Ansible ad hoc and common modules

Posted by peteraub on Thu, 19 Mar 2020 11:01:10 +0100

Ansible execution result information - color description; ansible ad hoc description; how to view help documents and common module details

Host planning


Add user account


1. Login account used by operation and maintenance personnel;

2. All businesses are placed in the "home directory of yun users" under / app / to avoid misplacement of business data;

3. This user is also used by ansible, because almost all production environments prohibit root remote login (so the yun user also performs sudo authorization).

1 # Use a dedicated user and avoid using root directly
2 # Add user, specify home directory and specify user password
3 # sudo raise power
4 # Allow other ordinary users to enter the directory to view information
5 useradd -u 1050 -d /app yun && echo '123456' | /usr/bin/passwd --stdin yun
6 echo "yun  ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL" >>  /etc/sudoers
7 chmod 755 /app/


Ansible configuration list Inventory

After that, the article is the following host configuration list

 1 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ pwd
 2 /app/ansible_info
 3 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ cat hosts_key 
 4 # Mode 1. Host + port + secret key
 5 [manageservers]
 8 [proxyservers]
11 # Mode 2: alias + Host + port + Password
12 [webservers]
13 web01 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=22
14 web02 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=22
15 web03 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=22


Ansible execution return = > color information description

Yellow: successful execution with status changes

ansible proxyservers -m command -a 'cat /etc/hosts' -i hosts_key


Green: it is executed successfully and no status change occurs, or it is only to view the status information of the remote node

ansible proxyservers -m ping -i hosts_key


Red: abnormal operation execution command

ansible proxyservers -m command -a 'll /tmp' -i hosts_key


Purple: indicates a warning message for command execution (possible problems, give you some suggestions)

1 # Where the hosts'kkk file does not exist
2 ansible proxyservers -m command -a 'll /tmp' -i hosts_kkk


Ad hoc of Ansible

There are two modes in Ansible, ad hoc mode and Playbooks mode.

In short, ad-hoc is a "temporary command", which will not be saved.

Use scenarios of ad-hoc mode

Scenario 1: on multiple machines, check whether a process is started

Scenario 2: on multiple machines, copy the specified log file to local, etc

Command usage in ad-hoc mode


Ansible view help method

1 [yun@ansi-manager ~]$ ansible-doc -l       # View all modules and brief descriptions
2 [yun@ansi-manager ~]$ ansible-doc copy     # View the specified module method "can view expuls information first"
3 [yun@ansi-manager ~]$ ansible-doc -s copy  # View the Playbooks snippet for the specified module


Ansible common modules

Working directory and host list

Current working directory and host list

 1 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ pwd
 2 /app/ansible_info
 3 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ll
 4 total 4
 5 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 226 Oct  8 16:07 hosts_key
 6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ cat hosts_key 
 7 # Mode 1. Host + port + secret key
 8 [manageservers]
11 [proxyservers]
14 # Mode 2: alias + Host + port + Password
15 [webservers]
16 web01 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=22
17 web02 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=22
18 web03 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=22


Command command module

Default module for executing commands. Pipeline or redirection is not supported.

Normal example

1 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -a 'df -h' -i hosts_key
2 # perhaps
3 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -m command -a 'df -h' -i hosts_key


Exception example

1 # Redirection not supported
2 ansible proxyservers -m command -a 'df -h > /tmp/' -i hosts_key
3 # Pipeline not supported
4 ansible proxyservers -m command -a "df -h | grep 'boot'" -i hosts_key


shell command module

The function is the same as command, and supports pipeline and redirection. This module takes precedence over command.


1 ansible proxyservers -m shell -a "df -h | grep 'boot'" -i hosts_key
2 ansible proxyservers -m shell -a "df -h > /tmp/" -i hosts_key


Script script module

Running the module locally is the same as executing it remotely. The script file does not need to be pushed to the target host for execution.


sudo in the script

1 # Operating on ansible Manager
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ cat /app/yunwei/ 
3 #!/bin/sh
4 # Because of the yun Users, not root Users, therefore sudo Power raising
5 sudo yum install -y iftop
6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -m script -a "/app/yunwei/" -i hosts_key


No sudo rights in the script

1 # Operating on ansible Manager
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ cat /app/yunwei/ 
3 #!/bin/sh 
4 yum install -y iftop
5 #######################################
6 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
7 # So we need to use -b Select to withdraw the right, so that the remote root User execution
8 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m script -a "/app/yunwei/" -i hosts_key


Check whether iftop is installed in yum on the target machine

1 [root@ansi-haproxy01 ~]# ps -ef | grep 'iftop'
2 root       3867   3866  0 23:25 pts/1    00:00:00 sudo yum install -y iftop
3 root       3868   3867 48 23:25 pts/1    00:00:12 /usr/bin/python /bin/yum install -y iftop
4 root       4144   3155  0 23:25 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto iftop


yum install software module

Install the software in the target machine, yum

1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc yum 
3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
4 # Therefore, it is necessary to use -b Choose to withdraw right
5 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m yum -a 'name=httpd state=present' -i ./hosts_key


Description of relevant options:

Name: the name of the package to install

State: state description

'present' and 'installed' simply ensure that the required packages are installed. "Use present first"

'latest' will update the specified package if it is not the latest available version.

'absent' and 'removed' will delete the specified package [use with caution!!! ] "If you want to use absent first"

Download only: download package only, do not install

Copy file copy module "local to remote"

Copy the file or directory of the control machine to the controlled machine, and specify the attribute information of the target file / directory.

Control machine operation

 1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
 2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc copy 
 3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
 4 # So sometimes you need to use -b Choose to withdraw right
 5 # Write content in content directly to the target file
 6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m copy -a "content='123\n' dest=/tmp/copy_test2 owner=root group=root mode=0644 backup=yes" -i ./hosts_key 
 7 ## Copy file
 8 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ cat /tmp/copy_test 
 9 111111
10 222222
11 333333
12 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m copy -a "src=/tmp/copy_test dest=/tmp/ owner=root group=root mode=0644 backup=yes" -i ./hosts_key
13 ## replica catalog
14 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m copy -a "src=/app/yunwei dest=/tmp/ owner=root group=root mode=0644 backup=yes" -i ./hosts_key


Check the controlled end

1 [yun@ansi-haproxy01 tmp]$ cat copy_test2
2 123
3 [yun@ansi-haproxy01 tmp]$ cat /tmp/copy_test 
4 111111
5 222222
6 333333


Description of relevant options:

src: source file "can be absolute path or relative path"

remote_src: if it is False, the source file is local; if it is True, the source file is remote

dest: the target path or file of the pushed data

Owner: Specifies the owner of the remote file

Group: Specifies the group of the remote file

mode: specify permissions for remote files

backup: if the pushed target file exists and is different from the source file, the target file will be backed up "through checksum verification"

Content: write content in content directly to the target file

matters needing attention:

1. For the same source file, if the content of the source file has not been modified, the file to be copied will not be copied if it is detected that the content of the file to be copied is the same as that of the target file during the second same operation, and the property of the target file has not changed before and after. Since the properties of the target file have not changed, the returned data color is green. As shown in the figure below.



2. For the same source file, if the content of the source file has not been modified, the second time the same operation is performed, if the content of the source file and the target file are the same, "pass the check", but before and after the property of the target file, it is required to change the "owner, group and permission", then the copy will not be performed. However, because the properties of the target file have changed, the returned data color is yellow.

fetch file copy module "remote to local"

The function of this module is similar to copy module, but it is reverse. Copy remote files to local. Note: currently only files are supported, recursive copy is not supported.

Because ansible uses the yun user, the files copied from the remote end belong to the yun user.

Control machine operation

1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc fetch 
3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
4 # Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to use the - b option to claim rights


Document preparation at controlled end 1

1 [test1@ansi-haproxy01 tmp]$ ll /tmp/test1 
2 -rw-rw-r-- 1 test1 test1 20 Nov  2 11:04 /tmp/test1
3 [test1@ansi-haproxy01 tmp]$ cat /tmp/test1 
4 111
5 222
6 333
7 aaa
8 bbb


Document preparation of controlled end 2

1 [test1@ansi-haproxy02 tmp]$ ll /tmp/test1 
2 -rw-rw-r-- 1 test1 test1 20 Nov  2 11:04 /tmp/test1
3 [test1@ansi-haproxy02 tmp]$ cat /tmp/test1 
4 1111


Copy mode 1

 1 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible -b -m fetch -a "src=/tmp/test1 dest=/tmp/" -i ./hosts_key  # Copy Mainframe
 2 perhaps
 3 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m fetch -a "src=/tmp/test1 dest=/tmp/" -i ./hosts_key  # Copy the
 4 ## View the copy result "note directory hierarchy"
 5 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ll /tmp/
 6 total 4
 7 drwxrwxr-x 3 yun  yun  17 Nov  2 11:21
 8 drwxrwxr-x 3 yun  yun  17 Nov  2 11:23
 9 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ tree /tmp/*
10 /tmp/
11 └── tmp
12     └── test1
13 /tmp/
14 └── tmp
15     └── test1
17 2 directories, 2 files


Copy mode 2

 1 # If used flat=yes,It's better to copy only the files of one remote host. If it's multiple, the results of later execution will overwrite the previous ones.
 2 # dest Path has / Ending
 3 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible -b -m fetch -a "src=/tmp/test1 dest=/tmp/kkk2/ flat=yes" -i ./hosts_key # Recommended, only one copy
 4 # dest No path / Ending
 5 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible -b -m fetch -a "src=/tmp/test1 dest=/tmp/kkk flat=yes" -i ./hosts_key  # Recommended, only one copy
 6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m fetch -a "src=/tmp/test1 dest=/tmp/kkk flat=yes" -i ./hosts_key  # Not recommended, it will produce coverage
 7 ## View copy results
 8 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ cat /tmp/kkk2/test1 
 9 111
10 222
11 333
12 aaa
13 bbb
14 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ll /tmp/kkk 
15 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 20 Nov  2 11:25 /tmp/kkk
16 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ cat /tmp/kkk   # The file does not "11111"Information; has a coverage effect
17 111
18 222
19 333
20 aaa
21 bbb


Description of relevant options:

src: source file, currently only files are supported, directory is not supported

Dest: the target path of the push data. The default is: dest[path]/hostname/src[path]. See example above

flat: the default is False. When yes/True, the copy effect is similar to the local copy.

Template template use

The function of this module is similar to the copy module, but the copy module does not support variables and templates.

The template module supports variables and Jinja templates. So if the configuration file in the build involves variables, use the template module.

The playbook, variables, and Jinja are covered in detail in a later article.

 1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
 2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc template 
 3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
 4 # So sometimes you need to use -b Choose to withdraw right
 5 # palybook
 6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ pwd
 7 /app/ansible_info
 8 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ll
 9 total 16
10 drwxrwxr-x 2 yun yun  35 Oct 11 11:23 file
11 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 226 Oct  8 16:07 hosts_key
12 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 304 Oct 11 11:40 test_template.yml
13 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ll file/  # Documents involved
14 total 4
15 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 175 Oct 11 11:23 test_template.conf.j2
16 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ cat file/test_template.conf.j2 
17 # facts variable
18 dns_info={{ ansible_dns['nameservers'][0] }}
19 mem_total={{ ansible_memtotal_mb }}
20 # Custom variable
21 listen_port={{ listen_port }}
22 access_addr={{ access_addr }}
24 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ 
25 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ cat test_template.yml  # playbook involved
26 ---
27 # template example
28 - hosts: proxyservers
29   vars:
30     - listen_port: 8080
31     - access_addr:
33   tasks:
34     - name: "template conf"
35       template:
36         src: ./file/test_template.conf.j2
37         dest: /tmp/test_template.conf
38         owner: root
39         group: yun
40         mode: '0600'
41 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-playbook -b -i ./hosts_key test_template.yml  # implement


Target machine view

1 [root@ansi-haproxy01 tmp]# pwd
2 /tmp
3 [root@ansi-haproxy01 tmp]# cat test_template.conf 
4 # facts variable
5 dns_info=
6 mem_total=1821
7 # Custom variable
8 listen_port=8080


Description of relevant options:

src: source file "can be absolute path or relative path"

dest: the target path or file of the pushed data

Owner: Specifies the owner of the remote file

Group: Specifies the group of the remote file

mode: specify permissions for remote files

backup: if the pushed target file exists and is different from the source file, the target file will be backed up

file configuration module

Create a file or directory on the controlled machine, or modify the attribute information such as owner, group and permission

 1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
 2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc file 
 3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
 4 # So sometimes you need to use -b Choose to withdraw right
 5 ## Change the attribute of the target file on the controlled machine [the file already exists]
 6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m file -a "path=/tmp/ owner=yun group=yun mode=0600" -i ./hosts_key 
 7 ## Create a soft connection on the controlled machine
 8 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m file -a "src=/tmp/ dest=/tmp/ owner=yun group=yun state=link" -i ./hosts_key
 9 ## Create a hard link on the controlled machine
10 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m file -a "src=/tmp/ dest=/tmp/ owner=yun group=root state=hard" -i ./hosts_key
11 ## On the controlled machine, create if the target file does not exist
12 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m file -a "path=/tmp/dest_file owner=yun group=yun state=touch" -i ./hosts_key
13 ## In the controller, if the target directory does not exist, create "multi level directory can be created"
14 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m file -a "path=/tmp/desc_dir/aaa/bbb owner=yun group=root mode=700 state=directory" -i ./hosts_key
15 ## In the controller, change the attribute information of the target directory and all directories or files under the directory to "recursively modify"
16 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m file -a "path=/tmp/desc_dir owner=yun group=zhang mode=766 state=directory recurse=yes" -i ./hosts_key
17 ## In the controlled machine, if the target file or directory exists, delete "use with caution"!!! "
18 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m file -a "path=/tmp/desc_dir state=absent " -i ./hosts_key


Description of relevant options:

path: Specifies the target file or directory

Owner: Specifies the owner of the target file

Group: Specifies the group of the target file

mode: specify the permissions of the target file

State: state description

File: default, specify file

link: create a soft connection

Hard: create a hard link

touch: create if file does not exist

Directory: create if directory does not exist

absent: if the target file or directory exists, delete "use with caution"!!! "

recurse: recursive authorization

Line edit module

This module ensures that there are specific lines in the file, or replaces the existing lines with a regular expression that references back. This is useful when you want to change only one line in the file.

If you want to change more than one similar row, look at the [replace] module. If you want to insert / update / delete a line block in a file, check the [blockinfile] module. For other cases, see the [copy] or [template] module.

Data file preparation

 1 [yun@ansi-manager tmp]$ cat /tmp/lineinfile_test 
 2 #     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
 3 SELINUX=disabled1
 4 #     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
 5 SELINUX=disabled2
 6 #     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
 7 SELINUX=disabled3
 8 # SELINUXTYPE= can take one of three two values:
10 # httpd listen port
11 Listen 80


1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc lineinfile 
3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
4 # Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to use the - b option to claim rights


Row insertion

 1 # If there is no string in line in the file, it will be appended at the end of the file; if there is, no operation will be performed.
 2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m lineinfile -a "path=/tmp/lineinfile_test line='# who are you?'" -i ./hosts_key
 3 # First, make sure that the string in line does not exist in the file. If there is, it will not be added
 4 # Secondly, the regular rules in insertafter will be used for regular matching. If the matching is successful, the line will be inserted after the last matching line. If the matching is not successful, the line will be inserted at the end of the file
 5 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m lineinfile -a "path=/tmp/lineinfile_test insertafter='SELINUX' line='insertafter test1'" -i ./hosts_key
 6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m lineinfile -a "path=/tmp/lineinfile_test insertafter='SELINUXXX' line='insertafter test2'" -i ./hosts_key
 7 # First, make sure that the string in line does not exist in the file. If there is, it will not be added
 8 # Secondly, the regular rules in insertbefore will be used for regular matching. If the matching is successful, the line will be inserted before the last matching line. If the matching is not successful, the line will be inserted at the end of the file
 9 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m lineinfile -a "path=/tmp/lineinfile_test insertbefore='SELINUX' line='insertbefore test1'" -i ./hosts_key
10 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m lineinfile -a "path=/tmp/lineinfile_test insertbefore='SELINUXXX' line='insertbefore test2'" -i ./hosts_key


Row replacement

1 # state=present If there are multiple matches, the last match will be modified; if there is no match, the last match will be appended at the end of the file, regardless of line Whether it exists.
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m lineinfile -a "path=/tmp/lineinfile_test regexp='^SELINUX=' line='SELINUX=enforcing'" -i ./hosts_key
3 # state=present If there are more than one match, the last match will be modified; if there is no match, the file will remain unchanged backrefs=yes. 
4 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m lineinfile -a "path=/tmp/lineinfile_test regexp='^ELINUX=' line='SELINUX=enforcing' backrefs=yes" -i ./hosts_key


Row deletion

1 # state=absent If there are multiple matches, each match will delete the matching row
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m lineinfile -a "path=/tmp/lineinfile_test regexp='^SELINUX=' state=absent" -i ./hosts_key
3 # According to line matching, delete matching line if matching
4 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m lineinfile -a "path=/tmp/lineinfile_test line='# httpd listen port' state=absent" -i ./hosts_key


Description of relevant options:

path: the file to modify.

Line: used with state=present; the line to insert or replace in the file.

State: state description

present: add or modify, default

absent: delete

backrefs: used with state=present; if line is set to include reverse references (location and naming), when 'regexp' matches, reverse references will be filled.

This parameter slightly changes the operation of the module; 'insertbefore' and 'insertafter' will be ignored, and if 'regexp' does not match anywhere in the file, the file will remain unchanged.

regexp: perform regular matching on each line of the file; for state=present, only the last line matching will be replaced; for state=absent, the line will be deleted as long as it is matched.

backup: back up the source file. Default: False

Create: use with state=present; if not, create the file. Default: False

insertafter: used with state=present; inserted after matching rows. Using a regular expression, insert the row after the last match of the specified regular expression. If the first match is required, use (firstmatch=yes).

If no match is successful, it is inserted at the end of the file. Priority is lower than regexp.

Insert before: use with state=present; insert before matching lines. Using a regular expression, insert the row before the last match of the specified regular expression. If the first match is required, use (firstmatch=yes).

If no match is successful, it is inserted at the end of the file. Priority is lower than regexp.

First match: used with insertafter or insertbefore; first regular match in insertafter or insertbefore. Default: False

Owner: Specifies the owner of the remote file

Group: Specifies the group of the remote file

mode: specify permissions for remote files

blockinfile multiline editing module

This module can help us insert "a piece of text" in the specified file, which is marked.

In other words, we mark the text so that we can find the text through "mark" in later operations, and then modify or delete it

1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc blockinfile
3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
4 # Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to use the - b option to claim rights


On the nonexistent files -- multi line insertion and modification

 1 # /tmp/blockinfile_test The file does not exist, so the create option
 2 # insert/Modify insert if not, modify if there is previous information
 3 ##### If not, create a file and [insert] information
 4 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m blockinfile -a 'path=/tmp/blockinfile_test block="Match User ansible-agent\nPasswordAuthentication no" create=yes' -i ./hosts_key
 5 [root@ansi-manager ansible_info]# cat /tmp/blockinfile_test  # View file information
 7 Match User ansible-agent
 8 PasswordAuthentication no
10 ##### File already exists, mark already exists, here is modify
11 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m blockinfile -a 'path=/tmp/blockinfile_test block="iface eth0 inet static\n    address\n    netmask" create=yes' -i ./hosts_key
12 [root@ansi-manager ansible_info]# cat /tmp/blockinfile_test  # View file information
14 iface eth0 inet static
15     address
16     netmask


To insert and modify existing files

 1 [root@ansi-manager ansible_info]# cat /tmp/blockinfile_test2  # View file information
 3 <html>
 4 <head>
 5 <title>blockinfile info</title>
 6 </head>
 7 <body>
 8 <h1>welcome to here.</h1>
 9 </body></html>
10 ##### Insert multiline marker block information also uses the insert after option
11 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m blockinfile -a 'path=/tmp/blockinfile_test2 marker="<!-- {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK -->" insertafter="<body>" block="<h1>Welcome to blockinfile</h1>\n<p>Last Login By you!</p>"' -i ./hosts_key
12 [root@ansi-manager ansible_info]# cat /tmp/blockinfile_test2  # View file information
14 <html>
15 <head>
16 <title>blockinfile info</title>
17 </head>
18 <body>
20 <h1>Welcome to blockinfile</h1>
21 <p>Last Login By you!</p>
23 <h1>welcome to here.</h1>
24 </body></html>
25 ##### Delete marker block information
26 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m blockinfile -a 'path=/tmp/blockinfile_test2 marker="<!-- {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK -->" block=""' -i ./hosts_key
27 [root@ansi-manager ansible_info]# cat /tmp/blockinfile_test2  # View file information
29 <html>
30 <head>
31 <title>blockinfile info</title>
32 </head>
33 <body>
34 <h1>welcome to here.</h1>
35 </body></html>


Description of relevant options:

path: the file to modify.

Block: to insert text within a marked line. If the option is missing or an empty string, the block is removed, just as "state" is specified as "absent.". (alias: content)

State: state description

present: add or modify, default

absent: delete

Create: create if the file does not exist. Default: False

backup: back up the source file. Default: False

insertafter: insert after matching rows. Using a regular expression, insert the block after the last match of the specified regular expression.

If no match is successful, it is inserted at the end of the file.

Insert before: insert before matching line. Using a regular expression, insert the block before the last match of the specified regular expression.

If no match is successful, it is inserted at the end of the file.

Marker: marker line template. " {mark} 'will be replaced by the values of' in marker 'BEGIN' [default: BEGIN] and 'marker' END '[default: END]

marker_begin: information about the starting marker variable. Default: BEGIN

Marker end: information about the marker variable at the end. Default: END

Owner: Specifies the owner of the remote file / directory

Group: Specifies the group of remote files / directories

mode: specify permissions for remote files / directories

INI file ini format configuration module

Manage (add, delete, change) individual configurations in an ini file without having to use [template] or [assemble] to manage the entire file. Add a section that does not exist.

1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc ini_file
3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
4 # Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to use the - b option to claim rights


Add and modify

1 # For the first execution, if the file does not exist, the added section and option information will be created by default
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m ini_file -a "path=/tmp/test.ini section=drinks option=username value=bobe mode='0644'" -i ./hosts_key
3 # Modify option information
4 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m ini_file -a "path=/tmp/test.ini section=drinks option=username value=alice" -i ./hosts_key
5 # Add another section information
6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m ini_file -a "path=/tmp/test.ini section=base_info option=address value='BeiJing'" -i ./hosts_key
7 # Add an option information, or put it under the drivers section
8 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m ini_file -a "path=/tmp/test.ini section=drinks option=password value=123456" -i ./hosts_key



1 # Delete the whole section, delete the drivers section
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m ini_file -a "path=/tmp/test.ini section=drinks state=absent" -i ./hosts_key
3 # Delete the option under the specified section
4 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m ini_file -a "path=/tmp/test.ini section=base_info option=address state=absent" -i ./hosts_key


Description of relevant options:

Path: INI format file path. If not, it is created by default.

Section: section name in the INI file. When setting a single value, 'state=present' will automatically add this value. If left blank or set to 'null', the 'option' will be placed before the first 'section'.

If the configuration format does not support section, "null" is also required.

Option: if set (value to change), this is the name of the option. If the entire "section" is added / deleted, it can be omitted. Default: null

Value: the value of option. You can omit "option" when deleting it.

State: state description

present: add or modify, default

absent: delete

backup: back up the source file. Default: False

create: creates a file if it does not exist. Default: True

Owner: Specifies the owner of the remote file

Group: Specifies the group of the remote file

mode: specify permissions for remote files

No? Extra? Spaces: no spaces are inserted before and after the = symbol. Default: False

replace multiline replacement module

Replace / delete the matching content of the file.

Data file preparation

 1 [yun@ansi-manager ~]$ cat /tmp/replace_test 
 6 # httpd listen port
 7 Listen 80
 8 ServerRoot "/etc/httpd"
 9 User apache
10 Group apache


 1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
 2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc replace
 3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
 4 # So sometimes you need to use -b Choose to withdraw right
 5 # Replace the row to which regexp regular matches with the content of replace; and reverse reference is used here.
 6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible  manageservers -b -m replace -a "path=/tmp/replace_test regexp='(\s+)test\d+\.zhangblog\.(\w+)?$' replace='\\2'" -i ./hosts_key
 7 # Replace each line after after after with the content in replace
 8 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible  manageservers -b -m replace -a "path=/tmp/replace_test after='# httpd listen port' regexp='^(.+)$' replace='after replace'" -i ./hosts_key
 9 # If the after does not match a row, the content of the row that does not match after the after matches will also be replaced by the content in replace
10 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible  manageservers -b -m replace -a "path=/tmp/replace_test after='# httpd listen' regexp='^(.+)$' replace='# after replace'" -i ./hosts_key
11 # Replace each line before before with the content in replace
12 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible  manageservers -b -m replace -a "path=/tmp/replace_test before='listen port' regexp='^(.+)$' replace='before replace'" -i ./hosts_key
13 # If before doesn't match a row, the content of the row that didn't match before before before will be replaced by the content in replace
14 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible  manageservers -b -m replace -a "path=/tmp/replace_test before='listen port' regexp='^(.+)$' replace='before replace'" -i ./hosts_key
15 # Delete the matching content, the number of lines will not change. If the entire row matches, it will be empty.
16 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible  manageservers -b -m replace -a "path=/tmp/replace_test regexp='zhangblog'" -i ./hosts_key
17 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible  manageservers -b -m replace -a "path=/tmp/replace_test regexp='.*test.*'" -i ./hosts_key


Description of relevant options:

Path: the file path to operate on.

After: if specified, only after matching content will be replaced / deleted. It can be combined with before. After may match a row or part of a row; regular matching is not supported.

Before: if specified, only before matching will be replaced / deleted. It can be used in combination with after. Before may match a row or part of a row; regular matching is not supported.

regexp: the regular expression to look up in the contents of the file.

replace: the string that replaces the regexp match. It may contain reverse references, which will be expanded using the regexp capture group if they match. If it is not set, the match is completely removed.

Reverse references can be used vaguely as' \ 1 ', or explicitly as' \ g < 1 >'.

backup: back up the source file. Default: False

Encoding: character encoding used to read and write files. Default: utf-8

Owner: Specifies the owner of the remote file

Group: Specifies the group of the remote file

mode: specify permissions for remote files

sysctl modifying kernel parameter module

This module operates on sysctl entries and optionally / sbin/sysctl -p after changing them.

1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc sysctl
3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
4 # So sometimes you need to use -b Choose to withdraw right
5 # Will modify /etc/sysctl.conf Document and execute /sbin/sysctl -p Make it effective
6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m sysctl -a 'name=net.ipv4.ip_forward value=1' -i ./hosts_key
7 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m sysctl -a 'name=vm.swappiness value=5' -i ./hosts_key


Description of relevant options:

Name: kernel parameter variable name. (alias: key)

Value: the expected value of the sysctl key. (alias: val)

reload: when yes is selected, if the sysctl file is modified, then / sbin/sysctl -p will be executed to make the modified parameters effective. When it is no, sysctl is not overloaded, although sysctl ﹣ file has been modified.

State: state description

present: add or modify, default

absent: delete

Sysctl? File: Specifies the absolute path to the sysctl.conf file. Default: / etc/sysctl.conf

Sysctl? Set: use the sysctl command to verify the token value and - w if necessary. Default: no

Ignore errors: use this option to ignore errors about unknown keys. Default: no

Get URL file download module

Download a file over HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP.

1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc get_url 
3 ## Download a file
4 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -m get_url -a "url='' dest=/tmp/ mode=0640" -i ./hosts_key
5 ## Before downloading, the checksums will be compared. If not, the checksums will not be downloaded
6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -m get_url -a "url='' dest=/tmp/jvm-001.png checksum='md5:9af3f6066ea46ea81c0b3c9d719dbce0'" -i ./hosts_key


Description of relevant options:

mode: specify the permissions of the target file

url: Specifies the file source "supports HTTP, HTTPS and FTP"

dest: Specifies the directory or file to store

Checksum: checksum "supports sha256 and md5"

Timeout: request timeout, 10 seconds by default.

Owner: Specifies the owner of the remote file

Group: Specifies the group of the remote file

mode: specify permissions for remote files

Backup: source file backup

Service, systemd service management module

If you are in CentOS 6 or below, service is preferred.

If you are in CentOS 7 or above, system D is preferred.

Considering the CentOS 7 we use here, we use systemd. For service, please check the document by yourself.

 1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
 2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc service 
 3 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc systemd 
 4 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
 5 # So sometimes you need to use -b Choose to withdraw right
 6 ## Start the httpd service, and join the startup
 7 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m systemd -a "name=httpd state=started enabled=yes" -i ./hosts_key
 8 ## restart httpd Service and reload /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service Service profile, and add boot
 9 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m systemd -a "name=httpd state=restarted daemon_reload=yes enabled=yes" -i ./hosts_key
10 ## Stop the httpd service and do not participate in the startup
11 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m systemd -a "name=httpd state=stopped enabled=no" -i ./hosts_key


Description of relevant options:

Name: service name

State: service state

started: start service

stopped: stop service

reloaded: reloading services

restarted: restart the service

enabled: whether to join the boot self starting "yes to join, no to join, default to null"

Day_reload: when we modify the service management profile, whether to reload its configuration or not 「 yes reload the service profile, no do not load, default value 」

Group group module

Create or delete user groups

 1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
 2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc group 
 3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
 4 # So sometimes you need to use -b Choose to withdraw right
 5 ## Create a test group and specify the group ID
 6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m group -a " name=test gid=9001" -i ./hosts_key
 7 ## Create a testsystem group and specify it as a system group
 8 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m group -a "name=testsystem system=true" -i ./hosts_key
 9 ## Delete testsystem group
10 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m group -a "name=testsystem state=absent" -i ./hosts_key


Description of relevant options:

gid: specify group ID, default null

Name: specify group name

State: group state

present: create group, default

absent: delete group

System: system group or not

true: System Group

false: not a system group

user module

Create or delete users

1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc user 
3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
4 # Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to use the - b option to claim rights


1. Create user, specify UID, specify additional group, do not create home directory, do not log in

[yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m user -a "name=zhangtest uid=1005 groups=zhang,yun create_home=no shell=/sbin/nologin" -i ./hosts_key


Controlled machine viewing information

1 [yun@ansi-haproxy02 ~]$ id zhangtest
2 uid=1005(zhangtest) gid=1005(zhangtest) groups=1005(zhangtest),1000(zhang),1050(yun)
3 [yun@ansi-haproxy02 ~]$ tail -n1 /etc/passwd
4 zhangtest:x:1005:1005::/home/zhangtest:/sbin/nologin  # /home/zhangtest the directory does not exist


2. Delete the user without deleting the user's home directory

[yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m user -a "name=zhangtest state=absent" -i ./hosts_key


3. Create a password or SSH key for the user

[yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m user -a "name=zhangtest2 generate_ssh_key=yes ssh_key_bits=2048 ssh_key_file=.ssh/id_rsa" -i ./hosts_key


4. Create password for user

1 # Get password string
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible localhost -m debug -a "msg={{ '123456' | password_hash('sha512', 'salt') }}"
3 localhost | SUCCESS => {
4     "msg": "$6$salt$MktMKPZJ6t59GfxcJU20DwcwQzfMvOlHFVZiOVD71w.igcOo1R7vBYR65JquIQ/7siC7VRpmteKvZmfSkNc69."
5 }
6 ## Be careful -a '' It's single quotes, not double quotes. If double quotes are used, special characters are parsed
7 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m user -a 'name=zhangtest2 password=$6$salt$MktMKPZJ6t59GfxcJU20DwcwQzfMvOlHFVZiOVD71w.igcOo1R7vBYR65JquIQ/7siC7VRpmteKvZmfSkNc69.' -i ./hosts_key


Description of relevant options:

Name: user name

State: user state

present: default, create user

absent: delete user

Password: user password, default: null

Shell: set the user's shell

UID: specify user UID

Group: set user main group, default: null

groups: set user additional group, default: null

System: If yes, create system user, default: false

Home: set user home directory

Create home: whether to create a home directory, default: true, if not: no

comment: user description, default: null

expires: expiration date of user account, default: null

Update "password: update password

always: update if passwords are different, default

On create: only used when creating a new user

remove: only valid when state=absent. Function: delete user's home directory

generate_ssh_key: generate SSH key pair or not, default: false

ssh_key_bits: set SSH key byte length. Default: set SSH keygen

ssh_key_comment: set the description of SSH key. The default is: $HOSTNAME

ssh_key_file: Specifies the file name of SSH key, default: null [that is,. ssh/id_rsa]

ssh_key_passphrase: Specifies the SSH key password. If not provided, there is no password. Default: null

ssh_key_type: set SSH key type, default: rsa

cron timing task module

Create, comment, or delete scheduled tasks

1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc cron 
3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
4 # Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to use the - b option to claim rights


1 ## Create a scheduled task. name is the description of the scheduled task
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m cron -a 'name="crond test" minute=0 hour="2,5" job="ls /tmp >/dev/null 2>&1"' -i ./hosts_key
3 ## Note specifies the scheduled task, where name, time parameter, and job are required.
4 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m cron -a 'name="crond test" minute=0 hour="2,5" job="ls /tmp >/dev/null 2>&1" disabled=true' -i ./hosts_key
5 ## Delete scheduled task
6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m cron -a 'name="crond test" state=absent' -i ./hosts_key


Description of relevant options:

name: timing task description

State: state

present: add, default

absent: delete

User: specifies which user's scheduled task will be modified. The default is root, and the default is null

Minute: which minute to execute (0-59, *, */2, etc.). Default:*

Hour: which hour to execute (0-23, *, */2, etc.). Default*

Day: the day of each month (1-31, *, * / 2, etc.). Default:*

Month: which month to execute (1-12, *, */2, etc.). Default:*

weekday: the day of the week (0-6 is Sunday Saturday, *, etc). Default:*

disabled: whether to comment the specified timing task, default: false

job: specific information of scheduled tasks

Mount file system mount module

Mount and cancel the file system.

1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc mount 
3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
4 # Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to use the - b option to claim rights


Case example:

As the server of NFS, ansi-haproxy01 and ansi-haproxy02 are the clients of NFS.

1. Install necessary packages for NFS on all machines

[yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers,proxyservers -b -m yum -a "name=nfs-utils,rpcbind state=present" -i ./hosts_key


2. NFS server configuration and startup

1 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m copy -a 'content="/data,sync,root_squash,all_squash)\n" dest=/etc/exports' -i ./hosts_key
2 # Establish /data Contents, main and group nfsnobody
3 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m file -a "path=/data owner=nfsnobody group=nfsnobody state=directory" -i ./hosts_key
4 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m systemd -a "name=rpcbind state=started enabled=yes" -i ./hosts_key
5 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m systemd -a "name=nfs state=started enabled=yes" -i ./hosts_key
6 ## View Export list information
7 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible manageservers -b -m shell -a "showmount -e" -i ./hosts_key


3. NFS client operations

1 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m systemd -a "name=rpcbind state=started enabled=yes" -i ./hosts_key
2 ## Check shared information
3 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m shell -a "showmount -e" -i ./hosts_key


4. NFS client mount

1 ## Do not mount device, only in /etc/fstab Write mount configuration information in
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m mount -a "src= path=/mnt fstype=nfs state=present backup=yes" -i ./hosts_key
3 ## Mount the device and /etc/fstab Write mount configuration information in
4 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m mount -a "src= path=/mnt fstype=nfs state=mounted" -i ./hosts_key
5 ## Do not uninstall the device, only in /etc/fstab Delete mount configuration information in
6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m mount -a "src= path=/mnt fstype=nfs state=unmounted" -i ./hosts_key
7 ## Uninstall the device and /etc/fstab Delete mount configuration information in
8 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m mount -a "src= path=/mnt fstype=nfs state=absent" -i ./hosts_key


Description of relevant options:

src: device / disk to hang

path: mount point

opts: Mount parameter options, such as: ro,noauto; default: null

fstype: file system type

State: state

present: do not mount the device, only write the mount configuration information in / etc/fstab

mounted: mount the device and write the mount configuration information in / etc/fstab

unmounted: do not unmount the device, only delete the mount configuration information in / etc/fstab

absent: uninstall the device and delete the mount configuration information in / etc/fstab

Backup: backup of previous files

Debug debug module and register variable

This will be written using playbook. For a detailed explanation of playbook, see the following article.

The playbook, variables, and Jinja are covered in detail in a later article.

 1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
 2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc debug 
 3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
 4 # So sometimes you need to use -b Choose to withdraw right
 5 # Ad-Hoc mode
 6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m debug  -i ./hosts_key 
 7 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m debug -a 'msg="print customized message"' -i ./hosts_key
 8 ##################################################
 9 # Playbooks mode
10 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ pwd
11 /app/ansible_info
12 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ll
13 total 24
14 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun  483 Aug 18 09:12 hosts_key
15 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun  245 Aug 18 21:55 test_debug_register.yml
16 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ cat test_debug_register.yml 
17 ---
18 # How to use debug module and register variable
19 - hosts: proxyservers
21   tasks:
22     - name: "get host port info"
23       shell: netstat -lntp
24       register: host_port
26     - name: "print host port"
27       debug:
28         #msg: "{{ host_port }}"   # Output all information
29         #msg: "{{ host_port.cmd }}"   # Reference method 1
30         msg: "{{ host_port['stdout_lines'] }}"  # Reference mode 2
32 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-playbook -b -i ./hosts_key test_debug_register.yml


In the first task, register is used to register the variable named host_port; when the shell module finishes executing, the data will be put into the variable.

In the second task, the debug module is used and the data is obtained from the host port.

assert assertion module [learn]

Assert on custom message.

The playbook, variables, and Jinja are covered in detail in a later article.

 1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
 2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc assert 
 3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
 4 # So sometimes you need to use -b Choose to withdraw right
 5 # Ad-Hoc mode
 6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -m assert -a "that='2 == 3' success_msg=ok fail_msg=fail" -i ./hosts_key # assertion failure
 7 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -m assert -a "that='2 <= 3' success_msg=ok fail_msg=fail" -i ./hosts_key # Assertion success
 8 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -m assert -a "that='2 < 3' success_msg=ok fail_msg=fail" -i ./hosts_key  # Assertion success
 9 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -m assert -a "that='2 < 3 and 4 == 4' success_msg=ok fail_msg=fail quiet=yes" -i ./hosts_key # Assertion success
10 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -m assert -a "that='2 < 3 and 4 > 4' success_msg=ok fail_msg=fail quiet=yes" -i ./hosts_key # assertion failure
11 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -m assert -a "that='3 < 3 or 4 == 4' success_msg=ok fail_msg=fail quiet=yes" -i ./hosts_key # Assertion success
12 ##################################################
13 # Playbooks mode
14 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ pwd
15 /app/ansible_info
16 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ll
17 total 12
18 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 226 Oct  8 16:07 hosts_key
19 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 902 Oct 11 10:57 test_assert.yml
20 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ cat test_assert.yml  # playbook information
21 ---
22 # assert example
23 - hosts: proxyservers
24   # Use the following variables to test
25   vars:
26     #- my_param: 20
27     #- my_param: -2
28     - my_param: 200
30   tasks:
31     - name: "assert example 1"
32       assert:
33         # Ansible? OS? Family is the variable information in facts
34         that:
35           - ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
36         success_msg: "success info"
37         fail_msg: "fail info"
39     - name: "assert example 2"
40       assert:
41         # that The following list is && relationship
42         that:
43           - my_param >= 0
44           - my_param <= 100
45         fail_msg: "'my_param' must be between 0 and 100"
46         success_msg: "success info"
47       # Whether to ignore the error of the task
48       ignore_errors: True
50     - name: "assert example 3"
51       assert:
52         that:
53           - my_param <= 10 or my_param >= 100
54         fail_msg: "'my_param' must be <= 10 or >= 100"
55         success_msg: "success info"
57 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-playbook -b -i ./hosts_key test_assert.yml  # implement


Description of relevant options:

that: list string expression

Success? MSG: the information output when the assertion is successful

fail_msg: alias MSG, information output when assertion fails

quiet: default False, set to yes to avoid verbose output

selinux security module

Configure SELinux.

1 # See yum Module method「Priority view EXAMPLES Use case of information, know how to use it」
2 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible-doc selinux 
3 # Because we are using ordinary users of yun
4 # So sometimes you need to use -b Choose to withdraw right
5 ## Turn off selinux
6 [yun@ansi-manager ansible_info]$ ansible proxyservers -b -m selinux -a "state=disabled" -i ./hosts_key


Description of relevant options:

State: state

disabled: not available

Enforcing: enforcing

Permission: will remind



If you think it's good, pay attention to it!


Topics: Linux ansible yum SELinux shell