusNode();  FocusNode focusNode2 = new FocusNode();  
void _listener() {
  debugPrint("User name input box focus:${focusNode1.hasFocus}");  
  void initState() {    
//Listen for focus state change events
  void dispose() {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      children: <Widget>[
          autofocus: true,          
//Associated focus
          focusNode: focusNode1,          
//Set the keyboard action as: next
//Click next to execute the callback
          onEditingComplete: () {            
//Obtain the focus controller of the focus range of the UI tree corresponding to the context
          FocusScopeNode focusScopeNode = FocusScope.of(context);            
//Give focus to focusNode2
          decoration: InputDecoration(
          labelText: "user name",
           hintText: "User name or mailbox",
         prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.person)),
//Hide text being edited
        obscureText: true,
          focusNode: focusNode2,
         decoration: InputDecoration(
          labelText: "password",
           hintText: "Your login password",
          refixIcon: Icon(Icons.lock)),

Get input

There are two ways to get the input content:

  1. Define two variables to save the user name and password, and then save the input content when onChange is triggered.
  2. Get it directly through the controller.
    onChange to get the input:
  onChanged: (s) => debugPrint("ssss:$s"),

controller get:

Define a controller:

//Define a controller
TextEditingController _unameController=new TextEditingController();

Then set the input box controller:

  controller: _unameController, 
//Set controller

Get the contents of the input box through the controller

# Summary: experience

Now that I have chosen this industry and become a programmer, I understand that only by constantly learning and accumulating practical experience can I be qualified to go up, get a high salary, and have certain economic security for myself, my parents and my family in the future.

Learning time is squeezed out by yourself. It may be difficult to see the effect in a short time. Once you stick to it, it will change. It's better to think about why you want to enter this industry and give yourself an answer.

When interviewing a large factory, the most basic thing is to consolidate the foundation, otherwise you will be cold if the interviewer asks you casually; Secondly, I will ask some technical principles. It will also depend on the breadth of your knowledge. The most important thing is your ideas, which is more valued by the interviewer.

Finally, the above real interview questions of large factories are very good learning materials. Through these real interview questions, you can see the general situation of your mastery of technical knowledge, so as to set a learning direction for yourself. Including the learning guide shared above, you can straighten out the learning route from the learning guide to avoid inefficient learning.

**[CodeChina Open source project: [first tier big factory] Java Analysis of interview questions+Core summary learning notes+Latest explanation Video]](**

**Big factory Java Architecture core notes (suitable for middle and senior programmers):**

  controller: _unameController, 
//Set controller

Get the contents of the input box through the controller

# Summary: experience

Now that I have chosen this industry and become a programmer, I understand that only by constantly learning and accumulating practical experience can I be qualified to go up, get a high salary, and have certain economic security for myself, my parents and my family in the future.

Learning time is squeezed out by yourself. It may be difficult to see the effect in a short time. Once you stick to it, it will change. It's better to think about why you want to enter this industry and give yourself an answer.

When interviewing a large factory, the most basic thing is to consolidate the foundation, otherwise you will be cold if the interviewer asks you casually; Secondly, I will ask some technical principles. It will also depend on the breadth of your knowledge. The most important thing is your ideas, which is more valued by the interviewer.

Finally, the above real interview questions of large factories are very good learning materials. Through these real interview questions, you can see the general situation of your mastery of technical knowledge, so as to set a learning direction for yourself. Including the learning guide shared above, you can straighten out the learning route from the learning guide to avoid inefficient learning.

**[CodeChina Open source project: [first tier big factory] Java Analysis of interview questions+Core summary learning notes+Latest explanation Video]](**

**Big factory Java Architecture core notes (suitable for middle and senior programmers):**


Topics: Java Android html5 Back-end Flutter