About MySQL 5.7 enabling bin log master-slave replication

Posted by croix on Tue, 31 Dec 2019 18:38:36 +0100

Master-slave replication: generally used for real-time backup.

The next steps are as follows: master master database configuration synchronization, slave database configuration synchronization, master lock table / backup, slave data recovery, slave synchronization enabled, master unlocking, and completion.

##################### mysql5.7 bin-log Log open, Must set server-id ###################

###############  master host
vim /etc/my.cnf  # Add the following configuration to [mysqld]
server-id=1 #Server id (master and slave must be different)
log-bin=mysql-bin # Open the log (the host needs to open it). This MySQL bin can be customized or added with the path
binlog-do-db=monitor_db #Library to synchronize with slave
binlog-ignore-db=mysql #Libraries that do not synchronize with slaves (write multiple lines)
expire_logs_days=3 # Automatically clean up the log files 3 days ago, which can be modified as needed

#Save exit, restart mysql service


cd mysql/var                      # Can see mysql-bin.000001
show variables like "%log_bin%";  # See log_bin  Whether ON

-- To grant authorization backup Users can make remote replication
-- grant FILE on *.* to 'backup'@'%' identified by 'backup';
-- grant replication slave on *.* to 'backup'@'%' identified by '123456';
-- flush privileges;
-- select user,authentication_string,host from user;

-- flush tables with read lock;  -- Lock primary database, Prevent master-slave inconsistency (at this time, the master database can no longer write data)
-- show master status\G   -- display master Write down the informationFileandPosition

#Then perform a backup of the primary database and restore to the secondary database. (the main database cannot be served continuously)


###############  slave Slave
vim /etc/my.cnf  # Add the following configuration to [mysqld]

#Save exit and restart mysql and SQL to do the following:
-- stop slave; -- change master to master_host='',master_user='bakcup',master_password='123456',master_log_file='mysql-bin.000001', master_log_pos=154; -- start slave; --UNLOCK TABLES; -- execute unlocking the master database on the master database --show slave status\G -- show slave information #Master log file is the File displayed by the Master host show master status, while master log POS is the Position displayed. #Then, you can show the slave status to see whether the position and file in the slave are consistent with those in the master. #CURD the master database and verify that the slave database is synchronized accordingly


################################ Other common operations ############################
flush logs;           -- Refresh log to generate new mysql-bin file
show master status;   -- View binary logs and Position
insert into t1 values(1);
insert into t1 values(2);

reset master; --empty bin-log
\s    --View character set ddddd

#Use your own tools to view bin-log
mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog --no-defaults mysql-bin.000001 |more

#When backing up the database, you can flush logs; It will generate new bin-log
#There is no backup data in the recovery time difference to the test database
mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog --no-defaults mysql-bin.000002 |/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p123 test

#Backup data: -F Namely flush logs; -l It's a read lock., Can only read but not write.
mysqldump -uroot -p123 test -l -F > '/tmp/test.sql'

#Restore data: first restore the previous backup, and then restore within the time difference
mysql -uroot -p123 test < /tmp/test.sql  -- parameter-f Yes error encountered skip
mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog --no-defaults mysql-bin.000002 |/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p123 test

#The recovery of selected nodes means the selection of multiple starting points
mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog --no-defaults mysql-bin.000002 --start-position="193" --stop-position="280" |/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p123 test

show slave status\G # Reverse row and column view. The following two columns indicate that master-slave synchronization is successful 
Slave_IO_Running: Yes

######################### Built in pressure test ################################# 
# Execute the command under the OS shell: 
mysqlslap -hlocalhost -uroot -p123456 -P3306 --concurrency=5000 --iterations=1 --auto-generate-sql --auto-generate-sql-load-type=mixed --auto-generate-sql-add-autoincrement --engine=innodb --number-of-queries=5000
# May need to be modified first OS Connection number ulimit -n 65535 
# And mysql's max connect  
show variables like '%max_connections%'  -- maximum connection
set global max_connections=6000;         -- Change settings in the current process. Permanent settings need to be my.cnf Join in

-- SELECT @@innodb_buffer_pool_size;     -- See innodb_buffer_pool_size 
-- SELECT @@innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size; -- Block size,Default 128 M
-- SELECT @@innodb_buffer_pool_instances;  -- Instance number, Default 8
-- SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size=1073741824;  -- 1G
-- SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size=8589934592;  -- 8G -- Set up innodb_buffer_pool_size No need to restart.

Topics: MySQL Database SQL mysqlbinlog