Python Dragonfly fm audio book batch download support account login original source code

Posted by runner on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 08:48:16 +0100

Target site audio novels - audio books - radio broadcast online listening - Dragonfly FM

The actual combat of python crawler is on the PC side. The mobile side may have a more convenient interface. You are welcome to pay attention to the discussion. Anyway, if you are practicing, just grab the package on the PC side


primary coverage


  • request login
  • 2. Simple use of hmacmd5 algorithm


The login of this example is very simple. Just post without any encryption. There is really no encryption and unknown parameters

Many people learn Python and don't know where to start.

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python implementation. Note that this is a method of a class. It is incomplete and cannot be run directly


def login(self,user_id,password):
    data = {
        'account_type': '5',
        'device_id': 'web',
        'user_id': user_id,
        'password': password
    response =,data=data)
    if response.status_code==200:
        temp = response.json()
        errorno = temp['errorno']
        errormsg = temp['errormsg']
        if errorno == 0:
            print('login successful!','Login succeeded!')
            data = temp['data']
            self.qingting_id = data['qingting_id']
            self.access_token = data['access_token']
            print('Login failed','Login failed')


After recording successfully, we put access_token and qingting_id is equivalent to a sign after login. If the account is a member, it is equivalent to a member sign
The real address of the audio requests such a url:

Where 294280 is the album id,
11604885 is the id of the current audio



It also takes some parameters, such as access_ token,qingting_ ID (in the response for successful login, all the responses not logged in in the figure above are empty), and some others, such as t, are time stamps,


device_id=MOBILESITE (unchanged)


The key is sign (if you try without sign, you will return a signature error)


You can try which js generated this sign through global search. I searched globally




In mian a load of. js # found the function that generates the sign (you need to distinguish it by yourself. It is a device_id: "MOBILESITE")


Search for other keywords should also be able to find smoothly



The sign here is the variable u, which is obtained from the variable c through a pile of encryption processing


We can output u and c from the console



So we know that sign actually encrypts other parameters of the request


At first, I mistakenly thought it was pure MD5, so I stuck it for a long time (I also went into the function to see how it was implemented)


In fact, the code has told you to use


createHmac("md5", "fpMn12&38f_2e")


After checking Hmac, it is found that it is a ready-made algorithm, and there are different modes. MD5 is one of them, and a secret key is required


I've told you everything here. The secret key of Hmac-md5 is fpmn12 & 38F_ 2e


Find an online encrypted website and try it. It's the same as the console output just now



import is required for python


hmac this library


import hmac
import time
base_url = ""
bookid = "294280"
id = "11590788"
access_token = ""
qingting_id =""
timestamp = str(round(time.time()*1000))
data = f"/audiostream/redirect/{bookid}/{id}?access_token={access_token}&device_id=MOBILESITE&qingting_id={qingting_id}&t={timestamp}"
message = data.encode('utf-8')
key = "fpMn12&38f_2e".encode('utf-8')
sign =, message, digestmod='MD5').hexdigest()
whole_url = base_url+data+"&sign="+sign


You can get an audio. The rest is to get a pile. In fact, we can get the id of each audio

This is the interface I requested

info_api = '{self.bookid}/programs/{self.version}?curpage={str(page)}&pagesize=30&order=asc'

version is in the source code of the sound book home page. You can turn the page as long as you change curpage

import requests
import re
import hmac
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import os
import json
import sys
import urllib3
class QingTing():
    def __init__(self,user_id,password,bookurl,ifLogin):
        self.ifLogin = ifLogin
        self.user_id = user_id
        self.password = password
        self.session = requests.session()    
        self.session.headers.update({'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36'})
        self.login_url = ""
        self.qingting_id = ''
        self.access_token = ''
        self.bookurl = bookurl
        # self.bookurl = ''
        self.bookid = self.bookurl.split('/')[-1]
        self.version = ''
        self.qingtinghost = ''
        self.save_path = ''
        self.bookname = ''
    def login(self,user_id,password):
        data = {
            'account_type': '5',
            'device_id': 'web',
            'user_id': user_id,
            'password': password
        response =,data=data,verify=False)
        if response.status_code==200:
            temp = response.json()
            errorno = temp['errorno']
            errormsg = temp['errormsg']
            if errorno == 0:
                print('login successful!','Login succeeded!')
                data = temp['data']
                self.qingting_id = data['qingting_id']
                self.access_token = data['access_token']
                print('Login failed','Login failed')
    def __get_version(self):
        response =  self.session.get(url=self.bookurl,verify=False)
        if response.status_code==200:
            soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text,'lxml')
            temp_bookname ='div.album-info-root > > > h1')[0].string
            replaced_pattern = '[\\\/:\*\?\"<>|]'
            self.bookname = re.sub(replaced_pattern,' ',temp_bookname,flags=re.M +re.S)
            if not os.path.exists(self.bookname):
            matched ='\"version\":\"(\w+)"',response.text,re.S)
            if matched:
                version =
                self.version = version
                # return version
    def __get_total_page(self):
        page = 1
        info_api = f'{self.bookid}/programs/{self.version}?curpage={str(page)}&pagesize=30&order=asc'
        response =  self.session.get(info_api,verify=False)
        if response.status_code==200:
            temp =  response.json()
            total = temp['data']['total']
            total_page = int(int(total)/30)+1
            return total,total_page
    def get_book_info(self):
        total,total_page = self.__get_total_page()
        for page in range(1,total_page+1):
            info_api = f'{self.bookid}/programs/{self.version}?curpage={str(page)}&pagesize=30&order=asc'
            response =  self.session.get(info_api,verify=False)
            programs = response.json()['data']['programs']
            for program in programs:
                # print(program['id'],program['title'])
                yield program
    def get_src(self,id):
        bookid = self.bookid
        access_token = self.access_token
        qingting_id =self.qingting_id
        timestamp = str(round(time.time()*1000))
        data = f"/audiostream/redirect/{bookid}/{id}?access_token={access_token}&device_id=MOBILESITE&qingting_id={qingting_id}&t={timestamp}"
        message = data.encode('utf-8')
        key = "fpMn12&38f_2e".encode('utf-8')
        sign =, message, digestmod='MD5').hexdigest()
        whole_url = self.qingtinghost+data+"&sign="+sign
        return whole_url
    def downloadFILE(self,url,name):
        resp = self.session.get(url=url,stream=True,verify=False)
        if resp.headers['Content-Type'] =='audio/mpeg':
            content_size = int(int(resp.headers['Content-Length'])/1024)
            with open(name, "wb") as f:
                print("Pkg total size is:",content_size,'k,start...')
                for data in tqdm(iterable=resp.iter_content(1024),total=content_size,unit='k',desc=name):
                print(name , "download finished!")
            errorno = resp.json()['errorno']
            errormsg = resp.json()['errormsg']
            print('No permission to download,Please log in to the account that has purchased this audio.')
    def run(self):
        if self.ifLogin:
        programs =  self.get_book_info()
        count = 0
        for program in programs:
                id = program['id']
                title = str(count).zfill(4)+' '+program['title']+'.m4a'
                if not self.bookname =='':
                    title = os.path.join(self.bookname,title)
                whole_url =  self.get_src(id)
            except Exception as e:
                with open('log.txt','a',encoding='utf-8') as f:
def get_config_info():
    with open('config.json','r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
        config = json.loads(
        return config
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # pyinstaller -F -i ico.ico
    config = get_config_info()
    if config["ifLogin"]:
        bookurl = input('Please enter a link to the home page where you want to download audio:(as[url=][/url])')
        isvalid ='\d+',bookurl)
        if isvalid:
            q  = QingTing(config["user_id"],config["password"],bookurl,1)
            print("The home page entered is not in the correct format")
        # Don't log in
        bookurl = input('Please enter a link to the home page where you want to download audio:(as[url=][/url])')
        isvalid ='\d+',bookurl)
        if isvalid:
            q  = QingTing(config["user_id"],config["password"],bookurl,0)
            print("The home page entered is not in the correct format")


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