C# Notepad project development, after reading Alibaba P9 Daniel's "Java growth notes", I realized

Posted by PHPrev on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 13:09:02 +0100

The Notepad development of C # requires us to define two forms, that is, a parent form carrying all notepads and a child form with the basic functions of Notepad.


Notepad subform


So let's talk about the development of subform with the basic function of Notepad.

In the form application of C #, we can directly layout the controls on the interface without using code to define the controls. At this point, the form application development of C # is very good.

Then in the notepad application, the controls we should add to the form should include the creation, opening and saving of files, as well as the font style, font size and whether to bold and tilt these basic Notepad controls. At the same time, of course, we also need the edit text box of Notepad to facilitate our modification and input of content.

After understanding these basic controls, we can write the functions bound to each control,

Get system font function

First, we need to get all the font styles of the system when setting the font,

This is achieved by the following functions:

//Get system font

        private void FormSon_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


            //Font to load when the form is loaded

            InstalledFontCollection MyFontStaly = new InstalledFontCollection();

            //Gets the data of the InstalledFontCollection object

            FontFamily[] ff = MyFontStaly.Families;

            //Define a new ArrayList array list

            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            //Gets the length of the list to the font array

            int count = ff.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)


                //Gets the name of the font in the font array

                string FontName = ff[i].Name;

                //Save font in font control




Font space function

After obtaining all the font styles that can be set by the system, it is the control that changes the font when we click the font. Here, we need to set it in the control that changes the font index,

The functions are as follows:

 //Change the index of the font

    private void toolStripComboBox_fonyStaly_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


        //Receives the text of the current font box

        string fontname = toolStripComboBox_fonyStaly.Text;

        //Receives the value of the current font size box

        float fontsize = float.Parse(toolStripComboBox_fontSize.Text);

        textBox_Text.Font = new Font(fontname, fontsize);


Font size space function

After setting the properties of the font control, the font size property is set. Similar to the idea of setting the font control, we also need to obtain the index of changing the font size first. The function is as follows:

 //Index for changing font size

    private void toolStripComboBox_fontSize_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


        //Receives the text of the current font box

        string fontname = toolStripComboBox_fonyStaly.Text;

        //Receives the value of the current font size box

        float fontsize = float.Parse(toolStripComboBox_fontSize.Text);

        textBox_Text.Font = new Font(fontname, fontsize);


When the font size changes, we need to change the font size of the content in the text box. At this time, we need to set it in the corresponding function:

//When the font size changes

private void toolStripComboBox_fontSize_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


    //Receives the text of the current font box

    string fontname = toolStripComboBox_fonyStaly.Text;

    //Receives the value of the current font size box

    float fontsize = float.Parse(toolStripComboBox_fontSize.Text);

    textBox_Text.Font = new Font(fontname, fontsize);


Bold control function

 //Bold button

    private void toolStripButton_over_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        //Click the bold button to bold the font. Bold is to click the button to cancel bold

        //If it is not bold at present, click to bold

        if (textBox_Text.Font.Bold == false)


            textBox_Text.Font = new Font(textBox_Text.Font, FontStyle.Bold);


        //If it is currently in bold status, click Cancel bold



            textBox_Text.Font = new Font(textBox_Text.Font, FontStyle.Regular);




Tilt control function

//Tilt button

private void toolStripButton_slanr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    if (textBox_Text.Font.Italic == false)


        textBox_Text.Font = new Font(textBox_Text.Font, FontStyle.Italic);




        textBox_Text.Font = new Font(textBox_Text.Font, FontStyle.Regular);



Save control function

When making the save control, we need to consider whether the file information we save is a new text box. If we create a new Notepad, we need to select the save path and file name when saving. If we edit the original file twice, we only need to save when clicking the Save button, There is no need to reselect the save path of the file.

The function code is as follows:

//Save button

private void toolStripButton_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



    //Create a filter

    saveFileDialog1.Filter = ("Text document(*,txt)|*.txt");

    // Judge whether to save if the current text box is not empty

    if (textBox_Text.Text.Trim() != "")


        //If the notepad file is new, select the path to save

        if (this.Text == "Notepad")


            //Save the file to the user's specified directory

            //Judge whether the user saves or cancels

            if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


                //Obtain the file and path selected by the user

                string path = saveFileDialog1.FileName;

                //Save the file to the specified path

                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path, false);


                //Show path above form

                this.Text = path;

                //wipe cache 





        //If it is an open file, save it directly



            //Save the file to the user's specified directory 

            //Obtain the file and path selected by the user

            string path = this.Text;

            //Save the file to the specified path

            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path, false);









    //If it is blank, a message box prompt will be given



        MessageBox.Show("The current text box is empty!\n Cannot save!", "warning");



Open file control function:

When opening files, we need to filter the opened files. We only need to open text files in txt format.

The implementation functions are as follows:

 //Open file

    private void toolStripButton_open_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        //Filter an open file

        openFileDialog1.Filter = ("Text document(*,txt)|*.txt");

        if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


            string path = openFileDialog1.FileName;

            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8);

            string text = sr.ReadToEnd();

            //Displays the path above the text box

            this.Text = path;

            textBox_Text.Text = text;




New text control function

After clicking new text, we need to empty the original edited content and re-establish the editing.

The functions are as follows:

//New text

private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    this.Text = "Notepad";

    textBox_Text.Text = "";

    toolStripTextBox1.Text = "";

# Ending

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//New text

private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    this.Text = "Notepad";

    textBox_Text.Text = "";

    toolStripTextBox1.Text = "";

# Ending

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