The first Hehuang cup data Lake algorithm competition in Qinghai Province - vehicle multi-attribute recognition track preliminary baseline_ copy

Posted by Crogge on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 16:11:21 +0100

2021 the first Hehuang cup data Lake algorithm competition in Qinghai Province - vehicle multi-attribute recognition track preliminary baseline (Unofficial)

Link from AI Studio project

1, Event background

At present, China's digital economy is developing by leaps and bounds, and remarkable achievements have been made in many fields. In social development, we also pay more attention to the development of digital economy, so that it can more effectively promote social development. At the same time, the research results of artificial intelligence also show that computers have the ability to surpass humans in some aspects. Of course, the core issue of the development of digital economy is still to better link human society and data, deal with the coordinated development of science and technology and society, and hold this tournament in order to better and faster improve the quality of social development and solve some practical problems in social development.
Adhering to the concept of fairness, openness and innovation, the competition aims to build a good resource sharing platform through the competition, focus on Qinghai, find and cultivate big data technical talents nationwide, improve the data scientific thinking, practical ability and cooperation ability of big data talents in the whole society, and stimulate the exploration spirit of talents, Enhance the innovative application of big data technology in the industrialization of digital economy in Qinghai Province, and further promote the production, study and research of big data in Qinghai.

2, Event task

The increasing popularity of vehicles leads to increasingly serious traffic problems. Intelligent transportation system comes into being. Combined with the development of artificial intelligence technology, vehicle identification management has become an important part of intelligent transportation system. Aiming at the problem of vehicle identification management, the "vehicle multi-attribute identification" competition was held to provide a basis for traffic, public security and other departments to deal with road traffic events.
In this competition, players are expected to use a large number of vehicle pictures under surveillance video to train relevant models, so as to solve the three problems of vehicle type recognition, vehicle driving direction recognition and vehicle body color recognition.

The preliminary competition adopts A/B list and provides training data set for contestants to train algorithm model; Provide test data sets for contestants to submit evaluation results and participate in ranking. During the preliminary competition, the contestant shall identify the type of vehicle in the picture and submit the results according to the format specification.

3, Review rules

sample data

The preliminary training data set is divided into two parts: pictures and labels, of which the pictures are jpg format, label is csv format. The tag data contains two parts, namely "id" and "type", where "id" is a string type, corresponding to the picture name; "Type" is a string type, corresponding to the type of vehicle in the picture. In the preliminary stage, there are four types: car, suv, van and truck.

!unzip -oq /home/aistudio/work/
!unzip -oq /home/aistudio/work/

Data EDA

   Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) refers to a data analysis method that analyzes and explores the existing data (original data) and explores the structure and law of data by means of drawing, tabulation, equation fitting, calculation of characteristic quantity and so on. Generally speaking, when we first come into contact with data, we often have no clue and don't know how to start. At this time, Exploratory Data Analysis is very effective.

For image classification tasks, we usually first count the number of each category and view the data distribution of the training set. Through the analysis of data distribution, the problem-solving ideas are formed. (insight into the nature of data is important.)

baseline build

Data preprocessing

Through the above data EDA, it is found that the categories are unbalanced,

# Import required libraries
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

import paddle
import paddle.nn as nn
from import Dataset
import as T
import paddle.nn.functional as F
from paddle.metric import Accuracy

import warnings

# Read data
train_images = pd.read_csv('train_sorted1.csv')

train_images = shuffle(train_images)

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder


# print(train_images)
# labelshuffling

def labelShuffling(dataFrame, groupByName = 'label'):

    groupDataFrame = dataFrame.groupby(by=[groupByName])
    labels = groupDataFrame.size()
    print("length of label is ", len(labels))
    maxNum = max(labels)
    lst = pd.DataFrame()
    for i in range(len(labels)):
        print("Processing label  :", i)
        tmpGroupBy = groupDataFrame.get_group(i)
        createdShuffleLabels = np.random.permutation(np.array(range(maxNum))) % labels[i]
        print("Num of the label is : ", labels[i])
        lst=lst.append(tmpGroupBy.iloc[createdShuffleLabels], ignore_index=True)
    # lst.to_csv('test1.csv', index=False)
    return lst

# Divide training set and check set
all_size = len(train_images)
# print(all_size)
train_size = int(all_size * 0.8)
train_image_list = train_images[:train_size]
val_image_list = train_images[train_size:]

df = train_image_list

# print(df)
df = labelShuffling(train_image_list)
df = shuffle(df)

train_image_path_list = df['image'].values
label_list = df['label'].values
label_list = paddle.to_tensor(label_list, dtype='int64')
train_label_list = paddle.nn.functional.one_hot(label_list, num_classes=4)

val_image_path_list = val_image_list['image'].values
val_label_list = val_image_list['label'].values
val_label_list = paddle.to_tensor(val_label_list, dtype='int64')
val_label_list = paddle.nn.functional.one_hot(val_label_list, num_classes=4)

# Define data preprocessing
data_transforms = T.Compose([
    T.Resize(size=(256, 256)),
    T.Transpose(),    # HWC -> CHW
        mean=[0, 0, 0],        # normalization
        std=[255, 255, 255],
length of label is  4
Processing label  : 0
Num of the label is :  1448
Processing label  : 1
Num of the label is :  587
Processing label  : 2
Num of the label is :  140
Processing label  : 3
Num of the label is :  149

W0224 22:03:39.271940  5640] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 7.0, Driver API Version: 10.1, Runtime API Version: 10.1
W0224 22:03:39.275599  5640] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.6.
# Build Dataset
class MyDataset(
    Step 1: inherit class
    def __init__(self, train_img_list, val_img_list,train_label_list,val_label_list, mode='train'):
        Step 2: implement the constructor, define the data reading method, and divide the training and test data sets
        super(MyDataset, self).__init__()
        self.img = []
        self.label = []
        # Reading csv library with pandas
        self.train_images = train_img_list
        self.test_images = val_img_list
        self.train_label = train_label_list
        self.test_label = val_label_list
        if mode == 'train':
            # Read train_images data
            for img,la in zip(self.train_images, self.train_label):
            # Read test_images data
            for img,la in zip(self.test_images, self.test_label):

    def load_img(self, image_path):
        # In actual use, you can use the pilot related library to read pictures. Here, let's simulate the data first
        image ='RGB')
        return image

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        Step 3: Implement__getitem__Method, defining and specifying index How to obtain data and return a single piece of data (training data, corresponding label)
        image = self.load_img(self.img[index])
        label = self.label[index]
        # label = paddle.to_tensor(label)
        return data_transforms(image), paddle.nn.functional.label_smooth(label)

    def __len__(self):
        Step 4: Implement__len__Method to return the total number of data sets
        return len(self.img)
train_dataset = MyDataset(train_img_list=train_image_path_list, val_img_list=val_image_path_list, train_label_list=train_label_list, val_label_list=val_label_list, mode='train')
train_loader =, places=paddle.CPUPlace(), batch_size=32, shuffle=True, num_workers=0)

val_dataset = MyDataset(train_img_list=train_image_path_list, val_img_list=val_image_path_list, train_label_list=train_label_list, val_label_list=val_label_list, mode='test')
val_loader =, places=paddle.CPUPlace(), batch_size=32, shuffle=True, num_workers=0)

model training

from res2net import Res2Net50_vd_26w_4s

# Model encapsulation
model_res = Res2Net50_vd_26w_4s(class_dim=4)
model = paddle.Model(model_res)

# Define optimizer

# scheduler =
#         learning_rate=0.5, warmup_steps=20, start_lr=0, end_lr=0.5, verbose=True)
# optim = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=scheduler, parameters=model.parameters())
optim = paddle.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=3e-4, parameters=model.parameters())

# Configuration model


# Model training and evaluation,
The loss value printed in the log is the current step, and the metric is the average value of previous steps.
Epoch 1/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 1.3492 - acc: 0.3267 - 231ms/step         
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 1.3039 - acc: 0.2548 - 154ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 2/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 1.1146 - acc: 0.4498 - 228ms/step        
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 1.5971 - acc: 0.3205 - 153ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 3/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 0.8872 - acc: 0.5568 - 229ms/step        
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 1.7063 - acc: 0.3591 - 146ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 4/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 0.9437 - acc: 0.6499 - 229ms/step        
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 1.4568 - acc: 0.2394 - 144ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 5/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 0.8166 - acc: 0.7210 - 227ms/step         
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 0.8642 - acc: 0.4324 - 148ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 6/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 0.7758 - acc: 0.7629 - 227ms/step        
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 0.8764 - acc: 0.4981 - 148ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 7/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 0.6554 - acc: 0.7987 - 226ms/step         
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 1.0617 - acc: 0.3050 - 146ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 8/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 0.6482 - acc: 0.8358 - 230ms/step        
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 2.0823 - acc: 0.3745 - 149ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 9/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 0.6632 - acc: 0.8524 - 231ms/step        
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 1.5684 - acc: 0.4363 - 146ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 10/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 0.6055 - acc: 0.8726 - 228ms/step        
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 1.1803 - acc: 0.4479 - 149ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 11/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 0.5604 - acc: 0.8955 - 228ms/step        
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 2.5635 - acc: 0.4942 - 147ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 12/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 0.5882 - acc: 0.9054 - 227ms/step        
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 1.1620 - acc: 0.5135 - 146ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 13/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 0.5160 - acc: 0.9187 - 226ms/step         
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 2.2730 - acc: 0.5560 - 146ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 14/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 0.4833 - acc: 0.9330 - 228ms/step        
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 0.7435 - acc: 0.4942 - 144ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
Epoch 15/15
step 181/181 [==============================] - loss: 0.4185 - acc: 0.9408 - 227ms/step         
Eval begin...
step 9/9 [==============================] - loss: 1.3306 - acc: 0.5521 - 149ms/step        
Eval samples: 259
# Save model parameters
#'Hapi_MyCNN')  # save for training'Hapi_MyCNN1', False)  # save for inference

View F1 score

Here you can view the performance of the model on the validation set according to the review rules.

!pip install patta
import os, time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import paddle
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score,classification_report
import patta as tta

use_gpu = True
paddle.set_device('gpu:0') if use_gpu else paddle.set_device('cpu')
model = paddle.jit.load(model_file_path)
model = tta.ClassificationTTAWrapper(model, tta.aliases.ten_crop_transform(224,224))

model.eval() #Training mode

def load_image(img_path):
    Prediction picture preprocessing
    img ='RGB')
    img = img.resize((256, 256), Image.BILINEAR) #Image.BILINEAR interpolation
    img = np.array(img).astype('float32')

    # HWC to CHW 
    img = img.transpose((2, 0, 1))
    img = img / 255         #Pixel value normalization

    return img

def infer_img(path, model):
    model prediction 
    #Preprocess the prediction picture
    infer_imgs = []
    infer_imgs = np.array(infer_imgs)
    label_pre = []
    for i in range(len(infer_imgs)):
        data = infer_imgs[i]
        dy_x_data = np.array(data).astype('float32')
        dy_x_data = dy_x_data[np.newaxis,:, : ,:]
        img = paddle.to_tensor(dy_x_data)
        out = model(img)
        lab = np.argmax(out.numpy())  #argmax(): returns the maximum number of indexes
    return label_pre

img_list = val_image_path_list
pre_list = []

for i in range(len(img_list)):
    pre_list.append(infer_img(path='train/train/' + img_list[i], model=model)[0])

img = pd.DataFrame(img_list)
img = img.rename(columns = {0:"image_id"})
img['category_id'] = pre_list

base_score = f1_score(val_image_list['label'].values, img['category_id'].values, average='macro')
clc_report = classification_report(val_image_list['label'].values, img['category_id'].values)
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.61      0.80      0.69       162
           1       0.21      0.11      0.15        62
           2       0.00      0.00      0.00        24
           3       0.00      0.00      0.00        11

    accuracy                           0.53       259
   macro avg       0.20      0.23      0.21       259
weighted avg       0.43      0.53      0.47       259

model prediction

import os, time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import paddle
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import patta as tta
import pandas as pd

use_gpu = True
# model_file_path="Hapi_MyCNN"
paddle.set_device('gpu:0') if use_gpu else paddle.set_device('cpu')
model = paddle.jit.load('/home/aistudio/Hapi_MyCNN1')

model = tta.ClassificationTTAWrapper(model, tta.aliases.ten_crop_transform(224,224))
model.eval() #Training mode

def load_image(img_path):
    Prediction picture preprocessing
    img ='RGB')
    img = img.resize((256, 256), Image.BILINEAR) #Image.BILINEAR interpolation
    img = np.array(img).astype('float32')

    # HWC to CHW 
    img = img.transpose((2, 0, 1))
    img = img / 255         #Pixel value normalization
    return img

def infer_img(path, model):
    model prediction 
    #Preprocess the prediction picture

    label_pre = []
    labeled_img = []
    data = load_image(path)

    dy_x_data = np.array(data).astype('float32')
    dy_x_data = dy_x_data[np.newaxis,:, : ,:]
    img = paddle.to_tensor(dy_x_data)
    out = model(img)
    res = paddle.nn.functional.softmax(out)[0] # If softmax is already included in the model, this line of code is not needed.
    lab = np.argmax(out.numpy())  #argmax(): returns the maximum number of indexes

    if res[lab].numpy()[0] >= 0.95:
    return label_pre

img_list = os.listdir('testA/')
img_list.sort(key=lambda x: int((x[:-4]).split('_')[-1]))  ##File names are sorted by number

pre_list = []
labeled_img_list = []
for i in range(len(img_list)):
    data = load_image(img_path='testA/' + img_list[i])
    dy_x_data = np.array(data).astype('float32')
    dy_x_data = dy_x_data[np.newaxis,:, : ,:]
    img = paddle.to_tensor(dy_x_data)
    out = model(img)
    res = paddle.nn.functional.softmax(out)[0] # If softmax is already included in the model, this line of code is not needed.
    lab = np.argmax(out.numpy())  #argmax(): returns the maximum number of indexes
img = pd.DataFrame(labeled_img_list)
img = img.rename(columns = {0:"id"})
img['type'] = encoder.inverse_transform(pre_list)

():Returns the maximum number of indexes
img = pd.DataFrame(labeled_img_list)
img = img.rename(columns = {0:"id"})
img['type'] = encoder.inverse_transform(pre_list)

img.to_csv('result.csv', index=False)
# len(labeled_img_list)
# len(pre_list)
# import pandas as pd

# df1 = pd.read_csv('train_sorted1.csv')
# df2 = pd.read_csv('result.csv')

# result = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=0)

# result.to_csv('train_sorted2.csv', index=False)

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Topics: Algorithm AI Deep Learning NLP paddlepaddle