Java reflection: Class class, dynamically loading Class, obtaining method and member variable construction information, basic operation of method reflection, essence of collection generics

Posted by ThEMakeR on Fri, 04 Feb 2022 08:19:24 +0100

  System.out.println(c2.getSimpleName());//The name of the class that does not contain the package name


public class ClassDemo3 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
  String s = "hello";
  Integer n1 = 1;


public class ClassDemo4 {

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  ClassUtil.printFieldMessage(new Integer(1));


public class ClassDemo5 {

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  ClassUtil.printConMessage(new Integer(1));


import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

public class ClassUtil {

* Print class information, including class member functions and member variables(Get member functions only)
* @param obj Information about the class to which the object belongs
public static void printClassMethodMessage(Object obj){
  //To get class information, first get the class type of the class
  Class c = obj.getClass();//The object c of which subclass is passed is the class type of the subclass
  //Gets the name of the class
  System.out.println("The name of the class is:"+c.getName());
   * Method Class, method object
   * A member method is a Method object
   * getMethods()Method gets all public Functions, including those inherited from the parent class
   * getDeclaredMethods()Get all the methods declared by the class, regardless of access rights
  Method[] ms = c.getMethods();//c.getDeclaredMethods()
  for(int i = 0; i < ms.length;i++){
  	//Get the class type of the return value type of the method
  	Class returnType = ms[i].getReturnType();
  	System.out.print(returnType.getName()+" ");
  	//Get the name of the method
  	//Get the parameter type -- > get the class type of the type of the parameter list
  	Class[] paramTypes = ms[i].getParameterTypes();
  	for (Class class1 : paramTypes) {
 * Get information about member variables
 * @param obj
public static void printFieldMessage(Object obj) {
  Class c = obj.getClass();
   * Member variables are also objects
   * java.lang.reflect.Field
   * Field Class encapsulates operations on member variables
   * getFields()Method gets all public Member variable information
   * getDeclaredFields Get the information of the member variables declared by the class itself
  //Field[] fs = c.getFields();
  Field[] fs = c.getDeclaredFields();
  for (Field field : fs) {
  	//Get the class type of the type of the member variable
  	Class fieldType = field.getType();
  	String typeName = fieldType.getName();
  	//Get the name of the member variable
  	String fieldName = field.getName();
  	System.out.println(typeName+" "+fieldName);
* Prints information about the constructor of the object
* @param obj
public static void printConMessage(Object obj){
  Class c = obj.getClass();
   * Constructors are also objects
   * java.lang. Constructor The constructor information is encapsulated in
   * getConstructors Get all public Constructor for
   * getDeclaredConstructors Get all constructors
  //Constructor[] cs = c.getConstructors();
  Constructor[] cs = c.getDeclaredConstructors();
  for (Constructor constructor : cs) {
  	//Get the parameter list of the constructor -- > get the class type of the parameter list
  	Class[] paramTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes();
  	for (Class class1 : paramTypes) {




import java.lang.reflect.Method;

public class MethodDemo1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
 //To get print (int, int) method 1 One way to get class information is to get the class type first
  A a1 = new A();
  Class c = a1.getClass();
   * 2.Get the method name and parameter list to determine  
   * getMethod What you get is public Method of
   * getDelcaredMethod Self declared method
  try {
  	//Method m =  c.getMethod("print", new Class[]{int.class,int.class});
  	Method m = c.getMethod("print", int.class,int.class);
  	//Reflection operation of method  
  	//a1.print(10, 20); The reflection operation of method is to use m object to make method call and A1 The effect of the print call is exactly the same
      //Method returns null if there is no return value, and returns a specific return value if there is a return value
  	//Object o = m.invoke(a1,new Object[]{10,20});
  	Object o = m.invoke(a1, 10,20);
  	//Get method print(String,String)
         Method m1 = c.getMethod("print",String.class,String.class);
         //Reflection operation with method
         //a1.print("hello", "WORLD");
         o = m1.invoke(a1, "hello","WORLD");
       //  Method m2 = c.getMethod("print", new Class[]{});
            Method m2 = c.getMethod("print");
           // m2.invoke(a1, new Object[]{});
  } catch (Exception e) {
  	// TODO Auto-generated catch block


class A{

public void print(){
public void print(int a,int b){
public void print(String a,String b){




import java.lang.reflect.Method;

public class MethodDemo2 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
  UserService us = new UserService();
   * Enter commands from the keyboard to perform operations
   * input update The command is called update method
   * input delete The command is called delete method
   * ...
  try {
  	BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
  			new InputStreamReader(;
  	System.out.println("Please enter a command:");
  	String action = br.readLine();
  	 * action It's the method name. There are no parameters--->The reflection operation through the method will be much simpler
  	 * Pass the method object and then perform the reflection operation
  	Class c = us.getClass();
  	Method m = c.getMethod(action);
  } catch (Exception e) {



Finally, for the above content, I recommend an Android material, which should be useful to you.

The first is a list of knowledge: (technologies we need to master for Android and mobile Internet)

Generic principle, reflection principle, Java virtual machine principle, thread pool principle
Annotation principle, annotation principle, serialization
Activity knowledge system (activity life cycle, activity task stack, activity startup mode, View source code, Fragment kernel related, service principle, etc.)
Code framework structure optimization (data structure, sorting algorithm, design pattern)
APP performance optimization (user experience optimization, adaptation, code tuning)
Hot repair, hot upgrade, Hook technology, IOC architecture design
NDK (C programming, C + +, JNI, LINUX)
How to improve development efficiency?
Wechat applet

Next is the list of materials: (knock on the blackboard!!!)

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1. Data structure and algorithm

2. Design mode

3. A full set of systematic advanced architecture videos; Seven mainstream technology modules, video + source code + Notes

4. Interview information package (how can a comprehensive summary of interview questions be missing ~)

No matter what difficulties we encounter, they should not be the reason for us to give up! Encourage each other~

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1. Data structure and algorithm

[external chain picture transferring... (img-dCm2Itc2-1643958688248)]

2. Design mode

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3. A full set of systematic advanced architecture videos; Seven mainstream technology modules, video + source code + Notes

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4. Interview information package (how can a comprehensive summary of interview questions be missing ~)

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No matter what difficulties we encounter, they should not be the reason for us to give up! Encourage each other~

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