What about MyBatis annotation development of SSM / MyBatis annotation development in IDEA? How to use the MyBatis annotation?

Posted by charlieholder on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 12:05:18 +0100

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3.11 annotation development

3.11.1 notes

MyBatis can also be developed with annotations to reduce the writing of Mapper mapping files. Common annotations are as follows:

@InsertRealize new
@UpdateImplementation update
@DeleteImplementation deletion
@SelectImplement query
@ResultImplement result set encapsulation
@ResultsUse with @ Result to realize multiple Result sets
@OneRealize one-to-one result encapsulation
@ManyImplement one to many result encapsulation

3.11.2 project preparation

and #### project preparation The same, except there is no need to configure UserMapper and ordermapper XML file!

3.11.3 code implementation basic CURD create UserMapper interface

Create a UserMapper interface class, write the CURD function and add comments, as follows:

@Select("select * from user")  
List<User> findAll();  
@Select("select * from user where id = #{id}")  
User findById(int id);  
@Insert("insert into user (id,name,password) values(#{id},#{name},#{password})")  
int insert(User user);  
@Update("update user set name = #{name},password = #{password} where id = #{id}")  
int update(User user);  
@Delete("delete  from user where id = #{id}")  
int delete(int id); add mapping relationship

In sqlmapperconfig Add the mapping relationship of interface annotation in XML, as follows:

<!-- Load mapping relationship-->  
<!-- Specify the package where the interface is located-->  
 	<package name="com.demo.mapper"/>  
 </mappers> writing test classes

Write test code in the test class, including simple addition, deletion, modification and query operations, as follows:

private UserMapper userMapper;  
public void before() throws IOException {  
     InputStream resourceAsStream = Resources.getResourceAsStream("SqlMapConfig.xml");  
	 SqlSessionFactory sessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(resourceAsStream);  
	 SqlSession sqlSession = sessionFactory.openSession(true);  
	 userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper.class);  
public void testInsert()  
     User user = new User();
	 user.setName("Wang San");  
public void testDelete()  
public void testUpdate()  
     User user = new User();  
	 user.setName("Wang Liu");  
public void testSelectAll()  
    List<User> userMapperAll = userMapper.findAll();  
 	for (User user:userMapperAll) {  
public void testSelect()  
    User user = userMapper.findById(1);  
} testing

When you run the test function, you can see that the addition is successful in the database, as shown in the figure
When the delete function is run, the result is as shown in the figure
When the modified function is run, the result is as shown in the figure
When a single function is queried, the results are shown in the figure below
When all functions are queried, the results are shown in the figure below

3.11.4 complex mapping development realize the development of complex mapping relationship

Without annotation, it is generally implemented by configuring < resultmap > in the mapping file. After annotation, the following annotations can be used to realize the configuration of complex relationships.

@ResultsInstead of the tag < resultmap >, a single @ Result or @ Result set can be used in this annotation. Use format: @ Result({@Result(),@Result()}) or
ResultReplaced the < ID > tag and < Result > tag@ Description of attributes in Result: column: database column name; Property: the property name in the entity class; One: the @ one annotation to be used (@ Result (one = @ one())); Many: required @ many annotation (@ Result (many = @Many) ()) one to one code operation interface operation

Write function functions and annotations in the OrderMapper interface, as follows:

// Method 1  
//    @Select("select *,o.id oid from orders o,user u where o.uid = u.id")  
//    @Results(  
//            {       @Result(column = "oid",property = "id"),  
//                    @Result(column = "ordertime",property = "orderTime"),  
//                    @Result(column = "total",property = "total"),  
//                    @Result(column = "uid",property = "user.id"),  
//                    @Result(column = "name",property = "user.name"),  
//                    @Result(column = "password",property = "user.password"),  
//                    @Result(column = "birthday",property = "user.birthday")}  
//    )  
// Method 2  
 	@Select("select * from orders")  
				@Result(column = "oid",property = "id"),  
 				@Result(column = "ordertime",property = "orderTime"),  
 				@Result(column = "total",property = "total"),  
					// Entity type to encapsulate  
					 javaType = User.class,  
					// Encapsulate attribute name  
					 property = "user",  
					// Query the data of user table according to this field  
					 column = "uid",  
					//                            The Select attribute represents the method of querying that interface to obtain data  
					 one = @One(select="com.demo.mapper.UserMapper.findById")  
    List<Order> findAll(); test

The test is similar to the basic operation of CURD, and the results are shown in the figure code implementation: one to many interface operation

Write a search function based on Id in the OrderMapper interface, as follows:

@Select("select * from orders where uid = #{uid}")  
Order findByUid(int id);

Write a one to many query function in the UserMapper interface, as follows:

@Select("select * from user")  
         @Result(column = "id",property = "id"),  
		 @Result(column = "name",property = "name"),  
		 @Result(column = "password",property = "password"),  
		 @Result(column = "birthday",property = "birthday"),  
                 property = "userOrders",  
				 column = "id",  
				 javaType = List.class,  
				 many = @Many(select = "com.demo.mapper.OrderMapper.findByUid")  
List<User> findAllUserOrders(); testing

The test is similar to that before, and the results are shown in the figure code implementation many to many interface operation

Create the RoleMapper interface, where the lookup function based on Id is written, as follows:

@Select("select * from user_role ur,role r where ur.role_id=r.id and ur.user_id = #{id}")  
List<Role> findByUid(int id);

Add the many to many query function in the UserMapper interface, as follows:

@Select("select * from user")  
         @Result(column = "id",property = "id"),  
		 @Result(column = "name",property = "name"),  
		 @Result(column = "password",property = "password"),  
						 property = "roleList",  
						 javaType = List.class,  
						 column = "id",  
						 many = @Many(select = "com.demo.mapper.RoleMapper.findByUid")  
List<User> findAllUserAndRole(); testing

The test is similar to that before, and the results are shown in the figure

Topics: Java Programming IntelliJ IDEA Mybatis intellij-idea