1. Stored procedures and functions
1.1 overview of stored procedures and functions
Stored procedures and functions are a collection of SQL statements compiled and stored in the database in advance. Calling stored procedures and functions can simplify a lot of work of application developers and reduce the transmission of data between the database and the application server, which is good for improving the efficiency of data processing.
The difference between a stored procedure and a function is that a function must have a return value, while a stored procedure does not.
Function: it is a process with return value;
Procedure: it is a function without return value;
1.2 creating stored procedures
CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name ([proc_parameter[,...]]) begin -- SQL sentence end ;
delimiter $ create procedure pro_test1() begin select 'Hello Mysql' ; end$ delimiter ;
Delimiter: this keyword is used to declare the separator of SQL statement and tell the mysql interpreter whether the command has ended and whether mysql can be executed. By default, delimiter is a semicolon;. In the command-line client, if a command ends with a semicolon, mysql will execute the command after entering.
1.3 calling stored procedures
call procedure_name();
1.4 viewing stored procedures
-- query db_name All stored procedures in the database select name from mysql.proc where db='db_name'; -- Query the status information of stored procedure show procedure status; -- Stored procedure definition of a query show create procedure test.pro_test1
1.5 deleting stored procedures
1.6 grammar
Stored procedures are programmable, which means that variables, expressions and control structures can be used to complete more complex functions.
1.6.1 variables
A local variable can be defined through DECLARE. The scope of the variable can only be in the BEGIN... END block.
DECLARE var_name[,...] type [DEFAULT value]
delimiter $ create procedure pro_test2() begin declare num int default 5; select num+ 10; end$ delimiter ;
SET can be used for direct assignment, and constant or expression can be assigned. The specific syntax is as follows:
SET var_name = expr [, var_name = expr] ...
You can also assign values by select ing... into:
DELIMITER $ CREATE PROCEDURE pro_test5() BEGIN declare countnum int; select count(*) into countnum from city; select countnum; END$ DELIMITER ;
1.6.2 if condition judgment
Syntax structure:
if search_condition then statement_list [elseif search_condition then statement_list] ... [else statement_list] end if;
According to the defined height variable, determine the body type of the current height 180 And above ----------> Tall and tall 170 - 180 ---------> Standard figure 170 following ----------> General figure
delimiter $ create procedure pro_test6() begin declare height int default 175; declare description varchar(50); if height >= 180 then set description = 'Tall and tall'; elseif height >= 170 and height < 180 then set description = 'Standard figure'; else set description = 'General figure'; end if; select description ; end$ delimiter ;
1.6.3 transfer parameters
Syntax format:
create procedure procedure_name([in/out/inout] Parameter name parameter type) ... IN : This parameter can be used as input, that is, the value needs to be passed in by the caller , default OUT: This parameter is used as output, that is, it can be used as return value INOUT: It can be used as input parameter or output parameter
IN - input
Demand: determine the stature type of the current height according to the defined height variable
delimiter $ create procedure pro_test5(in height int) begin declare description varchar(50) default ''; if height >= 180 then set description='Tall and tall'; elseif height >= 170 and height < 180 then set description='Standard figure'; else set description='General figure'; end if; select concat('height ', height , 'The corresponding figure type is:',description); end$ delimiter ;
OUT output
Demand: get the body type of the current height according to the incoming height variable
create procedure pro_test5(in height int , out description varchar(100)) begin if height >= 180 then set description='Tall and tall'; elseif height >= 170 and height < 180 then set description='Standard figure'; else set description='General figure'; end if; end$
call pro_test5(168, @description)$ select @description$
@description: this kind of variable should be preceded by the "@" symbol in the variable name, which is called the user session variable, which represents the whole session process. It is functional, which is similar to the global variable.
@@global.sort_buffer_size: this kind of variable with "@ @" sign is called system variable
1.6.4 case structure
Syntax structure:
Mode 1 : CASE case_value WHEN when_value THEN statement_list [WHEN when_value THEN statement_list] ... [ELSE statement_list] END CASE; Mode 2 : CASE WHEN search_condition THEN statement_list [WHEN search_condition THEN statement_list] ... [ELSE statement_list] END CASE;
Demand: given a month, then calculate the quarter
delimiter $ create procedure pro_test9(month int) begin declare result varchar(20); case when month >= 1 and month <=3 then set result = 'first quarter '; when month >= 4 and month <=6 then set result = 'Second quarter'; when month >= 7 and month <=9 then set result = 'Third quarter'; when month >= 10 and month <=12 then set result = 'Fourth quarter'; end case; select concat('The month you entered is :', month , ' , The month is : ' , result) as content ; end$ delimiter ;
1.6.5 while cycle
Syntax structure:
while search_condition do statement_list end while;
Demand: calculate the value from 1 to n
delimiter $ create procedure pro_test8(n int) begin declare total int default 0; declare num int default 1; while num<=n do set total = total + num; set num = num + 1; end while; select total; end$ delimiter ;
1.6.6 repeat structure
Conditional loop control statement that exits the loop when conditions are met. while is executed only when the conditions are met, and repeat is to exit the loop when the conditions are met.
Syntax structure:
REPEAT statement_list UNTIL search_condition END REPEAT;
Demand: calculate the value from 1 to n
delimiter $ create procedure pro_test10(n int) begin declare total int default 0; repeat set total = total + n; set n = n - 1; until n=0 end repeat; select total ; end$ delimiter ;
1.6.7 loop statement
Loop implements a simple loop. The conditions for exiting the loop need to be defined by other statements. Generally, it can be realized by using the LEAVE statement. The specific syntax is as follows:
[begin_label:] LOOP statement_list END LOOP [end_label]
If not in the statement_ Add a statement to exit the loop in the list, and the loop statement can be used to realize a simple dead loop.
1.6.8 leave statement
It is used to exit from the marked process structure. It is usually used with BEGIN... END or LOOP. The following is a simple example of using LOOP and LEAVE to exit the LOOP:
delimiter $ CREATE PROCEDURE pro_test11(n int) BEGIN declare total int default 0; ins: LOOP IF n <= 0 then leave ins; END IF; set total = total + n; set n = n - 1; END LOOP ins; select total; END$ delimiter ;
1.6.9 cursor / cursor
Cursors are data types used to store query result sets. Cursors can be used to cycle the result sets in stored procedures and functions. The usage of cursor includes cursor declaration, OPEN, FETCH and CLOSE. The syntax is as follows.
Declaration cursor:
DECLARE cursor_name CURSOR FOR select_statement;
OPEN cursor:
OPEN cursor_name ;
FETCH cursor:
FETCH cursor_name INTO var_name [, var_name] ...
CLOSE cursor:
CLOSE cursor_name ;
Initialization script
create table emp( id int(11) not null auto_increment , name varchar(50) not null comment 'full name', age int(11) comment 'Age', salary int(11) comment 'salary', primary key(`id`) )engine=innodb default charset=utf8 ; insert into emp(id,name,age,salary) values(null,'Golden King ',55,3800),(null,'White browed Eagle king',60,4000),(null,'Green winged bat King',38,2800),(null,'Purple Dragon King',42,1800);
Obtain the data in the cursor through the loop structure:
DELIMITER $ create procedure pro_test12() begin DECLARE id int(11); DECLARE name varchar(50); DECLARE age int(11); DECLARE salary int(11); DECLARE has_data int default 1; DECLARE emp_result CURSOR FOR select * from emp; DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND set has_data = 0; open emp_result; repeat fetch emp_result into id , name , age , salary; select concat('id by',id, ', name by' ,name , ', age by ' ,age , ', Salary is: ',salary); until has_data = 0 end repeat; close emp_result; end$ DELIMITER ;
1.7 storage function
Syntax structure:
CREATE FUNCTION function_name([param type ... ]) RETURNS type BEGIN ... END;
Case: define a stored procedure and request the total number of records that meet the conditions;
delimiter $ create function count_city(countryId int) returns int begin declare cnum int ; select count(*) into cnum from city where country_id = countryId; return cnum; end$ delimiter
select count_city(1); select count_city(2);