Wechat applet training in primary school 5_ Paging loading, parameter carrying jump and date processing method

Posted by kratsg on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 14:25:52 +0100


  • Paging load
  • Jump with reference
  • Date processing method


1, Paging load

What is paging loading

  • A common scenario is to browse commodity information on Weibo and Taobao. By default, only a few pages are loaded at the beginning. Sliding down can resend the request and display more pages of information in total
  • When there is a large amount of data, it will be classified and loaded, which can optimize the user experience.

Two basic ideas of classified loading

  • A fixed number of data are displayed on each page to limit the data capacity obtained each time.

  • Starting from the second page, the data obtained each time should skip the part of the page number that has been displayed and skip the data capacity.

  • The skip method is reflected in the request url, which can be directly added after the url? Skip = XXX & limit = XXX. You can also define skip and limit attributes in the data of request()

    // 1.  url: '',
    // 2.  url: '',
     data: {
     skip: '',
     limit: ''

Use scenario process to realize analysis

  • Scenario: when the scroll bar of the user's page scrolls to the bottom, start paging, and trigger the function to initiate a request
  • You need to use the scroll view tag to monitor scrolling < scroll view class = "recommend" scroll-y. recommend is css. In order to fix the height of the scroll view, the scrolling area of the page is only the component part of the out tabs. Otherwise, it is only the scrolling of the page, not the scrolling of the scroll view, and the bottom touch event cannot be detected. ( Use reference)
  • Write the bottom event of bindscrolltower = "XXX" binding, modify the paging request parameters, and call the function again to initiate the request
  • Finally, use the result of the new request and the previous result to complete the array splicing. hot:[...this.data.hot,...res.data.data.list]

Lift chestnut

wxml code

Thoughts on paging function:
1. The area we want to scroll is the recommended component, not index Page; Remove top tabs Part of
2. How can scrolling be generated? First, the box should have a fixed height; If the height is not set, the box height is supported by the content;
3. The content must overflow, and the height of the content must exceed the height of the box to realize scrolling; The height of the scroll is determined by calc Calculate
4. By monitoring the bottom event, get data from the server in batches

Implementation: Using scroll-view Scroll the View tab to wrap the recommended components;
   1)use scroll-y Turn on vertical scrolling;
   2)use css Calculate attributes to scroll-y Set a fixed height;
   3)use bindscrolltolower Bind the bottom event to realize paging
<scroll-view class="recommend" scroll-y bindscrolltolower="scrolltolower">
   <!--Selected large picture-->
   <view class="cover_view">
      <view class="cover_item" wx:for="{{cover}}" wx:key="_id">
         <image class="my_img" mode="widthFix" src="{{ baseURL+item.thumb }}"></image>
   <view class="month_view">
      <!--Month title section-->
      <view class="title">
         <view class="active">{{month.date_msg}}</view>
         <view class="active"> more> </view>
      <!--Month picture list-->
      <view class="list">
         <!--be careful!!! What to cycle is not month Itself, but month Inside list array-->
         <view class="list_item" wx:for="{{month.list}}" wx:key="_id">
            <image class="my_img" mode="aspectFill" src="{{ baseURL+item.thumb }}"></image>
   <view class="hot_view">
   <!--Popular title-->
   <view class="hot_t">Hot</view>
      <!--List of popular pictures-->
      <view class="list">
         <view class="list_item" wx:for="{{hot}}" wx:key="_id">
            <image class="my_img" mode="aspectFill" src="{{ baseURL+item.thumb }}"></image>

js code

  data: {
    //Receive data from selected large drawings
    //Receive month data
    //Receive hot data
    //Define the set of request parameters to get popular data
      skip: 0,
      limit: 12
    //Total number of data
    //Defines the root path of the picture link
   * Method list of components
  methods: {
    //Request method for obtaining selected large map
        //Fill in the interface address in the url
        url: this.data.baseURL+'home/cover', 
        //The callback function after the successful request completes the data processing in this method
        //Use es6 new syntax and arrow function to solve the problem of this directivity
          //Update to data to facilitate data binding of the page
     //Get month data
        url: this.data.baseURL+'home/month',
          //Get the data object returned in the background
          var my_month = res.data.data
          //Gets the timestamp returned in the background
          var my_date = res.data.data.date
          //Processing timestamp
          var date = new Date(my_date)
          //Use the getMonth() method to get the month data in the date object. Because the index starts from 0, it needs to execute + 1
          var month = date.getMonth()+1
          //Use the getDate() method to get the date data in the date object
          var days = date.getDate()
          var date_msg = days+ " / "+month
          //Append the processed date format to the returned data object, and add an attribute and attribute value
          my_month.date_msg = date_msg
    //Get hot data
          //Splicing request parameters in the path is a traditional method
          //url: '',
          url: this.data.baseURL+'home/hot',
          //Requested parameter set
          data: this.data.params,
              //Merge new and old hot arrays
              //es6 expand operator
              //Hot can't only store the 12 pieces of data requested each time. We need to store all the requested data in hot
              //At this time, array merging is required
              //Array merging using expansion operator
              //Expand operator = = "allows an expression to expand somewhere
            //  hot:res.data.data.list,
               //Get the total number of interface data and update it to data
    //Paging function - automatically triggered when the user scrolls down to the bottom! You don't need to put it in the life cycle function
      //First, judge whether the server has more data. If yes, continue to load, and if not, terminate the program
      //Use the skip parameter of each data request to judge whether the accumulation exceeds the total number of data pieces
      if( this.data.params.skip >= this.data.total ){
        //Call the prompt box of wechat to prompt the user that there is no more data
          title: 'I have a bottom line!',
          //Remove the default icon
        //Termination procedure
      console.log("Bottomed out");
      //Get the global request parameters
      var params = this.data.params
      //Change the skip value every time -- + 12
      //params.skip = params.skip+12
      params.skip += 12
      //Pass the modified parameters back to data
      //Call the method requesting hot data again
   *Component lifecycle
  lifetimes: {
    attached: function() {
      // After the component is created, start to request data
      //Call the request method of selecting large map
      //Call the month data request method
      //Call popular data request method

wxss code

.recommend {
  /*Use css to calculate attributes and realize the height assignment of rolling view
  !!!When calculating the parameters passed in attribute calc(), the two parameters must be separated by spaces!!!
  height: calc(100vh - 36px);
/*Selected large picture*/
.cover_view {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
.cover_item {
  width: 50%;
  border: 3px solid #fff;
.my_img {
  width: 100%;
.title {
  padding:20rpx 10rpx;
  display: flex;
  /*Set the alignment of elements - edge on both sides and divide the remaining space equally*/
  justify-content: space-between;
.active {
  /*Set text bold --- 700 bold, 400 normal*/
  font-weight: 700;
.list {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
.list_item {
  width: 33.33%;
  border: 3px solid #fff;
.hot_t {
  margin:16rpx 10rpx;
  border-left: 3px solid hotpink;
  font-weight: 700;
  color: hotpink;

Knowledge points

  • Data merging of new and old arrays hot:[...this.data.hot,...res.data.data.list],
              //Merge new and old hot arrays
              //es6 expand operator
              //Hot can't only store the 12 pieces of data requested each time. We need to store all the requested data in hot
              //At this time, array merging is required
              //Array merging using expansion operator
              //Expand operator = = "allows an expression to expand somewhere
            //  hot:res.data.data.list,
               //Get the total number of interface data and update it to data
  • Component life cycle function lifetimes component creation completed attached

    • The life cycle of a component refers to some functions of the component itself, which are automatically triggered at a special time point or when encountering some special framework events.

    • Among them, the most important life cycle is created attached detached, which contains the main time point of a component instance life process.

    	  lifetimes: {
    	    attached: function() {
    	      // Execute when the component instance enters the page node tree
    	    detached: function() {
    	      // Execute when the component instance is removed from the page node tree
    	  // The following is an old-fashioned definition method, which can maintain compatibility with the < 2.2.3 basic library
    	  attached: function() {
    	    // Execute when the component instance enters the page node tree
    	  detached: function() {
    	    // Execute when the component instance is removed from the page node tree
    	  // ...

2, Jump with reference

Keep the current page and jump to a page in the application. But you can't jump to the tabbar page. Use Wx Navigateback can return to the original page. The page stack in the applet can be up to ten layers

reference resources: https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/route/wx.navigateTo.html

  • Page value transfer demo
  url: 'test?id=1',
  events: {
// Accepted value
    // Add a listener for the specified event to get the data transmitted from the open page to the current page
    acceptData: function(data) {
    someEvent: function(data) {
  success: function(res) {
  // Value transmission
    // Transfer data to the opened page through eventChannel
    res.eventChannel.emit('sendData', { data: 'send' })
  onLoad: function(option){
  // Get original page parameters
    const eventChannel = this.getOpenerEventChannel()
// send out
    // Execute the original page method and transfer parameters
    eventChannel.emit('acceptData', {data: 'This is the data passed to the original page by the target page's method of executing the original page'});
    eventChannel.emit('someEvent', {data: 'sendother'});

// accept
    // Listen to the sendData event and obtain the data transmitted from the previous page to the current page through eventChannel
    eventChannel.on('sendData', function(data) {

3, Date processing method

    var date=1601084737033;
    // 1 convert it back to the normal date type. The built-in Date object in js can be used directly
    var newDate=new Date(date);
    // console.log(newDate);
    // 2. Month + 1 is required in the month js of the date 
    var month=newDate.getMonth()+1;
    // 3. Get the number
    var currentDate=newDate.getDate();
    var msg=currentDate+" / " + month +" month";

Topics: Javascript Mini Program