ajaxfileupload upload file with parameters

Posted by barkster on Wed, 25 Dec 2019 18:43:17 +0100

A few days ago, when uploading files with ajaxfileupload, I found that ajaxfileupload could not be transferred with parameters, so I found a ready-made ajaxfileupload that can be transferred with parameters from github, and learned how to upload files with ajaxfileupload.

The github address of ajaxfileupload that can be passed with parameters: https://github.com/carlcarl/AjaxFileUpload


<!-- form Form enctype Property must be set to multipart/form-data.  -->
<form class="am-form tjlanmu" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <select name="categoryName" id="categoryId" data-am-selected="{btnWidth: 90, btnSize: 'sm', btnStyle: 'default'}">
        	<c:forEach var="c" items="${categoryList }">
              <option value="${c.id }">${c.categoryName }</option>
    <input name="photo" id="imageFile1" type="file"><!-- id Must be unique, Name Must have -->
    <button id="addProjectButton" type="button">Submission</button>

The enctype attribute of the form form must be set to multipart / form data.

The input id of the uploaded file must be unique, and the name attribute must have.


//Add project
	var project = {
		   "category_id":$("#categoryId option:selected")[0].value
		    url:"addProject.action",//Server side request address for file upload
			secureuri:false,//Whether a security protocol is required, generally set to false
			data:project,//Parameters passed
			fileElementId:"imageFile1",//ID of file upload domain
			dataType:"JSON",//return type
				//Server successfully responded to processing function
					alert("Add success");
					alert("Add failure");
			    //Server response failure handling function
				//e exception information

The fileElementId of ajaxfileupload is the input id of the uploaded file.


	 * Add project
	 * */
	public String addProject(int category_id,@RequestParam("photo") MultipartFile uploadfile){
        String dirpath = "E:/viate/uploadImage/";//It's better to create the saved address of the uploaded file first
		Project project = new Project();
			//Determine whether the uploaded file exists
				//Get the original name of the uploaded file
				String originalFilename = uploadfile.getOriginalFilename();
				//Set the directory to save the uploaded file
				File filePath = new File(dirPath);
				//If the address to save the file does not exist, create the directory first
				//Use uuid to rename the uploaded file name (uuid? Original file name)
				String newFilename = UUID.randomUUID()+"_"+originalFilename;
				try {
					//Using the method of MultipartFile interface to complete the file upload to the specified location
					uploadfile.transferTo(new File(dirPath+newFilename));
				} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
					// TODO Auto-generated catch block
				} catch (IOException e) {
					// TODO Auto-generated catch block
				return "1";
		return "0";

MultipartFile uploadfile is to receive the uploaded file, and the photo of @ RequestParam("photo") is the name of the input of the uploaded file

I use Tomcat. I need to add a picture server between <Host></Host> in the server.xml of tomcat, that is:

               <Context docBase="E:/viate/uploadImage/" reloadable="true" path="/uploadImages"/>

Where docBase is the file saving path and path is the image server access name


Topics: github Attribute Tomcat JSON