Article catalogue
- What is an object?
- 1, Object operation
- 2, Object label configuration
- 3, Object legal reservation
- 4, Object pre signature URL
- 5, Object PostPolicy
- 6, HTTP method
What is an object?
Object is the basic unit for MinIO to store Data, also known as MinIO file. The object is composed of Object Meta, user Data and file name (Key). The object is identified by a unique Key inside the storage space. Object Meta information is a set of Key value pairs, which represents some attributes of the object, such as the last modification time, size and other information. At the same time, you can also store some customized information in the meta information.
Objects are stored in a Bucket.
1, Object operation
1. Acquisition of object data
1.1 get data from the offset to the length of the object
# Gets the data of the object. try: response = client.get_object("my-bucket", "my-object") # Read data from the response. finally: response.close() response.release_conn() # Get the data of the object with version ID:. try: response = client.get_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", version_id="dfbd25b3-abec-4184-a4e8-5a35a5c1174d", ) # Read data from the response. finally: response.close() response.release_conn() # Gets the data of the object from the offset and length. try: response = client.get_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", offset=512, length=1024, ) # Read data from the response. finally: response.close() response.release_conn() # Get the data of SSE-C encrypted object. try: response = client.get_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", ssec=SseCustomerKey(b"32byteslongsecretkeymustprovided"), ) # Read data from the response. finally: response.close() response.release_conn()
1.2 select the content of the object through SQL expression
with client.select_object_content( "my-bucket", "my-object.csv", SelectRequest( "select * from S3Object", CSVInputSerialization(), CSVOutputSerialization(), request_progress=True, ), ) as result: for data in print(data.decode()) print(result.stats())
1.3 get the object information and metadata of the object
# Get object information result = client.stat_object("my-bucket", "my-object") print( "last-modified: {0}, size: {1}".format( result.last_modified, result.size, ), ) # Get the object information of version ID result = client.stat_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", version_id="dfbd25b3-abec-4184-a4e8-5a35a5c1174d", ) print( "last-modified: {0}, size: {1}".format( result.last_modified, result.size, ), ) # Get the object information encrypted by SSE-C result = client.stat_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", ssec=SseCustomerKey(b"32byteslongsecretkeymustprovided"), ) print( "last-modified: {0}, size: {1}".format( result.last_modified, result.size, ), )
2. Object creation
2.1 download the data of the object to the file
# Download object data client.fget_object("my-bucket", "my-object", "my-filename") # Download data for object with version ID client.fget_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", "my-filename", version_id="dfbd25b3-abec-4184-a4e8-5a35a5c1174d", ) # Download data of SSE-C encrypted object client.fget_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", "my-filename", ssec=SseCustomerKey(b"32byteslongsecretkeymustprovided"), )
2.2 copy object data
from datetime import datetime, timezone from minio.commonconfig import REPLACE, CopySource # Copy an object from one bucket to another result = client.copy_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", CopySource("my-sourcebucket", "my-sourceobject"), ) print(result.object_name, result.version_id) # Copy conditional objects result = client.copy_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", CopySource( "my-sourcebucket", "my-sourceobject", modified_since=datetime(2014, 4, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc), ), ) print(result.object_name, result.version_id) # Copy objects from bucket with replacement metadata metadata = {"test_meta_key": "test_meta_value"} result = client.copy_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", CopySource("my-sourcebucket", "my-sourceobject"), metadata=metadata, metadata_directive=REPLACE, ) print(result.object_name, result.version_id)
2.3 replica combination creation object
from minio.commonconfig import ComposeSource from minio.sse import SseS3 sources = [ ComposeSource("my-job-bucket", "my-object-part-one"), ComposeSource("my-job-bucket", "my-object-part-two"), ComposeSource("my-job-bucket", "my-object-part-three"), ] #Create my bucket/my object by combining source objects #name list result = client.compose_object("my-bucket", "my-object", sources) print(result.object_name, result.version_id) #Create my bucket/my object by combining user metadata #List of source objects. result = client.compose_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", sources, metadata={"test_meta_key": "test_meta_value"}, ) print(result.object_name, result.version_id) #Using user metadata and #Server side encryption by combining the source object list. client.compose_object("my-bucket", "my-object", sources, sse=SseS3()) print(result.object_name, result.version_id)
2.4 uploading local data streams to objects
# Upload data result = client.put_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", io.BytesIO(b"hello"), 5, ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Upload data of unknown size data = urlopen( "", ) result = client.put_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", data, length=-1, part_size=10*1024*1024, ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Upload data with content type of application/csv result = client.put_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", io.BytesIO(b"hello"), 5, content_type="application/csv", ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Upload data with metadata result = client.put_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", io.BytesIO(b"hello"), 5, metadata={"My-Project": "one"}, ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Upload data using server-side encrypted client key type result = client.put_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", io.BytesIO(b"hello"), 5, sse=SseCustomerKey(b"32byteslongsecretkeymustprovided"), ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Use KMS type server-side encryption to upload data. result = client.put_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", io.BytesIO(b"hello"), 5, sse=SseKMS("KMS-KEY-ID", {"Key1": "Value1", "Key2": "Value2"}), ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Use S3 type server-side encryption to upload data. result = client.put_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", io.BytesIO(b"hello"), 5, sse=SseS3(), ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Upload data with labels, retention and legal hold. date = datetime.utcnow().replace( hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, ) + timedelta(days=30) tags = Tags(for_object=True) tags["User"] = "jsmith" result = client.put_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", io.BytesIO(b"hello"), 5, tags=tags, retention=Retention(GOVERNANCE, date), legal_hold=True, ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Upload data with progress bar. result = client.put_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", io.BytesIO(b"hello"), 5, progress=Progress(), ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), )
2.5 upload the data in the file to the object in the bucket
# Upload data result = client.fput_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", "my-filename", ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Upload data with content type of application/csv result = client.fput_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", "my-filename", content_type="application/csv", ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Upload data with metadata result = client.fput_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", "my-filename", metadata={"My-Project": "one"}, ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Upload data using server-side encrypted client key type result = client.fput_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", "my-filename", sse=SseCustomerKey(b"32byteslongsecretkeymustprovided"), ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Use KMS type server-side encryption to upload data. result = client.fput_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", "my-filename", sse=SseKMS("KMS-KEY-ID", {"Key1": "Value1", "Key2": "Value2"}), ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Use S3 type server-side encryption to upload data. result = client.fput_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", "my-filename", sse=SseS3(), ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Upload data with labels, retention and legal hold. date = datetime.utcnow().replace( hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, ) + timedelta(days=30) tags = Tags(for_object=True) tags["User"] = "jsmith" result = client.fput_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", "my-filename", tags=tags, retention=Retention(GOVERNANCE, date), legal_hold=True, ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) # Upload data with progress bar result = client.fput_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", "my-filename", progress=Progress(), ) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), )
3. Object deletion
3.1 removing an object
# Remove object client.remove_object("my-bucket", "my-object") # Delete the version of the object client.remove_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", version_id="dfbd25b3-abec-4184-a4e8-5a35a5c1174d", )
3.2 removing multiple objects
# Delete object list errors = client.remove_objects( "my-bucket", [ DeleteObject("my-object1"), DeleteObject("my-object2"), DeleteObject("my-object3", "13f88b18-8dcd-4c83-88f2-8631fdb6250c"), ], ) for error in errors: print("error occured when deleting object", error) # Recursively delete prefix delete_object_list = map( lambda x: DeleteObject(x.object_name), client.list_objects("my-bucket", "my/prefix/", recursive=True), ) errors = client.remove_objects("my-bucket", delete_object_list) for error in errors: print("error occured when deleting object", error)
2, Object label configuration
1. Delete the label configuration of the object
client.delete_object_tags("my-bucket", "my-object")
2. Get the label configuration of the object
tags = client.get_object_tags("my-bucket", "my-object")
3. Set the label configuration of the object
tags = Tags.new_object_tags() tags["Project"] = "Project One" tags["User"] = "jsmith" client.set_object_tags("my-bucket", "my-object", tags)
3, Object legal reservation
1. Disable legal reservation of objects
client.disable_object_legal_hold("my-bucket", "my-object")
2. Enable legal reservation of objects
client.enable_object_legal_hold("my-bucket", "my-object")
3. Judge whether the legal reservation of the object exists
if client.is_object_legal_hold_enabled("my-bucket", "my-object"): print("legal hold is enabled on my-object") else: print("legal hold is not enabled on my-object")
3. Obtain the legal reservation information of the object
config = client.get_object_retention("my-bucket", "my-object")
4. Set the legal reservation information of the object
config = Retention(GOVERNANCE, datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=10)) client.set_object_retention("my-bucket", "my-object", config)
4, Object pre signature URL
1. Get the pre signed URL of the object to download its data with expiration time and custom request parameters
#Gets a pre signed URL string to download my objects in #My bucket expires by default (i.e. 7 days). url = client.presigned_get_object("my-bucket", "my-object") print(url) #Gets a pre signed URL string to download my objects in #My bucket is two hours overdue. url = client.presigned_get_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", expires=timedelta(hours=2), ) print(url)
2. Obtain the pre signed URL of the object and upload the data with expiration time and user-defined request parameters
#Gets a pre signed URL string to download my objects in #My bucket expires by default (i.e. 7 days). url = client.presigned_put_object("my-bucket", "my-object") print(url) #Gets a pre signed URL string to download my objects in #My bucket is two hours overdue. url = client.presigned_put_object( "my-bucket", "my-object", expires=timedelta(hours=2), ) print(url)
5, Object PostPolicy
1. Get the form data of the object PostPolicy to upload its data using the POST method
policy = PostPolicy( "my-bucket", datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=10), ) policy.add_starts_with_condition("key", "my/object/prefix/") policy.add_content_length_range_condition( 1*1024*1024, 10*1024*1024, ) form_data = client.presigned_post_policy(policy)
6, HTTP method
1. Get the pre signed URL of the object of HTTP method, expiration time and custom request parameters
#Gets a pre signed URL string to delete my objects in #My bucket is one day overdue. url = client.get_presigned_url( "DELETE", "my-bucket", "my-object", expires=timedelta(days=1), ) print(url) #Gets a pre signed URL string to upload my objects in #Respond to "my bucket" with content type of application/json #Due in one day. url = client.get_presigned_url( "PUT", "my-bucket", "my-object", expires=timedelta(days=1), response_headers={"response-content-type": "application/json"}, ) print(url) #Gets a pre signed URL string to download my objects in #My bucket is two hours overdue. url = client.get_presigned_url( "GET", "my-bucket", "my-object", expires=timedelta(hours=2), ) print(url)