Set up NFS Service & real-time synchronization

Posted by ConnorSBB on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 09:18:31 +0100

1, Introduction to NFS

NFS yes Network File System Abbreviations for and network file system. NFS The main function is to share files or directories between different host systems through LAN.

NFS System and window Network share is similar to network drive, but Windows For LAN, NFS For enterprise cluster architecture, if it is a large website, it will use a more complex distributed file system FastDFS,glusterfs,HDFS,ceph




2, NFS application

1 User access NFS Client to convert the request into a function
2 NFS adopt TCP/IP Connect server
3 NFS When the server accepts the request, it will call portmap Process port mapping
4 RPc.nfsd Process used to determine NFS Can the customer link to the server
5 .Rpc.mount The process is used to determine the operation permission of the client to the server
6 If the permission verification is passed, the service can be terminated, modified or read

3, NFS practices

1. Server

Installing NFS utils and rpcbind

	yum install nfs-utils rpcbind -y

Modify the configuration file and configure the mount point (/ etc/exports)

	vim /etc/exports
	[Mount point] [Client network segments allowed to access]([jurisdiction])

Create mount point

	mkdir -p /web/nfs{1..9}

Authorize the mount point (modify master and group)

# Because the parameter all_ Square, no matter what account the NFS client uses to access, it is mapped to the anonymous user of the NFS server
 So use nfsnobody
	chown -R nfsnobody.nfsnobody /web

Turn off firewall

	setenforce 0
	systemctl disable --now firewolld

Start NFS and rpcbind services

	systemctl start nfs-server
	systemctl start rpcbind

Test whether the server is normal

	showmount -e [The address of the server. The default is the local address]

[root@nfs web]# showmount -e
Export list for nfs:

Remember to format the mount point

	mkfs.xfs /web/nfs1

2.2 client

Installing NFS utils

	yum install nfs-utils -y

be careful	:  Both client and server need to be installed nfs-utils

Create directory

	mkdir /web/nfs

Mount NFS

	mount -t nfs /web/nfs

-t	: Specify mount nfs type
 be careful	:  Format before mounting nfs Mount point for

Test NFS synchronization

stay web01 Mount directory in /web/nfs Create file in
 see nfs Is the data synchronized in the mount point

3. NFS configuration details

nfs shared parametersParameter action
rw Read and write permissions (common)
ro Read only permission (not commonly used)
root_squash When NFS clients are accessed as root administrators, they are mapped to anonymous users of NFS servers (not commonly used)
no_root_squash When an NFS client is accessed as a root administrator, it is mapped to the root administrator of the NFS server (not commonly used)
all_squash No matter what account the NFS client uses to access, it is mapped to an anonymous user of the NFS server (commonly used)
no_all_squash No matter what account NFS clients use to access, compression is not performed (not commonly used)
sync Write data into memory and hard disk at the same time to ensure no data loss (common)
async First save the data to the memory, and then write it to the hard disk; This is more efficient, but data may be lost (not commonly used)
anonuid Configure all_squash is used to specify the user UID of NFS, which must exist in the system (common)
anongid Configure all_squash is used to specify the GID of NFS user, and the system must exist (common)

3.1. Control reading and writing


3.2. Control file permissions


3.3. Control write mode


3.4. Control users


4. Unified user


In order to make nfs The files in the server are easy to read by all client machines
 Obviously, it is very inconvenient that the group and owner of the file are different

You can change all mount point files in the server to unified users and user groups www,Each client needs to use to create and access data files www Users, which facilitates the access of each client to public data

4.1 create www system user in nfs server

	groupadd www -g 666
	useradd www -u 666 -g 666 -M -r -s /sbin/nologin

4.2 authorized mount point (modify group and owner)

	chown -R www.www /web

4.3 modifying the mount point configuration file

 vim /etc/exports

4.4 restart NFS server and rpcbind

  systemctl restart nfs-server
  systemctl restart rpcbind

4.5 re mount in the client web01

[root@web01 ~]# umount /web/nfs
[root@web01 ~]# mount -t nfs /web/nfs

4.6 testing

5. Build web service (on client Web)

5.1 installing web software

	yum -y httpd php php-devel

5.2 upload the code to the root directory of the website

# After downloading the web software, the website root directory / var/www will be automatically generated
	cd /var/www/html

Unzip the code file
	unzip xxx

Upload web page code

# Create an upload folder under the html directory to receive uploaded files

5.3 authorize the root directory (modify the group owner)

	chown -R www.www /var/www/html

5.4 turn off selinux and firewall

    setenforce 0
    systemctl disable --now firewalld

5.5 users who modify web software

	vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
	User www
	Group www

# If this step is missing, an error will occur when synchronizing data because the original user does not have access rights

5.6 start web software

	systemctl start httpd

5.7 testing

With what IP operation web Yes, with what IP Login, I use the public network IP 


# Note: add the folder upload folder in the root directory / var/www/html, and the uploaded file should be named 1_xxx

6. web service construction and file sharing with NFS


6.1 modifying configuration files

	vim /etc/exports

To create a new mount point to store web Uploaded files

6.2 new mount point

	mkdir /web/upload
	chown www.www /web/upload

6.3 restart nfs software

	systemctl restart nfs-server rpcbind


6.4 installing and starting httpd and modifying its configuration

# All client machines shall install web service software, change their user name to WWW, and create www system users

[root@web03 conf]# groupadd www -g 666
[root@web03 conf]# useradd www -u 666 -g 666 -M -r -s /sbin/nologin

[root@web02 html]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
User www
Group www

[root@web02 html]# systemctl start httpd

6.5 install NFS software on all clients

# Note: if it cannot be mounted, the client should not download NFS software
	yum -y install nfs-utils

6.6 mounting

	mount -t nfs /var/www/html/upload

6.7 testing

The pictures uploaded in different servers (clients) can be shared and found by each different client, realizing the synchronous sharing of resources

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