AI series - question and answer system

Posted by ladams02 on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 07:43:56 +0100


Question answering system

Question answering system (QA) is an advanced form of information retrieval system. It can answer the questions raised by users in natural language with accurate and concise natural language. The main reason for the rise of its research is people's demand for fast and accurate access to information. Question answering system is a research direction in the field of artificial intelligence and natural language processing.

Text search engine

Based on the text search engine, this example supports uploading csv files, extracting features using sentence vector model, and subsequent retrieval based on milvus vector engine.

Main characteristics

  • The bottom layer uses feature vector similarity search
  • Millisecond search of billions of data on a single server
  • Near real-time search, supporting distributed deployment
  • Insert, delete, search and update data at any time

Sentence vector model [supports 15 languages]

A sentence vector is a real number vector that maps a statement to a fixed dimension. Variable length sentences are represented by fixed length vectors to provide services for NLP downstream tasks. It supports 15 languages: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish

  • Sentence vector

Sentence vector application:

  • The semantic search / question answering system retrieves the text that best matches query in the corpus through sentence vector similarity
  • Text clustering, the text is transformed into a fixed length vector, and similar texts can be unsupervised clustered through the clustering model
  • Text classification, expressed as sentence vectors, directly uses a simple classifier, that is, training text classifier

1. Front end deployment

1.1 installation and operation:

# Install dependent packages
npm install
# function
npm run dev

1.2 build dist installation package:

npm run build:prod

1.3 nginx deployment and operation (mac environment as an example):

cd /usr/local/etc/nginx/
vi /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# Edit nginx conf

    server {
        listen       8080;
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            root   /Users/calvin/Documents/qa_system/dist/;
            index  index.html index.htm;
# Reload configuration:
sudo nginx -s reload 

# After deploying the application, restart:
cd /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.19.6/bin

# Quick stop
sudo nginx -s stop

# start-up
sudo nginx     

2. Backend jar deployment

2.1 environmental requirements:

  • System JDK 1.8+
  • application.yml
# File storage path
    path: ~/file/
    path: /home/aias/file/
    path: D:/aias/file/
  # File size / M
  maxSize: 3000

2.2 operation procedure:

# Run program

java -jar qa-system-0.1.0.jar

3. Backend vector engine deployment (docker)

3.1 environmental requirements:

  • docker running environment needs to be installed. Docker Desktop can be used in Mac environment

3.2 pull Milvus vector engine image (used to calculate eigenvalue vector similarity)

Installation documentation

Please refer to the official website for the latest version

sudo docker pull milvusdb/milvus:0.10.0-cpu-d061620-5f3c00

3.3 downloading configuration files

3.4 start Docker container

/Users/calvin/vector_engine is the host path, which can be modified as needed. conf is the configuration file required by the engine.

docker run -d --name milvus_cpu_0.10.0 \
-p 19530:19530 \
-p 19121:19121 \
-p 9091:9091 \
-v /Users/calvin/vector_engine/db:/var/lib/milvus/db \
-v /Users/calvin/vector_engine/conf:/var/lib/milvus/conf \
-v /Users/calvin/vector_engine/logs:/var/lib/milvus/logs \
-v /Users/calvin/vector_engine/wal:/var/lib/milvus/wal \

3.5 edit vector engine connection configuration information

  • application.yml
  • Edit the vector engine connection ip address 127.0 as needed 0.1 is the host ip of the container
##################### Vector engine ###############################
  port: 19530
  indexFileSize: 1024 # maximum size (in MB) of each index file
  nprobe: 256
  nlist: 16384
  faceDimension: 512 #dimension of each vector
  faceCollectionName: questions #collection name
  commDimension: 512 #dimension of each vector
  commCollectionName: comm #collection name

4. Open the browser

  • Enter address: http://localhost:8090
  • Upload CSV data file
    1). Click the upload button to upload the CSV file
    test data

2). Click the feature extraction button Wait for CSV file parsing, feature extraction and feature storage in vector engine. You can see the progress information through the console.

  • Text search, input text and click query to see the returned list, which is sorted according to the similarity.

5. Help information

  • swagger interface documentation:

  • Initialize vector engine (empty data): me aias. tools. MilvusInit. java
        String host = "";
        int port = 19530;
        final String collectionName = "questions"; // collection name

        MilvusClient client = new MilvusGrpcClient();
        // Connect to Milvus server
        ConnectParam connectParam = new ConnectParam.Builder().withHost(host).withPort(port).build();
        try {
            Response connectResponse = client.connect(connectParam);
        } catch (ConnectFailedException e) {

        // Check whether the collection exists
        HasCollectionResponse hasCollection = hasCollection(client, collectionName);
        if (hasCollection.hasCollection()) {
            dropIndex(client, collectionName);
            dropCollection(client, collectionName);

Official website:

Official website link

Git address:
Github link
Gitee link

Topics: AI AIAS