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Animation line draft coloring project
Task description
The purpose of this project is to input an animation line draft, and then color the line draft with one key
Data set introduction
From this website
Here is one of the photos:
Ground is on the left, and ground is on the right.
The original picture is 512 * 1024, followed by RGB three channels, separated from the middle, 512 * 512 on the left and right
Because the input is a line draft, only black and white, so I'll pass it here_ Hot is treated as a binary value. Then I still adopt the model based on SPADE.
Then, vae and encoder are still used to provide mu and log_ VaR, and then get z through the following method. Input to the decoder (generator). The shape of mu and logvar is [batch,64*8,8,8]
def reparameterize(self,mu, logvar): std = paddle.exp(0.5 * logvar) eps = paddle.randn([self.batch_size,64*8,8,8]) return paddle.multiply(eps,std) + mu
For good training, I resize GT and input to 256 * 256
Effect display
From left to right: GT, INPUT, generated pictures, and then I also tested the effect of different model parameter files
Some ideas from describing problems to improving:
The generated picture is that the color of the characters is not pure enough, which feels like color lead. I think one of them is that the characters account for only a little of the whole picture, so the picture loss is largely affected by the white background. So how to improve it?
- It's OK to add a character mask, and then focus Loss on the character mask, similar to weight cross entropy. However, this character mask had better have a ready-made machine learning method. It is not recommended to continue to spend a lot of effort on this.
- When constructing the image, I only use resize. I can use center clipping and set a random number. When it is greater than 0.3, it is resize and less than 0.3, it is centrrop, because most of the pictures of centrrop are part of the characters with bright colors.
The generated color is relatively single, not loser. This is that my ability is not enough. Now I am studying this aspect.
- Diversity. At present, my improvement idea is to add a unified noise to spade. During training, this noise is closely related to the characteristic information of GT through encoder, which is convenient for training. Otherwise, if noise is randn during training, it is difficult to converge. I'll try again when I finish reading the INADE code and how to implement it.
During training, I found that the output results were very good and exquisite, but not during testing.
- Because Z is the information from the encoder of GT in my training, deocoder relies too much on this part, but Z is randn in the test, which leads to this problem. My strategy is to set a random number. When it is greater than 0.3, it is Z from the encoder and less than 0.3z is randn So that the coder does not rely too much on the encoder
def forward(self,img,seg): mu, logvar = self.encoder(img) r = random.random() if r>0.7: z = self.reparameterize(mu, logvar) else: z = paddle.randn([self.batch_size,64*8,8,8]) img_fake = self.generator(seg,z) return img_fake,mu,logvar
color_loss can help me make the image look brighter, otherwise it's actually a little dark. This is really good.
Generators and discriminators can be pre trained, and then added to combat loss
You are welcome to provide valuable ideas.
Explanation of core documents: is the main model file of training is to test based on model If py is changed, only img is output_ Fake, only the binary value tensor is entered
Next is the training code.
be careful:
At the end, I provide the test code, decompress the data set and run it directly.
# Decompress the data set only once import os # if not os.path.isdir("./data/d"): # os.mkdir("./data/d") d") # ! unzip data/data128161/ -d ./data/d
from import CenterCrop,Resize transform = Resize((256,256)) #Construct dataset IMG_EXTENSIONS = [ '.jpg', '.JPG', '.jpeg', '.JPEG', '.png', '.PNG', '.ppm', '.PPM', '.bmp', '.BMP', ] import paddle import cv2 import os def data_maker(dir): images = [] assert os.path.isdir(dir), '%s is not a valid directory' % dir for root, _, fnames in sorted(os.walk(dir)): for fname in fnames: if is_image_file(fname) and ("outfit" not in fname): path = os.path.join(root, fname) images.append(path) return sorted(images) def is_image_file(filename): return any(filename.endswith(extension) for extension in IMG_EXTENSIONS) class AnimeDataset( """ """ def __init__(self): super(AnimeDataset,self).__init__() self.anime_image_dirs =data_maker("data/d/data/train") self.size = len(self.anime_image_dirs) # cv2.imread reads directly to GBR and changes the channel to RGB @staticmethod def loader(path): return cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(path, flags=cv2.IMREAD_COLOR), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) def __getitem__(self, index): img = AnimeDataset.loader(self.anime_image_dirs[index]) img_a = img[:,:512,:] img_a =transform(img_a) img_b = img[:,512:,:] img_b = transform(img_b)[:,:,0:1]/255 img_b =paddle.to_tensor(img_b).squeeze(2).astype("int32") # print(img_b) img_b = paddle.nn.functional.one_hot(img_b,2, name=None).numpy() return img_a,img_b def __len__(self): return self.size
#Construct dataloader dataset = AnimeDataset() for img_a,img_b in dataset: print(img_a.shape,img_b.shape) break
W0215 14:02:38.417768 7086] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 7.0, Driver API Version: 10.1, Runtime API Version: 10.1 W0215 14:02:38.422991 7086] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.6. (256, 256, 3) (256, 256, 2)
batch_size = 4 datas = AnimeDataset() data_loader =,batch_size=batch_size,shuffle =True) for input_img,masks in data_loader: print(input_img.shape,masks.shape) break
[4, 256, 256, 3] [4, 256, 256, 2]
# !python -u
# !python -u
# !python -u
# !python -u
import paddle.nn as nn class KLDLoss(nn.Layer): def forward(self, mu, logvar): return -0.5 * paddle.sum(1 + logvar - mu.pow(2) - logvar.exp()) KLD_Loss = KLDLoss() l1loss = nn.L1Loss()
from VGG_Model import VGG19 VGG = VGG19()
import paddle import cv2 from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import os from visualdl import LogWriter from MODEL import Model import math log_writer = LogWriter("./log/gnet") mse_loss = paddle.nn.MSELoss() l1loss = paddle.nn.L1Loss()
# !python -u ''' This code block represents an example of a multiscale discriminator ''' from Discriminator import build_m_discriminator import numpy as np discriminator = build_m_discriminator() input_nc = 3 x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [4, 3, 256, 256]).astype('float32') x = paddle.to_tensor(x) print("input tensor x.shape",x.shape)\ y = discriminator(x) for i in range(len(y)): for j in range(len(y[i])): print(i, j, y[i][j].shape) print('--------------------------------------')
input tensor x.shape [4, 3, 256, 256] 0 0 [4, 64, 128, 128] 0 1 [4, 128, 64, 64] 0 2 [4, 256, 32, 32] 0 3 [4, 512, 32, 32] 0 4 [4, 1, 32, 32] -------------------------------------- 1 0 [4, 64, 64, 64] 1 1 [4, 128, 32, 32] 1 2 [4, 256, 16, 16] 1 3 [4, 512, 16, 16] 1 4 [4, 1, 16, 16] --------------------------------------
model = Model() # model and discriminator parameter file import M_path ='model_params/Mmodel_state3.pdparams' layer_state_dictm = paddle.load(M_path) model.set_state_dict(layer_state_dictm) D_path ='discriminator_params/Dmodel_state3.pdparams' layer_state_dictD = paddle.load(D_path) discriminator.set_state_dict(layer_state_dictD)
scheduler_G =, step_size=3, gamma=0.8, verbose=True) scheduler_D =, step_size=3, gamma=0.8, verbose=True) optimizer_G = paddle.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=scheduler_G,parameters=model.parameters(),beta1=0.,beta2 =0.9) optimizer_D = paddle.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=scheduler_D,parameters=discriminator.parameters(),beta1=0.,beta2 =0.9)
Epoch 0: StepDecay set learning rate to 0.0001. Epoch 0: StepDecay set learning rate to 0.0004.
EPOCHEES = 30 i = 0
#Four folders for saving design parameter files save_dir_generator = "generator_params" save_dir_encoder = "encoder_params" save_dir_model = "model_params" save_dir_Discriminator = "discriminator_params"
class Train_OPT(): ''' opt format ''' def __init__(self): super(Train_OPT, self).__init__() self.no_vgg_loss = False self.batchSize = 4 self.lambda_feat = 10.0 self.lambda_vgg = 2 opt = Train_OPT()
#Simply as an indicator, the actual style_loss does not participate in back propagation def gram(x): b, c, h, w = x.shape x_tmp = x.reshape((b, c, (h * w))) gram = paddle.matmul(x_tmp, x_tmp, transpose_y=True) return gram / (c * h * w) def style_loss(style, fake): gram_loss = nn.L1Loss()(gram(style), gram(fake)) return gram_loss # return gram_loss
from GANloss import GANLoss
def rgb2yuv(rgb): kernel = paddle.to_tensor([[0.299, -0.14714119, 0.61497538], [0.587, -0.28886916, -0.51496512], [0.114, 0.43601035, -0.10001026]], dtype='float32') rgb = paddle.transpose(rgb, (0, 2, 3, 1)) yuv = paddle.matmul(rgb, kernel) return yuv def denormalize(image): return image * 0.5 + 0.5 def color_loss( con, fake): con = rgb2yuv(denormalize(con)) # print("con",con.shape) fake = rgb2yuv(denormalize(fake)) # print("fake",fake.shape) return (nn.L1Loss()(con[:, :, :, 0], fake[:, :, :, 0]) + nn.SmoothL1Loss()(con[:, :, :, 1], fake[:, :, :, 1]) + nn.SmoothL1Loss()(con[:, :, :, 2], fake[:, :, :, 2]))
# Training code step =0 for epoch in range(EPOCHEES): # if(step >1000): # break for input_img,mask in tqdm(data_loader): try: # if(step >1000): # break # print(input_img.shape,mask.shape) input_img =paddle.transpose(x=input_img.astype("float32")/127.5-1,perm=[0,3,1,2]) mask = paddle.transpose(x=mask,perm=[0,3,1,2]).astype("float32") seg_mask = paddle.sum(mask,axis =1,keepdim =True).astype("float32") seg_mask = paddle.concat([seg_mask,seg_mask,seg_mask],axis =1) b,c,h,w = input_img.shape model_input = input_img img_fake,_,_ = model(model_input,mask) img_fake = img_fake.detach() # kld_loss = KLD_Loss(mu,logvar) # print(img_fake.shape) fake_and_real_data = paddle.concat((img_fake, input_img,seg_mask), 0).detach() pred = discriminator(fake_and_real_data) df_ganloss = 0. for i in range(len(pred)): pred_i = pred[i][-1][:opt.batchSize] # new_loss = -paddle.minimum(-pred_i - 1, paddle.zeros_like(pred_i)).mean() # hingle loss pred_i<-1 new_loss = (300 * 1.2 *GANLoss()(pred_i, False))/4 df_ganloss += new_loss df_ganloss /= len(pred) df_ganloss*=0.35 dr_ganloss = 0. for i in range(len(pred)): pred_i = pred[i][-1][opt.batchSize:opt.batchSize*2] # new_loss = -paddle.minimum(pred_i - 1, paddle.zeros_like(pred_i)).mean() # hingle loss pred_i>1 new_loss = (300 * 1.2 *GANLoss()(pred_i, True))/4 dr_ganloss += new_loss dr_ganloss /= len(pred) dr_ganloss*=0.35 dseg_ganloss = 0. for i in range(len(pred)): pred_i = pred[i][-1][opt.batchSize*2:] # new_loss = -paddle.minimum(pred_i - 1, paddle.zeros_like(pred_i)).mean() # hingle loss pred_i>1 new_loss = (300 * 1.2 *GANLoss()(pred_i, False))/4 dseg_ganloss += new_loss dseg_ganloss /= len(pred) dseg_ganloss*=0.35 d_loss = df_ganloss + dr_ganloss + dseg_ganloss d_loss.backward() optimizer_D.step() optimizer_D.clear_grad() discriminator.eval() # encoder.eval() # set_requires_grad(discriminator,False) # mu, logvar = encoder(input_img) # kld_loss = KLD_Loss(mu,logvar) # z = reparameterize(mu, logvar) # img_fake = generator(mask,z) # print(img_fake.shape) img_fake,mu,logvar = model(model_input,mask) kldloss = KLD_Loss(mu,logvar)/600 # loss_mask = paddle.sum(mask,axis = 1,keepdim = True).astype("bool").astype("float32").detach() g_vggloss = paddle.to_tensor(0.) g_styleloss= paddle.to_tensor(0.) if not opt.no_vgg_loss: rates = [1.0 / 32, 1.0 / 16, 1.0 / 8, 1.0 / 4, 1.0] # _, fake_features = VGG( paddle.multiply (img_fake,loss_mask)) # _, real_features = VGG(paddle.multiply (input_img,loss_mask)) _, fake_features = VGG(img_fake) _, real_features = VGG(input_img) for i in range(len(fake_features)): a,b = fake_features[i], real_features[i] # if i ==len(fake_features)-1: # a = paddle.multiply( a,F.interpolate(loss_mask,a.shape[-2:])) # b = paddle.multiply( b,F.interpolate(loss_mask,b.shape[-2:])) g_vggloss += rates[i] * l1loss(a,b) # print(a.shape,b.shape) # g_vggloss += paddle.mean(rates[i] *paddle.square(a-b)) if i ==len(fake_features)-1: style_a,style_b = fake_features[i], real_features[i] # style_a = paddle.multiply( style_a,F.interpolate(loss_mask,style_a.shape[-2:])) # style_b = paddle.multiply( style_b,F.interpolate(loss_mask,style_b.shape[-2:])) g_styleloss += rates[i] * style_loss(style_b,style_a) g_vggloss *= opt.lambda_vgg g_vggloss /=30 g_styleloss/=10 # loss_mask8 = paddle.concat([loss_mask,loss_mask],axis=0) fake_and_real_data = paddle.concat((img_fake, input_img), 0) # fake_and_real_data = paddle.multiply (fake_and_real_data,loss_mask8) pred = discriminator(fake_and_real_data) # Turn off gradient calculation of true picture tensor for i in range(len(pred)): for j in range(len(pred[i])): pred[i][j][opt.batchSize:].stop_gradient = True g_ganloss = paddle.to_tensor(0.) for i in range(len(pred)): pred_i_f = pred[i][-1][:opt.batchSize] # loss_mask0 = F.interpolate(loss_mask,pred_i_f.shape[-2:]) # pred_i_f = paddle.multiply(pred_i_f,loss_mask0) pred_i_r = pred[i][-1][opt.batchSize:].detach() # pred_i_r = paddle.multiply(pred_i_r,loss_mask0) _,c,h,w = pred_i_f.shape # new_loss = -1*pred_i_f.mean() # hinge loss new_loss = paddle.sum(paddle.square(pred_i_r -pred_i_f))/math.sqrt(c*h*w) g_ganloss += new_loss g_ganloss /= len(pred) g_ganloss*=2 g_featloss = paddle.to_tensor(0.) for i in range(len(pred)): for j in range(len(pred[i]) - 1): # Remove the middle layer feature map of the last layer pred_i_f = pred[i][j][:opt.batchSize] # loss_mask0 = F.interpolate(loss_mask,pred_i_f.shape[-2:]) # pred_i_f = paddle.multiply(pred_i_f,loss_mask0) pred_i_r = pred[i][j][opt.batchSize:].detach() # pred_i_r = paddle.multiply(pred_i_r,loss_mask0) unweighted_loss = (pred_i_r -pred_i_f).abs().mean() # L1 loss g_featloss += unweighted_loss * opt.lambda_feat / len(pred) # g_featloss*=3 col_loss = color_loss(input_img,img_fake)*200 g_loss = g_ganloss + g_vggloss +g_featloss +kldloss+col_loss+g_styleloss # g_loss = g_vggloss +kldloss+col_loss+g_styleloss g_loss.backward() optimizer_G.step() optimizer_G.clear_grad() # optimizer_E.step() # optimizer_E.clear_grad() discriminator.train() if step%2==0: log_writer.add_scalar(tag='train/d_real_loss', step=step, value=dr_ganloss.numpy()[0]) log_writer.add_scalar(tag='train/d_fake_loss', step=step, value=df_ganloss.numpy()[0]) dseg_ganloss log_writer.add_scalar(tag='train/dseg_ganloss', step=step, value=dseg_ganloss.numpy()[0]) log_writer.add_scalar(tag='train/d_all_loss', step=step, value=d_loss.numpy()[0]) log_writer.add_scalar(tag='train/col_loss', step=step, value=col_loss.numpy()[0]) log_writer.add_scalar(tag='train/g_ganloss', step=step, value=g_ganloss.numpy()[0]) log_writer.add_scalar(tag='train/g_featloss', step=step, value=g_featloss.numpy()[0]) log_writer.add_scalar(tag='train/g_vggloss', step=step, value=g_vggloss.numpy()[0]) log_writer.add_scalar(tag='train/g_loss', step=step, value=g_loss.numpy()[0]) log_writer.add_scalar(tag='train/g_styleloss', step=step, value=g_styleloss.numpy()[0]) log_writer.add_scalar(tag='train/kldloss', step=step, value=kldloss.numpy()[0]) step+=1 # print(i) if step%100 == 3: print(step,"g_ganloss",g_ganloss.numpy()[0],"g_featloss",g_featloss.numpy()[0],"col_loss",col_loss.numpy()[0],"g_vggloss",g_vggloss.numpy()[0],"g_styleloss",g_styleloss.numpy()[0],"kldloss",kldloss.numpy()[0],"g_loss",g_loss.numpy()[0]) print(step,"dreal_loss",dr_ganloss.numpy()[0],"dfake_loss",df_ganloss.numpy()[0],"dseg_ganloss",dseg_ganloss.numpy()[0],"d_all_loss",d_loss.numpy()[0]) # img_fake = paddle.multiply (img_fake,loss_mask) seg_mask =seg_mask*255 input_img = (input_img+1)*127.5 img_fake = (img_fake+1)*127.5 g_output = paddle.concat([img_fake,input_img,seg_mask],axis = 3).detach().numpy() # tensor -> numpy g_output = g_output.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)[0] # NCHW -> NHWC # g_output = (g_output+1) *127.5 # Inverse normalization g_output = g_output.astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join("./kl_result", 'epoch'+str(step).zfill(3)+'.png'),cv2.cvtColor(g_output,cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) # generator.train() if step%100 == 3: # save_param_path_g = os.path.join(save_dir_generator, 'Gmodel_state'+str(step)+'.pdparams') #, save_param_path_g) save_param_path_d = os.path.join(save_dir_Discriminator, 'Dmodel_state'+str(3)+'.pdparams'), save_param_path_d) # save_param_path_e = os.path.join(save_dir_encoder, 'Emodel_state'+str(1)+'.pdparams') #, save_param_path_e) save_param_path_m = os.path.join(save_dir_model, 'Mmodel_state'+str(3)+'.pdparams'), save_param_path_m) # break except: pass # break scheduler_G.step() scheduler_D.step()
#Save test code effect to test file from MODEL_test import Model import paddle import numpy as np import cv2 import os model = Model(1) M_path ='model_params/Mmodel_state3.pdparams' layer_state_dictm = paddle.load(M_path) model.set_state_dict(layer_state_dictm) # z = paddle.randn([1,64*8,8,8]) path1 ="data/d/data/train/2970114.png" img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(path1, flags=cv2.IMREAD_COLOR),cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) from import CenterCrop,Resize transform = Resize((256,256)) img_a = img[:,:512,:] img_a =transform(img_a) img_b = img[:,512:,:] img_b = transform(img_b) b = img_b[:,:,0:1]/255 b =paddle.to_tensor(b).squeeze(2).astype("int32") # print(img_b) b = paddle.nn.functional.one_hot(b,2, name=None).unsqueeze(0).transpose([0,3,1,2]) # test/2967110.png img_fake= model(b) print('img_fake',img_fake.shape) # print(img_fake.shape) # g_output = paddle.concat([img_fake,g_input1,g_input2],axis = 3).detach() # tensor -> numpy img_fake = img_fake.transpose([0, 2, 3, 1])[0].numpy() # NCHW -> NHWC print(img_fake.shape) img_fake = (img_fake+1) *127.5 g_output = np.concatenate((img_a,img_b,img_fake),axis =1) g_output = g_output.astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join("./test", "2970114.png"), cv2.cvtColor(g_output,cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))
img_fake [1, 3, 256, 256] (256, 256, 3) True