[ctf misc][wp] wp of some memory Forensics (including the Bo People's files of [2021 Blue Hat Cup North Division]

Posted by Duell on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 00:52:46 +0100


1. [v & n2020 open] memory Forensics

1. Find strategies

volatility.exe -f C:\Users\shen\Downloads\mem.raw imageinfo

2. Look at the process

volatility.exe -f C:\Users\shen\Downloads\mem.raw --profile=Win7SP1x86_23418 pslist > pslist.txt

From the back to the front, the last one is for fixing the memory image dumpit Software and windows Running background exe,There are three more processes worth noting
0x83c0ad40 TrueCrypt.exe          3364   3188      7      388      1      0 2020-02-18 19:52:44 UTC+0000                                 
0x837f5d40 notepad.exe            3552   1964      2       61      1      0 2020-02-18 19:53:07 UTC+0000                                 
0x82a7e568 iexplore.exe           3640   1964     16      468      1      0 2020-02-18 19:53:29 UTC+0000                                 
0x847c8030 iexplore.exe           3696   3640     25      610      1      0 2020-02-18 19:53:29 UTC+0000                                 
0x848a7030 mspaint.exe            2648   1964     18      383      1      0 2020-02-18 19:54:01 UTC+0000 //Drawing                                

3. View the text currently displayed in Notepad

notepad command doesn't work. Forensics master will try to restore it

2.[NEWSCTF]2021.6.1 mengxinsai very EZ dump


1.x-ways recovery (just complete the document, but the forensics master didn't recover --) and found a compressed package


volatility.exe -f C:\Users\shen\Desktop\mem.raw imageinfo
volatility.exe -f C:\Users\shen\Desktop\mem.raw --profile=Win7SP1x64 pslist
0xfffffa80010c7060 cmd.exe                2624   1700      1       21      1      0 2021-05-20 13:04:35 UTC+0000
 Found a cmd process
volatility.exe -f C:\Users\shen\Desktop\mem.raw --profile=Win7SP1x64 cmdscan
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6
CommandProcess: conhost.exe Pid: 1588
CommandHistory: 0x117120 Application: cmd.exe Flags: Allocated, Reset
CommandCount: 13 LastAdded: 12 LastDisplayed: 12
FirstCommand: 0 CommandCountMax: 50
ProcessHandle: 0x60
Cmd #0 @ 0x109cf0: dir
Cmd #1 @ 0x108290: ipconfig
Cmd #2 @ 0xf8bd0: ipconfig
Cmd #3 @ 0x116aa0: ping newsctf.top
Cmd #4 @ 0x1082d0: network
Cmd #5 @ 0x1082f0: net user
Cmd #6 @ 0xf8c50: net user Guest 123456789
Cmd #7 @ 0xf8c90: net user mumuzi (ljmmz)ovo
Cmd #8 @ 0x108350: clear
Cmd #9 @ 0x116a40: if_you_see_it,
Cmd #10 @ 0xf8cd0: you_will_find_the_flag
Cmd #11 @ 0x116ad0: where_is_the_flag?
Cmd #12 @ 0x1178d0: net user Administrator flag_not_here
Cmd #29 @ 0x90158: ↕
Cmd #30 @ 0x10f920: ►
CommandProcess: conhost.exe Pid: 2824
CommandHistory: 0x357140 Application: DumpIt.exe Flags: Allocated
CommandCount: 0 LastAdded: -1 LastDisplayed: -1
FirstCommand: 0 CommandCountMax: 50
ProcessHandle: 0x60
Cmd #29 @ 0x2d0158: 5
Cmd #30 @ 0x34f940: 4

The compressed package password is(ljmmz)ovo

3. [2021 Blue Hat Cup Northern Division] Bo Ren's document

Blogger received a pdf file one day and was stolen by a hacker. Can you find what he lost?

Attachment: Bo Ren's computer raw,hacker.zip

1. Collect basic information

λ volatility.exe -f C:\Users\shen\Desktop\Bo Ren's computer.raw imageinfo
 strategy Win7SP1x64

pslist See a lot of Firefox processes, as well winhex and notepad++Presumably checked the file, 306 zip Compression software (I guess hackers use compressed packages to send intrusion tools)

iehistory  Found a suspicious hello.pdf
Process: 2620 explorer.exe
Cache type "DEST" at 0x3761c73
Last modified: 2021-04-23 10:52:57 UTC+0000
Last accessed: 2021-04-23 02:52:58 UTC+0000
URL: fei@file:///C:/Users/fei/Desktop/hello.pdf

2. Remove the suspicious pdf file

0x000000007e8a3f20      3      0 R--rw- \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Users\fei\Desktop\hello.pdf

dumpfiles Remove the file
volatility.exe -f C:\Users\shen\Desktop\Bo Ren's computer.raw --profile=Win7SP1x64 dumpfiles -Q 0
x000000007e8a3f20 -D ./
The default value is dat File, if added-n Parameters,

In fact, this pdf, memdump can be obtained by removing the process 360zip or winhex and binwalk, but there are too many things separated, and there are some executable elf programs.

Show virus path in pdf:

3. Remove the svhost disguised by the virus exe

filescan  Two were found svhost.exe
0x0000000036f3f600      3      0 R--r-d \Device\HarddiskVolume1രƥCheatƨ\svhost.exe
0x000000007e3a4730      1      0 R--rw- \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Users\fei\AppData\Local\Temp\360zip$Temp\360$2\svhost.exe

 Direct discovery dump lower exe It's no use. Turn around dump zip file
0x000000007e14e320      1      0 R--rw- \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Windows\svhost.zip
0x000000007e0ed9d0      1      1 R--r-- \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Program Files\svhost.zip
 before filescan Although there are many memory addresses, you only need dump There are two paths dump Down is vacb File, but "checksum error in file. The file is corrupted" will be displayed when decompressing Can use WinRAR The built-in repair tool, extract svhost.exe
 Here, if you directly xways Recover the compressed package. I don't know why. It can't be decompressed or recovered

Solution to package damage

4. Decompile svhost exe

pyinstaller unpacking + pyc Decompilation

pyinstaller reverse decompile pyc file structure

svhost.exe is a pyinstaller packaged exe (directly, you can see that there are many dll connection libraries at the back of exe, pyz and so on. It is speculated that it is a pyinstaller packaged exe). Unpack it with pyinstxtracker
pyInstaller is packaging When pyc, it will The magic and timestamp of pyc are removed, so it is necessary to repair magic manually. Magic (magic number) is related to the python version. In struct pyc has it on his head

Repair script:

import os,sys
with open(filepath,'r+b') as program:		#If yes, w will empty the file and r + will replace the original content
    with open(".\struct.pyc",'rb') as struct:
        program.seek(0)		#The file pointer moves to the front

After getting the complete pyc, you can decompile online link , you can also decompile with uncompyle6 (decompile is incomplete online)

pip install uncompyle6
uncompyle6 -o Source output name.py test.pyc
uncompyle6 transfer.pyc > transfer.py

The key source codes are as follows:

hostname = ''
username = 'fei'
password = ''
port = 22

if __name__ == '__main__':
    local_dir = 'C:\\Program Files\\setups'
    remote_dir = '/home/share/'
    upload(local_dir, remote_dir)

According to the compressed package hacker Zip note the password would be hacker's ip + hacker's hostname to get its decompression password

In fact, netscan see svchost Exe (the virus is svhost.exe),

5. Setup analysis

remote_dir = '/home/share /' find a super large setup. The file can be found to be zip. Change the suffix to include result Png, but you can't unzip it with a password

I don't know why I went back to hashdump... Maybe I can't find the password, so I need hashdump

λ volatility.exe -f C:\Users\shen\Desktop\Bo Ren's computer.raw --profile=Win7SP1x64 hashdump
 see Windows account hash
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6

Guest and fei are empty passwords, and HomeGroupUser $is the Homegroup's own user.

The last line of the nthash of the hush user is the password.

6.result.png picture analysis

I can't misc, copy wp

When you zoom in, you can see many color pixels. Try zooming with the PIL library

The size of the picture is 3160 x 1846, and the arrangement spacing of pixels is as follows:

x : 14,13,14,13 ......
y : 31,32,31,31,32,31,31,31,32 ......

After removing the border, make a rough calculation and zoom the picture to about (242-224) x (59-61) to get the correct zoom

In order to ensure that the pixels selected by PIL are correct when zooming, image Charge sampling method of nearest

from PIL import Image

for i in range(224,242):
    for j in range(59,61):
        img = Image.open('result.png')
        img = img.resize((i,j),Image.NEAREST)
        img.save(str(i) + 'x' + str(j) + '.png')

Finally at 234x59 Png scaling section found flag

This topic is too complicated. I reappear it according to the wp of WeChat official account of Shandong Police College.

Topics: CTF wp