Recommend a lightweight HTTP client framework for SpringBoot project. Come and try it!

Posted by vanessa123 on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 22:02:32 +0100

Using okhttp, httpClient or RestTemplate to initiate HTTP requests directly in the SpringBoot project is cumbersome and inconvenient for unified management. Therefore, a lightweight HTTP client framework suitable for SpringBoot project is recommended here retrofit-spring-boot-starter , it is very simple and convenient to use, and provides many function enhancements at the same time. At present, the project has been updated to version 2.2.2, and iterative optimization will continue.

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Retrofit is a type safe HTTP client for Android and Java. Its biggest feature is that it supports HTTP requests through interfaces. Spring boot is the most widely used java development framework, but retrofit does not officially support rapid integration with spring boot framework, so we developed retrofit spring boot starter.

Retrofit spring boot starter realizes the rapid integration of retrofit and spring boot framework, supports many function enhancements, and greatly simplifies the development.

🚀 The project continues to optimize and iterate. You are welcome to mention ISSUE and PR! Could you give me a star, please ✨, Your star is the driving force for our continuous renewal!

Functional characteristics

Quick use

Introduce dependency

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Define http interface

Interface must be marked with @ RetrofitClient annotation! http related notes can refer to the official documents: Official retrofit documentation.

@RetrofitClient(baseUrl = "${test.baseUrl}")
public interface HttpApi {

    Result<Person> getPerson(@Query("id") Long id);
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Injection use

Inject the interface into other services to use!

public class TestService {

    private HttpApi httpApi;

    public void test() {
        // Initiate http request through httpApi
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HTTP request related comments

HTTP request related annotations, all using retrofit native annotations. For details, please refer to the official documents: Official retrofit documentation , the following is a brief description.

Annotation classificationSupported annotations
Request header@Header @HeaderMap @Headers
Query parameters@Query @QueryMap @QueryName
path parameter@Path
Form encoded parameter@Field @FieldMap @FormUrlEncoded
File upload@Multipart @Part @PartMap
url parameter@Url

Configuration item description

Retrofit spring boot starter supports multiple configurable attributes to cope with different business scenarios. You can modify as appropriate, as follows:

to configureDefault valueexplain
enable-logtrueEnable log printing
logging-interceptorDefaultLoggingInterceptorLog print interceptor
poolConnection pool configuration
disable-void-return-typefalseDisable Java Lang.void return type
retry-interceptorDefaultRetryInterceptorRequest retry interceptor
global-converter-factoriesJacksonConverterFactoryGlobal Converter Factory
global-call-adapter-factoriesBodyCallAdapterFactory,ResponseCallAdapterFactoryGlobal call adapter factory
enable-degradefalseEnable fuse degradation
degrade-typesentinelImplementation method of fuse degradation (currently only sentinel is supported)
resource-name-parserDefaultResourceNameParserThe resource name parser is used to resolve the resource name

yml configuration mode:

  enable-response-call-adapter: true
  # Enable log printing
  enable-log: true
  # Connection pool configuration
      max-idle-connections: 3
      keep-alive-second: 100
      max-idle-connections: 5
      keep-alive-second: 50
  # Disable void return value type
  disable-void-return-type: false
  # Log print interceptor
  logging-interceptor: com.github.lianjiatech.retrofit.spring.boot.interceptor.DefaultLoggingInterceptor
  # Request retry interceptor
  retry-interceptor: com.github.lianjiatech.retrofit.spring.boot.retry.DefaultRetryInterceptor
  # Global Converter Factory
    - retrofit2.converter.jackson.JacksonConverterFactory
  # Global call adapter factory
    - com.github.lianjiatech.retrofit.spring.boot.core.BodyCallAdapterFactory
    - com.github.lianjiatech.retrofit.spring.boot.core.ResponseCallAdapterFactory
  # Enable fuse degradation
  enable-degrade: true
  # Realization mode of fuse degradation
  degrade-type: sentinel
  # Resource name parser
  resource-name-parser: com.github.lianjiatech.retrofit.spring.boot.degrade.DefaultResourceNameParser
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Advanced features

Custom injection OkHttpClient

Generally, the dynamic creation of OkHttpClient object through @ RetrofitClient annotation attribute can meet most usage scenarios. However, in some cases, the user may need to customize OkHttpClient. At this time, the return type can be defined on the interface as OkHttpClient The static method of builder. Code examples are as follows:

@RetrofitClient(baseUrl = "")
public interface HttpApi3 {

    static OkHttpClient.Builder okhttpClientBuilder() {
        return new OkHttpClient.Builder()
                .connectTimeout(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                .readTimeout(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                .writeTimeout(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


    Result<Person> getPerson(@Url String url, @Query("id") Long id);
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Method must be marked with @ OkHttpClientBuilder annotation!

Annotated interceptor

Many times, we want some http requests under an interface to execute unified interception processing logic. In order to support this function, retrofit spring boot starter provides an annotated interceptor to achieve matching Interception Based on url path. The steps used are mainly divided into two steps:

  1. Inherit BasePathMatchInterceptor and write interception processor;
  2. Use @ Intercept to label the interface. To configure multiple interceptors, mark multiple @ Intercept annotations on the interface!

Next, take splicing the timestamp timestamp after the url of the specified request as an example to introduce how to use the annotated interceptor.

Inheriting BasePathMatchInterceptor to write interception processor

public class TimeStampInterceptor extends BasePathMatchInterceptor {

    public Response doIntercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
        Request request = chain.request();
        HttpUrl url = request.url();
        long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
        HttpUrl newUrl = url.newBuilder()
                .addQueryParameter("timestamp", String.valueOf(timestamp))
        Request newRequest = request.newBuilder()
        return chain.proceed(newRequest);

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Use @ Intercept to label the interface

@RetrofitClient(baseUrl = "${test.baseUrl}")
@Intercept(handler = TimeStampInterceptor.class, include = {"/api/**"}, exclude = "/api/test/savePerson")
public interface HttpApi {

    Result<Person> getPerson(@Query("id") Long id);

    Result<Person> savePerson(@Body Person person);
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The above @ Intercept configuration indicates that requests under the / api / * * path of the HttpApi interface (excluding / api/test/savePerson) are intercepted, and the interceptor processor uses the TimeStampInterceptor.

Extended annotated interceptor

Sometimes, we need to dynamically pass in some parameters when intercepting annotations, and then use this parameter when intercepting. At this time, we can extend the implementation of custom interception annotations. The custom interception annotation must use the @ InterceptMark tag, and the annotation must include the attribute information of include(), exclude(), and handler(). The steps used are mainly divided into three steps:

  1. Custom intercept annotation
  2. Inheriting BasePathMatchInterceptor to write interception processor
  3. User defined interception annotations are used on the interface;

For example, we need to dynamically add accessKeyId and accessKeySecret signature information in the request header to normally initiate http requests. At this time, we can customize a signature interceptor annotation @ Sign to implement it. Take the custom @ Sign interception annotation as an example.

Custom @ Sign annotation

public @interface Sign {
     * Key key
     * Support placeholder configuration.
     * @return
    String accessKeyId();

     * secret key
     * Support placeholder configuration.
     * @return
    String accessKeySecret();

     * Interceptor matching path
     * @return
    String[] include() default {"/**"};

     * The interceptor excludes the match and excludes the interception of the specified path
     * @return
    String[] exclude() default {};

     * Interceptor class that handles the annotation
     * Get the corresponding Bean from the spring container first. If you can't get it, create one using reflection!
     * @return
    Class<? extends BasePathMatchInterceptor> handler() default SignInterceptor.class;
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There are two points to note when extending the user-defined interception annotation:

  1. Custom intercept annotations must use the @ InterceptMark tag.
  2. The annotation must include attribute information of include(), exclude(), and handler().

Implement SignInterceptor

public class SignInterceptor extends BasePathMatchInterceptor {

    private String accessKeyId;

    private String accessKeySecret;

    public void setAccessKeyId(String accessKeyId) {
        this.accessKeyId = accessKeyId;

    public void setAccessKeySecret(String accessKeySecret) {
        this.accessKeySecret = accessKeySecret;

    public Response doIntercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
        Request request = chain.request();
        Request newReq = request.newBuilder()
                .addHeader("accessKeyId", accessKeyId)
                .addHeader("accessKeySecret", accessKeySecret)
        return chain.proceed(newReq);
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The above accessKeyId and accessKeySecret field values will be automatically injected according to the accessKeyId() and accessKeySecret() values of @ Sign annotation. If @ Sign specifies a string in the form of placeholder, the configuration attribute value will be taken for injection. In addition, the accessKeyId and accessKeySecret fields must provide setter methods.

Use @ Sign on the interface

@RetrofitClient(baseUrl = "${test.baseUrl}")
@Sign(accessKeyId = "${test.accessKeyId}", accessKeySecret = "${test.accessKeySecret}", exclude = {"/api/test/person"})
public interface HttpApi {

    Result<Person> getPerson(@Query("id") Long id);

    Result<Person> savePerson(@Body Person person);
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In this way, the signature information can be automatically added to the request with the specified url.

Connection pool management

By default, all http requests sent through Retrofit will use the default connection pool of Max idle connections = 5 keep alive second = 300. Of course, we can also configure multiple custom connection pools in the configuration file, and then specify the usage through the poolName attribute of @ RetrofitClient. For example, we want all requests under an interface to use the connection pool with poolName=test1. The code implementation is as follows:

  1. Configure connection pool.

        # Connection pool configuration
            max-idle-connections: 3
            keep-alive-second: 100
            max-idle-connections: 5
            keep-alive-second: 50
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  2. Specify the connection pool to use through the poolName property of @ RetrofitClient.

    @RetrofitClient(baseUrl = "${test.baseUrl}", poolName="test1")
    public interface HttpApi {
        Result<Person> getPerson(@Query("id") Long id);
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Log printing

In many cases, we want to log http requests. Via retrofit The enableLog configuration can control whether the log is enabled globally. For each interface, you can control whether it is enabled through the enableLog of @ RetrofitClient. You can specify the log printing level and log printing policy of each interface through logLevel and logStrategy. Retrofit spring boot starter supports five log printing levels (ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE), and the default is INFO; Four log printing strategies (NONE, BASIC, HEADERS, BODY) are supported. The default is BASIC. The meanings of the four log printing strategies are as follows:

  1. NONE: No logs.
  2. BASIC: Logs request and response lines.
  3. HEADERS: Logs request and response lines and their respective headers.
  4. BODY: Logs request and response lines and their respective headers and bodies (if present).

The DefaultLoggingInterceptor is used by default in the retro fit spring boot starter to perform the real log printing function. The underlying layer is the okhttp native HttpLoggingInterceptor. Of course, you can customize and implement your own log print interceptor. You only need to inherit the BaseLoggingInterceptor (for details, please refer to the implementation of DefaultLoggingInterceptor) and then configure it in the configuration file.

  # Log print interceptor
  logging-interceptor: com.github.lianjiatech.retrofit.spring.boot.interceptor.DefaultLoggingInterceptor
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Request retry

Retrofit spring boot starter supports the request retry function. You only need to add the @ retry annotation on the interface or method@ Retry supports the configuration of retry times maxRetries, retry interval intervalMs and retry rules. The retry rule supports three configurations:

  1. RESPONSE_STATUS_NOT_2XX: retry when the response status code is not 2xx;
  2. OCCUR_IO_EXCEPTION: retry in case of IO exception;
  3. OCCUR_EXCEPTION: retry when any exception occurs;

The default response status code is not 2xx or automatically retries when an IO exception occurs. If necessary, you can also inherit BaseRetryInterceptor, implement your own request retry interceptor, and then configure it.

  # Request retry interceptor
  retry-interceptor: com.github.lianjiatech.retrofit.spring.boot.retry.DefaultRetryInterceptor
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Error decoder

When an HTTP request error occurs (including an exception or the response data does not meet expectations), the error decoder can decode the HTTP related information into a user-defined exception. You can specify the error decoder of the current interface in errorDecoder() of @ RetrofitClient annotation. The user-defined error decoder needs to implement the ErrorDecoder interface:

 * Error decoder. ErrorDecoder.
 * When an exception occurs to the request or an invalid response result is received, the HTTP related information is decoded into the exception, and the invalid response is judged by the business itself
 * When an exception occurs in the request or an invalid response result is received, the HTTP related information is decoded into the exception,
 * and the invalid response is determined by the business itself.
 * @author Chen Tianming
public interface ErrorDecoder {

     * When an invalid response occurs, the HTTP information is decoded into the exception, and the invalid response is determined by the service itself.
     * When the response is invalid, decode the HTTP information into the exception, invalid response is determined by business.
     * @param request  request
     * @param response response
     * @return If it returns null, the processing is ignored and the processing continues with the original response.
    default RuntimeException invalidRespDecode(Request request, Response response) {
        if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
            throw RetrofitException.errorStatus(request, response);
        return null;

     * When an IO exception occurs in the request, the HTTP information is decoded into the exception.
     * When an IO exception occurs in the request, the HTTP information is decoded into the exception.
     * @param request request
     * @param cause   IOException
     * @return RuntimeException
    default RuntimeException ioExceptionDecode(Request request, IOException cause) {
        return RetrofitException.errorExecuting(request, cause);

     * When an exception other than IO exception occurs in the request, the HTTP information is decoded into the exception.
     * When the request has an exception other than the IO exception, the HTTP information is decoded into the exception.
     * @param request request
     * @param cause   Exception
     * @return RuntimeException
    default RuntimeException exceptionDecode(Request request, Exception cause) {
        return RetrofitException.errorUnknown(request, cause);


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Global interceptor

Global application interceptor

If we need to perform unified interception on http requests of the whole system, we can customize the implementation of the global interceptor BaseGlobalInterceptor and configure it as a bean in the spring container! For example, we need to bring the source information to the http requests initiated by the whole system.

public class SourceInterceptor extends BaseGlobalInterceptor {
    public Response doIntercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
        Request request = chain.request();
        Request newReq = request.newBuilder()
                .addHeader("source", "test")
        return chain.proceed(newReq);
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Global network interceptor

You only need to implement the NetworkInterceptor interface and configure it as a bean in the spring container to support automatic weaving into the global network interceptor.

Fuse degradation

In distributed service architecture, fusing and degrading unstable external services is one of the important measures to ensure high service availability. Because the stability of external services cannot be guaranteed, the response time will become longer when the external services are unstable. Accordingly, the response time of the caller will become longer, and the threads will accumulate, which may eventually deplete the caller's thread pool, resulting in the unavailability of the whole service. Therefore, we need to fuse and downgrade unstable weak dependent service calls, temporarily cut off unstable calls, and avoid local instability leading to overall service avalanche.

Retrofit spring boot starter supports fuse degradation function, and the bottom layer is based on Sentinel realization. Specifically, it supports resource self discovery and annotated degradation rule configuration. If fuse degradation is required, only the following operations are required:

1. Turn on the fuse degradation function

By default, the fuse degradation function is turned off, and corresponding configuration items need to be set to turn on the fuse degradation function:

  # Enable fuse degradation
  enable-degrade: true
  # Implementation method of fuse degradation (currently only sentinel is supported)
  degrade-type: sentinel
  # Resource name parser
  resource-name-parser: com.github.lianjiatech.retrofit.spring.boot.degrade.DefaultResourceNameParser
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The resource name parser is used to implement user-defined resource names. The default configuration is DefaultResourceNameParser, and the corresponding resource name format is HTTP_OUT:GET:http://localhost:8080/api/degrade/test . Users can inherit the BaseResourceNameParser class to implement their own resource name parser.

In addition, since the fuse degradation function is optional, enabling fuse degradation requires the user to introduce Sentinel dependency:

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2. Configure degradation rules (optional)

Retrofit spring boot starter supports annotated configuration of degradation rules. Degradation rules are configured through @ Degrade annotation@ The grade annotation can be configured on interfaces or methods, and the priority of configuration on methods is higher.

@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface Degrade {

     * RT threshold or exception ratio threshold count.
    double count();

     * Degrade recover timeout (in seconds) when degradation occurs.
    int timeWindow() default 5;

     * Degrade strategy (0: average RT, 1: exception ratio).
    DegradeStrategy degradeStrategy() default DegradeStrategy.AVERAGE_RT;
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If the application project supports the configuration of degradation rules through the configuration center, the annotation configuration method can be ignored.

3. Set fallback or fallbackFactory for @ retrofitclient (optional)

If the @ RetrofitClient does not set fallback or fallbackFactory, the RetrofitBlockException exception will be thrown directly when the fuse is triggered. You can customize the method return value when fusing by setting fallback or fallbackFactory. Fallback class must be the implementation class of the current interface, fallbackFactory must be the implementation class of fallbackFactory < T > and the generic parameter type is the current interface type. In addition, the fallback and fallbackFactory instances must be configured as beans of the Spring container.

The main difference between fallbackFactory and fallback is that it can sense the abnormal cause of each fusing. Reference examples are as follows:

public class HttpDegradeFallback implements HttpDegradeApi {

    public Result<Integer> test() {
        Result<Integer> fallback = new Result<>();
        return fallback;
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public class HttpDegradeFallbackFactory implements FallbackFactory<HttpDegradeApi> {

     * Returns an instance of the fallback appropriate for the given cause
     * @param cause fallback cause
     * @return An instance of the retrofit interface is implemented. an instance that implements the retrofit interface.
    public HttpDegradeApi create(Throwable cause) {
        log.error("The trigger is blown! ", cause.getMessage(), cause);
        return new HttpDegradeApi() {
            public Result<Integer> test() {
                Result<Integer> fallback = new Result<>();
                return fallback;
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HTTP calls between microservices

In order to use microservice invocation, the following configuration is required:

Configure ServiceInstanceChooser as a Spring container Bean

Users can implement the ServiceInstanceChooser interface, complete the selection logic of service instances, and configure them as beans of Spring container. For Spring Cloud applications, retrofit Spring boot starter provides the implementation of Spring cloudserviceinstancechooser. Users only need to configure it as a Spring Bean.

public ServiceInstanceChooser serviceInstanceChooser(LoadBalancerClient loadBalancerClient) {
    return new SpringCloudServiceInstanceChooser(loadBalancerClient);
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HTTP calls between microservices can be realized by using the serviceId and path attributes of @ Retrofit

@RetrofitClient(serviceId = "${jy-helicarrier-api.serviceId}", path = "/m/count", errorDecoder = HelicarrierErrorDecoder.class)
public interface ApiCountService {

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Call adapter and data transcoder

Call adapter

Retrofit can adapt the call < T > object to the return value type of the interface method by calling the adapter CallAdapterFactory. Retrofit spring boot starter extends two CallAdapterFactory implementations:

  1. BodyCallAdapterFactory
    • Enabled by default. You can configure retrofit Enable body call adapter = false close
    • Synchronously execute the http request and adapt the response body to the return value type instance of the interface method.
    • Except retrofit Call<T>,Retrofit. Response<T>,java. util. concurrent. This adapter can be used for all return types except completable future < T >.
  2. ResponseCallAdapterFactory
    • Enabled by default. You can configure retrofit Enable response call adapter = false close
    • Synchronously execute the http request and adapt the response volume to retrofit Response < T > return.
    • If the return value type of the method is retrofit Response < T >, the adapter can be used.

Retrofit automatically selects the corresponding CallAdapterFactory to perform adaptation processing according to the method return value type! In addition to retrofit's default CallAdapterFactory, it can support various types of method return values:

  • Call < T >: directly return the call < T > object without performing adaptation processing
  • Completable future < T >: adapt the response volume to the return of the completable future < T > object
  • Void: you can use void if you don't care about the return type. If the http status code is not 2xx, throw the error directly!
  • Response < T >: adapt the response content to the return of the response < T > object
  • Any other Java type: adapt the response body to a corresponding Java type object and return it. If the http status code is not 2xx, throw the error directly!
     * Call<T>
     * The call < T > object is returned directly without performing adaptation processing
     * @param id
     * @return
    Call<Result<Person>> getPersonCall(@Query("id") Long id);

     *  CompletableFuture<T>
     *  Adapt the response volume into a completable future < T > object and return
     * @param id
     * @return
    CompletableFuture<Result<Person>> getPersonCompletableFuture(@Query("id") Long id);

     * Void
     * If you don't care about the return type, you can use Void. If the http status code is not 2xx, throw the error directly!
     * @param id
     * @return
    Void getPersonVoid(@Query("id") Long id);

     *  Response<T>
     *  Adapt the response content to the return of the response < T > object
     * @param id
     * @return
    Response<Result<Person>> getPersonResponse(@Query("id") Long id);

     * Any other Java type
     * Adapt the response body to a corresponding Java type object and return it. If the http status code is not 2xx, throw the error directly!
     * @param id
     * @return
    Result<Person> getPerson(@Query("id") Long id);

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We can also inherit CallAdapter The factory extension implements its own CallAdapter!

Retro fit Spring boot starter is supported through retro fit Global call adapter factories configures the global call adapter factory. The factory instance is first obtained from the Spring container. If it is not obtained, it is created by reflection. The default global calling adapter factory is [BodyCallAdapterFactory, ResponseCallAdapterFactory]!

  # Global call adapter factory
    - com.github.lianjiatech.retrofit.spring.boot.core.BodyCallAdapterFactory
    - com.github.lianjiatech.retrofit.spring.boot.core.ResponseCallAdapterFactory
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For each Java interface, you can also specify the calladapter adopted by the current interface through callAdapterFactories() of the @ RetrofitClient annotation Factory, the specified factory instance is still preferentially obtained from the Spring container.

Note: if calladapter Factory does not have a public parameterless constructor, please manually configure it as a Bean object of Spring container!

Data transcoder

Retrofit uses the Converter to convert the object annotated by the @ Body annotation into a request Body and the response Body data into a Java object. The following converters can be selected:

  • Gson: com.squareup.Retrofit:converter-gson
  • Jackson: com.squareup.Retrofit:converter-jackson
  • Moshi: com.squareup.Retrofit:converter-moshi
  • Protobuf: com.squareup.Retrofit:converter-protobuf
  • Wire: com.squareup.Retrofit:converter-wire
  • Simple XML: com.squareup.Retrofit:converter-simplexml
  • JAXB: com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-jaxb

Retro fit Spring boot starter is supported through retro fit Global converter factories configures the global data converter factory. The converter factory instance is first obtained from the Spring container. If it is not obtained, it is created by reflection. The default global data converter factory is retrofit2 converter. jackson. Jackson converterfactory, you can directly through Spring jackson.* Configure Jackson serialization rules. Refer to Customize the Jackson ObjectMapper!

  # Global Converter Factory
    - retrofit2.converter.jackson.JacksonConverterFactory
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For each Java interface, you can also specify the converter adopted by the current interface through converterFactories() of the @ RetrofitClient annotation Factory, the specified converter factory instance is still preferentially obtained from the Spring container.

Note: if converter Factory does not have a public parameterless constructor, please manually configure it as a Bean object of Spring container!


Retrofit spring boot starter, a lightweight HTTP client framework for spring boot projects, has been running stably online for more than a year, and has been accessed and used by many external companies. Interested friends can try it. If you have any questions, you are welcome to mention the issue or add QQ group (806714302) feedback for rapid response support.

Author: Chen Tianming
Source: Nuggets
The copyright belongs to the author. For commercial reprint, please contact the author for authorization, and for non-commercial reprint, please indicate the source.

Topics: Java