[API Gateway Kong Series 11] - Source Construction Docker Mirror

Posted by gekko on Tue, 13 Aug 2019 10:07:58 +0200

1. Preface

In the first ten chapters, we introduced the basic functions and use of Kong and the deployment based on docker. However, the deployment of Docker provided by the official website is based on the release of yum installation in the form of rpm, which is troublesome.
In this chapter, we introduce a source-based approach to building docker images.

2. Review of the official Docker mirror

The Kong image used here can be found in DockerHub, which is provided by the official docker, not uploaded by third-party users. The corresponding Docker file, such as kong: 1.0.3-centos docker file, is given on the page.

FROM centos:7
LABEL maintainer="Kong Core Team <team-core@konghq.com>"


ARG SU_EXEC_URL="https://github.com/ncopa/su-exec/archive/v${SU_EXEC_VERSION}.tar.gz"

RUN yum install -y -q gcc make unzip \
&& curl -sL "${SU_EXEC_URL}" | tar -C /tmp -zxf - \
&& make -C "/tmp/su-exec-${SU_EXEC_VERSION}" \
&& cp "/tmp/su-exec-${SU_EXEC_VERSION}/su-exec" /usr/bin \
&& rm -fr "/tmp/su-exec-${SU_EXEC_VERSION}" \
&& yum autoremove -y -q gcc make \
&& yum clean all -q \
&& rm -fr /var/cache/yum/* /tmp/yum_save*.yumtx /root/.pki

RUN useradd --uid 1337 kong \
    && yum install -y https://bintray.com/kong/kong-community-edition-rpm/download_file?file_path=centos/7/kong-community-edition-$KONG_VERSION.el7.noarch.rpm \
    && yum clean all

COPY docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh

ENTRYPOINT ["/docker-entrypoint.sh"]

EXPOSE 8000 8443 8001 8444


CMD ["kong", "docker-start"]

From this you can see that kong in CentOS is published in the form of rpm and installed in yum:

yum install -y https://bintray.com/kong/kong-community-edition-rpm/download_file?file_path=centos/7/kong-community-edition-$KONG_VERSION.el7.noarch.rpm 

This is a bit cumbersome, because if you modify kong, you need to type it into rpm file before you can re-create the image. You need a Docker file that generates the image directly using Kong source code.
Let's get down to business.

3. Use source code to generate mirror Docker file

Make the Base image first to reduce the production time of the subsequent image. Use the following Docker file:

FROM centos:7
LABEL maintainer="https://github.com/yuelicn/containers"

RUN yum install -y yum-utils  epel-release \
&& yum-config-manager --add-repo https://openresty.org/package/centos/openresty.repo \
&& yum install -y openresty- openresty-resty- luarocks make git gcc lua-devel openssl-devel m4 \
&& yum install -y libyaml \
&& yum install -y libyaml-devel \
&& yum clean all

Generate mirror yueli/openresty:centos:

docker build -f ./Dockerfile.base -t yueli/openresty:centos .

Make a kong Image Based on the Base image, copy the kong source code into the image, and install it. Dockerfile is as follows

FROM yueli/openresty:centos
LABEL maintainer="https://github.com/yuelicn/containers"


COPY ./kong  /kong
COPY ./kong.sh /kong.sh
COPY ./kong.conf /kong.conf
COPY ./docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh

RUN useradd --uid 1337 kong && pushd /kong && make install && popd && chmod +x /kong.sh && ln -s  /kong.sh /usr/bin/kong

ENTRYPOINT ["/docker-entrypoint.sh"]

EXPOSE 8000 8443 8001 8444


CMD ["kong", "docker-start"]

All relevant documents are located in https://github.com/yuelicn/do... perhaps https://github.com/yuelicn/co... The following operations can be used directly:

git clone https://github.com/yuelicn/containers.git
cd docker-kong
make base
make prod


git clone https://github.com/yuelicn/docker-kong

docker build -f ./Dockerfile-dev -t yueli/kong:1.2.1 .

Either way.
Note: In the https://github.com/yuelicn/do... In the project docker-entrypoint.sh, I added kong initialization execution. If you want to perform initialization manually, you can remove it.

So we can happily use the source code to build the mirror.

For more information about Kong Gateway, please move Enterprise API Gateway Kong

Topics: Web Server Docker yum CentOS github