Elasticsearch7.0 of Linux system 6.1 cluster installation and Kibana, ik and elasticsearch head installation

Posted by Jack_Slocum on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 16:19:28 +0100


I. elasticsearch7 6.1 installation steps

II. Install kibana client (all three machines should be installed. Ordinary users should perform the following operations)

III. install IK word splitter (ordinary user operation)

4. Install elasticsearch head plug-in (all three machines need to be operated. Ordinary users need ccb operation)

V. summary

be careful:

  1. es cannot be started by root user, and some operations cannot be operated by root user. For specific reasons, please refer to the blog
  2. I use ES7 The cluster is built in version 6.1. Refer to other versions
  3. This version is a cluster build, not a stand-alone version. I only write the operation of one machine below. The operation of the other two or more machines is the same. You only need to modify the corresponding IP and node name

es installation package:

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1oieQ8BFBAs_TMMB8Aw5dCA

Extraction code: xtub

kibana installation package:

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ItcRhH9Hhg4D49pKqdncAA

Extraction code: 8opj

ik installation package:

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LkbbkF5qDc4_c45W9Nj8eg

Extraction code: ig0l

head installation package:

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1FgsUbvv6std0qazhqMkPyw

Extraction code: 0nms

I. elasticsearch7 6.1 installation steps

1. Create a es dedicated user (ordinary user)

//Create elastic search user group
groupadd elasticsearch
//Create ccb user and set password
useradd ccb
passwd ccb
//Create folder
mkdir -p /usr/local/es
//Create a folder elasticsearch - 7.6. In es one
mkdir -p elasticsearch-7.6.1
//Users es are added to the elasticsearch user group
usermod -G elasticsearch ccb
chown -R ccb/usr/local/es/elasticsearch-7.6.1
//Modify permissions so that ordinary users ccb have greater permissions

//Under the line root ALL=(ALL) ALL
//Add ccb users as follows:

//After adding and saving successfully, switch to ccb user operation
su ccb

2. Upload and unzip the compressed package

Note: at this time, you should switch to the ccb user for operation. The following operations should be performed by the ccb user, otherwise some problems may occur

cd /user/local/
tar -zvxf elasticsearch-7.6.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/es/

3. Create two folders to store data and logs

mkdir -p /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-7.6.1/log
mkdir -p /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-7.6.1/data

4. Modify the configuration file elasticsearch yml

cd /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-7.6.1/config

rm -rf elasticsearch.yml

vim elasticsearch.yml

cluster.name: ccb-es
node.name: node1
path.data: /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-7.6.1/data
path.logs: /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-7.6.1/log
http.port: 9200
discovery.seed_hosts: ["", "", ""]
cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["node1", "node2", "node3"]
bootstrap.system_call_filter: false
bootstrap.memory_lock: false
http.cors.enabled: true
http.cors.allow-origin: "*"

cluster.name: ccb-es
node.name: node2
path.data: /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-7.6.1/data
path.logs: /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-7.6.1/log
http.port: 9200
discovery.seed_hosts: ["", "", ""]
cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["node1", "node2", "node3"]
bootstrap.system_call_filter: false
bootstrap.memory_lock: false
http.cors.enabled: true
http.cors.allow-origin: "*"

luster.name: ccb-es
node.name: node3
path.data: /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-7.6.1/data
path.logs: /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-7.6.1/log
http.port: 9200
discovery.seed_hosts: ["", "", ""]
cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["node1", "node2", "node3"]
bootstrap.system_call_filter: false
bootstrap.memory_lock: false
http.cors.enabled: true
http.cors.allow-origin: "*"

5. Modify JVM Option, adjust the JVM heap memory size according to the memory size of each machine (for example, my physical machine memory is 8G, and then I adjust 1.5G memory for three virtual machines. In jvm.option s, I give 400m, because I will not store too much data in the cluster, so everyone can adjust it according to their own situation)

cd /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-7.6.1/config
vim jvm.options

 6. Start es service

get into bin catalogue ./elasticsearch -d

see es process jps
 If jps Report the error, don't find it, you didn't pretend jdk,Just execute the following command
yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64

 7. Partial startup error handling method

        1. The first is to see if your firewall is turned off. If not, you must turn it off

close Linux firewall
 It takes effect permanently and will not be restored after restart
 On: chkconfig iptables on
 close: chkconfig iptables off
 Effective immediately and restored after restart
 On: service iptables start
 close: service iptables stop

        2. If max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process like too low, increase to at least [65536] error occurs, it is because es you need to create a large number of index files, so you need to lift the limit on the maximum number of open files in the linux system (all three machines need to operate)

sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf
//Don't copy the * sign below. Copy the following sentences to limits Conf file
* soft nofile 65536
* hard nofile 131072
* soft nproc 2048
* hard nproc 4096

        3. If Max virtual memory areas vm max_ map_ Count [65530] like too low, increase to at least [262144] error, because the maximum virtual memory is too small and the three machines execute the command

vi /etc/sysctl.conf
//Add the following
//Execute after saving
sysctl -p 

        4. The above is the problem I encountered. If there are other problems, you have to Baidu yourself

II. Install kibana client (all three machines should be installed. Ordinary users should perform the following operations)

        1. Download Kibana and put it in the es directory

        2. Unzip the file: tar -zxvf kibana-X.X.X-linux-x86_64.tar.gz

        3. Go to / usr/local/es/kibana-X.X.X-linux-x86_64/config directory

        4. Using the vim editor: vim kibana yml

server.port: 5601
server.host: "The server IP"
elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://IP:9200 "] / / here is the access address of elasticsearch

        5. Start Kibana


        6. Visit Kibana


III. install IK word splitter (ordinary user operation)

        1. Create / plugins/ik in the es directory

mkdir -p /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-7.6.1/plugins/ik

        2. Upload and unzip the ik word splitter

cd /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-7.6.1/plugins/ik
unzip  elasticsearch-analysis-ik-7.6.1.zip 

        3. Restart es, ik and install it here

4. Install elasticsearch head plug-in (all three machines need to be operated. Ordinary users need ccb operation)

After the es service is started, the access interface is ugly. In order to better view the information in the index library, we can install the elasticsearch head plug-in, which can more easily and quickly see the es management interface

        1. Install node js

cd /usr/local/es
wget https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node/v8.1.0/node-v8.1.0-linux-x64.tar.gz
tar -zxvf node-v8.1.0-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/es/

        2. Create soft connection

sudo ln -s /usr/local/es/node-v8.1.0-linux-x64/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js /usr/local/bin/npm
sudo ln -s /usr/local/es/node-v8.1.0-linux-x64/bin/node /usr/local/bin/node

        3. Modify environment variables

vi /etc/profile
export NODE_HOME=/usr/local/es/node-v8.1.0-linux-x64
export PATH=:$PATH:$NODE_HOME/bin

After modifying the environment variable, use source to take effect

source /etc/profile

         4. Verify that the installation was successful

node -v
npm -v

         5. Upload installation package

         6. decompression

cd /usr/local/es/
tar -zxvf elasticsearch-head-compile-after.tar.gz -C /usr/local/es/

        7. Modify gruntfile JS this file

cd /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-head
vim Gruntfile.js

        8. Find line 93, hostname: '192.168 100.100 ', modified to 192.168 197.5 (that is, modify it to the IP of your own machine)

connect: {                       
 server: {                             
 options: {                                    
 hostname: '',                                    
 port: 9100, //After startup, if the display port is occupied, you can modify this port, such as 9124                                   
 base: '.',                                    
 keepalive: true                              

        9. Modify app js

cd /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-head/_site
vim app.js

Navigate to line 4354 and modify http://localhost:9200 by

        10. Start the head service

cd /usr/local/es/elasticsearch-head/node_modules/grunt/bin/
//Foreground start
./grunt server

        11. Access the elasticsearch head interface: http://ip:9100/ (Note: if the above port is modified by itself, the modified port shall be used)

V. summary

Elasticsearch7.6.1 and other basic toolkits are installed here. The whole installation process is not difficult, but you need to be careful because there are many places to change the configuration! Thanks for watching

Topics: Linux ElasticSearch search engine