Java graduation design + ready-made products - "Java boutique design" is based on java springmvc+mybatis wine mall management system (source code + sql)

Posted by iceblox on Sat, 05 Feb 2022 11:16:14 +0100

Description of main functions:

Administrator role

View customer information, beverage management, view categories, order management and other functions.

User role:

Users log in and register, modify personal information, view the home page, view the classification of drinks, view hot drinks, view the details of drinks, view the shopping cart, confirm the receipt information, view user orders and other functions.

Main functions of homepage:

The main functions of the home page are the commodity display of the liquor mall, a bottle of Guyue Longshan, the ability to view the liquor classification, and the user can log in and register on the web page. And search for beverage products according to keywords

User registration function:

Data account, password, confirmation password and other information for registration

Hot drinks information:

New drinks recommendation:

Insert some profile Codes:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">

Beverage details, can be added to the shopping cart:

My shopping cart:

My order information:

Main function modules of background administrator:

The background administrator can mainly manage commodity information, customer management, type management and order information management. The screenshots of specific functions are as follows:

Order information management:

Customer information management:

Beverage commodity information management:

The administrator can perform a series of management on commodity information, such as setting recommendation type, adding home page recommendation, modifying and deleting

Beverage type management:


Author QQ:1334611189 ready-made products can be used directly. Functional design + code + task description + outline + paper + remote deployment are based on good faith. I hope you can support and help!

Click to view more java boutique graduation design + off the shelf product projects > > >







Topics: Java MySQL JSP Mybatis Spring