Vue learning notes

Posted by Procode on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 12:06:42 +0100

1. First Vue example

Resolution: {{meshage}} find the data with the same name as the meshage in data, and convert the value into the value bound by the meshage in data
Note: {{message}} is called difference expression

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<title>first Vue Example</title>
		<div id="app">
			{{ messeage }}
		<script src=""></script>	
			var app = new Vue({
					messeage:"hello Vue!"

2. el mount point

(1) Scope of Vue instance

The scope is the inside of the el hit element. That is, inside the div (view).

		<div id="app">
			{{ messeage }}

(2) Can I use selectors other than id selectors

You can use other selectors, but you usually use id selectors

(3) Can I set other dom elements

Other tags other than div can be supported, such as < p > < / P >, but HTML and BODY cannot be used, but they must be double tags, not single tags. Div tags are usually used.

3. Data: data object

  • The data used by Vue is defined in data
  • Complex types of data (such as objects, arrays, etc.) can be written in data
  • Rendering complex type data can follow js syntax (such as point syntax of objects and index syntax of arrays)
<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<title>el Shut in</title>
		<div id="app">
			{{ messeage }}
		<script src=""></script>	
			var app = new Vue({
					messeage:"hello sdfsdfsd!",

4. Vue instruction

(1)v-show instruction: Show hide

(1) v-show: switch the display status of elements according to true and false
(2) Principle: modify the display of elements to display and hide
(3) The content after the instruction finally resolves to a Boolean value
(4) If the value is true, the element is displayed; if the value is false, the element is hidden
Note: this instruction is used for frequent display and hiding of content

 <!-- View view -->
   <div id="app">
       //true is displayed, false is not displayed
       <span v-show="b">Hello</span>
       <span v-show="c">Zhang San</span>
       <span v-show="age >= 19">Zhang San</span>
    // Model model
    var model = {b:true, c:false,age:16};
    // ViewModel view model (a Vue object)
    var vm = new Vue({

Instance of v-show

Knowledge points of this case:
(1) The method event of v-show is written as this.isshow =! This.isshow;
(2) v-show is to modify the display of elements to show and hide

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<title>el Shut in</title>
		<div id="app">
			<input type="button" value="Switching state" @click="changeShow"  >
			<img src="a.jpg" style="width: 150px;" v-show="isShow">
		<script src=""></script>	
			var app = new Vue({
						this.isShow = !this.isShow;

(2)v-if, v-else: Branch (either v-if alone or both)

(1) v-if: switch the display state of elements according to true and false
(2) The essence is to display and hide dom elements by manipulating them (dom elements are those tags, p tags, div tags, etc.)
(3) If the expression is true, the element exists in the dom tree; if it is false, it is removed from the dom tree

<!-- View view -->
   <div id="app">
       //The content in "" is equivalent to the content in if brackets
       //Note: no other labels can be added between v-if and v-else
       //The v-else element must follow the element with v-if or v-else-if, otherwise it will not be recognized
       <span v-if="name == 'Zhang San'">100</span>
       <span v-if="age >= 20">200</span>
       <span v-else>300</span>
    // Model model
    var model = {name:'Zhang San', age:10};
    // ViewModel view model (a Vue object)
    var vm = new Vue({

Difference between v-show and v-if

v-show: the essence is to modify the display of elements to show and hide
v-if: the essence is to display and hide by manipulating dom elements (dom elements are those tags, p tags, div tags, etc.)

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<div id="app">
			<input type="button" value="Switching state" @click="changeShow"  >
			<p v-if="isShow">v-if Exhibition</p>
			<p v-show="isShow">v-show Exhibition</p>
		<script src=""></script>	
			var app = new Vue({
						this.isShow = !this.isShow;

As shown in the figure below:

-When both contents are displayed, the browser console is shown in the figure below

  • When both contents are hidden, the browser console is shown in the figure below


Topics: Javascript Front-end Vue.js