API Foundation Day 3

Posted by zenag on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 08:41:24 +0100

Object class

Object is the top-level superclass of all classes. There are two methods that are often overridden by subclasses:

toString() and equals()

package object;

 * Object Is the top superclass of all classes There are several methods that are often overridden by subclasses, including toString and equals
public class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Point p = new Point(1,2);
            Object The toString method has been implemented When directly inherited, the returned string content is the address information of the current object Format: class name @ address
            toString In the actual development of method, it is rarely written directly to call it, which is automatically executed inadvertently
            For example, when using system out. When println is output When concatenating with a string
        //System.out.println(Object obj) outputs the string returned by the given object toString to the console

        //String concatenation will call toString to convert non string objects into strings and then splice them
        String line = "This is a Point:" + p;

        Point p2 = new Point(1,2);
            For reference types, the value held by the variable is the address of the object
            ==Comparison is to compare whether the values of two variables are equal, so for reference types, it is to compare whether the addresses are equal, which means to compare whether they are the same object

            equals Is another method defined by Object. The purpose is to compare whether the contents of two objects are the same However, if the subclass does not override this method, it has no practical significance, because when the Object is implemented, it is still compared with = =!
        System.out.println(p == p2);//false


java defines eight wrapper classes to solve the problem that basic types cannot directly participate in object-oriented development, so that basic types can exist in the form of objects through instances of wrapper classes

  • The wrapper classes of digital types inherit from Java Lang. number, while the wrapper classes of char and boolean are directly inherited from Object

  • Number is an abstract class, which defines some methods to enable the wrapper class to convert the basic type it represents to other number types

package integer;

public class IntegerDemo1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Convert base type to wrapper class
        int i = 123;
        //java recommends that we use the static method valueOf of the wrapper class to convert the basic type to the wrapper class instead of new directly
        Integer i1 = Integer.valueOf(i);//Integer reuses integer objects between - 128-127
        Integer i2 = Integer.valueOf(i);

        double dou = 123.123;
        Double dou1 = Double.valueOf(dou);//Double is direct new
        Double dou2 = Double.valueOf(dou);

        //Convert wrapper class to base type
        int in = i1.intValue();//Gets the value of the base type represented in the wrapper class object
        double doub = i1.doubleValue();

        in = dou1.intValue();//There may be loss of precision from large type to small type!
        doub = dou1.doubleValue();

Common functions of packaging

package integer;

public class IntegerDemo2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //1. The value range of the basic type it represents can be obtained through the packaging class
        //Get the maximum and minimum values of int?
        int imax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int imin = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        long lmax = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        long lmin = Long.MIN_VALUE;

            2 The premise of converting a string to a basic type is that the string correctly describes the value that the basic type can save. Otherwise
            An exception will be thrown: NumberFormatException
        String str = "123";
//        String str = "123.123";// This string cannot be parsed into int value!
        int d = Integer.parseInt(str);
        double dou = Double.parseDouble(str);

Features of automatic disassembly and assembly box

JDK5 introduced a new feature: automatic disassembly and assembly box

This feature is recognized by the compiler When the compiler compiles the source code and finds that there are mutual assignments between basic types and reference types, it will automatically supplement the code to complete their conversion. This process is called automatic disassembly and assembly

package integer;

public class IntegerDemo3 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            When the automatic unpacking feature is triggered, the compiler will supplement the code to convert the wrapper class to the basic type, and the following code will become:
            int i = new Integer(123).intValue();
        int i = new Integer(123);
            Trigger the compiler auto boxing feature, and the code will be changed by the compiler to:
            Integer in = Integer.valueOf(123);
        Integer in = 123;

File class

Each instance of the File class can represent a File or directory (actually an abstract path) in the hard disk (File system)

Using File, you can:

  • 1: Access the attribute information of the file or directory it represents, such as name, size, modification time, etc

  • 2: Create and delete files or directories

  • 3: Accessing subitems in a directory

However, File cannot access File data

public class FileDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Use File to access the demo in the current project directory Txt File
            When you create a File, you specify a path, which usually uses a relative path.
            The advantage of relative path is good cross platform.
            "./"Is the most used relative path, indicating "current directory", and where is the current directory
            Depending on the running environment of the program, when running a java program in idea, it is specified here
            The current directory is the project directory where the current program is located.
//        File file = new File("c:/xxx/xxx/xx/xxx.txt");
        File file = new File("./demo.txt");
        //Get name
        String name = file.getName();
        //Gets the file size in bytes
        long len = file.length();
        //Is it readable or writable
        boolean cr = file.canRead();
        boolean cw = file.canWrite();
        System.out.println("Is it readable:"+cr);
        System.out.println("Is it writable:"+cw);
        boolean ih = file.isHidden();



Create a new file

The createNewFile() method can create a new file

package file;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;

 * Create a new File using File
public class CreateNewFileDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        //Create a new file in the current directory: test txt
        File file = new File("./test.txt");
        //boolean exists() determines whether the File or directory actually exists at the location indicated by the current File
            System.out.println("The file already exists!");
            file.createNewFile();//Create the File represented by File
            System.out.println("File created!");


Create directory

mkDir(): creates the directory represented by the current File

mkDirs(): create the directory represented by the current File, and create all non-existent parent directories together

package file;

import java.io.File;

 * Create directory using File
public class MkDirDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Create a new directory under the current directory: demo
//        File dir = new File("demo");
        File dir = new File("./a/b/c/d/e/f");

            System.out.println("The directory already exists!");
//            dir.mkdir();// When creating a directory, it is required that the directory must exist
            dir.mkdirs();//When creating a directory, all directories that do not exist on the path are created together
            System.out.println("Directory created!");

Delete directory

The delete() method can delete a directory, but only empty directories can be deleted.

package file;

import java.io.File;

 * Delete a directory
public class DeleteDirDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Delete the demo directory under the current directory
        File dir = new File("demo");
//        File dir = new File("a");
            dir.delete();//The delete method can only delete an empty directory
            System.out.println("Directory deleted!");
            System.out.println("directory does not exist!");

Topics: Java Back-end