Java object oriented

Posted by mtgriffiths on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 17:30:10 +0100

Java object oriented (6)

instanceof and type conversion


  • You can determine whether there is a relationship between two classes (such as parent-child relationship or itself)

  • Example 1:

    Parent class:

    public class Person {

    Subclass 1:

    public class Student extends Person {

    Subclass 2:

    public class Teacher extends Person {

    Main function:

    public class Application {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Person s1 = new Student();
            Student s2 = new Student();
            System.out.println(s1 instanceof Person);//It matters
            System.out.println(s2 instanceof Person);//Paternity
            System.out.println(s2 instanceof Student);//itself
            System.out.println(s1 instanceof Student);//It matters
            System.out.println(s1 instanceof Object);//Paternity
            //There is no relationship between Teacher and Student
            System.out.println(s1 instanceof Teacher);//It doesn't matter.


    System.out.println(s2 instanceof Teacher);//No, an error will be reported because Student and Teacher are of the same level and have no parent-child relationship

Type conversion

  • Conversion of basic types: conversion from high to low requires forced conversion; Low to high does not require forced conversion

  • Conversion of parent and child classes:

    • The conversion from high (parent) to low (child) requires forced conversion; Conversion from low to high is not required

    • The conversion must ensure that the two classes are related. For example, the parent class needs to point to the child class to cast the parent class into a child class

    • Converting a subclass to a parent class will lose its original method

    • Example 1 (CAST):

      Parent class:

      public class Person {
          public void see(){


      public class Student extends Person {
          public void say(){

      Main function:

      public class Application {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              Person obj1 = new Student();
              //Cast parent class to child class
              Student std = (Student) obj1;
              //After the cast, you can call the methods of the subclass
              //Cast 1
              //Cast 2
              ((Student) obj1).say();
    • Example 2 (low to high, not forced):

      Parent class:

      public class Person {
          public void see(){


      public class Student extends Person {
          public void say(){

      Main function:

      public class Application {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              Student std = new Student();
              //The subclass is converted to the parent class directly without coercion
              //Subclass to parent class will lose the original method of subclass
              Person obj2 = std;
  • Conditions for type conversion:

    1. The parent class reference points to the child class object;
    2. Convert the subclass into the parent class and transform upward;
    3. Convert a parent class to a child class, transform downward, and force conversion;
    4. Type conversion facilitates method calls and reduces duplicate code! concise

static keyword

  • Static methods and properties:

    public class Student {
        private static int age;//Static properties
        private  double score;//Non static attribute
        //Non static method
        public void run(){
        //Static method
        public static void go(){
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //Static method usage
            //Use of non static methods
            Student student = new Student();
            //Static attribute usage (output)
            //Non static attribute use (output)
            Student student2 = new Student();
  • Execution order of anonymous code block, static code block and construction method:

    1. Static code block
    2. Anonymous code block
    3. Construction method
    public class Person {
        //Anonymous code block
        //2. You can also assign an initial value
            System.out.println("Anonymous code block");
        //Static code block
        //1. Execute only once
        static {
            System.out.println("Static code block");
        //Construction method
        public Person(){
            System.out.println("Construction method");
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Person person = new Person();
    Static code block
     Anonymous code block
     Construction method
  • Static import package:

    • The method can be used directly

      public class Application {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              //Math. The random () method generates random numbers
              //Because you are importing static packages, you can use random() directly
  • final: define constants. After a class is defined as a constant, it cannot be inherited; Once a quantity is defined as a constant, it cannot be modified like a variable

abstract class

  • The classes modified by abstract are abstract classes

  • The definition abstraction has only the name of the method and no method implementation

  • Because the abstract method in the abstract class has no implementation process, if the subclass inheriting the abstract class with abstract method is not an abstract class, the subclass must override the abstract method (write the implementation process for the abstract method)

  • If a subclass that inherits an abstract class with abstract methods is an abstract class, you do not need to override the abstract method (because there can be abstract methods in the abstract class)

  • Extensions can only implement single inheritance, but interfaces can inherit more

  • be careful:

    1. Abstract classes can't be new. They can only be implemented by subclasses: constraints! (abstract classes cannot be instantiated)
    2. Only abstract classes can have abstract methods
    3. Abstract classes can have ordinary methods, but ordinary classes cannot have abstract methods
  • give an example

    Abstract class:

    public abstract class Action {
        //Constraint ~ someone helps us implement it (we don't need to write the implementation process in the abstract class)
        //Abstract abstract abstract method, only the name of the method, no method implementation
        public abstract void doSomething();


    //Because the abstract method in the abstract class has no implementation process, the class that inherits it must override the abstract method (write the implementation process for the abstract method)
    public class A extends Action{
        //Override abstract methods
        public void doSomething() {


Differences between interface and other classes

  • Common class: only concrete implementation
  • Abstract classes: both concrete implementations and specifications (abstract methods) exist
  • Interface: only specifications ----- you can't write methods ~ professional constraints! Constraint and implementation classification: interface oriented programming

Difference between interface and inheritance

  • Class has the implementation of methods
  • Interface

The essence of interface

  • An interface is a specification that defines a set of rules. Realize "if it's you, you must..." Thought of
  • The essence of an interface is a contract, just like the laws among us. After it is formulated, everyone will abide by it

Interface attention

  • The interface can only write methods, not the implementation of methods

  • The methods of the interface are all public abstract by default, so the public abstract can be written directly without writing the return value type and method name

  • Class implements the interface through implements

  • Class can implement multiple interfaces separated by commas

  • Class to implement the interface, you must override all the methods in the interface

  • Constants can be defined in the interface. The defined variables are public static final by default, that is, they are constants by default (but constants are generally not defined in the interface)

  • give an example:

    Interface 1:

    public interface TimeService {
        void timer();

    Interface 2:

    public interface UserService {
        //The methods of the interface are public abstract by default, so the public abstract can be written directly without writing the return value type and method name
        void add(String name);//increase
        void delete(String name);//delete
        void update(String name);//modify
        void query(String name);//query

    Class (implementation interface):

    //Class can implement the interface: implements
    //The class that implements the interface must implement all the methods of the interface
    //Interface implements multiple inheritance
    public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService,TimeService{
        public void add(String name) {
        public void delete(String name) {
        public void update(String name) {
        public void query(String name) {
        public void timer() {

Function of interface

  • constraint
  • Define some methods for different people to implement ~ for example, 10 classes jointly implement one interface
  • public abstract: the default method (abstract method) in the interface
  • public static final: definition of static constants (the default quantities in the interface are constants)
  • The interface cannot be instantiated ~ because there is no constructor in the interface~
  • Implementations (interfaces) can implement multiple (interfaces are separated by commas)
  • To implement an interface through implements, you must override the methods in the interface

Inner class

Inner class

  • What is an inner class:

    Writing another class in a class is an inner class

  • Functions of internal classes:

    • The inner class can directly use the private variables of the outer class
  • give an example:


    public class Outer {
        private int id=10;
        public void out(){
            System.out.println("This is the method of an external class");
        //Inner class
        class Inner{
            public void in(){
                System.out.println("This is the method of the inner class");
            public void getID(){

    Main function:

    public class Application {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //Instantiation class
            //Instantiate the external class first
            Outer outer = new Outer();
            //Calling methods of external classes
            //An external class cannot call a method of an internal class
            //Only when you instantiate an external class first can you instantiate an internal class through an external class
            //Instantiate the inner class through the outer class
            Outer.Inner inner = Inner();
            //Call the method of the inner class
            //An inner class cannot call a method of an outer class
    This is the method of an external class
     This is the method of the inner class

Static inner class

  • public static class name: static internal class

  • Methods in static internal classes cannot directly call private non static properties of external classes. Because static generation comes first, non static generation comes later, and the later generation cannot be called first by the first generation

  • give an example:


    public class Outer {
        private static int id=10;
        public void out(){
            System.out.println("This is the method of an external class");
        //Static inner class
        public static class Inner{
            public void in(){
                System.out.println("This is the method of a static inner class");
            public void getID(){

About class

  • There can only be one public class in a java class, but there can be multiple class classes

  • give an example:

    public class Outer2 {
    //There can only be one public class in a java class, but there can be multiple class classes
    class A{

Local inner class

  • Classes written in methods

  • give an example:

    public class Outer3 {
        //Local inner class
        public void method(){
            class Inner{
                public void in(){
                    System.out.println("This is a local inner class");

Anonymous Inner Class

  • give an example:

    public class Application {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //Use of anonymous inner classes
            new B1().eat();
            new B2(){
                public void see() {
    class B1{
        public void eat(){
            System.out.println("Internal class 1");
    interface B2{
        void see();