What is a crawler? What is the principle of Python crawler

Posted by romic on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 14:10:37 +0100



In short, the Internet is a large network composed of sites and network devices. We visit sites through the browser, and the site returns HTML, JS and CSS codes to the browser. These codes are parsed and rendered by the browser to present colorful web pages in front of us;

1, What is a reptile?

If we compare the Internet to a large spider web, the data is stored in each node of the spider web, and the crawler is a small spider,

Crawling their prey (data) along the network refers to the program that sends a request to the website, obtains resources, analyzes and extracts useful data;

From the technical level, it is to simulate the behavior of the browser requesting the site through the program, climb the HTML code / JSON data / binary data (pictures and videos) returned by the site to the local, and then extract the data you need and store it for use;

2, Basic process of crawler:

How users obtain network data:

Method 1: the browser submits a request -- > downloads the web page code -- > and parses it into a page

Method 2: simulate the browser to send a request (get the web page code) - > extract useful data - > store it in the database or file

All reptiles have to do is mode 2;

1. Initiate request

Send a Request to the target site by using the http library

Request includes: request header, request body, etc

Request module defect: unable to execute JS and CSS code

2. Get response content

If the server can respond normally, you will get a Response

The Response includes: html, json, pictures, videos, etc

3. Parsing content

Parsing html data: regular expression (RE module), third-party parsing libraries, such as beautiful soup, pyquery, etc

Parsing json data: json module

Parsing binary data: writing files in wb mode

4. Save data

Database (MySQL, Mongdb, Redis)


3, http protocol request and response

Request: users send their own information to the server (socket server) through the browser (socket client)

Response: the server receives the request, analyzes the request information sent by the user, and then returns the data (the returned data may contain other links, such as pictures, js, css, etc.)

ps: after receiving the Response, the browser will parse its content to display to the user, while the crawler program will extract useful data after simulating the browser to send a request and then receive the Response.

4, request

1. Request method:

Common request methods: GET / POST

2. Requested URL

url global uniform resource locator is used to define a unique resource on the Internet. For example, a picture, a file and a video can be uniquely determined by url

url encoding

https://www.baidu.com/s?wd= picture

The picture will be encoded (see the sample code)

The loading process of the web page is:

When loading a web page, you usually load the document first,

When parsing a document, if a link is encountered, a request to download a picture is initiated for the hyperlink

3. Request header

User agent: if there is no user agent client configuration in the request header, the server may treat you as an illegal user host;

cookies: cookie s are used to save login information

Note: generally, crawlers will add the request header

Parameters to note in the request header:

(1) Referrer: where does the access source come from (for some large websites, the anti-theft chain strategy will be made through referrer; all crawlers should also pay attention to simulation)

(2) User agent: Browser accessed (to be added, otherwise it will be regarded as a crawler)

(3) cookie: the request header should be carried carefully

4. Request body

Request body
    If it is get Method, request body has no content( get The request body of the request is placed in url (you can see it directly in the following parameters)
    If it is post Method, the request body is format data

    1,Login window, file upload, etc. information will be attached to the request body
    2,Log in, enter the wrong user name and password, and then submit, you can see post,After logging in correctly, the page usually jumps and cannot be captured post

5, Response response

1. Response status code

200: success

301: represents jump

404: file does not exist

403: no access

502: server error

2,respone header

Parameters needing attention in response header:

(1)Set-Cookie:BDSVRTM=0; path = /: there may be more than one to tell the browser to save the cookie

(2) Content Location: the server response header contains Location. After returning to the browser, the browser will revisit another page

3. preview is the web page source code

JSO data

Such as web pages, html, pictures

Binary data, etc

6, Summary

1. Summarize the crawler process:

Crawl -- > parse -- > store

2. Tools required for crawler:

Request Library: requests,selenium (it can drive the browser to parse and render CSS and JS, but it has performance disadvantages (useful and useless web pages will be loaded);)

Parsing library: regular, beautiful soup, pyquery

Repository: file, MySQL, Mongodb, Redis

3. Climb the school flower net

Finally, let's give you some benefits

Basic version:

import re
import requests

# print(respose.status\_code)# Response status code
# print(respose.content)  #Return byte information
# print(respose.text)  #Return text content
urls=re.findall(r'class="items".\*?href="(.\*?)"',respose.text,re.S)  #re.S converts text information into 1 line matching


with open('D:\\\\a.mp4','wb') as f:

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Function encapsulated version

import re
import requests
import hashlib
import time

# respose=requests.get('http://www.xiaohuar.com/v/')
# # print(respose.status\_code)# Response status code
# # print(respose.content)  #Return byte information
# # print(respose.text)  #Return text content
# urls=re.findall(r'class="items".\*?href="(.\*?)"',respose.text,re.S)  #re.S converts text information into 1 line matching
# url=urls\[5\]
# result=requests.get(url)
# mp4\_url=re.findall(r'id="media".\*?src="(.\*?)"',result.text,re.S)\[0\]
# video=requests.get(mp4\_url)
# with open('D:\\\\a.mp4','wb') as f:
#     f.write(video.content)

def get\_index(url):
    respose \= requests.get(url)
    if respose.status\_code==200:
        return respose.text

def parse\_index(res):
    urls \= re.findall(r'class="items".\*?href="(.\*?)"', res,re.S)  # re.S converts text information into 1 line matching
    return urls

def get\_detail(urls):
    for url in urls:
        if not url.startswith('http'):
            url\='http://www.xiaohuar.com%s' %url
        result \= requests.get(url)
        if result.status\_code==200 :
            mp4\_url\_list \= re.findall(r'id="media".\*?src="(.\*?)"', result.text, re.S)
            if mp4\_url\_list:
                # save(mp4\_url)

def save(url):
    video \= requests.get(url)
    if video.status\_code==200:
        filename\=r'%s.mp4'% m.hexdigest()
        with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:

def main():
    for i in range(5):
        res1 \= get\_index('http://www.xiaohuar.com/list-3-%s.html'% i )
        res2 \= parse\_index(res1)

if \_\_name\_\_ == '\_\_main\_\_':

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Concurrent Version (if you need to climb 30 videos and open 30 threads to do it, the time spent is the time spent on the slowest one)

import re
import requests
import hashlib
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
p\=ThreadPoolExecutor(30) #Create a process pool with 30 threads;

def get\_index(url):
    respose \= requests.get(url)
    if respose.status\_code==200:
        return respose.text

def parse\_index(res):
    res\=res.result() #After the process is executed, 1 object is obtained
    urls = re.findall(r'class="items".\*?href="(.\*?)"', res,re.S)  # re.S converts text information into 1 line matching
    for url in urls:
        p.submit(get\_detail(url))  #Get details page submit to thread pool

def get\_detail(url):  #Download only 1 Video
        if not url.startswith('http'):
            url\='http://www.xiaohuar.com%s' %url
        result \= requests.get(url)
        if result.status\_code==200 :
            mp4\_url\_list \= re.findall(r'id="media".\*?src="(.\*?)"', result.text, re.S)
            if mp4\_url\_list:
                # save(mp4\_url)

def save(url):
    video \= requests.get(url)
    if video.status\_code==200:
        filename\=r'%s.mp4'% m.hexdigest()
        with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:

def main():
    for i in range(5):
        p.submit(get\_index,'http://www.xiaohuar.com/list-3-%s.html'% i ).add\_done\_callback(parse\_index)
        #1. First, asynchronously submit the get \ _indextask to the thread pool
        #2,get\_ After the index task is executed, it will add through the callback letter\_ done\_ The number of callbacks () notifies the main thread that the task is completed;
        #2. get\_index execution result (note that the thread execution result is an object, and the real execution result can be obtained only by calling the result = result. Result() method), which is passed to parse as a parameter\_ index
        #3,parse\_ After completing the task,
        #4. Through the loop, get the details page again\_ The detail () task is submitted to the thread pool for execution

if \_\_name\_\_ == '\_\_main\_\_':

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Knowledge involved: multithreading and multiprocessing

Computing intensive tasks: use multi-process, because Python has GIL, and multi-process can take advantage of multi-core CPU;

IO intensive tasks: use multithreading and do IO switching to save task execution time (concurrency)

Thread pool