Fourth quarter of Web front end (jQuery): V: 402 select all and deselect all + 403 attribute selector and attribute setting + 501 secondary provincial and municipal linkage

Posted by dewknight on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 04:45:49 +0100


I objective

1. Want to: Learn front-end knowledge

2. Think: take notes. Next time, you don't need to watch the video. You can quickly recall by looking at the notes directly.

II reference resources

1. GitHub website of my own code

2.SIKI College: I refer to this video for practice

3.w3school official website: used as a dictionary

4. Rookie tutorial: use as a dictionary

5.Web front end season 1 (HTML): my own note blog

6.Web front end season 2 (CSS): my own note blog

7.Web front end season 3 (JavaScript): my own note blog

III be careful

Operation: 1: Success: 402 - select all and unselect all functions

1. Operation result: successful:

Operation: 2: Success: 403 - property selector and property setting

1. Operation result: successful:

Operation: 3: Success: 501 - Secondary provincial linkage

1. Operation result: successful:

I objective

1. Want to: Learn front-end knowledge

2. Think: take notes. Next time, you don't need to watch the video. You can quickly recall by looking at the notes directly.

II reference resources

1. GitHub website of my own code

GitHub - xzy506670541 / WebTest: Web front end of Siki College

2.SIKI College: I refer to this video for practice

Login - SiKi College - life and learning!

  1. I refer to this video for practice

3.w3school official website: used as a dictionary

w3school online tutorial

4. Rookie tutorial: use as a dictionary

Rookie tutorial - learn not only technology, but also dream!

5.Web front end season 1 (HTML): my own note blog

Web front end season 1 (HTML): I: 101 - why learn web front end knowledge+ 102 - what is HTML+ 103 - install tools and learning methods + 04 - create the first web page file_ Smart_zy's blog - CSDN blog directory I Purpose 1 II Reference 1 SiKi College 1 Nodepad + + official website 1 W3school official website III Note 4 Operation: successful 1 What is HTML? 1. Why learn HTML? 1. Who is this course applicable to? 1. Relationship between web front-end engineer and back-end 1 What development tools do you use? 1. Learning methods? 1. Operation: the first web page: I Purpose 1 II Reference 1 SiKi college login - SiKi College - life and learning! I refer to this video practice 1 Nodepad + + official website https:

6.Web front end season 2 (CSS): my own note blog

Web front end season 2 (CSS): 1: 101 - what is CSS+102 - Download and install HBuilder+103 - what are div and span tags + 104 - the difference between block elements and inline elements + 105 - Basic CSS syntax_ Smart_zy's blog - CSDN blog directory I Purpose 1 Think: Learn front-end knowledge 2 Think: take notes. Next time you don't need to watch the video, you can quickly recall by looking at the notes directly. II Reference 1 GitHub website of my own code 1 Siki College: I refer to this video practice 1 W3school official website: use as a dictionary 1 Rookie tutorial: use three as a dictionary Note 4 Operation: 1: Success: 101 - what is CSS? 1. Success: understand what CSS is IV Action: 2:102 - Download and install HBuilder1 Download: it is found that the official website does not have hbuilder (it is the last version), all of which are HBuilderX1 Create project

7.Web front end season 3 (JavaScript): my own note blog

Web front end season 3 (JavaScript): I: Chapter 1: basic knowledge of javascript: 101 - what is JavaScript language + 102 - writing the first JavaScript code + 103 - three ways to write JS code_ Smart_zy's blog - CSDN blog directory I Purpose 1 Think: Learn front-end knowledge 2 Think: take notes. Next time you don't need to watch the video, you can quickly recall by looking at the notes directly. II Reference 1 GitHub website of my own code 1 Siki College: I refer to this video practice 1 W3school official website: use as a dictionary 1 Rookie tutorial: use three as a dictionary Note 4 Operation: 1: Success: 101 - what is JavaScript language 1 Introduction to JS IV Operation: 2: Success: 102 - write the first JavaScript code 1 New project: 1 Running result: Success: the warning window 4 will pop up Operation: 3: Success: 103 - write j

III be careful

Operation: 1: Success: 402 - select all and unselect all functions

1. Operation result: successful:

  1. #selectBtn: find the selectBtn object and add a click event,
  2. prop add status: the same click status as the clicked selectBtn

Select all \ deselect all
1. Select the select all button first
2. Add event
$("tbody input").attr("checked",this.checked);
$("tbody input").prop("checked",this.checked);


<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<style type="text/css">


		<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jQuery/jQuery%20Core%203.3.1-uncompressed.js"></script>

		<script type="text/javascript">
			$(function() {
				// $("#myTable tr:even").css("background-color", "aliceblue");
				// #myTable: ancestor selector:, works only on myTable tables
				//Tbody: only works on tbody
				// tr:even: even rows
				// tr.odd: cardinality line
				// $("#myTable tbody tr:even").css("background-color", "aliceblue");
				// $("#myTable tr:odd").css("background-color", "beige");
				// $(ancestors and descendants)
				// $("table td").css("background-color", "beige");
				// $("#myTable td").css("background-color", "beige");

				//Offspring selector: whether it's a son, grandson, etc., as long as it's a descendant
				// $("div span").css("background-color", "red");

				//Son: it must be a father son relationship, excluding grandchildren
				// $("div>div").css("background-color", "green");
				//#selectBtn: find the selectBtn object and add a click event,
				//prop add status: the same click status as the clicked selectBtn
					$("tbody input[name='select']").prop("checked",this.checked);

		<div id="">
				<span id="">
				asdqwebsmndbhfkh Esdakby then


		<table id="myTable" border="1" cellspacing="" cellpadding="">
			<!-- thead Header label: make this content at the beginning of the table-->
					<td><input type="checkbox" name="" id="selectBtn" value="" /></td>
					<th>Charging unit</th>
					<th>payment method</th>
					<th>Settlement method</th>

			<!-- tbody Table body label -->
					<td><input type="checkbox" name="select" id="" value="" /></td>
					<td>XX limited company</td>
					<td>mobile phone</td>
					<td><input type="checkbox" name="select" id="" value="" /></td>
					<td>XX limited company</td>
					<td>mobile phone</td>
					<td><input type="checkbox" name="select" id="" value="" /></td>
					<td>XX limited company</td>
					<td>mobile phone</td>
					<td><input type="checkbox" name="select" id="" value="" /></td>
					<td>XX limited company</td>
					<td>mobile phone</td>

			<!-- tfoot End of table label: the content is at the end of the table -->

		<table id="" border="1" cellspacing="" cellpadding="">
				<th>Charging unit</th>
				<th>payment method</th>
				<th>Settlement method</th>
				<td>XX limited company</td>
				<td>mobile phone</td>
				<td>XX limited company</td>
				<td>mobile phone</td>

Operation: 2: Success: 403 - property selector and property setting

1. Operation result: successful:

Reference website:


Operation: 3: Success: 501 - Secondary provincial linkage

1. Operation result: successful:

reference resources:

Provincial and municipal linkage
1. Selector
2. Add event

3. Clear drop-down list

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jQuery/jQuery%20Core%203.3.1-uncompressed.js"></script>
		<style type="text/css"></style>

		<script type="text/javascript">
			//Make a binary array
			var arr_province = new Array(5);
			arr_province[0] = new Array("Beijing");
			arr_province[1] = new Array("Hefei", "Wuhu City", "Fuyang City"); //Array 1 is Anhui Province, in which the elements are cities in Anhui Province
			arr_province[2] = new Array("Zhengzhou City", "Luoyang City", "Zhumadian City");
			arr_province[3] = new Array("Xi'an City", "Baoji City", "Yan'an City");
			arr_province[4] = new Array("HeZe ", "Zibo City", "Jinan City");

			$(function() {
				$("#province").change(function() {
					//Clear the option with id of city
					var provinceID = this.value;
						$("#City "). HTML (" < option value = \ "- 1 \" > -- please select -- < / option > ");
						for(var i=0;i<arr_province[provinceID].length;i++){
							var option=document.createElement("option");
		<!-- Drop down list: Province -->
		<select id="province">
			<option value="-1">--Please select--</option>
			<option value="0">Beijing</option>
			<option value="1">Anhui Province</option>
			<option value="2">Hebei Province</option>
			<option value="3">Shaanxi Province</option>
			<option value="4">Shandong Province</option>

		<!-- Drop down list: City -->
		<select id="city">
			<option value="-1">--Please select--</option>


Topics: Front-end JQuery css