Headmaster Wang's flirting with his sister can't be hammered? No matter how rich you are, licking a dog is just licking a dog! Python grabs microblog comments and eats melons!

Posted by ugriffin on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:29:42 +0100

Hello, everyone. I'm spicy~

As the title shows, we must have been bombed by President Wang's melon these two days. There have been several rounds of hot searches on the microblog. I also eat with relish. It's rare to see President Wang eat flat in front of girls. In addition, I chatted with a friend about the problems encountered in the collection of microblog comments. I wrote this article with emotion. Without much to say, let's go directly to the theme.

Climb target

Website: [microblog]( https://m.weibo.cn/detai

Effect display

Tool use

Development environment: win10, python3 seven
Development tools: pycharm, Chrome
Toolkit: requests, re, csv

Analysis of project ideas

Find articles that need to eat melons

The request header needs to carry the basic configuration data

headers = {
    "referer": "",
    "user-agent": ""

Find the comment data dynamically submitted by the article

Find the corresponding comment data information through the packet capture tool

The url of Weibo will have an article ID, and mid is also an article ID, max_ ID is the max in each json data_ ID is irregular. https://m.weibo.cn/comments/hotflow?id=4638585665621278&mid=4638585665621278&max_id=1190535179743975&max_id_type=0  

Take out the current max_id, you will get the request interface of the next page

Simple source code analysis



import csv
import re
import requests
import time

start_url = "https://m.weibo.cn/comments/hotflow?id=4638585665621278&mid=4638585661278&max_id_type=0"
next_url = "https://m.weibo.cn/comments/hotflow?id=4638585665621278&mid=4638585661278&max_id={}&max_id_type=0"
continue_url = start_url
headers = {
    "referer": "",
    "cookie": "",
    "user-agent": ""
count = 0

def csv_data(fileheader):
    with open("wb1234.csv", "a", newline="")as f:
        write = csv.writer(f)

def get_data(start_url):
    response = requests.get(start_url, headers=headers).json()
    max_id = response['data']['max_id']
    content_list = response.get("data").get('data')
    for item in content_list:
        global count
        count += 1
        create_time = item['created_at']
        text = "".join(re.findall('[\u4e00-\u9fa5]', item["text"]))
        user_id = item.get("user")["id"]
        user_name = item.get("user")["screen_name"]
        # print([count, create_time, user_id, user_name, text])
        csv_data([count, create_time, user_id, user_name, text])
    global next_url
    continue_url = next_url.format(max_id)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    fileheader = ["id", "Comment time", "user id", "user_name", "Comment content"]


PS: don't take any part or make any evaluation. I hope you can learn technology while eating melons. If it's helpful to you, remember to give spicy strips for three times. Finally, I wish everyone a smooth relationship. Those who don't get off the order will get off the order as soon as possible, and those who get off the order will get married as soon as possible.

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