Haotaoke hungry rebate system - takeout rebate coupon system - support meituan, hungry takeout and supermarket / movie tickets, and support multi-level agent rebate

Posted by skbanta on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 00:52:02 +0100

Support for us group, hungry takeaway and super / movie tickets support multi class agency rebate mode, speed up 1 minutes to complete deployment of the shelves to support personal / business official account + small program perfect combination, immediately experience the official account demo.

Take out rebate cps distribution system daily take out meituan coupon red envelope flow applet construction source code

Is meituan hungry? Take out CPS alliance applet, subscribe to the message, remind users to get the take out red envelope every day, use the take out red envelope to promote and conclude the transaction, and get the promotion fee

Third level fission version contact author

Author wx: mybei95

The following is a fission free version of the building tutorial.

Source address: http://y.mybei.cn

Deployment steps

Deploy the background and fill in the data

Login background http://q.mybei.cn
Login background

Background New applet

Get applet APPID and secret

Applet management background, which can be obtained from the development settings

Direct address: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/wxamp/devprofile/get_profile?token=297816861&lang=zh_CN

Hungry? Takeout link

Hungry? Take out link, obtained through Taobao alliance App.

Examples of links obtained:


The specific operation steps are shown in the figure below

Hungry? Business hyperlink

Log in to Ali's mother backstage

Copy the link above, and then splice the fixed prefix at the beginning.

For example, the above copy is: https://s.click.ele.me/JlyCcsu

The fixed prefix is:


Then the address of the supermarket filled in the background is:


Meituan takeout red envelope

Log in to the background of meituan Alliance( union.meituan.com)

Example of link format obtained:


Meituanshang super red envelope

Example of link format obtained:


Meituan Hotel

Meituan hotel needs to register meituan distribution alliance( https://pub.meituan.com)

Example of link format obtained:


Applet upload part

Download source code

Modify to your own applet AppId

  • Modify it to your own wechat applet and open / dist / pages / ele / index js

Set the requested domain name of the applet

Wechat applet - > development management - > development settings add the domain name of the request:

Wechat developer tool, import project

Modify to your own applet AppId

Upload, test, submit for review

Before uploading, be sure to open the audit in the management background!!!

Use urgent audit, about 20 minutes, you can pass the audit!

After the audit is completed, close the background management and save the audit!

Useless code

(wx.webpackJsonp = wx.webpackJsonp || []).push([ [ 71 ], {
    154: function(t, n, o) {
        t.exports = o.p + "pages/main/meituan/shangchao/index.wxml";
    400: function(t, n, o) {
        "use strict";
    401: function(t, n, o) {},
    497: function(t, n, o) {
        "use strict";
        var e, r, a, i = o(1), u = o.n(i), c = o(8), s = o(0), p = o.n(s), l = (o(401), 
        function(t, n) {
            if (Array.isArray(t)) return t;
            if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) return function sliceIterator(t, n) {
                var o = [], e = !0, r = !1, a = void 0;
                try {
                    for (var i, u = t[Symbol.iterator](); !(e = (i = u.next()).done) && (o.push(i.value), 
                    !n || o.length !== n); e = !0) ;
                } catch (t) {
                    r = !0, a = t;
                } finally {
                    try {
                        !e && u.return && u.return();
                    } finally {
                        if (r) throw a;
                return o;
            }(t, n);
            throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
        }), h = function() {
            function defineProperties(t, n) {
                for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
                    var e = n[o];
                    e.enumerable = e.enumerable || !1, e.configurable = !0, "value" in e && (e.writable = !0), 
                    Object.defineProperty(t, e.key, e);
            return function(t, n, o) {
                return n && defineProperties(t.prototype, n), o && defineProperties(t, o), t;
        function _classCallCheck(t, n) {
            if (!(t instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
        function _possibleConstructorReturn(t, n) {
            if (!t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
            return !n || "object" != typeof n && "function" != typeof n ? t : n;
        var f = Object(c.connect)(function mapState(t) {
            return {
                user: t.user
        }, function mapDispatch() {
            return {};
        })((a = r = function(t) {
            function Shangchao() {
                var t, n, o;
                _classCallCheck(this, Shangchao);
                for (var e = arguments.length, r = Array(e), a = 0; a < e; a++) r[a] = arguments[a];
                return n = o = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (t = Shangchao.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Shangchao)).call.apply(t, [ this ].concat(r))), 
                o.$usedState = [ "anonymousState__temp", "$compid__351", "showMtHotel", "weappImgUrl", "showSwitchButton", "user", "__fn_onClick", "onToggle", "onHongbao", "onShare", "onCopy" ], 
                o.onHome = function() {
                        url: "/pages/main/home/index"
                }, o.customComponents = [ "NavBar" ], _possibleConstructorReturn(o, n);
            return function _inherits(t, n) {
                if ("function" != typeof n && null !== n) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof n);
                t.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, {
                    constructor: {
                        value: t,
                        enumerable: !1,
                        writable: !0,
                        configurable: !0
                }), n && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, n) : t.__proto__ = n);
            }(Shangchao, t), h(Shangchao, [ {
                key: "_constructor",
                value: function _constructor(t) {
                    (function get(t, n, o) {
                        null === t && (t = Function.prototype);
                        var e = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n);
                        if (void 0 === e) {
                            var r = Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
                            return null === r ? void 0 : get(r, n, o);
                        if ("value" in e) return e.value;
                        var a = e.get;
                        return void 0 !== a ? a.call(o) : void 0;
                    })(Shangchao.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Shangchao.prototype), "_constructor", this).call(this, t), 
                    this.$$refs = new p.a.RefsArray();
            }, {
                key: "_createData",
                value: function _createData() {
                    var t = this;
                    this.__state = arguments[0] || this.state || {}, this.__props = arguments[1] || this.props || {};
                    var n = this.$prefix, o = Object(s.genCompid)(n + "$compid__351"), e = l(o, 2), r = e[0], a = e[1];
                    var i = this.__props, u = i.weappImgUrl, c = i.showSwitchButton, h = this.__props.user.currentWeappMp.showMtHotel;
                    this.anonymousFunc0 = function() {
                        return t.__props.onToggle("waimai");
                    }, this.anonymousFunc1 = function() {
                        return t.__props.onToggle("hotel");
                    var f = "WEAPP" === p.a.getEnv();
                    return f && s.propsManager.set({
                        background: "#5ddd23",
                        color: "#ffffff",
                        iconTheme: "white",
                        home: !0,
                        onHome: this.onHome
                    }, a, r), Object.assign(this.__state, {
                        anonymousState__temp: f,
                        $compid__351: a,
                        showMtHotel: h,
                        weappImgUrl: u,
                        showSwitchButton: c
                    }), this.__state;
            }, {
                key: "anonymousFunc0",
                value: function anonymousFunc0(t) {}
            }, {
                key: "anonymousFunc1",
                value: function anonymousFunc1(t) {}
            }, {
                key: "funPrivatebegzz",
                value: function funPrivatebegzz() {
                    return this.props.onHongbao.apply(void 0, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
            }, {
                key: "funPrivatebehzz",
                value: function funPrivatebehzz() {
                    return this.props.onShare.apply(void 0, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
            }, {
                key: "funPrivatebeizz",
                value: function funPrivatebeizz() {
                    return this.props.onCopy.apply(void 0, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
            } ]), Shangchao;
        }(s.Component), r.$$events = [ "anonymousFunc0", "anonymousFunc1", "funPrivatebegzz", "funPrivatebehzz", "funPrivatebeizz" ], 
        r.$$componentPath = "pages/main/meituan/shangchao/index", e = a)) || e;
        f.defaultProps = {
            weappImgUrl: {},
            onCopy: function onCopy() {},
            onShare: function onShare() {},
            onToggle: function onToggle() {},
            onHongbao: function onHongbao() {},
            showSwitchButton: !1
        }, f.propType = {
            onCopy: u.a.func,
            onShare: u.a.func,
            onToggle: u.a.func,
            onHongbao: u.a.func,
            weappImgUrl: u.a.object,
            showSwitchButton: u.a.bool
}, [ [ 497, 0, 1 ] ] ]);

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