Using ss5 to build sock5 server under Linux & using proxychains as sock5 client proxy

Posted by 0riole on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 11:20:59 +0100

1.ss5 build sock5 server

1.1 download ss5 source code

1.2 installation related requirements

yum install -y pam-devel
yum install -y openldap-devel
yum install -y openssl-devel

1.3 compilation and installation

tar xvf ss5-3.8.9-8.tar.gz
cd ss5-3.8.9
./configure && make && make install

1.4 modify SS5 configuration file

##Find and cancel the following two lines of comments
vi /etc/opt/ss5/ss5.conf
auth – –
permit – – – – – – –

After the installation, these two lines are annotated. Just UN annotate these two lines. At this time, it is in the non authentication state and everyone can access it

1.5 add executable permissions to bash file / etc / RC d/init. d/ss5

chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/ss5

1.6 start / stop / restart ss5

/etc/rc.d/init.d/ss5 start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ss5 stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ss5 restart

1.7 if you need to open account password authentication

##The two lines in step 1.4 need to be modified to:

auth – u
permit u – – – – – –

##Add user name and password / etc / opt / SS5 / SS5 Passwd, one user + password per line (with spaces between them), and then restart the service: / etc / RC d/init. d/ss5 restart

vi /etc/opt/ss5/ss5.passwd
admin admin123

1.8 modify the default 1080 port if necessary

vi /etc/sysconfig/ss5
#Connect SS5_ Opts = "- U root" uncomment and change it to the following. For example, change the port to 9080, and then restart the service: / etc / RC d/init. d/ss5 restart
SS5_OPTS=" -u root -b"

1.9 check the process port

[root@localhost ss5-3.8.9]# netstat -luntp|grep ss5
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      10616/ss5 

If there is no netstat command, execute Yum install - y net tools to install

2. Build sock5 client with proxychains ng

ProxyChains is a UNIX program, that hooks network-related libc functions
  in DYNAMICALLY LINKED programs via a preloaded DLL (dlsym(), LD_PRELOAD)
  and redirects the connections through SOCKS4a/5 or HTTP proxies.
  It supports TCP only (no UDP/ICMP etc).

2.1 download proxychains

2.2 compilation and installation

# unzip
cd proxychains-ng-4.15

# configure and install 
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
make && make install

# installs /etc/proxychains.conf
make install-config 

Gcc compiler is required for the above compilation. If GCC + + is not available, execute Yum install - y gcc gcc gcc-c + + installation

Some installation logs are as follows:

cc src/daemon/hsearch.o src/daemon/sblist.o src/daemon/sblist_delete.o src/daemon/daemon.o src/daemon/udpserver.o  -o proxychains4-daemon
./tools/ -D -m 644 /usr/lib/
./tools/ -D -m 755 proxychains4 /usr/bin/proxychains4
./tools/ -D -m 755 proxychains4-daemon /usr/bin/proxychains4-daemon
[root@localhost proxychains-ng-4.15]# 
[root@localhost proxychains-ng-4.15]# make install-config 
./tools/ -D -m 644 src/proxychains.conf /etc/proxychains.conf

2.3 make a binary file directory and save it for subsequent use

You can put the files compiled and installed in step 2 in a directory and make them tar GZ package, so that it can be directly decompressed and used on other machines with the same operating system without re compilation, saving time and steps, as follows:

##Establish a directory, such as proxychains_ bin_ centos7. six
mkdir proxychains_bin_centos7.6

##Copy the required files into the directory
cp /usr/lib/ proxychains_bin_centos7.6/
cp /usr/bin/proxychains4 proxychains_bin_centos7.6/
cp /etc/proxychains.conf proxychains_bin_centos7.6/

##Make it into a compressed package to get a proxychain_ bin_ centos7. 6.tar. gz 
tar -zcvf proxychains_bin_centos7.6.tar.gz proxychains_bin_centos7.6

2.4 use of proxychains

Usage:  ./proxychains4 -q -f config_file program_name [arguments]
        -q makes proxychains quiet - this overrides the config setting
        -f allows one to manually specify a configfile to use
        for example : proxychains telnet
More help in README file

##The required configuration tells the server which sock5 proxy to connect, for example:

###A simple configuration example is attached:
socks4 9050  #sock4
socks5		1080  #sock5,no auth
socks5	9080	admin admin123 #sock5 need auth

For example, I'm at proxychains The last line of conf configures Socks5 192.168 56.101 1080 admin admin123, tell the server that I need to pass 192.168 The server of 56.101 performs proxy access and is the way of authentication.

[testuser@localhost proxychains_bin_centos7.6]$ tail -f proxychains.conf 
#       proxy types: http, socks4, socks5, raw
#         * raw: The traffic is simply forwarded to the proxy without modification.
#        ( auth types supported: "basic"-http  "user/pass"-socks )
# add proxy here ...
# meanwile
# defaults set to "tor"
socks5 9080 admin admin123

##Usage 1: the proxy connection information will be printed
Usage: ./proxychains4 -f config_file program_name [arguments], such as

cd /home/testuser/proxychains_bin_centos7.6
./proxychains4 -f proxychains.conf curl

##Use mode 2. Add the - q parameter to use it quietly and do not print the agent's information

cd /home/testuser/proxychains_bin_centos7.6
./proxychains4 -q -f proxychains.conf curl

##Mode 3: direct access via absolute path, such as:

##Direct acquisition command absolute path + program_name [arguments], for example:
/home/testuser/proxychains_bin_centos7.6/proxychains4 -f /home/testuser/proxychains_bin_centos7.6/proxychains.conf curl

Topics: Linux CentOS