Java foundation - array

Posted by chipmunken on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 22:20:31 +0100


Definition of array

An array is a data structure used to store a collection of values of the same type. Each value in the array can be accessed through an integer subscript.

  • An array is an ordered collection of data of the same type.
  • Array describes several data of the same type, which are arranged and combined in a certain order.
  • Among them, each data is called an array element, and each array element can access them through the index or subscript (subscript) of the array.

Array declaration creation

  • Format:
    Data type stored in array [] array name = data type stored in new array [length];

  • Detailed explanation of array definition format:

    • Data type of array storage: what data type can the created array container store.
    • []: represents an array.
    • Array name: name a variable for the defined array, which meets the identifier specification. You can use the name to operate the array.
    • new: keyword, the keyword used to create the array.
    • Data type of array storage: what data type can the created array container store.
    • [length]: the length of the array, indicating how many elements can be stored in the array container.
    • Note: the array has the fixed length feature. Once the length is specified, it cannot be changed.
  • Array variables must be declared before arrays can be used in programs. The following is the syntax for declaring array variables:

dataType[] arrayRefVar;  // Preferred method
dataType arrayRefVar[]; // The same effect, but not the preferred method  
  • The Java language uses the new operator to create arrays. The syntax is as follows:
ataType[] arrayRefVar = new dataType[arraySize];
  • The elements of the array are accessed through the index. The array index starts from 0
  • Get array length:

Three kinds of initialization

  • initiate static
/Static initialization: Creating + assignment
int[] a = {1,2,3};
Man[] mans = {new Man(1,1),new Man(2,2)};
  • dynamic initialization
//Dynamic initialization: contains default initialization. It is 0 before assignment.
int[] a = new int[2];
a[0] = 1; 
a[1] = 2;
  • Default initialization of arrays
    • Array is a reference type, and its elements are equivalent to the instance variables of the class. Therefore, once the array is allocated space, each element in it is implicitly initialized in the same way as the instance variables.

Characteristics of array

  • Its length is determined. Once an array is created, its size cannot be changed.

  • Its elements must be of the same type and mixed types are not allowed.

  • The elements in the array can be any data type, including basic types and reference types.

  • Array variables are reference types. Arrays can also be regarded as objects. Each element in the array is equivalent to the member variables of the object.

  • The array itself is an object. In Java, the object is in the heap. Therefore, whether the array saves the original type or other object types, the array object itself is in the heap.

Access to arrays

  • Index: each element stored in the array will automatically have a number, starting from 0. This automatic number is called the array index, which can access the elements in the array through the index of the array.
  • Format:
    Array name [index]
  • Array length attribute: each array has a length and is fixed. Java gives an attribute to the array to obtain the length of the array. The statement is: array name Length, the execution result of the attribute length is the length of the array, and the result of type int. It can be inferred that the maximum index value of the array is the array name length-1
  • Index access to elements in the array:
    • Array name [index] = numeric value, assigning values to the elements in the array
    • Variable = array name [index], get the elements in the array

Default values for arrays

Array elements have a default value even if we do not assign a value to each element

The default value of byte shot int is 0. The default value of long type is 0L

The default value of float double is the default value of type 0.0 char. It is "\ u0000"

The boolean type is false and the reference type represented by string is null

Array classification (understand)

  • Dimension: 1D array 2D array 3D array multidimensional array
  • Data type: array of basic type (integer array, floating point array, character array, Boolean array) array of reference type

Storage of arrays in memory

Memory overview

Memory is an important original and temporary storage area in the computer. It is used to run programs. The program we write is stored in the hard disk. The program in the hard disk will not run. It must be put into the memory to run. After running, the memory will be emptied. In order to run programs, Java virtual machine must allocate and manage memory space.

Memory partition of Java virtual machine

In order to improve the operation efficiency, the space is divided into different regions, because each region has a specific data processing mode and memory management mode.

Memory partition of JVM:

[the external link image transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-afdhzlot-162763271574) (F: \ study \ notes \ screenshot \ Java performance JVM memory model. JPG)]

Heap: store objects or arrays new, and all of them are in memory. If no space is requested, a memory overflow exception will be thrown.

Virtual machine stack: there are "stack frames" in the stack, and each stack frame corresponds to a method call. The stack frame stores the local variable table (variables and object references of basic type data). Operand stacks, method exits, and other information. An exception also occurs when the depth of the stack call is greater than the range allowed by the jvm.

An array memory graph

public static void main(String[] args) { 
	int[] arr = new int[3]; 

When the above method is executed, the output result is[ I@5f150435 , what is this? Is the address of the array in memory. The contents of new are stored in heap memory, while the variable arr in the method stores the address of the array.
Outputting arr[0] will output the elements on the 0 index in the array in the memory address saved by arr

Two array memory graphs

public static void main(String[] args) { 
	int[] arr = new int[3]; 
	int[] arr2 = new int[2]; 

Two variables point to an array

public static void main(String[] args) { 
		// Define an array to store 3 elements 
		int[] arr = new int[3]; 
		//Array index assignment 
		arr[0] = 5; 
		arr[1] = 6; 
		arr[2] = 7; 
		//Output element values on 3 indexes 
		//Define the array variable arr2 and assign the address of arr to arr2 
		int[] arr2 = arr; 
		arr2[1] = 9; 

Multidimensional array

  • Multidimensional arrays can be regarded as arrays. For example, a two-dimensional array is a special one-dimensional array, and each element is a one-dimensional array.

  • Two dimensional array

    Dynamic initialization: int[][] arr = new int[3][];
    			arr[0]= new int[3];
    			arr[1] = new int[5];
    			arr[2]= new int[4];
    Static initialization: int[][] arr = {{2,1,4},{3,1,4,2,1},{3}};
    			int[][] arr =new int[][]{{2,1,4},{3,1,4,2,1},{3}};

    In java, two-dimensional arrays do not have to rely on the regular matrix form.

        int[][] arr = new int[3][5];
        arr[0][0] = 32;
        arr[2][4] = 54;
        for(int i = 0 ; i < arr.length;i++){// that 's ok
            for(int j = 0 ; j < arr[i].length; j++){// column
                System.out.print(arr[i][j]+"    ");
            System.out.println();//Wrap at the end of each line

Memory structure:

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-jjka2qqu-162763271577) (F: \ study \ notes \ screenshot \ image-20210717142631584.png)]

Interview site: Yang Hui triangle


1 1

1 2 1

1 3 3 1

1 4 6 4 1

The first line contains 1 element and the nth line contains n elements

The first and last elements of each are 1

Start with the third line for elements other than the first and last

yanghui[i][j] = yanghui[i-1][j-1] + yanghui[i-1][j]
   public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[][] yh = new int[5][];
        for(int i = 0 ; i < yh.length; i++){
            yh[i] = new int[i+1];
            for(int j = 0; j < i + 1;j++){
                if(j==0 || i==j){
                    yh[i][j]= 1;
                    yh[i][j] = yh[i-1][j-1] + yh[i-1][j];
        for(int i = 0 ; i < yh.length;i++){
            for(int j = 0 ; j < yh[i].length; j++){
                System.out.print(yh[i][j]+"    ");

Common operations for arrays

Array out of bounds exception

  • The legal range of the subscript: [0,length-1]. If it exceeds the range, an error will be reported;
public static void main(String[] args){
    int[] a=new int[2];  //The length of a is 2, and the subscript is a[0], a[1]
    System.out.println(a[2]);//a[2] to exceed the set value
  • Arraylndexofboundsexception: array subscript out of bounds exception!

  • Summary:

    • An array is an ordered collection of the same data type (the data type can be any type)
    • Arrays are also objects. An array element is equivalent to a member variable of an object
    • The length of the array is fixed and immutable. If it exceeds the boundary, it will report: ArrayindexOutofBounds
  • Solution:

Modify the out of bounds array index to the normal range.

Array null pointer exception

public static void main(String[] args) { 
	int[] arr = {1,2,3}; 
	arr = null; 

The line of code arr = null means that the variable arr will not save the memory address of the array, so it is not allowed to operate the array. Therefore, a null pointerexception null pointer exception will be thrown during operation.

Null pointer exception: it means that the variable of reference type does not point to any object (the variable of reference type does not refer to any data)

Solution: give a real heap memory space reference to the variable of reference type.

Performance of null pointer exception in memory graph

Traversal of array

  • Array traversal: it is to get each element in the array separately, which is traversal. Traversal is also the cornerstone of array operations.
public static void main(String[] args) { 
	int[] arr = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; 
	for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { 
  • Enhanced for loop jdk1 5 new): special users read all elements in the array or set (traverse the array or set)
         *Enhance the type of elements in the array or collection traversed by the first part of for
         * The second part a is used to store the elements obtained each time
         * The third part, arr, represents the array or collection object to be convenient
        for (int a : arr){
  • The enhanced for loop is more concise than the ordinary for loop when traversing the whole
  • Ordinary for loops can be precisely controlled to each element by index, while enhanced for loops cannot.

Copy of array

  public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arrSrc = {2,3,52,11,4,5,43,2,1};
        int[] arrDest = new int[arrSrc.length];// The length of the new array must be greater than or equal to the original array
         for(int i = 0 ; i < arrDest.length;i++){
             arrDest[i] = arrSrc[i];
         for(int a : arrDest){
 public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arrSrc = new int[5];
        int[] arrNew=null;
        int count=0;
        for(int i = 0 ; i< 100;i++ ){
            if(count < arrSrc.length){//When the number of elements in the array is less than the length of the array, data can be saved to the array
                arrSrc[i]=i;//Adding elements to an array
            }else{//The number of data in the array is greater than or equal to the length of the array
                arrNew = new int[arrSrc.length +(int)(arrSrc.length * 0.75)];
                for (int j = 0 ; j < arrSrc.length;j++){
                    arrNew[j]= arrSrc[j];
                arrSrc = arrNew;
                arrSrc[i]=i;//Adding elements to an array
            count++;//Count the number of data in the array
        for(int a : arrNew){

Gets the maximum value in the array

  • Get maximum value: find the maximum value from all elements of the array.
  • Implementation idea:
    • Define variables to hold the elements on the index of array 0
    • Traverse the array to get each element in the array
    • Compare the traversed element with the variable that holds the value on the index of array 0
    • If the value of the array element is greater than the value of the variable, the variable records the new value
    • After the array loop is traversed, the variable saves the maximum value in the array

Record the value of the element

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr = {2,52,26,22,12,3,223,22,91,81};
        // Gets the largest element in the array
        int max = arr[0];//Suppose the first element is the largest
        for(int a : arr){
            if(a > max){
                max = a;

Record the location of the element

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr = {2,52,26,22,12,3,223,22,91,81};
        // Gets the largest element in the array
        int maxIndex=0;
        for(int i = 0 ; i < arr.length;i++){
            if(arr[i] > arr[maxIndex]){
                maxIndex = i;

Array inversion

  • Array inversion: the order of elements in the array is reversed. For example, the original array is 1,2,3,4,5, and the inverted array is 5,4,3,2,1
  • Implementation idea: the farthest elements of the array exchange positions.
    • To achieve inversion, you need to exchange the positions of the farthest elements of the array
    • Define two variables to hold the minimum index and maximum index of the array
    • Element exchange position on two indexes
    • Minimum index + +, maximum index –, swap positions again
    • The minimum index exceeded the maximum index, and the array inversion operation ended

Array as method parameter and return value

In the previous methods, we learned the parameters and return values of methods, but we used basic data types. So can arrays of reference types be passed as method parameters? Of course.

  • Array is passed as a method parameter, and the passed parameter is the address of array memory.

Array as method return value

  • Array is the return value of the method, and the memory address of the array is returned

  • Method parameter type difference

When the parameter of the method is a basic type, the data value is passed. When the reference type is the address of the method, the value passed is

Sparse array

  • Requirements: in the preparation of Gobang games, there is the function of saving, exiting or continuing to play.
  • Analysis problem: because many values of the two-dimensional array are the default value of 0, a lot of meaningless data are recorded.
  • Solution: sparse array

Introduction to sparse array

  • When most elements in an array are 0 or the same value array, sparse array can be used to save the array.
  • Sparse arrays are handled as follows:
    • There are several rows and columns in the record array, and how many different values there are.
    • The elements, rows, columns and values with different values are recorded in a small-scale array, so as to reduce the size of the program
  public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[][] array1 = new int[11][11];//0 stands for empty, 1 for sunspot and 2 for white
        array1[1][2] = 1;//Locate the sunspot
        array1[2][3] = 2;//Locate Baizi
        //Output raw data
        System.out.println("raw data:");
        for (int[] ints : array1) {
            for (int anInt : ints) {
                System.out.print(anInt+" ");
        //Convert to sparse array save
        //1. Sum the number of valid values
        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < array1.length; j++) {
                if (array1[i][j]!=0){
        System.out.println("Sparse array:");
        //2. Create an array of sparse arrays
        int[][] array2 = new int [sum+1][3];//Determines the data of the first sparse array
        array2[0][0]= 11;
        array2[0][1]= 11;
        array2[0][2]= sum;
        //3. Store non-zero values in a sparse array
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i <array1.length ; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j <array1.length ; j++) {
                if (array1[i][j] != 0){
                    array2[count][0] = i;
                    array2[count][1] = j;
                    array2[count][2] = array1[i][j];
        System.out.println("order "+" that 's ok "+" column "+" value ");//Print array
        int xu = 0;
        for (int[] ints : array2) {
            System.out.print(xu+" ");
            for (int anInt : ints) {
                if (anInt<10){System.out.print("  "+anInt+" ");}
                else { System.out.print(" "+anInt+" ");}
        for (int i = 0; i <array2.length ; i++) {
        //Convert to raw data
        System.out.println("Restore original array:");
        int[][] array3 = new int[array2[0][0]][array2[0][1]];//Confirm the overall size of the original array
        for (int i = 1; i <array2.length ; i++) {
            array3[array2[i][0]][array2[i][1]]=array2[i][2];//Assign a value to the data of the array
        for (int[] ints : array3) {
            for (int anInt : ints) {
                System.out.print(anInt+" ");

Binary search algorithm

Binary search method (half search). The basic idea of binary retrieval method is to assume that the elements in the array are stored (sorted) in order. First, determine the value (key) we want to find. Compare the key with the element in the middle of the array. If key < middle value, it means that the element to be searched is in the left half. If key > middle value, it means that the element to be searched is in the right half. If key = intermediate value, the element in the middle is the element we are looking for.

Binary retrieval method is an efficient retrieval method.

public class SearchKey {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr = {12,32, 34,45, 54,65,71,82};
        boolean flag = search(arr,32);
     * @param arr  Is the target array
     * @param key Is the target value
     * @return
    public  static  boolean search(int[] arr, int key){
        int start = 0;//Start of lookup
        int end = arr.length -1;//End of search
        while(start <= end){
            int mid = (start + end ) /2;
            if(key == arr[mid]){
                return  true;
            }else if(key < arr[mid]){
                end = mid -1;
            }else if(key > arr[mid]){
                start = mid + 1;
       return  false;
     * @param arr  Is the target array
     * @param key Is the target value
     * @return Indicates the location of the target element. If - 1 is returned, it indicates that the target element does not exist
    public  static  int search(int[] arr, int key){
        int start = 0;//Start of lookup
        int end = arr.length -1;//End of search
        int index= -1;
        while(start <= end){
            int mid = (start + end ) /2;
            if(key == arr[mid]){
                 index = mid;
                 return index;
            }else if(key < arr[mid]){
                end = mid -1;
            }else if(key > arr[mid]){
                start = mid + 1;
       return  index;

Sorting of arrays

Select sort: directly select sort heap sort

Swap sort: Bubble Sort quick sort

Insert sort: direct insert split sort shell sort

Merge sort

Bucket sort

Cardinality sort

Bubble sorting

[[top ten classical sorting algorithms]:(

The core of bubble sorting is to compare two adjacent numbers in turn. When sorting in ascending order, put the decimal in the front and the large number in the back. Sorting algorithms generally need multiple rounds of comparison. The following is the ascending comparison process of bubble sorting.

  • Round 1: first compare the first and second numbers, and put the decimal before and the large number after; Then compare the second number and the third number, put the decimal before and after the large number, and continue until the last two numbers are compared, put the decimal before and after the large number; So far, the first round is over, and the maximum number is put at the end.
  • Round 2: still start the comparison from the first logarithm, put the decimal before the large number, and then compare to the penultimate number (the penultimate position is already the largest number). At the end of the second round, get a new maximum number at the penultimate position (in fact, it is the second largest number in the whole series).

To sum up, the function of round I in rounds 1 to n-1 (n is the length of the array, the same below) is to put the largest number I at the n-i subscript of the array. Operate according to this rule until the sorting is finally completed. Because the large number is always put back in the sorting process, which is similar to the bubble rising, it is called bubble sorting.

It can be seen from the above analysis that if the number of sequences to be sorted is n, it needs to go through n-1 rounds to finally complete the sorting. In the first round, the number of comparisons is n-1, and then it is reduced once per round.

public class BubbleSort {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr ={3,15,2,6,4,7,9,8};
        for(int j = arr.length -1;j  > 0 ; j--){//Controls the number of comparisons
            for(int i = 0 ; i < j;i++){
                if(arr[i] > arr[i+1]){//If the front element is larger than the back element, the positions of the two elements are exchanged
                    int temp = arr[i];
                    arr[i]= arr[i +1];
                    arr[i + 1] = temp;
        for(int a : arr){

Code refactoring:

1. Make the structure of the code clearer and easy to read and maintain

2. Enable code reuse and reduce code redundancy

public class BubbleSort {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr ={3,15,2,6,4,7,9,8};
// Use the bubble algorithm to sort integer arrays
    public  static void  sort(int[] arr){
        for(int j = arr.length -1;j  > 0 ; j--){//Controls the number of comparisons
            for(int i = 0 ; i < j;i++){
                if(arr[i] > arr[i+1]){//If the front element is larger than the back element, the positions of the two elements are exchanged
    // Swap the positions of two in the array
    public static void swap(int[] arr, int index1, int index2){
        int temp = arr[index1];
        arr[index1]= arr[index2];
        arr[index2] = temp;
    //Traversal of array
    public  static  void print(int[] arr){
        for(int a : arr){

Quick sort

Quick sort adopts a divide and conquer idea, which can be regarded as an upgraded version of bubble sort


1 select an element from the array, which is called "base element"“

2 reorder the array. All elements smaller than the benchmark element are placed in front of the benchmark element, and all elements larger than the benchmark element are placed behind the benchmark element. At the end of this partition, the base element is in the middle of the array. This is called a partition operation.

3 recursively sort the subarray less than the reference element and the subarray greater than the reference element

The bottom case of recursion is that the size of the sequence is zero or 1, that is, it has always been sorted. Although this recursion continues, the algorithm will always end, because at least one element will be placed in its last position in each iteration.

public class QuciSort {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr ={3,15,2,6,4,7,9,8};
    public  static  void quickSort(int[] arr){
        if(arr == null || arr.length == 0 ){
        sort(arr,0,arr.length - 1);
    // Core algorithm
    public static  void sort(int[] arr,int left,int right){
        if(left > right){//End condition of recursion
        // Select base element
        int base = arr[left];
        int i = left;
        int j = right;
        while( i != j){
            while(arr[j] >= base && i < j){//Look for elements larger than the base element from the right. If larger than the base element, continue to look forward
            // Look from left to right for those smaller than the benchmark element. If they are smaller than the benchmark element, continue to look back
            while(arr[i] <= base && i < j){
            if(i < j ){// If you find one smaller than the reference element from right to left and one larger than the reference element from left to right, exchange the positions of the two elements so that the large area is on the right and the small one is on the left
                int temp  = arr[i];
                arr[i] =arr[j];
                arr[j] = temp;
        // Put the datum element in the middle position (datum homing)
        arr[left] = arr[i];
        arr[i]= base;
        // Recursion continues with a quick sort on the left and right
        sort(arr,left,i -1);
    //Traversal of array
    public  static  void print(int[] arr){
        for(int a : arr){

Select sort

Selective sorting is a simple and intuitive sorting algorithm. Principle: find the smallest (largest) element in the unordered array and exchange it with the element in the first position

Select the difference between sorting and bubble sorting:

Bubble sorting places the current largest element at the last position by exchanging the positions of two adjacent elements at a time. Select sorting. Remember the position of the smallest element every time you traverse. Finally, you can put the element in the appropriate position by exchanging it only once.


1 array sorting, the array is unordered

2 first sorting: find the largest element from n-1 elements and exchange it with the first element

3 and so on

public class SelectSort {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr ={3,15,2,6,4,7,9,8};
        for(int i = 0 ; i < arr.length;i++){
            int minIndex= i;// Assume that the first element is the smallest, and use minIndex to record the location of the smallest element
            for(int j = i + 1; j < arr.length;j++){
                if(arr[j] < arr[minIndex]){//Find an element smaller than the assumed minimum element
                    minIndex = j;// Record the location of the smallest element
           // Find the smallest element and exchange the position of the smallest element with the first element
            if(minIndex != i){
                int temp = arr[i];
                arr[i]= arr[minIndex];
                arr[minIndex] = temp;
        // Traversal array
        for(int a : arr){

Arrays tool class

Array tool class java uti. Arrays

There are no methods for us to call the array object itself, but the API provides a tool class Arrays for us to use, so we can perform some basic operations on the data object.

View JDK help documentation

The methods in the Arrays class are static methods decorated with static. When using them, you can call them directly with the class name instead of using the object (Note: it is "no" instead of "no")

It has the following common functions:

Assign a value to the array: through the fill method.
Sort the array: sort in ascending order through the sort method.
Compare data: use the equals method to compare whether the element values in the array are equal.
Find array elements: binary search can be performed on the sorted array through the binarySearch method

public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr ={2,24,4,43,222,456,64,32,211,2,3};
        //Use the methods provided by Arrays to sort the array
        //Traversal array
        for(int a : arr){
public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr ={2,24,4,43,222,456,64,32,211,2,3};
        //Use the methods provided by Arrays to sort the array
        Arrays.sort(arr);//You must sort first
       int res =  Arrays.binarySearch(arr,2);
import java.util.Arrays;

public class ArraysDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr ={2,24,4,43,222,456,64,32,211,2,3};
        //Fill array
        public static void fill(int[] a,
                        int fromIndex,
                        int toIndex,
                        int val)

        //Traversal array
//        for(int a : arr){
//            System.out.println(a);
//        }


public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr ={2,24,4,43,222,456,64,32,211,2,3};
        //Use the methods provided by Arrays to sort the array
        Arrays.sort(arr);//You must sort first
       int res =  Arrays.binarySearch(arr,2);
import java.util.Arrays;

public class ArraysDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr ={2,24,4,43,222,456,64,32,211,2,3};
        //Fill array
        public static void fill(int[] a,
                        int fromIndex,
                        int toIndex,
                        int val)

        //Traversal array
//        for(int a : arr){
//            System.out.println(a);
//        }

Topics: Java